[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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I just don't get it, Cena consistently has good ppv matches, in fact he was in the best matches of the last two ppv's, carries Lashley and Orton to the best performances of their careers imho and gets booed out of the building like the Great Khali should have been. That just shows how smart smarks really are. I'm might the only person on the planet but I am glad Cena retained.
What a joke. Cena wins - that's 24 months of the last 27 he has been Champ, just so WWE can sell little spinny belts to kids. People watch wrestling to see title changes, not the same old useless "wrestler" with very limited mic skills holding the belt for the best part of 2 years.
As much as I hate Cena, I thought it was a good match last night. Whenever Cena went for the stfu I was nearly shouting at the tv for orton to get to the ropes. It was a really entertaining match but they have got to end Cena's reign soon. Hopefully at Unforgiven
I just don't get it, Cena consistently has good ppv matches, in fact he was in the best matches of the last two ppv's, carries Lashley and Orton to the best performances of their careers imho and gets booed out of the building like the Great Khali should have been. That just shows how smart smarks really are. I'm might the only person on the planet but I am glad Cena retained.

well jean paul valley...I'd hardly say he carried Orton, and the match was highly predictable. See the live thread we knew what was coming and when, we knew it'd be RKO kick out FU win. It's the same that happens EVERY MATCH. Yeah I wanted Orton to win, I really did because I'm sick of seeing Cena with the belt. You say it was match of the night, well you're right but did you see the other matches? They were poor, I was even disappointed in the IC match and that's saying something.
I just don't get it, Cena consistently has good ppv matches, in fact he was in the best matches of the last two ppv's, carries Lashley and Orton to the best performances of their careers imho and gets booed out of the building like the Great Khali should have been. That just shows how smart smarks really are. I'm might the only person on the planet but I am glad Cena retained.

What? Consistenly good PPV matches?? Yeah maybe now finally. He actually pulled back to back good watchable matches. But guess what? Orton carried him throughtout the match and basically dominated only to have Cena come out with his 5 moves of doom and pull the regular predictable finish. He gets booed because his title reign and character is stale. Some people are tired of seeing predictable outcomes and superhero characters. Some people like the Hogan type bullshit. I don't. It's time for a fresh new face. RKO would have been perfect. WWE needs to freshen things up and quit pulling the same BS monthly.

"O Yeah RKO was crashing hotels he doesn't deserve it" is what most Cena marks think. Bullshit, It was what 5 months ago? He's draws the most heat on RAW and the top heel on the brand. He would have been a good fit for a champion for quite some time.

Cena's reign is just getting old. Nuff said.
Orton carried him throughtout the match and basically dominated only to have Cena come out with his 5 moves of doom and pull the regular predictable finish.

No, Orton ran the offensive portion of the match for most of the match. He most certainly did not carry him.

I'll be damned, it's amazing how many great workers the WWE has. Because, every opponent Cena is against, seems to carry him to extremely good matches. Who knew the WWE was so loaded with talent?

Or, you could just finally admit the more reasonable explanation and agree that Cena is a good wrestler.

But, go on. Keep being blind to the truth, even when it smacks you square in the face almost every month. Keep telling me how every worker Cena has a good match with carried him, even though you can't actually explain how he was carried. Clearly, in your case, you are proving the old adage complete.

"Ignorance is bliss". You keep your blissful ignorant anti-Cena ability ways, and he'll keep on having good matches.

