[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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I've been reading this thread for quite awhile now, Can I ask what may seem like a silly question? Everyone seems to hate the fact that Cena uses his "Predictable Moves" to end every match.

While people have made some valid points during this thread, that one doesn't hold water for me. In Pro-Wrestling, doesn't every wrestler end their match with the same signature moves over and over again?

Take HBK for instance, on any given night it will be - Inverted Atomic Drop...Elbow off of the turnbuckle...Sweet Chin Music.

I guess I just don't see how that's any different from Cena - Shoulder Block...5 Knuckle Shuffle...FU.

Before you rip me to shreds, I'll admit that I am a Cena fan. I just like him. However, I respect the fact that people out there have a different opinion then me. Like I said, I think there are alot of valid points that have been made on here, but let's be honest - Nothing said on this forum is going to change anyone's opinion on Cena one way or the other. If you love 'em, you'll continue to support him regardless of the argument, and likewise if you hate him, even the most valid argument will not change that either.

I do however think that Cena is going to win this Sunday at SummerSlam. Reason being that Orton has completely dominated this feud. While even though as a Cena fan, I wouldn't mind Orton winning, because I like him as well, I still see Cena retaining.

-Rated RSE
While people have made some valid points during this thread, that one doesn't hold water for me. In Pro-Wrestling, doesn't every wrestler end their match with the same signature moves over and over again?

Take HBK for instance, on any given night it will be - Inverted Atomic Drop...Elbow off of the turnbuckle...Sweet Chin Music.

I guess I just don't see how that's any different from Cena - Shoulder Block...5 Knuckle Shuffle...FU.

Yeah but the problem people have is that is ALL he does [and an SFU] HBK does a hell of a lot more moves, yeah you have the signature moves, but there is way way more!
Take HBK for instance, on any given night it will be - Inverted Atomic Drop...Elbow off of the turnbuckle...Sweet Chin Music.

I guess I just don't see how that's any different from Cena - Shoulder Block...5 Knuckle Shuffle...FU.

-Rated RSE

the problem most people have with John Cenas predictability is not just the finish they feel its the whole match thats predictable the whole get beat up then make a glorious comeback. now that finish would be ok once in a while but it seems to be used every pay per view but how i see it its not cenas fault but hes still faulted for it
I say everyone stops telling slyfox how shit a wrestler Cena is, we all know he is but the repetitiveness of the arguments is even more repititive and boring than Cena himself. I will say however that everyone that slyfox seems to like be it Hogan, Flair, Bret Hart, or Cena are all overated and absoloutely nothing special to watch in the ring. I will try to say something which has not already been brought up, but then again it probably has but ill be damned if im going to rad all 80- odd pages. People say how good a wrestler Bret Hart is which may or may not be true i dont think he was anything special personally but his matches were BORING. Really slow moving awkward boring matches ion the most part. Then you have guys like the Rock and Austin who noone can really argue were the best in ring but at least they had entertaining matches. No one match was too similar and matches were unpredictable, there matches used to have loads of twists and turns and back and forth whereas with Hart Cena and even Flair its all heel beats down face face recovers win.. all of them bore me to death personaly. The type of wrestling they symbolyise is that minium risk (from injury), grapple, punch, kick, finisher kind which is boring as hell. I dont really consider Rock or Stone cold to be great wrestlers either but like i said their matches were entertaining. Watch 5 Rock and Stone Cold matches, then match 5 Bret hart and Cena matches. Its obvious who the more entertaining are even if they arent that light years better in the ring (even though in my opinion they are better). That much Cena and Hart would send anyone to sleep! Obviously Austin and Rock are about a million times better on the mic a fact that surely slyfox cant even deny. Thats why people can still say they enjoy Rock and Stone cold's matches, but hate Cena so much. I know thats why i hate him, well that and the chessyness about him.
While people have made some valid points during this thread, that one doesn't hold water for me. In Pro-Wrestling, doesn't every wrestler end their match with the same signature moves over and over again?

