[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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What's bad about the fans cheering the heel, who's put legends of the business out of the company, for doing the same moves with the same repetitive and stale moveset they are booing the top babyface for?

I don't know, why don't you tell me? :rolleyes:

Nothing. They can cheer whoever the hell they want to cheer. Rather it be the Almighty God or the Legend Killer. Fan's make Vince the cash. So therefore they should get the right to cheer or boo or chant whatever they want. Cena is stale..People aren't starting to like it too much. He's loved some place and hated others. O Well.

By The Way. How do you know they were booing RKO for a stale moveset?:rolleyes: (Yet he actually used more than 7 moves)

Maybe they are booing Cena for a stale character and title reign.

To be honest, it really doesn't take much...

Your Evil Sly:p
First of all Summerslam was an absoloute joke, it looked like it might be alright from the Card but as usual it turned into ******** convention after about 2 minutes. Before I get onto Cena I just want to say that Mysterio absoloutely sucks, why the fuck does everyone like him? Because he is short? Because he was Eddie Gurrero's friend? Its fucking stupid he can't work for shit, all he does is his stupid acrobatics, someone tell him to go to the fucking circus the freak. They should have had Chavo win because he is such a hard worker but they let Rey win because all the stupid mexicans buy his merchandise. The ECW match absoloutely sucked, they could of have made it really entertaing but instead they come up with something that looked like it had been thrown together in 5 minutes by Vince Russo on crack. HHH's match was bearable but should of been better. Will someone though please shoot the Great Khali, he's just sooo annoying to watch, I hate Cena and am not a fan of Batista but for once it wasn't Batista fault. Khali/Batista was the worse match i have ever seen i think, it was worse than the diva battle royale for christs sake. Overall summerslam sucked I was hoping after not watching WWE for a few weeks they might be starting to fix things but the PPV was just awful really, its like they are going backwards not forwards.
I'll be damned, it's amazing how many great workers the WWE has. Because, every opponent Cena is against, seems to carry him to extremely good matches. Who knew the WWE was so loaded with talent?

What are you on about, firstly theres guys Cena has 'beaten' are guys who arent even in the company anymore i.e Jericho, Angle. Who Cena looks average against because they can make anyone look good. Then you have guys who actualy are talented in which Cena gets CARRIED I know you can't take it Slyfox but its true listen to what other people are telling you, HE GETS CARRIED- Orton, HBK, HHH, Edge saying any of those are not talented SLyfox is nieve even by your standards, I'm not a massive fan of any of them, they are ok but thats it, but they are talented and you implying they are not is making you look stupid. Then there are guys who are just shite and only get the honour of wrestling Cena because of their monster gimmick- Khali, Big Slow, Snitsky, Umaga. All of whom suck in the ring quite frankly, and Cena's matches with them? They absoloutely sucked, they were crap, nothing, waste of time, completely pointless matches, as their only aim was to make Cena look good and they didnt even really suceed in doing that. Slyfox you can make all the excuses for Cena you want "Orton ran the offensive portion" Well its a bit coinsidental that against Angle, Jericho, Edge, HBK, HHH, etc. He didnt run the 'offensive portion' thats because he can't, thats because he's a shit wrestler, Cena sits back and lets the other guy beat him then does his stupid shoulder blocks, his punches, and clothelines every now and again until it is time for the moves of doom.

"fans that complain about Cena's "repetitive and non-exsistant" move-set failed to notice that most of the offense from Orton yesterday at SS was sleeper holds (big surprise)."
Obviously that was because they wouldn't be so silly as to let Cena risk injury by letting Orton do anything other than minimum risk moves and Orton's signiture moves.

