[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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If you look back to my moveset arguement. I never ever mentioned that Cena had a repetitive moveset. I simply mentioned that Orton's moves were better and I mean that. I don't think that Cena sucks because he uses signature moves! All be it, his moves suck. He sucks because of his movements, his own ability, and the way he utilizes his moves and applies his moves!

Knowing a move isn't even half of the ability of knowing when to apply that move or how to apply that move! Hell, if knowing a move was all it took, then we could all be champions. Well is actually seems like that is all it takes, because that it all Cena knows!

Orton's matches are fun to watch and his finishes are always (98% of the time) unpredictable! I think that he is a better in ring general and why wouldn't he be? He learned from two of the best that this business has to offer. HHH and the very best Ric Flair! Not to mention growing up with Roddy Piper always around! Orton is going to be a big deal in this business and hopefully he is the one to dethrone Cena!

Trust me! I watch Cena's matches, hoping to God, like I have never hoped before, that he loses! I pay close attention to his matches, his moves, and his expressions with the fans. I have seen 50 better wrestlers in my entire life that have out performed Cena in those areas and 10 of them he has fought! I watch and listen to his promos! I pay close attention to what he says, how he says it, and why he says what he says! Again, I have seen 50 who were better and 10 he has fought!

I am not a fan who is going to come on here and say, "I don't like Cena, so I don't watch him or listen to him, but here is how he sucks!" I am going to tell you how he sucks based on what I have watched and what I know from watching my entire life! In my opinion Cena SUCKS!

His promos have not been interesting since he first came to Raw and his matches haven't been interesting since HBK, but HBK is a wrestling legend and that match was going to be good! You say he brought Lashley up? I don't know if you know this or not, but Lashley is very athletic and the only reason that match was good was because their styles complemented each other! Cena could have had the same match with Batista and that match would been shit!

Cena sucks, pure and simple folks!
the main thing that make ppl hate cena isnt cena its the writers, they limit cena a lot when it comes to moves so he doesnt get injured, he rarley has gimmick matches (also to avoid injuries), his feuds are stupid, and his gimmick is lame, actually it doesnt even seem like he has a gimmick, he just seems to be john cena, wich i have to say isnt really entertaining

the guy doesnt have anything going for him, in ring hes just as average as the next WWE main eventer, but todays WWE is just way too weak, cena in a attitude era im sure would be seen very differently

i still dislike cena a lot, not because of cena but because of WWE, they made him boring and a champ for kids

but he does have potential, he sells very well, hes great on the mic, hes in great shape, he works gimmick matches well when in them, the problem is 90% are singles matches and have no suprises because WWE nowadays have no suprising matches, all matches are predictable.. then only unpredictable matches i can think of is MVP/Matt and Punk/Morrison, the rest is a pretty easy guess whos gonna win...
People like Edge.

1. Because he is a solid in ring performer.

2. Like you said he's from the Era which wrestling was dominate.

3.He is a great consistent entertainer.

4. Edge is a well known multiple time Tag Team champion and World Champion. Edge is the total package when it comes to everything you need to make it in wrestling.

The put in the feud with Cena made me literally fall out of my chair laughing. How could you make such a ridiculous statement. Sure the fued jumped him into the main event picture. He was already worthy of main event status even before that lump of shit John Cena. Injurys is what has gotten in the way of the Rated R Era. Edge made Cena look good at SS and that match isn't even remembered.
I remember the SS match very well, thank you very much. And, from what I remember, Cena made Edge look good. Kind of like he did in the TLC match and the Raw match.

Edge was never a main-eventer, despite numerous attempts to make him one, until Cena. This is the truth.

Yes,I told you that already. Both were great matches but if he is as great as you and other Cena faithful claim him to be. He will be a consistent solid performer. He isn't.
That's not what we are talking about.

You said...
Yes,every wrestler has a set of moves that they use almost every match. Problem with Cena is those signature moves is ALL he uses. He cannot carry a match from the Beginning-Mid match-End. Having your moves you like to win with his common. But when they are the only moves you use throughtout the match is not.