Yes,every wrestler has a set of moves that they use almost every match. Problem with Cena is those signature moves is ALL he uses. He cannot carry a match from the Beginning-Mid match-End. Having your moves you like to win with his common. But when they are the only moves you use throughtout the match is not.

Take HBK for instance, on any given night it will be - Inverted Atomic Drop...Elbow off of the turnbuckle...Sweet Chin Music.

HBK can carry a whole match with a variety of different moves each time. He sin't predictable.

I guess I just don't see how that's any different from Cena - Shoulder Block...5 Knuckle Shuffle...FU.

^ Thats it. Cena uses those constanly. It's boring and predictable.

Before you rip me to shreds, I'll admit that I am a Cena fan. I just like him. However, I respect the fact that people out there have a different opinion then me. Like I said, I think there are alot of valid points that have been made on here, but let's be honest - Nothing said on this forum is going to change anyone's opinion on Cena one way or the other. If you love 'em, you'll continue to support him regardless of the argument, and likewise if you hate him, even the most valid argument will not change that either.

Agreed 100%. Your going to like who you like. If you like HBK and despise Cena your always going to. You have your reasons and Cena fans have theirs. I'm not a Cena fan. I don't see what ever made him so worthy of holding the belt as much as he has in a 3 year period with his Mid-Card type skills.

I do however think that Cena is going to win this Sunday at SummerSlam. Reason being that Orton has completely dominated this feud. While even though as a Cena fan, I wouldn't mind Orton winning, because I like him as well, I still see Cena retaining.

This is why I fucking hate WWE and John Cena. That right there is exactly what I think. It's predictable. Even you a Cena fan can tell it's predictable. I like unpredictable television and WWE these days isn't.
Yeah but the problem people have is that is ALL he does [and an SFU] HBK does a hell of a lot more moves, yeah you have the signature moves, but there is way way more!

I guess that's true, but Cena's gimmick is not that of a technical wrestler though. You can't expect him to be a Kurt Angle or a Chris Benoit when that isn't what he is setting out to be.

Cena's gimmick is that of a brawler, so he throws the sholder blocks and muscles around his Opponents just like a brawler should. In that repsect I think that he's quite good.

I know that isn't an excuse for not showing more technical ability, but I think it would be a different story if Cena was going around RAW proclaiming to be the Greatest Technical Wrestler in the business, because then quite clearly he is not.
I guess that's true, but Cena's gimmick is not that of a technical wrestler though. You can't expect him to be a Kurt Angle or a Chris Benoit when that isn't what he is setting out to be.

Cena's gimmick is that of a brawler, so he throws the sholder blocks and muscles around his Opponents just like a brawler should. In that repsect I think that he's quite good.

I know that isn't an excuse for not showing more technical ability, but I think it would be a different story if Cena was going around RAW proclaiming to be the Greatest Technical Wrestler in the business, because then quite clearly he is not.

Yea but Stone Cold was a brawler and his matches were unpreditable and different from each other. Cena doesnt even look like a brawler the whole image is completely wrong and doesnt fit. Cena doesnt even wrestle like a brawler anyway. A brawler traditionaly bloodys and batters opponents,takes them outside beats them with weapons, shows a meanstreak, has hard impacting moves, has the persona of a bastard or a rule-breaker. Cena is none of these and the fact that he is really bad in ring only compunds these basic problems.
I'm not a Cena fan. I don't see what ever made him so worthy of holding the belt as much as he has in a 3 year period with his Mid-Card type skills.

I don't think title reigns have ever really had a whole lot to do with Wrestling ability though. You have someone like Chris Benoit who has all the talent in the world, and he was WHC for what...5 months? Then you have someone like Hulk Hogan who was champion for the majority of his WWE career. The bottom line has always come down to who draws and who makes money.

Love him or hate him, John Cena makes money for WWE. He is probably the most recognisable face i the company right now. I work with people who would never turn on Pro-Wrestling even for 5 minutes, and they know who John Cena is.