Youstupid Cena huggers are starting to annoy me more than Cena himself. Your all totally unaware that Cena is not that good in the ring, your all totaly obsessed with the guy so obsessed that you buy merchandise you waste your hard earned money on crap!! Does that make you feel good or something? What is it that makes Cena so special in your eyes, he isnt a great wrestler, he isnt a great mic worker, and he isnt funny. Therefore it must be that you have been so hooked by Vince's marketing of this guy that your obsessed with him, its like you've all been hypnotised! As for the chants it shows the extent that people are pissed off with this uy, if people are prepared to chant that then that shows you the extent of Cena as WWE champ is having on peoples opinions of him. You can talk about ratings or whatever you want but when you have people chanting that then it means this Cena sharade is pissing off the most loyal fans who bought tickets 6 MONTHS ago for this event. Surely that is not a good thing.
Regardless of your personal feelings about Cena, the numbers show that we are currently witnessing an historic WWE championship reign. Also interesting is the list's lack of names such as The Rock, who held the title a record 7 times but only for a combined 10 months, Kurt Angle (4 for 10 months), The Undertaker (4 for 7 months) or Triple H (5 for 8 months).

The reason for this is that, back when these wrestlers mentioned where champion, they used to change champs regularly to keep the product fresh and keep people interested. Youi cant seriously compare Cena to Kurt Angle, The Undertaker or The Rock!!! I think he'd be in better company being compared to Mideon.....
All the other things have been responded to, but I have to ask this question.

If they've given up on caring or trying to do well, then why in the hell do they deserve any kind of push at all.

I honestly think that Carlito grew tired of the fact that he was always being used as the comic routine. Carlito has talent, & his character could be that of a World Champion someday.. but the fact is, until he has someone to face him.. where he can showcase his talent.. he'll never be looked at, as anything more than a joke.. or a mid-carder. *** How does this involve Cena? Because Cena (in my opinion) can't carry a match. He has the heat on him from the crowd to electrify a match.. but much like Randy Orton, or a lot of other wrestlers.. he has basic moves that become stale & are constantly relied on, over & over.

There for the longest time, Carlito (& Shelton Benjamin) were bringing new moves to their matches.. but they went un-noticed, & it could very well be a fact that McMahon or any number of creative members are telling these guys NOT to OVER SHINE John Cena during matches with him.. cause Cena has been made their star.. not a guy with big hair, or a 5 star calibar superstar.

Regarding Shelton Benjamin.. he broke out into single's stardom agianst Triple H. & truly never got a huge push. He had a great Intercontinental Championship run, that went longer than even Orton's.. which in turn went longer than anyone in like what.. 4 plus years? But Benjamin never got the chance to improve to the next (Main Event) level, because stars like John Cena would look pale in comparsion. Benjamin could wrestle circles around Cena.. & thats not me disliking Cena.. because he CAN wrestle.. thats just me saying Benjamin is that much BETTER than Cena, as a wrestler.. not a performer.

And that, my friend.. is the number one thing that has Cena in the Main Event.. & Benjamin looking like sisqo.. the fact that Benjamin has NO character.. his best character push came from having a fat lady in a wheelchair as his Mom.. pathetic. If fans truly loved the sport for the moves & athletic ability.. Benjamin, Morrison, & Carlito would all be dominating the John Cena's of the business.
One more thing.. the matches CENA carries his opponents in, to me, in my opinion.. are matches against other lesser talented stars. Khali, Snitsky, Viscera, etc.. his latest group of "monster" matches.. have been against a group of people that outside of a "evil" look, have shit for talent. Snitsky might be the best talented person out of that whole group.. (not meaning Cena) & thats not saying a lot, obviously.

John Cena has talent.. & its his character & charisma that carry him through most his matches.. not his wrestling ability. However, when he faces guys like Snitsky, & Khali.. yeah.. even Cena looks like he could out-wrestle Kurt Angle, or Chris Benoit types.
It was obvious Vince would push 4 a one-year title reign for Cena.Its meant to put Cena over on last time by breaking yet another record.All this "Cena-cant-wrestle" stuff is garbage.He's got a better skill set than most guys.And he's obviously had to wrestle a proteceted style because,wheteher we like it or not,he's the main draw in the WWE.Noone can justify saying that the FU's a crappy finisher& and then have the nerve to mark out to CM Punk's GTS or Ken Kennedy's Kenton Bomb.
I wanted Orton to win,but I dont think John deserved last night's abuse.
Noone can justify saying that the FU's a crappy finisher& and then have the nerve to mark out to CM Punk's GTS or Ken Kneedy's Kenton Bomb.