In neither of those matches is your statement accurate.

Yeah great idea:rolleyes:
Are you denying that a performer could prove himself as a draw on ECW or Smackdown? And, that if they prove themselves as a draw there, THEN they could be moved to Raw?

No matter what people say. Most hell even Cena fans know it's time for something new. No need to relive the 80's. That shit is in the past. Build a new Era not re-live one.
The Attitude era practice of passing titles around every couple of months is dead.

No need to relive the 90s. That shit is in the past. Build a new Era not re-live one.

Bash me all you want. It's my opinion and nobody can change it. I'll be back after SS especially if Cena wins.
I'll be here if Cena wins or loses. If he wins, that's good, if he loses, then I hope Orton does well.

O Yeah stop saying your proving people wrong. Cena haters like me Hate him for our reasons and You Cena lovers love him for yours.
Except that my reasons have yet to be debunked by any reasonable logic or evidence. I gave a list of 6 different reasons for why Cena is good, and no one has yet to touch it. I've proven each of all the other statements false or irrelevant.

What else am I supposed to say?
Big Wes said:
LOL,His in ring skill is laughable. So he must not be working very hard. Cena bust his ass. I'll give him that but so does everyone else in the business.You must have work ethic to make it in Pro Wrestling.

Once again I hate the guy I see on TV. The character not the man. Damn people need to start thinking the diffrences between in the ring and out. Jesus.

See that’s what I don’t understand. I’ve never seen a match that Cena has been where his in ring skills have been “laughable.” I’m not saying that every match Cena has ever had has been perfect, but that doesn’t mean that every match that he does participate in has to be horrible. Or that he always performs badly in the match.

I thought we were all talking about his in-ring persona?

Big Wes said:
Bullshit. Cena does the same routines weekly and monthly. Been over this and i'm not again. Cody Rhodes... Why is he even in the same convo as Benjamin and MVP?. Shelton and MVP are repetative....HAHAHAHA. I can't predict what will happen next in their matches while with Cena's I can.

You have to be able to carry a match with different moves from beginning to mid match to the end when the signatures come. Cena does not.

Ok see I call what you’re saying BS, no offense. Cena has changed around his moveset the past year. He’s gotten better with time, and still people look down upon his improvements. Sure he has a routine that he does every week, but so does every single other wrestler. Cody Rhodes is in the same convo with Shelton Benjamin and MVP because he is a WWE superstar and because he has talent, but this thread isn’t about Cody.

I don’t really get what you’re trying to say in the last sentence. Cena does have different moves throughout the match… otherwise it wouldn’t be a match.

Big Wes said:
Why pay attention when I just heard it the week before or the night after the previous PPV. I listen to his promos and they are boring IMO. People like different things. Mr Sam has been saying that since I was here last month. Good god. People like Hogan and superman gods other likes Austin and title changes. It's what you like and don't like. I like HBK and dislike John Cena. Why? Done said.

If you’re not paying attention to what Cena is saying in his promos then you can’t say he repeats himself. Of course he’s going to say similar things in his promos, because that’s how you establish the gimmick. He can’t be going around saying one thing and then flipping it around and saying something else.

People do like different things, they do have different opinions. However, it’s obvious that if you don’t like Cena you won’t like his promos, there’s already a negative bias there, so it’d be impossible to have a sort of fair debate on his promos.

Big Wes said:
When your WWE Champion. The best you could do for viewers and the company is be consistent. Cena is not.

I think you just contradicted yourself there. You said before that Cena does the same routines monthly, but suddenly he isn’t consistent? If Cena did the same “predictable” moves over and over again that would make him the essence of consistency.

Big Wes said:
I rarely watch John Cena promos and matches anymore. I just change the channel when I hear that annoying tune blasting throughout the arena to cover up the boo's.

How can you discuss John Cena if you don’t watch his matches and his promos anymore? :blink:

Flames Out
Alright,Seriously. I gonna leave here after this before I end up flaming.

See that’s what I don’t understand. I’ve never seen a match that Cena has been where his in ring skills have been “laughable.”