The fact is that he does draw whether you love him or you hate him. Fans like me tune in to see him win, and non-fans like you tune in to (hopefully) see him knocked down from his throne as Champ. Either way we're doing what the WWE wants and that's paying to see their product.

This is why I fucking hate WWE and John Cena. That right there is exactly what I think. It's predictable. Even you a Cena fan can tell it's predictable. I like unpredictable television and WWE these days isn't.

I agree with you that it's somewhat predicatable, but it's not just John Cena's matches that are like that. Anyone who has watched WWE programming for any length of time can tell just by watching a feud play out who is going to come out on top in the big PPV match. Occasionaly I have been surprised, but it doesn't happen often enough for my taste either.
Yea but Stone Cold was a brawler and his matches were unpreditable and different from each other. Cena doesnt even look like a brawler the whole image is completely wrong and doesnt fit. Cena doesnt even wrestle like a brawler anyway. A brawler traditionaly bloodys and batters opponents,takes them outside beats them with weapons, shows a meanstreak, has hard impacting moves, has the persona of a bastard or a rule-breaker. Cena is none of these and the fact that he is really bad in ring only compunds these basic problems.

You saved me writing that there. Cena's 'gimmick' just doesn't add up he's a Marine who dresses like he's still in the chain gang! Man he does my head in!


darn it I almost had the 1000th post on this thread but the thank yoooooooou kid came in...

Whoop 1,000th post on John Cena!
Yea but Stone Cold was a brawler and his matches were unpreditable and different from each other. Cena doesnt even look like a brawler the whole image is completely wrong and doesnt fit. Cena doesnt even wrestle like a brawler anyway. A brawler traditionaly bloodys and batters opponents,takes them outside beats them with weapons, shows a meanstreak, has hard impacting moves, has the persona of a bastard or a rule-breaker. Cena is none of these and the fact that he is really bad in ring only compunds these basic problems.

I agree to a degree with this. While I am not one who thinks Cena is absolutely terrible, I think making John Cena more of a tweener would help freshen up his character quite a bit. Showing a bit of a mean streak could go a long way for him.

I think he has performed very well in gimmick matches when he's thrown into them. Incorporating more of a hardcore style and making him more of a true brawler where he has some real impacting moves worked into his arsenal would be VERY beneficial.

What it all comes down to though is how WWE books John Cena's character. Will WWE make this kind of move with him? I guess we'll see what happens when he finally drops the belt. I think it's the smart thing to do.
You saved me writing that there. Cena's 'gimmick' just doesn't add up he's a Marine who dresses like he's still in the chain gang! Man he does my head in!

yeah hes all over the place like you said hes still a chaingang soldier with hustle,loyalty,and respect but hes also a marine plus Raws new king of comedy so i dont know whats goin on


your welcomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Cena's 'gimmick' just doesn't add up he's a Marine who dresses like he's still in the chain gang! Man he does my head in!

I'll give you that...I'm not really sure who Cena is supposed to be anymore. He's certainly not a Rapper anymore, but he seems to have gotten away from The Marine gimmick as well.

If they do choose to g the route of making Cena more of a tweener, with giving him a mean streak after dropping the belt, I would really like to see him go back to something similar to the Rapper gimmick. Personally, I think that was when he was at his best on the Mic.
I don't think title reigns have ever really had a whole lot to do with Wrestling ability though. You have someone like Chris Benoit who has all the talent in the world, and he was WHC for what...5 months? Then you have someone like Hulk Hogan who was champion for the majority of his WWE career. The bottom line has always come down to who draws and who makes money.

When your going to be WWE Champion. You should at least have main eventing wrestling and promo skills. Cena is terrible in the ring at times. Hell we don't fucking know who is going to "draw" and "make more money" because they don't give anyone but Johnny Boy a shot. Let someone else run with the ball and if they fail and ratings just bomb. (which buyrates already are) Then and only then will I say "Yes John Cena desevered that 3 year run"

You Cena fans can give me the drawing crap all you want. It's your only valid arguement because when it comes to in ring skill. Cena is shit.