How on earth can you tell me I CAN'T go off on Cena's F.U.? Oh, I'm scared.. its so powerful.. its a fricken fireman's carry.. I see firefighters doing it to hose.. is that some type of tribute?

While I'll fully agree, Punk's G.T.S. isn't exactly the Pedigree or Sharpshooter of this generation, at least when you compare the F.U. to the G.T.S... if I knee you in the face, it'll hurt & be a lot more believable than simply hip tossing someone onto their back.
How on earth can you tell me I CAN'T go off on Cena's F.U.? Oh, I'm scared.. its so powerful.. its a fricken fireman's carry.. I see firefighters doing it to hose.. is that some type of tribute?

While I'll fully agree, Punk's G.T.S. isn't exactly the Pedigree or Sharpshooter of this generation, at least when you compare the F.U. to the G.T.S... if I knee you in the face, it'll hurt & be a lot more believable than simply hip tossing someone onto their back.

People didnt seem to have a problem with it till now.And what about King Booka's lame Scissor-kick? and HBK's standard kick to the jaw? Brian Kendrick's kicks are more believable than Shawn's.The FU only sucks when he doenst put force being it.The FU's he gave HBK,Khali& Show looked devastating.People need to make up their minds,because its clear John cant win with you people.If he uses the FU,its gay,if he uses the STF-U,he;s committed somekind of blasphemy.
People didnt seem to have a problem with it till now.And what about King Booka's lame Scissor-kick? and HBK's standard kick to the jaw? Brian Kendrick's kicks are more believable than Shawn's.The FU only sucks when he doenst put force being it.The FU's he gave HBK,Khali& Show looked devastating.People need to make up their minds,because its clear John cant win with you people.If he uses the FU,its gay,if he uses the STF-U,he;s committed somekind of blasphemy.

First & foremost.. credit where its due.. the "S.T.F-U." IS a wrestling hold & its a good one. Regal used a form of it, & it made his career. So that is worth mentioning..

Now then.. how dare you.. H.B.K. is a legend in this business, & simple minded kick or not.. once again, if I KICK you in the face, its a lot more believable in being something that hurt, than simply tossing someone onto their back.

And once again, credit where its due.. yes.. F-Uing Big Show & Khali was impressive, simply because they're big & its incredible for anyone to lift them. Oh, wait.. what about Brock Lesnar doing what he's done? I suppose Lesnar is the next Bret Hart to you, huh?
First & foremost.. credit where its due.. the "S.T.F-U." IS a wrestling hold & its a good one. Regal used a form of it, & it made his career. So that is worth mentioning..

Now then.. how dare you.. H.B.K. is a legend in this business, & simple minded kick or not.. once again, if I KICK you in the face, its a lot more believable in being something that hurt, than simply tossing someone onto their back.

And once again, credit where its due.. yes.. F-Uing Big Show & Khali was impressive, simply because they're big & its incredible for anyone to lift them. Oh, wait.. what about Brock Lesnar doing what he's done? I suppose Lesnar is the next Bret Hart to you, huh?