Khali,Umaga,HBK,Edge,Triple H,JBL. Thats plenty. Watch RAW weekly. You will see.

I’m not saying that every match Cena has ever had has been perfect, but that doesn’t mean that every match that he does participate in has to be horrible. Or that he always performs badly in the match.

I thought we were all talking about his in-ring persona?

Same routines. Same 5 moves. Same exact champion. Boring.

Ok see I call what you’re saying BS, no offense. Cena has changed around his moveset the past year. He’s gotten better with time, and still people look down upon his improvements.

What improvements? He should have already been full improved before he was giving the title for the better part of the past 3 years. Cena isn't improving. He's exactly the same. He goes from being decent to shit. In the blink of an eye. He's always been that way. His mic work has also taken a BIG step backwards recently.

Sure he has a routine that he does every week, but so does every single other wrestler. Cody Rhodes is in the same convo with Shelton Benjamin and MVP because he is a WWE superstar and because he has talent, but this thread isn’t about Cody.

Why bring up their names if it isn't about them. Cody is green. MVP/Benjamin are established. Jesus.

I don’t really get what you’re trying to say in the last sentence. Cena does have different moves throughout the match… otherwise it wouldn’t be a match.

Doesn't. He cannot carry a match from...

Mid match

He uses the same exact 5 moves. He doesn't spice it up. He's boring and unwatchable at times.

If you’re not paying attention to what Cena is saying in his promos then you can’t say he repeats himself. Of course he’s going to say similar things in his promos, because that’s how you establish the gimmick. He can’t be going around saying one thing and then flipping it around and saying something else.

JESUS CHRIST!!!! I've have said 10000000 times why Cena's promos are god awful. The gimmick has been established and now it is stale. His gimmick now is The Champ. When he loses the belt he won't even have a gimmick. Unless he is suppose to be a superman.

People do like different things, they do have different opinions. However, it’s obvious that if you don’t like Cena you won’t like his promos, there’s already a negative bias there, so it’d be impossible to have a sort of fair debate on his promos.

I already had a fair debate with Sly. Negative bias my ass. There's no negative bias. I've been watching wrestling since I was 5 I like different entertainment than you Cena fans. Get over it.

I think you just contradicted yourself there. You said before that Cena does the same routines monthly, but suddenly he isn’t consistent? If Cena did the same “predictable” moves over and over again that would make him the essence of consistency.

He isn't consistent in putting on good matches. Been there said why.

How can you discuss John Cena if you don’t watch his matches and his promos anymore? :blink:

:rolleyes: O Yeah I'll just be arguing for 30 pages when I have never even seen a John Cena borefest. O yeah that makes sense. Cena's wrestling/promos are getting unwatchable because his gimmick is stale. He's been nothing more than Mid-Card material since 04.
I can't believe some of the bullshit that people come up with...

Cena isn't a good wrestler because he has a limited moveset... What a load of crap. Don't you people understand that having a large moveset has NOTHING to do with being a good wrestler? I am not saying Cena is a fantastic wrestler, but he is good. IMO the best wrestling matches are the ones that tell the BEST STORY. NOT the ones that have a million different wrestling moves. Savage/Warrior from WM7 is one of my favorite wrestling matches ever because it told a wonderful story, through great in-ring psychology and spot on match pacing. It wasn't full of 45 different wrestling moves which were used in a completely random manner, with no real purpose. Every move in that match had a purpose. This is something that Bret Hart was a master at doing. Anyone who thinks Hart was a boring wrestler just doesn't understand the basic concept of storytelling in professional wrestling. (I'm talking to you Capt. Charisma).

I can't stand it when people complain about Cena's "5 moves of doom". What is so wrong about finishing a match with your main signature moves? You know, the moves that have proved to work for you in the past? It's common sense that a wrestler would go for their most successful moves when trying to win a match. So what if it's a bit predictable? It's logical and it makes sense.