Wrestlezone said:
Dakota sent this in: I was the fan with the "If Cena Wins We Riot" and I would like to tell you exactly what happened. First of all my name is Dakota, I'm a resident of New Jersey for all of my life and I'm fifteen years old. I'm a huge Randy Orton fan, I have been since I was about Ten. So naturally I had signs against Cena and big letters spelling out ORTON. So after the match my friend and I were not all to happy that Cena retained. After all the hype of a big title change in New Jersey, I was expecting to see Orton win. But after the match after Cena celebrated my friend and I held out our Signs. He took mine back to the ring showed it around and dropped it at the center of the ring as if he was saying I'm right here! As the security stopped the fans from hopping the barriers, bottles and other items flew into the ring. As Cena left, he grabbed my sign, handed it to me and shrugged like he was saying, "Maybe next time, ya never know." With that I now have a lot of respect for John Cena and this is exactly what we said to one another. He said, "there's always next time" and I said "I'm a huge Orton fan and I gotta stick by my favorites ya know" and he said "Yeah I can respect that." During this time I had been holding out my hand and he finally gave me a handshake along with my friend. That is exactly what happened after the cameras went off. I'm proud to say that I got a brief segment with John Cena and I've got a lot of respect for him.

Just another reason to support John Cena. Not only was he kind to the kid, he was respectful of his opinions on him.

John Cena seems to be a very nice man.
Just another reason to support John Cena. Not only was he kind to the kid, he was respectful of his opinions on him.

John Cena seems to be a very nice man.

see the reason i dont like Cena is not for him as a person or his work in the ring i just cant stand his character and IMO im very annoyed by him on the mic however his mic work will improve because he never messes up when he talks and he will lose the title eventually and even though i probably will never like him i will always respect him big ups to cena for being nice to the kid
I have no problem with Cena as a wrestler; let's face it, he's better than Batista and The Great Khali. I'm just sick of seeing him as a champion. 24 out of the last 27 months and main-eventing every PPV since Armageddon is just too much. Every single title match I find myself begging for it to finally end. People got behind Cena early in his career because it was refreshing to see someone with charisma during a period where all the other new talent seemed completely faceless and boring. I find it ironic that now the fans are begging for someone fresh to come along and strip Cena of the title. Let's see Superstars such as CM Punk, Shelton Benjamin and Ken Kennedy get the title reigns they so desperately deserve. Ultimately, WWE need to take the title off him as soon as possible, give him a gimmick change and maybe think about giving him the belt again in a couple of years. Hopefully a drop from main-event status will see him try to improve in the ring. Maybe by then the scars will have healed.
Wow, I already have a lot of respect for John Cena, but it just grew tenfold. He didn't deserve any of those chants yesterday.

I'm hearing people say that they're tired of John Cena holding the championship for so long. That's understandable. What I don't understand is how people think that's justification for those that chanted sh** like "Cena Must Die" and "Break his Neck" yesterday during the SS main event. Freedom of speech is great and all, I would know, but those chants are plain disrespectful.

Another thing I don't understand is the hypocricy of the fans. I rewatched the Orton vs Cena match, and I was shocked by what I heard and saw, not only from the crowd, but going back and reading the comments on the match. For example Cena does a shoulder block, and people condemn him for it, Orton does a shoulder block, and people were cheering him. So many of the fans that complain about Cena's "repetitive and non-exsistant" move-set failed to notice that most of the offense from Orton yesterday at SS was sleeper holds (big surprise). I'm not saying that Orton's a bad wrestler, because he isn't, but it pissed me off to see people worshipping him and insulting Cena because he "can't wrestle," when in reality, John Cena does a lot more then just rest holds, unlike Randy Orton.

You hate Cena's long title regin? Well get over it and move on. A little harsh, but it's the truth.

Flames Out
see the reason i dont like Cena is not for him as a person or his work in the ring i just cant stand his character and IMO im very annoyed by him on the mic however his mic work will improve because he never messes up when he talks and he will lose the title eventually and even though i probably will never like him i will always respect him big ups to cena for being nice to the kid

SLY: This is for you!

I think he said it perfectly in this quote.. I, too, don't mind Cena as a human, or disrespect him personally. I'll give him huge respect for his work ethic & all that he puts forth to make W.W.E. expand & make money.. I'm just so sick of seeing him always winning, so sick & tired of seeing him come out & blah, blah, blah about being the underdog & never having a chance, yet still winning & proving people wrong.

Who's he proving wrong? Who has he proved wrong? Outside of maybe Wrestlemania & definately Summerslam, for most of this year, everyone watching wrestling has been assured of 3 things.