Dont get emotional dude.I've been an HBK fan for over 15years.I'm just making the point that their alot more moves out there that require us to go into total mark-mode to believe.Like I said,its all about how the move is done that makes it believable.I'll admit that sometime the FU looks crappy when he just "tosses" the guy.But like I said,there have been many times when its been done to full effect and looked believable.e.g Matches against Edge in early 2006.As for Lesnar: He probably would have mopped Madison Square Garden with the Hitman had they been around at the same time! Brock did alot of mark-power moves,but technically,he was the real mother-f'n deal!
I satnd by my belief that its purely resentment on the the part of fans that he's been champ sooo long.Even HHH began to seem overrated during his 2002-2005 marathon title era.I bet you that we'd be sick of Randy Orton as well if he was in the same position.
There will never be another Austin or Rock and Vince Mcmahon know that so i don'T think he's trying to turn Cena into the next Austin. John Cena gets dump on by the internet wrestling fans because it's cool to dump on the top guy. When HHH was the top guy and was holding the belt, the fans dod the same thing, they started all sort of rumors and started to hate the guy for no reason. So that's my personal thought on this but the only reason you hate Cena right now is because he is the top guy. When he lose the belt, pretty much everybody that hate Cena will do a 360 and love him again and start hating whoever takes Cena's place.
lovng or hating john cena, it really doesnt matter. Imo i believe he is better than most people give him credit. i do not believe his move set is limited, but his finisher is kinda weak. but anyways the internet haters just hate the guy on top of the world. HHH long title reign was getting boring. People started to hate him but now they are praising the ground of his return and in other peoples opinion he is great. but getting back to cena i believe he is athletic, his match against booker i seen some decent moves his suplex looked alright, and his throw back thing looks like it could hurt. People get tired of John Cena but he is the best in the world today he is the longest reigning champ in like 2 decades and he has like a 10 yr contract and is like guaranteed i believe three title reigns so i just say get used to the man.
John Cena v.s. Randy Orton, SummerSlam 2007!

This is the match that all of you Cena supporters on this site should hate and should watch, because it proves everything that has been said negatively about Cena's in ring ability! He can't wrestle!

Randy Orton, in rare form, looked better and wrestled better than I can remember. You could say, "Cena made him look good." That isn't the case. Orton dominated Cena for the entire match. What did Cena do? He hit his Hogan Jr. moves, the five moves of death, got his ass whiped some more and out of nowhere won the match! This was your typical big match situation with Cena! He got his ass whipped and came back with a miraculas win. Rose to the occassion and defeated and wrestler who is better than him in the ring and on the mic! Cena is that damn good isn't he?

I'll tell you. I'm a changed man! I am now a Cena fan. It seems much easier to except Cena as the modern day messiah of wrestling than to oppose him. I guess praise be on to Cena! I will bow down now to the power of Cenamania!
I never liked Cena. I never did when he was on SD! either. Since that time his style has indeed changed a bit... By that I mean his attitude out of the ring. His in ring stuff is still the same, but instead of doing stupid raps to insult people he just goes and does it now, I'd much rather see that then a stupid rap. My real problem with Cena is not that he's on top right now. My problem is what WWE in seemingly making him become. I mean he's pretty much beaten the enitre Raw roster *divas aside* with him still being on top WWE is going to have to start repeating feuds... None of which were interesting the first time. If Cena gets knocked down to a mid card state his popularity will remain in tact, and he can still be on tv, but the next top guy will be able to feud with other people for the title. It just gets old seeing ANYBODY in the title picture for too long...
First off, the guy who says Hogan has no moveset needs to take a step back. Putting Cena in the same sentence as a great like Hogan is ridiculous. Its not even the fact that hogan has had the same moves forever, hes the man, plain and simple, nothing more needs to be said, he made wrestling, he put it on his back and made it possible for a mediocore guy like cena to exist. Cena hasnt had a very long career but ill tell you right now and im sure 99% of all true wrestling fans will agree with me when i say cena will never get close to the level hulk is, no one will for that matter.

As far as cena goes, its like this, its not that he sucks, hes o.k. ill say that. But its almost like its become a masculine thing to boo him. all it takes is a live event with a bunch of guys saying "cena sucks" or whatever, then a few more guys see them and join in. the live audience hears it. its going against the norm, fighting society or however the hell you wanna look at it, then next event more and more dudes do it. i've been to a raw house show. its ALL guys who chant the anti cena stuff. it just became a fad. now more and more people really are sick of cena so it stuck. dont take it so hard cena, you're just not over.
First off, the guy who says Hogan has no moveset needs to take a step back. Putting Cena in the same sentence as a great like Hogan is ridiculous. Its not even the fact that hogan has had the same moves forever, hes the man, plain and simple, nothing more needs to be said, he made wrestling, he put it on his back and made it possible for a mediocore guy like cena to exist. Cena hasnt had a very long career but ill tell you right now and im sure 99% of all true wrestling fans will agree with me when i say cena will never get close to the level hulk is, no one will for that matter.