And what is so wrong about a babyface overcoming the odds to win a wrestling match? Hogan, Hart, HBK, Cena all do this.. They get beat up for most of the match, but somehow find a way to win it in the end. I mean, come on.. this is BASIC storytelling. There is nothing wrong with it at all. A wrestling match being predictable does not make it a bad one.

Also, someone said that Ric Flair is great because he had hour long matches all the time. Once again, what complete crap. How the hell does having really long matches make you a good wrestler? Don't you people understand that Flair regularly had hour long matches when hour long matches were the norm? To say that because Flair wrestled for an hour every night he is better than Cena, is just plain stupid. Ric Flair is the most OVERRATED wrestler of all time. Quite often he didn't have a clue what he was doing in the ring and his constant over-selling is absolutely ridiculous and completely unrealistic. His match routine was EXACTLY the same in just about every match he ever had.

People need to stop coming up with ridiculous reasons as to why Cena is a crap wrestler. Face facts everyone, Cena is a good wrestler.
really? what moves other than the almighty karate chop of doom does the great kahli have?

Um lets see Great Khali has the head butt,the claw,boot to the head ,karate chop and more and the claw is what Giant Gonzales used(El Gigante) Its strange they are building him up as Giant Gonzales now!
BUt he is better than Giant Gonzales when it comes to wrestling!
So Khali has more moves than Cena

John Cena is the worst wrestler and noone likes him I am sure the opinion poll up there will g ive something for McMahon to think about instead of giving it all to his new champion
%39.11 dislike Cena and only 16.47% like him he is nothinig more than a ripoff of STOne COld Steve Austin so as I said its time for RKO to win this and put Cena out for good 2 years is a long time for this one!
Don t forget Randy Orton won in 2004 so I don t see why he couldn t win again!
I don't think Cena is a rip-off of Stone Cold Steve Austin. I also don't think he's nearly as bad as the great Khali, who is basically immobile. I've also seen few wrestlers, even in ROH, that add to their repetoires weekly. Sure, they may have larger movesets than Cena, but I think that fact makes your arguments less valid. I've also never seen a Cena match where his in-ring skills have been laughable. I've seen bad Cena matches, and I've seen matches in which Cena isn't that good, but I can never say it's been so bad I've laughed.
Orton's matches are fun to watch and his finishes are always (98% of the time) unpredictable
are u fucking serious now u must have some wrestling brains if u predicted an FU off the top rope wgen lashley was going 4 a superplex.... Fuck what a mad **** u are.. Fuckin hippy..

I havent been writing much in this thread but, i have been reading it a bit, and i agree with sly. ?Yas just skip right around every good point he makes and then just start sayin shit. eg hes predictable, boring, has a shit move set...

Like the FU is much better than sweet chin music...
Its a kick:dark2:
Yas just skip right around every good point he makes and then just start sayin shit. eg hes predictable, boring, has a shit move set...

Like the FU is much better than sweet chin music...
Its a kick:dark2:

*bore* The same arguments you've been making on all 4 of your posts, read what we have said. The point is that it sames that is all Cena does, HBK does a lot more moves than just 5, yeah he has a move set and will do them BUT he does other moves! [and what's up with the swearing?!]
I can't believe some of the bullshit that people come up with...

That's what I thought when I read this post.

Cena isn't a good wrestler because he has a limited moveset... What a load of crap. Don't you people understand that having a large moveset has NOTHING to do with being a good wrestler?

You need to have a good amount of moves in your moveset to make the match entertaining and watchable. Cena does not. He has the same 6 moves he uses over and over. When your champion for most of 3 years and fans see that same routine and moves. We get bored.

I can't stand it when people complain about Cena's "5 moves of doom". What is so wrong about finishing a match with your main signature moves? You know, the moves that have proved to work for you in the past? It's common sense that a wrestler would go for their most successful moves when trying to win a match. So what if it's a bit predictable? It's logical and it makes sense.