Love him or hate him, John Cena makes money for WWE. He is probably the most recognisable face i the company right now. I work with people who would never turn on Pro-Wrestling even for 5 minutes, and they know who John Cena is.

Love him or Hate him. John Cena will bore you to death on TV. I disagree Triple H is well known. Those people that don't turn on the TV probaly know Cena as shit. It wouldn't surprise me. All WWE is wanting to do is the same exact thing with Hogan build him up. Pull a shocker and turn him heel to form some faction with Shane McMahon in 10 years.

The fact is that he does draw whether you love him or you hate him. Fans like me tune in to see him win, and non-fans like you tune in to (hopefully) see him knocked down from his throne as Champ. Either way we're doing what the WWE wants and that's paying to see their product.

I rarely watch John Cena promos and matches anymore. I just change the channel when I hear that annoying tune blasting throughout the arena to cover up the boo's.

I agree with you that it's somewhat predicatable, but it's not just John Cena's matches that are like that. Anyone who has watched WWE programming for any length of time can tell just by watching a feud play out who is going to come out on top in the big PPV match. Occasionaly I have been surprised, but it doesn't happen often enough for my taste either.

I have no clue who will win out of either Khali/Tista or Punk/Morrison it could go either way. RKO/Cena neither. Thats why SS is going to kick ass. No predictable main events. I think Cena is going to win but who knows maybe you will see a shocker. That's why I continue even watching WWE. I don't want to miss something HUGE.
That's a toss up, where I don't like that Cena has hold on to the title for so long, what is this the 1980's champs of Hogan and Savage, his in ring work is ok. His promos are funny, kinda like the Rock's, and really who else on Raw are you gonna give the title to. Randy Orton, come on, he is just gonna hold the title for Triple H and that in itself is not a good idea either. Can't give it HBK cause he's hurt all the time and too old. If I had to say the guy I really hate is Edge. Can't stand him, he sucks in the ring and his promos are boring. When he got hurt I was so happy

he just plain sucks ass, his work in the ring is crap, his promos are not entertaining and the way he wins titles are crap as well. I'd rather see him win the title by actually becoming the #1 contender, and winning the title off of somebody who does not have to drop it to him because he's hurt and needs surgery and was just beat up in a match..

This was in another thread, just because my reply would be offtopic I'm doing it in here...

I'm actually quite amazed that you think Cenas promos are entertaining and then you compare them to the rocks [who IMO is one of the greatest promo people ever]...You don't want Orton or HBK to win the title and youa sk who is there on Raw...erm HHH, Booker T, Lashley (?! I know!?), Kennedy...you get the idea.

And then to say Edge is not entertaining is somewhat stupid. His in work skills are phenomenal and his promo work is one of my top ones as well, going from the brood, to five second pose to the Matt and Lita 'story' his R-Rated RKO promos.
see if the WWE were smart they would build up a feud where a guy (possibly shelton Benjamin) is challenging Cena for the tite and no one thinks he will win because hes not quite a main event star yet and they pull a shocker and have them win the title this will immiediately give them main event status and will give the great credibility as champion because theyve already pinned Superman
When your going to be WWE Champion. You should at least have main eventing wrestling and promo skills. Cena is terrible in the ring at times. Hell we don't fucking know who is going to "draw" and "make more money" because they don't give anyone but Johnny Boy a shot. Let someone else run with the ball and if they fail and ratings just bomb. (which buyrates already are) Then and only then will I say "Yes John Cena desevered that 3 year run"

You Cena fans can give me the drawing crap all you want. It's your only valid arguement because when it comes to in ring skill. Cena is shit.

I'm not saying no one else will draw the same or as well as Cena...to make that claim would be foolish. I think guys like Kennedy, Triple H would draw just as well.

Hell, I am not even arguing that long title reigns aren't boring. I know that when Triple H was champion for god knows how long, I was begging for him to drop the title at the end and I KNOW that I was not alone, because I came to the wrestling boards then too. But I still tuned in, watching the matches, hoping there would be a new champ.