1. New wrestlers will debut
2. Something shocking will take place, somewhere
3. John Cena will win the big one, over & over

So yeah, I'll give him all the respect in the world as being a hard worker & a good person, overall.. but I'll spit on his character for as long as he remains atop the Raw, Smackdown, or even E.C.W. roster.. because he's Hogan-izing every other top notch talent & holding them back, not allowing them to have their moment in the spot light. Cena doesn't even need the damn title to get over.. so why is he still holding it?
Wow, I already have a lot of respect for John Cena, but it just grew tenfold. He didn't deserve any of those chants yesterday.

I always have respected John Cena (The Man!!) but people can chant whatever they well please. They buy the tickets, They order the PPV, They make Vince the cash. So therefore they should be able to root for whoever they want. Whether it's Cena Sucks or Lets go Cena.

I'm hearing people say that they're tired of John Cena holding the championship for so long. That's understandable. What I don't understand is how people think that's justification for those that chanted sh** like "Cena Must Die" and "Break his Neck" yesterday during the SS main event. Freedom of speech is great and all, I would know, but those chants are plain disrespectful.

They did?? Are you hearing things?? I never heard the Arena erupt in a massive Die Cena Die chant...:rolleyes: Typical Marks trying to make Anti-Cena people look bad...*yawn*

Another thing I don't understand is the hypocricy of the fans. I rewatched the Orton vs Cena match, and I was shocked by what I heard and saw, not only from the crowd, but going back and reading the comments on the match.

Some Citys love him. Others hate him. Simple as that.

For example Cena does a shoulder block, and people condemn him for it, Orton does a shoulder block, and people were cheering him

Um..Yeah because they were rooting for Orton to win the match..What is so bad about that???

So many of the fans that complaine about Cena's "repetitive and non-exsistant" move-set failed to notice that most of the offense from Orton yesterday at SS was sleeper holds (big surprise).

Agreed. That match was really nothing special. The excitement and atmosphere was the only thing great. Similar to HHH/Cena WM 22. Orton did mix it up more than Cena did. You have to admit Cena used about 7 moves if even that throughtout that match...

You hate Cena's long title regin? Well get over it and move on. A little harsh, but it's the truth.

No. I'm sick of watching soap opera television. You love it?? Get over it and face that the reign is stale and dragged on. It's time for a new face. To freshen up WWE TV for a little bit. RAW is unwatchable most of the times. It's time to try something different. You will never know how well drawing etc... Will do if you don't give another guy a shot.
Wow, I already have a lot of respect for John Cena, but it just grew tenfold. He didn't deserve any of those chants yesterday.

I'm hearing people say that they're tired of John Cena holding the championship for so long. That's understandable. What I don't understand is how people think that's justification for those that chanted sh** like "Cena Must Die" and "Break his Neck" yesterday during the SS main event. Freedom of speech is great and all, I would know, but those chants are plain disrespectful.

This, I'll agree with.. I NEVER want to see any performer, wrestler, or otherwise get seriously hurt. And while I can't stand Cena, even so much as barely seeing him anymore.. I'd NEVER wish him to be hurt like that, or even less than that.

His title reign will end in time.. tonight, next week, a month, even (forbid) Wrestlemania? Fact is.. it will end in time.. & I'll suffer until it does.. but I never want to see him, or any other performer get seriously injured.
I have been lurking here awhile, but have never posted.

I wish some of you younger fans saw pro-rassling of the past. A guy like Cena holding a Belt for 12 months or so is nothing. This was the standard of greatness when I was a kid. Heck, I remember when Bob Backland held the WWF Championship for 5 years, and he wasn't making movies. I grew up in Detroit and the US Champion was either The Sheik or Bobo Brazil. I think Brazil is a legend, the Sheik.....maybe. He owned the Detroit business though.

I enjoy it for the show, Cena is OK. He works hard, and is shown on TV. I remember when the Champion wasn't ever shown on TV.