As far as cena goes, its like this, its not that he sucks, hes o.k. ill say that. But its almost like its become a masculine thing to boo him. all it takes is a live event with a bunch of guys saying "cena sucks" or whatever, then a few more guys see them and join in. the live audience hears it. its going against the norm, fighting society or however the hell you wanna look at it, then next event more and more dudes do it. i've been to a raw house show. its ALL guys who chant the anti cena stuff. it just became a fad. now more and more people really are sick of cena so it stuck. dont take it so hard cena, you're just not over.

A masculine thing. LOL! And people make fun of the girls/kids for cheering Cena, and yet the "masculine" thing is somehow a good reason to boo Cena. :lol2:

John Cena's over... just because some guys at live shows think it's "manly" to boo Cena, doesn't mean that Cena isn't over. I'd say that every time Cena comes out there's always a HUGE reaction, even if some of it is booing.

"Fighting society?" What the? Overdramatic much. This is wrestling, not the government!

Flames Out
First off, the guy who says Hogan has no moveset needs to take a step back. Putting Cena in the same sentence as a great like Hogan is ridiculous. Its not even the fact that hogan has had the same moves forever, hes the man, plain and simple, nothing more needs to be said, he made wrestling, he put it on his back and made it possible for a mediocore guy like cena to exist. Cena hasnt had a very long career but ill tell you right now and im sure 99% of all true wrestling fans will agree with me when i say cena will never get close to the level hulk is, no one will for that matter.

I COMPLETELY AGREE, 100%!!!! John Cena is NOT on the same level as Hulk Hogan. He's dwarfed that level & has shot further passed Hogan, than anyone could've ever thought possible! As far as Hogan's move-set being compared to Cena.. look, I'll bad mouth Cena to wrestling's technical greats like Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Shelton Benjamin, & Bret Hart.. but Hogan!?:lol2:

You have GOT to be kidding. Lets run through this, shall we? Hogan = punches, chops, lift-up poses, bodyslams, taking an ass-beating than completely ruining wrestling by no selling ANYTHING, irish-whip, big boot, leg drop. 20 minute post-match pose down..

Now then, I'm pretty sure I've missed something, maybe a sleeper hold? But don't EVER compare John Cena to Hulk Hogan in saying Hogan is far superior.. Cena's move-set may not be anything special.. but at least he's got a better variety than the Great Khali! :lol2:

And yes, that was a 'shot' at Hogan, comparing the "Almighty one" to Khali. Oh, I went there.. hahahaha John Cena sucks, but I'd pick a match with him in it, over a match with 'Mr. No-Sell' anyday!
John Cena v.s. Randy Orton, SummerSlam 2007!

This is the match that all of you Cena supporters on this site should hate and should watch, because it proves everything that has been said negatively about Cena's in ring ability! He can't wrestle!

Randy Orton, in rare form, looked better and wrestled better than I can remember. You could say, "Cena made him look good." That isn't the case. Orton dominated Cena for the entire match. What did Cena do? He hit his Hogan Jr. moves, the five moves of death, got his ass whiped some more and out of nowhere won the match! This was your typical big match situation with Cena! He got his ass whipped and came back with a miraculas win. Rose to the occassion and defeated and wrestler who is better than him in the ring and on the mic! Cena is that damn good isn't he?

I'll tell you. I'm a changed man! I am now a Cena fan. It seems much easier to except Cena as the modern day messiah of wrestling than to oppose him. I guess praise be on to Cena! I will bow down now to the power of Cenamania!

If carrying the match means repetitive sleeper holds and everyone once in awhile a drop-toe hold. Then yes, Orton carried this match. Cena's five moves of death as you say are very electrifying and excite the crowds.