The same thing happens now with Cena. Hence the argument that he is drawing fans and non-fans alike.
see if the WWE were smart they would build up a feud where a guy (possibly shelton Benjamin) is challenging Cena for the tite and no one thinks he will win because hes not quite a main event star yet and they pull a shocker and have them win the title this will immiediately give them main event status and will give the great credibility as champion because theyve already pinned Superman

I actually really like this idea, Cena seems undefeatable, so why not let someone deserving of a push, who has the talent to make it to the main event, but just isn't there yet pin Cena and instantly break through to that next level? It would be perfect.

Too bad it will never happen...I'm sorry to say that even if Orton loses on Sunday, make no mistake he WILL be WWE Champion shortly. Then the title succession without a doubt will be Cena...Orton...Triple H.

Can we say transitional champion?
Hell, I am not even arguing that long title reigns aren't boring. I know that when Triple H was champion for god knows how long, I was begging for him to drop the title at the end and I KNOW that I was not alone, because I came to the wrestling boards then too. But I still tuned in, watching the matches, hoping there would be a new champ.

see the difference between Cenas long reign compared to the long reigns of Jbl an Triple H is that H's and JBLs reigns is they went through transformations, for a while their reigns were as dominators where they crushed all comers but towards the end they started to seem more vulnerable like when JBL won the barbed wire cage match by getting slammed through the ring to escape, these are different then cenas because his reign has been all about getting crushed and defying all odds.
I'm not saying no one else will draw the same or as well as Cena...to make that claim would be foolish. I think guys like Kennedy, Triple H would draw just as well.

Hell yes they could. If Vince wasn't so screwed up in the head these days. He would have already gave someone else a shot. Orton will draw great. Problem is as long as John Cena is around we aren't going to get to have a shot at seeing someone else.

Hell, I am not even arguing that long title reigns aren't boring. I know that when Triple H was champion for god knows how long, I was begging for him to drop the title at the end and I KNOW that I was not alone, because I came to the wrestling boards then too. But I still tuned in, watching the matches, hoping there would be a new champ.

Well when HHH gets #11 You will be the same again as well as me. Triple H has and always will be the better mic worker,ring worker etc... Cena isn't on HHH's level. HHH was still entertaining with Evolution despite is godly long title run. Trips still was entertaining. Cena isn't.

Too bad it will never happen...I'm sorry to say that even if Orton loses on Sunday, make no mistake he WILL be WWE Champion shortly. Then the title succession without a doubt will be Cena...Orton...Triple H.

Orton will get no more than 2 months more than likely(if he is to win) and its fucking bullshit. Triple fucking H will return and want the spotlight alllllll to himself. Cena will be right there saying he will never back down. I'm sure we see a Triple Threat around No Mercy or Survivor Series. Where Cena will finally drop the title.
I'm a person who has never mentioned a repetive move set has an issue with Cena for the simple fact, it isn't! But, also, the fact that every wrestler has signature moves, isn't an excuse for the fact that CENA SUCKS IN THE RING! He flails his arms like an ape and he has no technical ability at all! One could argue, "neither did Hogan," but Hogan did basic wrestling moves like a headlock, hammerlock, or he would spin out of a hammerlock and turn into a headlock! How often does Cena pull this out? The word NEVER comes to mind!