BECAUSE IT'S THE ONLY ONE'S HE USES!! Jesus. People actually watch a John Cena match. I know it will be hard to do because he's so bad but at least try and you will see He's always using the same exact routine. From getting dominated early on to coming out of nowhere to win the match. His matches are predictable His moveset is predictable,His promos are predictable. That's what happens when you shove a guy down our throats weekly. Every wrestler has the set of moves they like but most wrestlers actually spice it up and carry the match with a variety of moves from the start,middle to finish. Cena doesn't.

And what is so wrong about a babyface overcoming the odds to win a wrestling match? Hogan, Hart, HBK, Cena all do this.. They get beat up for most of the match, but somehow find a way to win it in the end. I mean, come on.. this is BASIC storytelling. There is nothing wrong with it at all. A wrestling match being predictable does not make it a bad one.

Stale. We seen it god knows how many times. It's predictable and most of the time Cena's is going up against someone that is shit and cannot carry him Because Cena has to be carried. That makes the match even more unbearable to watch. HBK and Hart were actually entertaining throughout a match. Cena bores me.

Also, someone said that Ric Flair is great because he had hour long matches all the time. Once again, what complete crap. How the hell does having really long matches make you a good wrestler?

Stamina,Excitement,Good wrestling just 3 that came off the top of my head.

To say that because Flair wrestled for an hour every night he is better than Cena, is just plain stupid. Ric Flair is the most OVERRATED wrestler of all time.

Wrong,That would be Hulk Hogan. Flair is one (if not) the greatest of all time. Jesus.

Quite often he didn't have a clue what he was doing in the ring and his constant over-selling is absolutely ridiculous and completely unrealistic.

At least he actually sells. Unlike John Cena. I was just watching the TLC with Edge and Cena no sold about 10 times in a fucking TLC Match!

People need to stop coming up with ridiculous reasons as to why Cena is a crap wrestler. Face facts everyone, Cena is a good wrestler.

When Cena puts on good consistent matches. Then I'll call him a good wrestler. Face facts dude,Cena is a mid-card worthy wrestler.
You need to have a good amount of moves in your moveset to make the match entertaining and watchable. Cena does not. He has the same 6 moves he uses over and over.
Again, Cena has more than 6 moves, and other people only use the same signature moves over and over as well, like HBK.

Additionally, explain to me why you need a good amount of moves in your moveset to make a match entertaining and watchable. Then, explain why that didn't apply to Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin, two of the best, and most entertaining, wrestlers ever.

BECAUSE IT'S THE ONLY ONE'S HE USES!! Jesus. People actually watch a John Cena match.
Hahahahaha. Oh they hypocrisy.

You say they are the only moves he uses, and then you tell people to watch a John Cena match. Compounded on that fact is your comment that you rarely watch Cena matches or promos anymore.

You shoot your own credibility in the foot time and again.

I know it will be hard to do because he's so bad but at least try and you will see He's always using the same exact routine. From getting dominated early on to coming out of nowhere to win the match.
Yeah, except for the match against HHH at Wrestlemania, RVD at ONS 2, Edge at Summerslam and Unforgiven, Umaga at the Royal Rumble, HBK on Raw, and Lashley at GAB.

But, you're right. It's that exact routine. :rolleyes:

Stamina,Excitement,Good wrestling just 3 that came off the top of my head.
You're begging the question here. You are presuming that which you are trying to prove.

Wrong,That would be Hulk Hogan. Flair is one (if not) the greatest of all time. Jesus.
How can Hogan be overrated if so many of today's ignorant wrestling fans think he sucks?

Flair is easily one of the more overrated wrestlers in the business currently, based off his work. Many of the things you are criticizing Cena for (predictable matches, predictable endings, stale moveset etc.) are also able to be used to define Flair. However, Flair's matches were spotty as hell, illogical throughout, and psychology was non-existant through much of a match. I mean, how often did you really see Flair target the knee in a match before applying the Figure Four?

At least he actually sells. Unlike John Cena. I was just watching the TLC with Edge and Cena no sold about 10 times in a fucking TLC Match!
First of all, could you please point out these ten times of supposed no-selling? I've seen the match a couple of times, and would love to see what you considered no-selling.