Be the first to tell me the Rock didn't do the same moves every match and people will call him one of the most entertaining superstars.

in my opinion, cena does need to lose soon to end this immortal champion thing, but to whom is the question?

im thinking of a fatal four way hell in a cell, but thats just my two cents
People didnt seem to have a problem with it till now.And what about King Booka's lame Scissor-kick? and HBK's standard kick to the jaw? Brian Kendrick's kicks are more believable than Shawn's.The FU only sucks when he doenst put force being it.The FU's he gave HBK,Khali& Show looked devastating.People need to make up their minds,because its clear John cant win with you people.If he uses the FU,its gay,if he uses the STF-U,he;s committed somekind of blasphemy.

WOW, just WOW. Talk about a Cena mark. Anyways...to make a few points now...

1. Picking up Khali and Big Show is impressive, but the selling of the FU is on person who receives it, not Cena. The FU to bigger guys is properly done when Cena turns them over to slam them, they have to tuck their head down and allow their back to hit the mat, so in all essence it's a front somersault. Cena's part is to drop to his knees to make it look more powerful. Same with anyone that's ever been FU'ed. The selling is all on who takes the FU. All Cena does is lift em and fall to his knees. And of course the FU is gonna look devastating when he does it to guys who are over 400+ lbs...they're fuckin heavy. Not to mention that Cena FU'ed Khali off a fuckin crane. If someone threw you off a crane...yeah, let's just end it right there.

2. HBK's "standard kick" as you call it? Having someone charge at you and kick you in the face may be standard, but by far looks more painful than the FU (and if a fireman's carry slam isn't standard, then I dunno wtf is,) and nice way of trying to diss HBK by comparing him to his STUDENT in Kendrick. Not to mention the man's 42 years old. True Cena mark comment.

3. The STFU is supposed to be a step over toehold sleeper. Not a step over toehold CHINLOCK. Maybe Cena needs to learn how to uh...apply a sleeper hold? Maybe he just shouldn't use submissions period?

Educate yourself my son...then come back and try justifying the FU/STFU as being "powerful/adequate finishers."
hogan did suck in the ring, but he has respect from all wrestling fans because he put wrestling on the map, no1 said he was a bret hart or benoit...

now, i just have to say that last nights match was really boring, the only thing that kept it interesting was the crowd, wich btw was dead until the main event... it was the only match that had ANY reaction for longer than 5 seconds... but i think last nights match proved that cena really does suck if he doesnt have any1 to carry him, randy orton, even though he did dominate most of the offensive part took a whole match to do like 6-7 moves, hes just so damn slow to do anything that i almost fell asleep between every move he did, and too bad for cena he couldnt do anything to make that match actually good

cena can wrestle and is not a terrible wrestler, however he is a BORING wrestler, theres a difference between some1 who cant wrestle, and a boring wrestler, cena is boring, sorry, i know that every wrestler has their move-set but cenas is really boring since, now there are other wrestlers who have boring move-sets but are over because either they have an interesting gimmick, or are just great/interesting on the mic, cena has mic skills but his gimmick, wich i dont even understand what the hell it is anymore, just makes him try to be funny when hes not and just loses respect from the older male wrestling fan