Just my 2 cents.

DM (A wrestling fan of 40 years)
To all you people saying you respect Cena's attitude to the boos he receives, I couldn't agree with you more. Although I'm sick of Cena's title reign, he proved himself to be extremely brave by holding up the "If Cena wins we riot" sign. Every time he steps into the ring, he hears a torrent of boos but takes it like a man and gets the job done.
To all you people saying you respect Cena's attitude to the boos he receives, I couldn't agree with you more. Although I'm sick of Cena's title reign, he proved himself to be extremely brave by holding up the "If Cena wins we riot" sign. Every time he steps into the ring, he hears a torrent of boos but takes it like a man and gets the job done.

While I agree with Cena being brave in selective areas.. & while I never want to see any wrestler seriously injured.. I DON'T give out bravery points to Cena for basically waving a red flag in front of raging bulls. What would've happened, had someone or multiple someone's from that arena seen Cena do that.. then what would've happened had they actually made it over & to him?

I got news for you.. I've been to a few live Raw events.. & the "security" doesn't check much. They ask you to empty your pockets, but they don't fully search you.. they pat you down, except for the direct area of the crotch.. where.. anything such as a knife, or other sharp objects could be stuffed.

Its stupid & absurd to believe.. its even worse to think it could happen.. but seriously.. Cena holding a sign like that up, adding fuel to the fire on an already pissed off crowd.. he could've seriously ended up hurting & or dead, from some pissed off, stupid fan's mistake.
im starting to think its not even cena that we all despise. its this stale, corny gimmick and this invincible persona that they've given him. imo i think most of us are just reminded of hulk hogan every time cena wins another ppv main event and thats why we hate it. cenas an all around decent wrestler. just change things up a bit. turn him heel. align him with vince. and yes maybe even make him lose the title. i personally think losing the title would help cena because eventually the fans might get back on his side. but he isnt as bad as everyone in here makes him out to be. its his character and his gimmick that are rotten right now.
I have been at events where anti-Hogan signs were confiscated. Sad, but true. Cena having a mixed-bag crowd seems to work right now.

I was a Honky Tonk Man fan, and remember when I was hated at live events. Little old ladies wanted to kill me. :)

im starting to think its not even cena that we all despise. its this stale, corny gimmick and this invincible persona that they've given him. imo i think most of us are just reminded of hulk hogan every time cena wins another ppv main event and thats why we hate it. cenas an all around decent wrestler. just change things up a bit. turn him heel. align him with vince. and yes maybe even make him lose the title. i personally think losing the title would help cena because eventually the fans might get back on his side. but he isnt as bad as everyone in here makes him out to be. its his character and his gimmick that are rotten right now.

This is what I've been begging to happen for a while. I personally said I'd like Cena more if he turned heel, cause he's basically got everything there. He doesn't cheat to win, but he really should with as many crap wins that he's pulled out.

So, okay, granted I probably wouldn't care one way or another now.. but yeah.. I DID want him to turn heel. I think overall they need to do an "injury angle," to get him out of wrestling for a while & allow people to recover from constantly having to see him in the main event, with the Championship.
Look Cena is and will always be a lousy wrestler. As many performers are now. Khali for example. and along with getting himself and others injured all the time Batista. But the diffrence with Cena is hes the most annoying.
1. Hes a fu***ing walking wwe shopzone billboard from his hat to his sneakers everything he wears is available for purchase on wwe.com and as long as 10yr olds who beg there parents to buy it for them then Cena will be placed in the lime light.
2. Its the most infurating to see how he wins the title matches.
NY revolution. school boy roll up on Umuga.
backlash. Falling on orton for the pin.
judgement day. khali tapping while foot under the rope.
GA Bash. poorly executed FU from the top rope on Lashley.
the list goes on.
3. He says the same crap over and over. He makes jokes about other wrestlers and no one laughs and most of them are from movies i swear he quoted the breakfast club last month. At least The Rock as much as i dislike him was creative with jokes and they were hysterical.
4. That belt is the most gaudy piece of crap. Sure its been done b4 smoking skulls and the nwo spray-paint and even the edge spinner. With the exception of Cena those belts were produced for the mere purpose of storyline and they were only around for a month or 2 at a time.
5. Being in a movie called the marine will not give u a military license. So stop saluting stop wearing chevrons, and stop kissing ur non military issued dog tags for good luck.
After going over at Summerslam last night, John Cena appears to be headed for at least a year-long title reign (which began September 17 of last year).