And, Flair's over-selling is ridiculous. It's cartoonish and takes away from the realism that is supposed to be displayed in the ring. He did the same spots over and over and sold them the same way every time. Hell, the man refuses to take a back body drop the way he is supposed to. Doesn't stop him from calling that spot in every single match he's in though.
Guys Orton wins on Sunday or we start boycotting WWE period! We the fans have to deliver a message to Vinnie Mac that enough is enough with the garbage he delivers us and fooling us and deceiving us and making us Suckers on his own beliefs lol

It marks one year and 1 month that Cena lost to RVD and Edge took over after so since Lashley jobbed to JOhn Semen it would suck if Orton jobs he jobbed to Hogan last year and so far they have build him up as unstoppable force since he has been winning with every wrestler from Dusty Rhodes to Cody Runnels and so on ! Making him lose would be embarassing Semen has proved he can take Giants down and Huge Guys like Lashley but its his time now and it marks 3 years from that event that Orton won at Summerslam 2004 so let it be for the record lets hope Orton wins tomorrow or we all convert and advert to TNA and thats it !
The point has been argued time and time again! We have argued so much, that we have brought other wrestlers into it!

First off, you people who think Flair is overrated! You all should love Flair, because everyone of you love the most overrated star since Ultimate Warrior and I am talking about, "The Champ," Cena! Flair is a wrestling GOD! Pure and simple. Cena is not and I fail to see how a comparrison can be made between the two!

Hulk Hogan was not overrated either! He was a result of good marketing at a very high point in wrestling and that's it! Hogan and Flair will go down in history at the top of the majority of wrestling fans list as either number one or number two, so get off it!

Cena, will not be on this list! He sucks!
You need to have a good amount of moves in your moveset to make the match entertaining and watchable. Cena does not. He has the same 6 moves he uses over and over. When your champion for most of 3 years and fans see that same routine and moves. We get bored.

That is so wrong, what a ridiculous comment. I'll give you an example. Have you ever seen Bret Hart vs. Ricky Steamboat from the Bret Hart DVD? That was a great match, and yet they didn't do many moves in it, but it was still a very entertaining and watchable match. The only real wrestling moves in that match were a neckbreaker, a backbreaker, a couple of suplexes and few body slams. But, the match was still really good because the few moves that they did do had a purpose to the flow of the match, the timing and execution of the moves was perfect, the selling was spot on and the psychology and storytelling was flawless. That was a 15 minute match, but without having to do 20 or 30 different moves, they still managed to keep you interested in the match the whole time, which proves that lots of moves is not needed for a good wrestling match.

BECAUSE IT'S THE ONLY ONE'S HE USES!! Jesus. People actually watch a John Cena match. I know it will be hard to do because he's so bad but at least try and you will see He's always using the same exact routine. From getting dominated early on to coming out of nowhere to win the match. His matches are predictable His moveset is predictable,His promos are predictable. That's what happens when you shove a guy down our throats weekly. Every wrestler has the set of moves they like but most wrestlers actually spice it up and carry the match with a variety of moves from the start,middle to finish. Cena doesn't.

The thing is, I actually DO watch the matches, therefore I know that John Cena is NOT a crap wrestler. Every single wrestler uses the sames moves all the time. Everyone's moveset is predictable. I know that when I see a Shawn Michaels match I will see the flying forearm, nip-up, inverted atomic drop, body slam, elbow drop off the top rope and Sweet Chin Music. I know that when I see a Triple H match I will see the high knee to the face, knee smash to the face, spinebuster and Pedigree. So, would you say that Shawn Michaels and Triple H are crap wrestlers because they always use the exact same moves in every match?

And Cena does spice it up sometimes. He actually does vary his moves in matches. These are the moves he always uses in matches: F-U, STF-U, spin out powerbomb, five knuckle shuffle, fisherman suplex, shoulder blocks, clotheslines. And these are the moves he uses often in matches but not always: throwback, diving leg drop, belly to belly suplex, running bulldog, sitout hiptoss. Anyone who says that Cena doesn't have many moves in his arsenal must not watch his matches, or is just too ignorant to accept that he actually does have quite a few moves. He has a lot more than Triple H, who only has about five moves in total. And I don't see people complaining that his moveset is limited.