now when WWE lets cena actually wrestle he can be entertaining, hence his great match with HBK and edge (though it was a gimmick match, but still...) but its rare for WWE to let him wrestle, soo he will always be boring until hes not champ anymore, cuz then they dont have to worry about him being injured so much, he can actually use the other wrestling moves he knows, and when he stops this baby-face superhero gimmick, nobody likes that gimmick except kids, im not hating on cena, im hating on how WWE made him, how any1 can be a fan of a WWE cena is beyond me...
Alright my take on the whole FU/STFU being adequet finishers is as follows... Neither ofthem are really that great a finisher. In fact... Most of the finishers in the WWE are not all that great, but for the most part those finishers stick with the guys and get their strength from them. An example: Cena using the FU certainly makes it look more impressive then if someone like Carlito did it. Nothing against Carlito, but if you look at the mass of both guys... Cena is a lot bigger, and when he does the FU it looks alot stronger then if a smaller guy would do it. Certain moves like the chokeslam really work well for bigger guys like Kane and Taker. Just looking at them do it is like, jeesh and the Hurricane used to do that. It just looks alot more intimidating since Kane and Taker are so much larger. Don't get me wrong there are some great finishers. The Pedigree is an example. Noone else in the WWE uses the Pedigree in any form or variation. Whoever does a fireman's carry is using an unmodified FU, and the Sweet Chin Music could be considered a modified shuffle side kick ala Shelton Benjamin.
Alright my take on the whole FU/STFU being adequet finishers is as follows... Neither ofthem are really that great a finisher. In fact... Most of the finishers in the WWE are not all that great, but for the most part those finishers stick with the guys and get their strength from them. An example: Cena using the FU certainly makes it look more impressive then if someone like Carlito did it. Nothing against Carlito, but if you look at the mass of both guys... Cena is a lot bigger, and when he does the FU it looks alot stronger then if a smaller guy would do it. Certain moves like the chokeslam really work well for bigger guys like Kane and Taker. Just looking at them do it is like, jeesh and the Hurricane used to do that. It just looks alot more intimidating since Kane and Taker are so much larger. Don't get me wrong there are some great finishers. The Pedigree is an example. Noone else in the WWE uses the Pedigree in any form or variation. Whoever does a fireman's carry is using an unmodified FU, and the Sweet Chin Music could be considered a modified shuffle side kick ala Shelton Benjamin.

i defenitely agree with this I think the FU does have more of a meaning for John Cena because hes a bigger guy and its more natural, in a way this is similar to Hulk Hogan because when anyone else does the legdrop its a set up move but for him its soooooooooo powerful, either way FU>Legdrop
Capt. Charisma said:
First of all Summerslam was an absoloute joke, it looked like it might be alright from the Card but as usual it turned into ******** convention after about 2 minutes. Before I get onto Cena I just want to say that Mysterio absoloutely sucks, why the fuck does everyone like him? Because he is short? Because he was Eddie Gurrero's friend? Its fucking stupid he can't work for shit, all he does is his stupid acrobatics, someone tell him to go to the fucking circus the freak. They should have had Chavo win because he is such a hard worker but they let Rey win because all the stupid mexicans buy his merchandise. The ECW match absoloutely sucked, they could of have made it really entertaing but instead they come up with something that looked like it had been thrown together in 5 minutes by Vince Russo on crack. HHH's match was bearable but should of been better. Will someone though please shoot the Great Khali, he's just sooo annoying to watch, I hate Cena and am not a fan of Batista but for once it wasn't Batista fault. Khali/Batista was the worse match i have ever seen i think, it was worse than the diva battle royale for christs sake. Overall summerslam sucked I was hoping after not watching WWE for a few weeks they might be starting to fix things but the PPV was just awful really, its like they are going backwards not forwards.

Wowza, you just managed to be racist and ignorant all in one post! That might be a record. I really can’t believe how you’re saying Rey Mysterio “sucks” when he’s one of the best high-flyers ever, and not to mention the fact that he’s had so many amazing matches.

Capt. Charisma said:
What are you on about, firstly theres guys Cena has 'beaten' are guys who arent even in the company anymore i.e Jericho, Angle. Who Cena looks average against because they can make anyone look good. Then you have guys who actualy are talented in which Cena gets CARRIED I know you can't take it Slyfox but its true listen to what other people are telling you, HE GETS CARRIED- Orton, HBK, HHH, Edge saying any of those are not talented SLyfox is nieve even by your standards, I'm not a massive fan of any of them, they are ok but thats it, but they are talented and you implying they are not is making you look stupid. Then there are guys who are just shite and only get the honour of wrestling Cena because of their monster gimmick- Khali, Big Slow, Snitsky, Umaga. All of whom suck in the ring quite frankly, and Cena's matches with them? They absoloutely sucked, they were crap, nothing, waste of time, completely pointless matches, as their only aim was to make Cena look good and they didnt even really suceed in doing that. Slyfox you can make all the excuses for Cena you want "Orton ran the offensive portion" Well its a bit coinsidental that against Angle, Jericho, Edge, HBK, HHH, etc. He didnt run the 'offensive portion' thats because he can't, thats because he's a shit wrestler, Cena sits back and lets the other guy beat him then does his stupid shoulder blocks, his punches, and clothelines every now and again until it is time for the moves of doom.