This means he will soon become the sixth longest title holder in WWE history. Using WWE.com's title history page for reference, The list is currently as follows:

1. Bruno Sammartino, 7 years, 8 months. (5/63 to 1/71)
2. Bob Backlund, 5 years, 10 months. (2/78 to 12/83)
3. Hulk Hogan, 4 years. (1/84 to 2/88)
4. Bruno Sammartino, 3 years, 4 months (12/73 to 4/77)
5. Pedro Morales, 2 years 10 months. (2/71 to 12/73)
6. Randy "Macho Man" Savage, 1 year, 5 days. (3/88 to 4/89)
7. Hulk Hogan, 11 months, 30 days. (4/89 to 4/90)
8. "Diesel" (Kevin Nash), 11 months 23 days. (11/94 to 11/95)
9. John Cena, 11 months, 14 days*. (9/06 to present)
10. "Superstar" Billy Graham, 10 months, 20 days. (4/77 to 2/78)

That's some pretty good company. But even more impressive is the fact that in his three reigns combined, Cena is already fifth on the all-time list of most time as champion (number of title reigns in parentheses):

1. Bruno Sammartino, 11 years, 1 month. (2)
2. Hulk Hogan, 5 years, 11 months. (6)
3. Bob Backlund, 5 years, 10 months. (2)
4. Pedro Morales, 2 years, 10 months. (1)
5. John Cena, 2 years*. (3)
6. Bret Hart, 1 year, 9 months. (5)
7. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, 1 year, 7 months. (6)
8. "Macho Man" Randy Savage, 1 year, 5 months. (2)
9. Shawn Michaels, 1 year, 1 month. (3)
10. "Diesel" (Kevin Nash), 1 year. (1)

* as of 8/27/07

Regardless of your personal feelings about Cena, the numbers show that we are currently witnessing an historic WWE championship reign. Also interesting is the list's lack of names such as The Rock, who held the title a record 7 times but only for a combined 10 months, Kurt Angle (4 for 10 months), The Undertaker (4 for 7 months) or Triple H (5 for 8 months).

This does not factor in WCW or NWA title reigns nor the current "World Heavyweight Championship" title currently defended on Smackdown. That's another topic for study and debate later.

If somebody wants to do the research, I would be very interested to see the results. I just wanted to put the current tile reign by John Cena into historical perspective, because I find such things interesting.

Also, I should note that I guesstimated a bit on the math, although it shouldn't affect the rankings. If somebody wants to do a thorough and accurate accounting fo exact lengths of time, by all means do so. Hopefully this provides some fodder for debate and converstaion. In other words... Flame on!

:icon_exclaim: Admins: I wanted to make this a stand-alone thread, but I just registered and don't yet have permission. If you agree that this discussion merits its own thread, make it so.
So yeah, I'll give him all the respect in the world as being a hard worker & a good person, overall.. but I'll spit on his character for as long as he remains atop the Raw, Smackdown, or even E.C.W. roster.. because he's Hogan-izing every other top notch talent & holding them back, not allowing them to have their moment in the spot light. Cena doesn't even need the damn title to get over.. so why is he still holding it?

Who exactly is Cena "holding back"? Edge and Umaga have gone on to become much bigger stars than they were prior to their feuds with Cena. Lashley was being pushed to the moon already and, had he not gotten hurt, would probably still have a big push going on. Plus, is keeping the title off someone who isn't ready to run with it really "holding him back"? Khali can't be held back enough for my tastes, and obviously losing to Cena hasn't hurt him at all... The feud with Orton is ongoing, and again, I have doubts about his ability to carry the WWE championship as anything more than a transitional champion to get the belt back to HHH.