Stamina,Excitement,Good wrestling just 3 that came off the top of my head.

You also need those things for a 30 minute match, and a 20 minute match.. so what's the difference? There is no difference, being in lots of 60 minute matches does not make you a superior wrestler. Sure it shows you have the stamina and skill to pull it off, but Flair had a lot of these matches because he wrestled in an era and a territory where this was the norm. Anyone who says Flair is better than [insert any wrestler here] because he had more hour long matches than them is just ignorant.
I thought of this while arguing about cena's reighn in the summerslam discussion, and im sorry to the mods if this should go in the John cena thread, but I felt this could really be a thread all on its own, so sorry again if im outta line....

What was the point, or match when you gave up hope/ started to hate/ started to like john cena...

Like for me personally, I started to hate him when they put him over Angle again, and again, and again, with Angle blatantly carrying every match...and the time when I started to lose hope of him ever ever ever losing, was when I saw him not only BEAT HBK at WM 23, but made him TAP OUT like a bitch...thats when I knew the world as we know it would prolly cease before cena lost that belt...

so whats everyone elses experience? When did you start to hate (or like?) john cena...give me a singular match, or moment, not just arguments in general, becuase that should be in the cena thread...
i got to say..... when he first came to raw? winning something around 110 of 115 matches? overcoming the odds over and over and over.... and over once again, just gets boring and old. can watch a ppv and skip cenas match because hes always going to pull off a miracle and win once again.
probably when he started feuding with Chris Jericho on Raw, and always beat him, when you know thats bullshit because Jericho was running circles around him as far as match quality, promos and overall perfomance. I was only 13 then, but i was starting to tell that Cena was getting pushed for the wrong reasons. also, i had seen WM 19, and Jericho's match and feud with HBK, and loved every bit of it, and also like Jericho against Stephanie Mcmahon, so i had always been a Y2J fan. so when Cena started to beat up the legends, i started to hate him
Eh, a John Cena "hate" thread. What if you don't hate John Cena though? Of course, we are free to have our own opinions, however the problem/s with John Cena is not him so much IMHO, but it's creative and booking. I'm sure if his character were repackaged & w/out a limited move set, he would be greatly praised for his performance.

At least the guy has a passion for the business and is a fan, unlike majority of the wrestlers in the 00's such as Brock Lesnar.
and thats why in the originial post i also asked the cena fans what point it was when you started to LIKE cena...read the original before you dismiss a thread bro...and its not even really AGAINST cena himself, its what has happened, and how things have went..I didnt ask WHY people hate cena, I asked what point of this push did they stop liking him...or, for his fans, BEGAN liking him....
however the problem/s with John Cena is not him so much IMHO, but it's creative and booking. I'm sure if his character were repackaged & w/out a limited move set, he would be greatly praised for his performance.

At least the guy has a passion for the business and is a fan, unlike majority of the wrestlers in the 00's such as Brock Lesnar.

I completely agree with this. John Cena as a whole, is a talented person. I mean, W.W.E. is trusting enough to put their whole company on his shoulders for the past two years.. so obviously the guy has to have some appeal. So yeah, Cena has talent.. but again.. its more of why/when did you start to like & dislike Cena.. not whether or not he's talentless & needs to retire. (though I'm sure many, including myself even at times, are wishing that'd happen.. especially with how bookers/creative keep making him win time after time.. shit, just the other night J.R. mentioned him having like some 100 plus wins this year.. I mean, COME ON!)

At any rate.. I truly didn't care for John Cena until the deal with him & Brock Lesnar in April of 2003. Cena had his rap gimmick going for a bit before this, but it didn't get good until then.. to me, anyways. I even find it funny that before all this fame.. he's side-kick was "B-Squared." (Bull Bucannon - sp?)

At any rate, I enjoyed his wrestling matches throughout all of 2003 through 2004.. thats when it started getting bad.