Sinature moves are fine, but don't make it the only thing in your aresenal. Cena has nothing else but his three or four moves of doom just like Hogan, but the problem is, Cena isn't Hogan! Someone should tell him to play his own in ring strategy!
well that would be a good idea but i wouldnt say shelton is the best pick, does he have amazing talent? ya... in ring, but he needs a better gimmick and better mic skills, hes kinda in the same situation lashley is in

and i disagree, i think long title reigns are better, i liked trips reign from beginning to end to tell u the truth, plus longer reigns make the belt change seem much bigger, i mean imagine how great the night that cena loses the belt is gonna be?? seriously, the challenger doesnt even have to be ur fav wrestler, u will still be jumping in the air

the same thing wouldnt happen if cena was champ for like 6 months or something like that... long title reigns, if done well can be entertaining, or if the champ is some1 u like, in trips case i was always a fan and was behind him the whole time

now there are other reigns where great feuds make the reign interesting, the major problem with cenas reign is his feuds are 1 ppv only, his edge feud was great, he didnt even need to lose the belt to make it great, if edge just kept chasing him it would still be good, but with no storylines a title reign this long can be boring as hell
see the difference between Cenas long reign compared to the long reigns of Jbl an Triple H is that H's and JBLs reigns is they went through transformations, for a while their reigns were as dominators where they crushed all comers but towards the end they started to seem more vulnerable like when JBL won the barbed wire cage match by getting slammed through the ring to escape, these are different then cenas because his reign has been all about getting crushed and defying all odds.

I agree that he could be made to look a bit more vulnerable.

But again, that really has more to do with how he is booked. Last time I checked Cena wasn't sitting on on production meetings.

The WWE writers have decided to make Cena superhuman in his matches who keeps defying all the odds. That is one argument that you can't lay soley on Cena's doorstep.
The only time Cena has even remotely looked like championship material is on one occasion with edge, and when he was in the ring with Angle. The triple threat match he had at vengence was ok, but in all honesty he dod fuck all in that match so im not counting it. If Jericho were to come back that would instantly solve the problem of who should be WWE champion.
Wow, I'm way behind...

First off Ric Flair would go out and wrestle hour long matches every single night and 9 times out of 10 he would carry the matches, correct me if im wrong but when someone carries a match its usually wrestled to there style.
Who cares how long he wrestles? It was the same spotty, poorly thought out match every time. And, the reason it was the same match every time is because Flair couldn't do anything outside of his routine. When he went to the WWF, and they FORCED him to work outside his routine, he was boring, average, and quickly became tiresome. He also completely bombed as a draw.

Ric Flair is the product of over-hype.

there is absolutely no double standard to compare John Cena to Ric Flair is absurd when John Cena starts calling quality hour long matches with anybody thrown at him you come and tell me then we can talk about double standards
What the hell does time have to do with anything? Longer matches don't mean better matches. What a silly argument.

people like Edge because hes IMO the best character/wrestler the WWE has right now.
People like Edge for a couple reasons.

1) He is a leftover from the Attitude era
2) He has been around for a while and fans always tend to support those who have been around for a long time
3) He was in a bunch of gimmick matches
4) He was put in a feud with John Cena

THAT'S why people like Edge.

I just want to respond to the people who seem to think that Orton isn't good in the ring! The standing dropkicks, the quick powerslams, that innovative neckbreaker, the headlock that he seems to utilize alot, and, my all time favorite, running punt to the head! These moves, collectively, are a much better move set then, a running shoulder block, an occasional leg drop off the top (that looks horrible every time he does it), a back body drop, the 5 knuckle shuffle (wouldn't be suprised if this starts to defeat people like the people's elbow), and the ever horrible STFU!
Oh, I get it. Because moveset determines quality of a wrestler. :rolleyes:

I'll tell you what, they should make me WWE champion because I know a LOT of moves.

And, how is the STFU horrible? Cena applies it perfectly.

the problem most people have with John Cenas predictability is not just the finish they feel its the whole match thats predictable the whole get beat up then make a glorious comeback. now that finish would be ok once in a while but it seems to be used every pay per view but how i see it its not cenas fault but hes still faulted for it
And, this just shows that you don't watch his PPV matches.

If you watched his PPV matches, you would know this whole "Hogan like comeback" routine is the exception these days, not the norm.

Try actually watching the matches first before you comment on them, ok?