So, in summary, of the people that Cena has "held back" during this title reign..
- 2 have become WHC
- 1 had a upper-card Wrestlemania feud and is now a dominant IC Champ
- 1 picked up a clean win over Cena and then was fed to Orton
- and the Orton feud is ongoing, but no matter how it ends, Orton is firmly entrenched in the main event picture.

So someone please explain to me how Cena's reign is holding other talent back ?
Look Cena is and will always be a lousy wrestler. As many performers are now. Khali for example. and along with getting himself and others injured all the time Batista. But the diffrence with Cena is hes the most annoying.
1. Hes a fu***ing walking wwe shopzone billboard from his hat to his sneakers everything he wears is available for purchase on wwe.com and as long as 10yr olds who beg there parents to buy it for them then Cena will be placed in the lime light.
2. Its the most infurating to see how he wins the title matches.
NY revolution. school boy roll up on Umuga.
backlash. Falling on orton for the pin.
judgement day. khali tapping while foot under the rope.
GA Bash. poorly executed FU from the top rope on Lashley.
the list goes on.
3. He says the same crap over and over. He makes jokes about other wrestlers and no one laughs and most of them are from movies i swear he quoted the breakfast club last month. At least The Rock as much as i dislike him was creative with jokes and they were hysterical.
4. That belt is the most gaudy piece of crap. Sure its been done b4 smoking skulls and the nwo spray-paint and even the edge spinner. With the exception of Cena those belts were produced for the mere purpose of storyline and they were only around for a month or 2 at a time.
5. Being in a movie called the marine will not give u a military license. So stop saluting stop wearing chevrons, and stop kissing ur non military issued dog tags for good luck.

In response to #1, So what? Not like other wrestlers dont advertise their own merchandise. Carlito wears one of his shirts thats available at the shop and kenendy, too.

So that makes them bad people.

In response to #2, yes the way a person wins is exciting, but its kinda hard to carry the greatest match with wrestlers like The Great Khali, and randy (sleepy time) orton.

In response to #3, sorry he cant be an actor, music artist, sports entertainer, AND a comedian :\

In response to #4, some people think the belt is pretty kickass. you remind me of my dad, if everything isnt status quo the way it was when freakin pat patterson was around, its not good. the spinner belt is cool, and it makes the WWE title original.

In response to #5, LOL. Youre totally right, cena should not be allowed to salute, or kiss his "fake" (would like to know how you know this) tags

Cena puts on an entertaining match, he sells seats and merchandise, hes a musical artist, and i thought his movie was ok.

So someone please explain to me how Cena's reign is holding other talent back ?

Wow, do you want me to go through the roster? Just because a person isn't Championship material, doesn't mean that Cena hasn't held them back by wasting t.v. time with a lot of his useless promos, or stupid squash matches against "monsters."

So lets review, shall we?

Umaga: Built as unbeatable, Umaga went through the entire roster.. including Triple H. & Shawn Michaels, only to have his first lose be a fricken roll-up?! Come on, bullshit. The Last Man Standing match was great & Umaga lost in grand fashion.. that should've been the only.. ONLY loss Umaga suffered from Cena. They should've had Cena lose by DQ the first time, instead of a stupid roll-up.

Edge: While Edge has had the most success off Cena, he basically had to move to the 'B' brand to have a decent title run, because Cena constantly ran after him until he regained the Championship. (fact: Cena regained the title 3 wks after losing it, but Edge only got like 2 rematches thereafter. However, Cena never should've been involved when R.V.D. lost to Edge in the triple threat match, yet Cena somehow manages two rematches for the title, one of which he lost - last year's Summerslam. Explain to me how Cena got those title matches over R.V.D.'s expected rematch? And the pot issue, shouldn't count cause its personal.)