I was all for him finally becoming a World Champion & beating J.B.L. -- cause J.B.L. had the fricken title for like 8-9 monthes & at the time, it was way too long. (little did we know) I was happy Cena won, but then I started getting annoyed because they switched him to Raw & started making him fight the same guy over & over.. & over.. (Angle, for example)

I truly started disliking him when Edge won the World Championship, only to lose it 3 weeks later. What the hell, why even bother? Especially when Edge made Raw the highest rated show in over a year or longer.. why instantly take the Championship away from him? Thats a nice way of saying "thank you."

My dispising him turned to lothing & even a small form of hatred (to me, thats a strong term) when once again, Edge took the Championship then was suppose to drop it back to Cena. So the whole purpose was for R.V.D. to shine during the E.C.W. p.p.v. then they figured to give it to another, that way they wouldn't lose tons of fans for doing the exact samething as before.. (with Edge winning, then losing 3 wks later) but once again.. they SCREW the same guy! (Edge)

Because I'm a huge Edge fan, this made my dislike/lothing for Cena turn heated & made me not care whether he ever wrestled again.
and thats why in the originial post i also asked the cena fans what point it was when you started to LIKE cena...read the original before you dismiss a thread bro...and its not even really AGAINST cena himself, its what has happened, and how things have went..I didnt ask WHY people hate cena, I asked what point of this push did they stop liking him...or, for his fans, BEGAN liking him....

You never provided a link in this thread with the "original post" to your other thread nor have I seen it yet but all I know is what I seen/read in this very thread. I'm only judging what is being provided in this thread, not some other thread that is buried or that I did not see. You mentioned you didn't ask why people hates the fans, but as the thread title is self explanatory, your question is "when did you start to hate cena".
well it was more just becuase I was trying to grab attention and couldnt think of any other way to title it...."when did you start to hate/or like john cena" is a long ass title but whatever lol once again its "when" not "why"..i was more lookin for a single match not moment, not the usual "boring moveset been champ forever blah blah" hate that every one says..Id also like to see if there was one moment when people started to respect him..but whatev I guess it can all fall under this thread all well and good, I just wanted to see what others thought, and figured a title of a thread would get my question more answers than asking it in open forum, cuz not everyone reads every post....
Well another PPV and another Cena main-event win. All day there had been talk of taking the title off Cena and it never progressed and thats a shame. Look, I don't hate the guy at all. He is a hard in-ring worker and once had a nice gimmick where he rapped coming to the ring and made fun of people and it was hilarious. But, they changed that gimmick the last two years and he's become stale. Was Orton the best choice of taking the belt off Cena? maybe. At least it would have been something different. This title reign is not any different from Triple H's major title push in 2003. You can say all you want about ratings going down if they take the belt off Cena, but honestly, it can go up from here because Triple H is back and he has carried steady (good) Raw ratings as champion throughout his career. Tonights PPV was just so hard to watch and the main event capped off a mediocre PPV that would have been a great episode of Raw or SNME.
Okay Cena will never lose the title untill the moment he goes away for his next movie and even then itll be like when Edge won the belt for like 2 months or something. Then he will win it back straight after from someone really good like HHH or Orton or HBK again.

When HHH lost at WM 22 i started to hate Cena before i was like ah hes okay but wont be like this for long how wrong i was.

Then when Edge took the belt i thought it was over finally, wrong TLC Edge sig match he beats him in it, then the next big massive thing to piss me off was how he beat HBK after getting smashed about piledriver superkicked and all sorts then while bleeding he gets up perfect and as if nothing had been done to him gets the win.

Then he beats Orton the only thing im looking forward to is seeing Rey and HHH return (havnt seen Summerslam yet maybe il save myself the trouble) maybe Vince thought that the world would implode if he put on a really good value for money pay per view. Or the fact that he sucked so many into thinking Orton would win the title and then paying to see the guy we all hate win again.

Its ridiculous Cena has beat so many people so many future legends and all the top WWE stars to manke them look like crap. Cena is not main event hes mid to low main at best but should never be given the belt ever again after this reign of terror.
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