I say everyone stops telling slyfox how shit a wrestler Cena is,
I agree. Because I've already pretty much proven everyone wrong. No one can say anything besides "moveset" and "predictability" to explain how Cena is bad. And, as already pointed out, Austin had a smaller moveset, and HBK does the same repetitiveness, so moveset can't be counted, and Cena's PPV matches do not follow the same routine and he doesn't book himself to win.

Every argument against Cena fails. Time to admit it. Cena is a good wrestler.

I will say however that everyone that slyfox seems to like be it Hogan, Flair, Bret Hart, or Cena are all overated and absoloutely nothing special to watch in the ring.
And yet, were loved and respected by millions all over the world...strange...

But, you're right. Clearly you are a MUCH more knowledgeable fan than the millions who thought these guys are/were good. Pat yourself on the back. You're special.

And when did I ever say Flair was a great wrestler?
Then you have guys like the Rock and Austin who noone can really argue were the best in ring but at least they had entertaining matches.
How was Austin not good in the ring?

No one match was too similar and matches were unpredictable, there matches used to have loads of twists and turns and back and forth whereas with Hart Cena and even Flair its all heel beats down face face recovers win.. all of them bore me to death personaly.
Ahh, I see. You're the type of fan that prefers random spot fests, with illogical transitions and poorly thought out matches. Gotcha. Well, I'll quit worrying what you think then.

The type of wrestling they symbolyise is that minium risk (from injury), grapple, punch, kick, finisher kind which is boring as hell.
It also prevents injury, which keeps them on TV longer, makes the company more money, and keeps them from sucking down steroids and painkillers more often.

But, why should we care if these guys stay alive?

I dont really consider Rock or Stone cold to be great wrestlers either but like i said their matches were entertaining. Watch 5 Rock and Stone Cold matches, then match 5 Bret hart and Cena matches.
Well, midget wrestling is entertaining. Doesn't make them better matches.

But, I'd take Bret/Owen (WM, SS), Bret/Austin, and Bret/Perfect (SS, KOTR) against anything Rock has done that didn't include Austin. Easily. And I'm a big fan of The Rock.

Obviously Austin and Rock are about a million times better on the mic a fact that surely slyfox cant even deny.
The Rock? No, of course I can't deny that. The Rock is the greatest mic worker ever. Austin? I don't know. Austin was solid on the mic, but it was more his promo work than his mic work that is remembered. We remember him Stunning people, driving beer trucks spraying McMahons, throwing titles off the bridge etc. Sure, he had his catchphrases and everything, but Austin isn't just clear-cut above everyone on the mic. Better than Cena? Tough call. Probably, but not by a whole lot.

Yes,every wrestler has a set of moves that they use almost every match. Problem with Cena is those signature moves is ALL he uses. He cannot carry a match from the Beginning-Mid match-End. Having your moves you like to win with his common. But when they are the only moves you use throughtout the match is not.
What a ridiculous statement. Didn't you say that you liked both HBK/Cena from Raw and Cena/Lashley from GAB?

How can you make the above statement if you've seen those two matches?

HBK can carry a whole match with a variety of different moves each time. He sin't predictable.
You're kidding right? HBK's matches were some of the most predictable in the company before he left. Doesn't make them bad, but they were predictable.

Yea but Stone Cold was a brawler and his matches were unpreditable and different from each other. Cena doesnt even look like a brawler the whole image is completely wrong and doesnt fit.

We have a winner for most biased post of the year.

How does Cena look like anything BUT a brawler? He's short, stocky, and stronger than a freight train. If that' doesn't scream brawler to you, I don't know what does.

Cena doesnt even wrestle like a brawler anyway. A brawler traditionaly bloodys and batters opponents,takes them outside beats them with weapons, shows a meanstreak, has hard impacting moves, has the persona of a bastard or a rule-breaker.

We have a winner for most uninformed post of the year.

Sir, I think what you meant to say, by what you described, is a "hardcore wrestler". You described a hardcore wrestler, not a brawler.