Younger Talent: Shelton Benjamin, Carlito & John Morrison are three of the best up & coming superstars, talent-wise.. but with exception of Morrison, the other two have all but given up on caring or trying, because neither would EVER be able to replace the "almighty" Cena.. so therefore, their talent goes wasted, because Cena wants to make poop jokes, & wrestle "monsters" that can't even scare babies.

Mr. Kennedy/Booker T: Booker is a proven World Champion, & can/could be again.. yet he hasn't even been given ONE (single's) chance, since being on Raw. Booker & Cena had a great best of 5 for the U.S. Championship.. so what there? As for Kennedy, it'll only be a matter of time.. but I truly wouldn't be surprised if even Kennedy with the massive push he's in for, falls to Cena.
Wow, do you want me to go through the roster? Just because a person isn't Championship material, doesn't mean that Cena hasn't held them back by wasting t.v. time with a lot of his useless promos, or stupid squash matches against "monsters."

So lets review, shall we?

Umaga: Built as unbeatable, Umaga went through the entire roster.. including Triple H. & Shawn Michaels, only to have his first lose be a fricken roll-up?! Come on, bullshit. The Last Man Standing match was great & Umaga lost in grand fashion.. that should've been the only.. ONLY loss Umaga suffered from Cena. They should've had Cena lose by DQ the first time, instead of a stupid roll-up.

Edge: While Edge has had the most success off Cena, he basically had to move to the 'B' brand to have a decent title run, because Cena constantly ran after him until he regained the Championship. (fact: Cena regained the title 3 wks after losing it, but Edge only got like 2 rematches thereafter. However, Cena never should've been involved when R.V.D. lost to Edge in the triple threat match, yet Cena somehow manages two rematches for the title, one of which he lost - last year's Summerslam. Explain to me how Cena got those title matches over R.V.D.'s expected rematch? And the pot issue, shouldn't count cause its personal.)

Younger Talent: Shelton Benjamin, Carlito & John Morrison are three of the best up & coming superstars, talent-wise.. but with exception of Morrison, the other two have all but given up on caring or trying, because neither would EVER be able to replace the "almighty" Cena.. so therefore, their talent goes wasted, because Cena wants to make poop jokes, & wrestle "monsters" that can't even scare babies.

Mr. Kennedy/Booker T: Booker is a proven World Champion, & can/could be again.. yet he hasn't even been given ONE (single's) chance, since being on Raw. Booker & Cena had a great best of 5 for the U.S. Championship.. so what there? As for Kennedy, it'll only be a matter of time.. but I truly wouldn't be surprised if even Kennedy with the massive push he's in for, falls to Cena.

So your Umaga argument is that he isn't as over as he could be because Cena beat him with a roll-up? I agree that a roll-up isn't the ideal way to end a monster's unbeaten streak, but I hardly think that his career has been hampered in any appreciable way. Like you said, the LMS match was fantastic and that is the one people will remember.

Edge - Even if Smackdown is the "B" brand, it doesn't change the fact that he got the 2nd biggest belt in WWE just after his feud with Cena. I'm sure we can go back and forth as to how big of a role injuries played vs. the rub he got from the Cena feud, but that will just all be speculation. Also, Edge might have lost the belt back in 3 weeks the first time, but held the belt for 10 weeks the second time, including a win over Cena at least year's SummerSlam, so I don't think its valid to say that he's only won the belt just to give it right back. As forRVD, he didn't get his rematch because he was supposed to be the cornerstone of the re-launched ECW and carry that belt. Why would an ECW wrestler get title shots at the RAW belt?

"Young Talent" - Morrison is the ECW champ right now.. so I don't think he's being held back any. Shelton is an amazing athlete and I'd love to see more of him. But you say that he's "given up trying" because of Cena? What exactly are you basing that on? If anything he's not being pushed because 1. he has zero mic skills and 2. as incredible of an athlete as he is, he botches a ton of moves.. With Carlito.. again how do you know he's given up? Carlito is getting plenty of airtime. He gets his "Cabana" segment back.. a long TV match with Kennedy, and then is in an IC match at SummerSlam... its not although he's hurting for exposure at this point.