Now I promised myself I wasn’t going to post in this thread anymore, but hey it’s addicting so here I go again:

How can you accuse others of making excuses for Cena, when you seem to be making excuses just to hate him. So you’re saying that John Cena gets carried in every match he’s been in? Who made you the “all knowing one?” Of course it’s easy to say that Cena gets carried in all of his matches, but proving it might be a little bit harder. You’re calling others stupid, and yet there’s such a lack of REASON, and LOGIC in your argument (not to mention punctuation).

Capt. Charisma said:
Obviously that was because they wouldn't be so silly as to let Cena risk injury by letting Orton do anything other than minimum risk moves and Orton's signiture moves.

Are you kidding me? Now that is such a blatant excuse for Orton. He always uses a million rest holds in his matches, not just with John Cena.

Capt. Charisma said:
Youstupid Cena huggers are starting to annoy me more than Cena himself. Your all totally unaware that Cena is not that good in the ring, your all totaly obsessed with the guy so obsessed that you buy merchandise you waste your hard earned money on crap!! Does that make you feel good or something? What is it that makes Cena so special in your eyes, he isnt a great wrestler, he isnt a great mic worker, and he isnt funny. Therefore it must be that you have been so hooked by Vince's marketing of this guy that your obsessed with him, its like you've all been hypnotised! As for the chants it shows the extent that people are pissed off with this uy, if people are prepared to chant that then that shows you the extent of Cena as WWE champ is having on peoples opinions of him. You can talk about ratings or whatever you want but when you have people chanting that then it means this Cena sharade is pissing off the most loyal fans who bought tickets 6 MONTHS ago for this event. Surely that is not a good thing.

Cena huggers? That’s a new one to me. You know who I get annoyed by? Fans that think they know everything. You just wrote 4 paragraphs completely bashing Cena, so really who’s obsessed with who? Does it make you feel good to ramble incoherently? Cause you sure are doing a lot of it. For your information, Cena is a great wrestler, and he is a great mic worker, and he is funny! That’s why people like him. Just because people choose to cheer John Cena, and be fans of his doesn’t mean they’re hypnotized, it just means they have free will to like whoever they want to like. So what some fans want to boo Cena? Who cares? The WWE sure doesn't, and as long as Cena garners those huge reactions, he's going to stay on top, and ya'll are just going to have to deal with it. :)

Flames Out
Even though I don't like Cena at all I really have to agree with Dragon on pretty much everything that was said. Well just about... I'm not going to say Cena is good in the ring, but I'll admit that he does have some Mic skills now that he dropped the whole rap gimmick. Speaking in rhyme just does not work, and is not the least bit intimidating IMO. As far as funny goes... It really depends on who or what he's talking about... Cena IMO does sell moves very well, and though he may only have three or four moves he does them well, and that can't be argued. Like Dragon said, he's on top and he, for the most part, is getting decent crowd reaction heel or face it doesn't matter. Reaction good or bad is what WWE is looking for.
Cena doesn't have in-ring talent, look at the matches he's had - Shawn Michaels had to really perform and work hard to make their WM23 match a success, likewise the previous year with HHH.

Cena, the guy I have no problem with. He hasn't been taking steroids (or hasn't been caught to my knowledge), he has great mic skills and he has been willing to put up with the amount of jeering and booing when he's supposed to be a "babyface" character. Even The Rock found that very hard to take in his early days...
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