When your going to be WWE Champion. You should at least have main eventing wrestling and promo skills. Cena is terrible in the ring at times. Hell we don't fucking know who is going to "draw" and "make more money" because they don't give anyone but Johnny Boy a shot. Let someone else run with the ball and if they fail and ratings just bomb. (which buyrates already are) Then and only then will I say "Yes John Cena desevered that 3 year run"
OOORRRR...we can see how well they draw and make money on Smackdown and ECW, and if they do well there, we can move them over.

I'll be damned, what a great idea.

You Cena fans can give me the drawing crap all you want. It's your only valid arguement because when it comes to in ring skill. Cena is shit.
No, it's not my only valid argument. I gave you a list of my valid arguments a LONG time ago. You chose to ignore them and not respond. I even posted them twice, and you ignored both times and conveniently sidestepped it.

Don't try pulling that crap, because I've given you valid arguments. You just chose to play "If I can't see it, it must not be real".

I gave you your chance. You chose not to take it.

I rarely watch John Cena promos and matches anymore. I just change the channel when I hear that annoying tune blasting throughout the arena to cover up the boo's.
And, so you can avoid the fact that most people go crazy when he comes out, throwing their arms in the air and jumping around because they finally got to see the man they paid to watch.

Trips still was entertaining.
Triple H hasn't been entertaining since The Rock left. True Story.

I'm a person who has never mentioned a repetive move set has an issue with Cena for the simple fact, it isn't! But, also, the fact that every wrestler has signature moves, isn't an excuse for the fact that CENA SUCKS IN THE RING! He flails his arms like an ape and he has no technical ability at all! One could argue, "neither did Hogan," but Hogan did basic wrestling moves like a headlock, hammerlock, or he would spin out of a hammerlock and turn into a headlock! How often does Cena pull this out? The word NEVER comes to mind!
Then, the words "you don't watch his matches" comes to mind.

Cena uses those moves all the time. But, then, that would prove your whole "limited moveset" theory wrong, and since it is one of only two arguments Cena haters have left, we can't have that now, can we?
People like Edge for a couple reasons.

1) He is a leftover from the Attitude era
2) He has been around for a while and fans always tend to support those who have been around for a long time
3) He was in a bunch of gimmick matches
4) He was put in a feud with John Cena

THAT'S why people like Edge.

:lmao::lmao::lmao:. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Not even close my freind.

People like Edge.

1. Because he is a solid in ring performer.

2. Like you said he's from the Era which wrestling was dominate.

3.He is a great consistent entertainer.

4. Edge is a well known multiple time Tag Team champion and World Champion. Edge is the total package when it comes to everything you need to make it in wrestling.

The put in the feud with Cena made me literally fall out of my chair laughing. How could you make such a ridiculous statement. Sure the fued jumped him into the main event picture. He was already worthy of main event status even before that lump of shit John Cena. Injurys is what has gotten in the way of the Rated R Era. Edge made Cena look good at SS and that match isn't even remembered.

What a ridiculous statement. Didn't you say that you liked both HBK/Cena from Raw and Cena/Lashley from GAB?

How can you make the above statement if you've seen those two matches?

Yes,I told you that already. Both were great matches but if he is as great as you and other Cena faithful claim him to be. He will be a consistent solid performer. He isn't.

OOORRRR...we can see how well they draw and make money on Smackdown and ECW, and if they do well there, we can move them over.

Yeah great idea:rolleyes: Orton will draw fine. Same with Triple H. It's 2007 people are sick and tired of the same shit monthly. It's time for something new not from the past with Hogan and good vs evil. It's stale. Just like John Cena is stale. Cena isn't worthy of this long god awful reign of terror. He's nothing more than Mid-Card material. Especially when it comes to wrestling.

No matter what people say. Most hell even Cena fans know it's time for something new. No need to relive the 80's. That shit is in the past. Build a new Era not re-live one.

Bash me all you want. It's my opinion and nobody can change it. I'll be back after SS especially if Cena wins.

O Yeah stop saying your proving people wrong. Cena haters like me Hate him for our reasons and You Cena lovers love him for yours.

I'm out. Cena sucks.
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