Assuming Kennedy is a part of the McMahon/Bastard storyline, he's gonna get plenty of rub regardless of who is the champ. Plus, to say you "expect" Kennedy to be fed to Cena isn't evidence of Cena holding him back...if the squash actually happens AND Kennedy's career is adversely affected, then bring him up.

Booker - Again, plenty of airtime. I don't have my stopwatch going, but I'd be willing to be that Booker is getting almost as much airtime per show that Cena is. Besides, he's already plenty over and doesn't need a championship run. When Cena loses the belt it should be to a younger guy (etc Kennedy, MVP) who needs the rub to get over NOT a "proven World Champion" like Booker..

If you were to ask me which I'd rather see.. a 10 minute Cena promo and a 5 minute Cryme Time match, or a 10 minute match and a 5 minute promo, I'd vote for the latter 100 out of 100 times...but the champ is always gonna get airtime no matter who he is... Saying that Cena is holding people back b/c of his TV time just doesn't seem to hold water for me.
SLY: This is for you!

I think he said it perfectly in this quote.. I, too, don't mind Cena as a human, or disrespect him personally. I'll give him huge respect for his work ethic & all that he puts forth to make W.W.E. expand & make money.. I'm just so sick of seeing him always winning, so sick & tired of seeing him come out & blah, blah, blah about being the underdog & never having a chance, yet still winning & proving people wrong.

Who's he proving wrong? Who has he proved wrong? Outside of maybe Wrestlemania & definately Summerslam, for most of this year, everyone watching wrestling has been assured of 3 things.

1. New wrestlers will debut
2. Something shocking will take place, somewhere
3. John Cena will win the big one, over & over

So yeah, I'll give him all the respect in the world as being a hard worker & a good person, overall.. but I'll spit on his character for as long as he remains atop the Raw, Smackdown, or even E.C.W. roster.. because he's Hogan-izing every other top notch talent & holding them back, not allowing them to have their moment in the spot light. Cena doesn't even need the damn title to get over.. so why is he still holding it?

He's constantly proving those who say he "can't wrestle" wrong.

You do'nt like his character? Fine. No big deal. Just don't say he can't wrestle, because time and again, he's proven that statement inaccurate.

They did?? Are you hearing things?? I never heard the Arena erupt in a massive Die Cena Die chant...:rolleyes: Typical Marks trying to make Anti-Cena people look bad...*yawn*
To be honest, it really doesn't take much...

;) :D

Um..Yeah because they were rooting for Orton to win the match..What is so bad about that???
What's bad about the fans cheering the heel, who's put legends of the business out of the company, for doing the same moves with the same repetitive and stale moveset they are booing the top babyface for?

I don't know, why don't you tell me? :rolleyes:

Look Cena is and will always be a lousy wrestler. As many performers are now. Khali for example. and along with getting himself and others injured all the time Batista. But the diffrence with Cena is hes the most annoying.
Wait, did you just compare Cena and Batista and Khali as all the same quality of wrestler?

Ok, if you believe Batista and Khali is the same quality as Cena, then no more time needs to be wasted on you.

1. Hes a fu***ing walking wwe shopzone billboard from his hat to his sneakers everything he wears is available for purchase on wwe.com and as long as 10yr olds who beg there parents to buy it for them then Cena will be placed in the lime light.
I buy John Cena merchandise as well. *shrugs*

Younger Talent: Shelton Benjamin, Carlito & John Morrison are three of the best up & coming superstars, talent-wise.. but with exception of Morrison, the other two have all but given up on caring or trying, because neither would EVER be able to replace the "almighty" Cena.. so therefore, their talent goes wasted, because Cena wants to make poop jokes, & wrestle "monsters" that can't even scare babies.

All the other things have been responded to, but I have to ask this question.

If they've given up on caring or trying to do well, then why in the hell do they deserve any kind of push at all.
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