[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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i think its safe to say that in the future cena will be a hale, no1 stays face 4ever, man i cant wait till he turns heel, its gonna feel so good hearing those boos come from the crowd =D

and vince isnt gonna keep editing the boos in the dvds lol

i wonder if when he turns heel his move set changes... i hope so, he would need more bad ass moves to be a heel...
Halestrom, tdo2g you have 5 minutes, and wotdoiput means 5 minutes to explain to me why you 2 have the same ip??

Sly cant you tell that Cena is gay just because the said so? I mean thats as good a reasons as any, dont let any facts get in the way of a good story I say.
Halestrom, tdo2g you have 5 minutes, and wotdoiput means 5 minutes to explain to me why you 2 have the same ip??
I have a good idea...

Sly cant you tell that Cena is gay just because the said so? I mean thats as good a reasons as any, dont let any facts get in the way of a good story I say.
You know, now that you mention it, you are absolutely right. Boy, I hope that doesn't affect Cena's title run once all the women find out he's gay. Because, as we all know, women are most of his fans, and they only like him because he's hot and it makes them all tingly between the knees.
has anyone else starting to think cena could possibly becoming a heel last week he was acting more heel then face because a face wouldnt come out and brag about holding the title for so long and thinking he was indistructible when he had that fued with khali he said stuff like he didnt know if he would win but he would give it his best but now with randy orton he is confident and cocky
has anyone else starting to think cena could possibly becoming a heel last week he was acting more heel then face because a face wouldnt come out and brag about holding the title for so long and thinking he was indistructible when he had that fued with khali he said stuff like he didnt know if he would win but he would give it his best but now with randy orton he is confident and cocky

That definitely would change the whole perspective, that's what Cena needs, a complete change of image... I mean, people will still cheering for him as a heel...and personally, i wouldn;t care see the Cena- Rapper again, hell, I still enjoy some Rap "battles" from Cena...(remember the one vs. The big show?? or vs. Kurt Angle??)
I really dont know if that will happen for shizzle, I guess we need to wait until we know more about Cena's film, that is going to be the main factor.
cena has been champ for so long because he provokes such a reaction, even to those of us who hate him, we really hate him! we watch ppvs with cena and lashly, cena and khali and cena and orton praying that cena will loose, another thing that worries me is who would make a new champion as good as hogan, austin, the rock, triple h, other than triple h returning who else on raw has the capabilities, and i dont want to see triple h to have another run because it's been done.
Ha slyfox are you still at it, why do you continue to defend Cena? When the buyrates and ratings are high according to you its because of Cena, but when they are low they have nothing to do with Cena that is just plain crap, take off your stupid rose tinted glasses and at least awknowledge Cena is responsible for drops in ratings and buy-rates. How do you know that people have not stopped watching because of Cena? Do you have a figure saying 100% of fans stopping watching is not because of Cena? Stop stating assertions as facts. I mean I myself havn't watched Raw for months because of the stupid dick and i hope more people switch off while he is still in the main event. And how is Orton responsible for the ratings from what i have read he hasnt even wrestled in the main event on raw yet, yet Cena has been. The bad ratings have nothing to do with benoit, TNA's ratings have not been affectd at all by it, so wrestling as a whole has not been affected by benoit going mental. I bet the ratings pick up again when HHH comes back and someone other than Cena is not champion.
Ha slyfox are you still at it, why do you continue to defend Cena? When the buyrates and ratings are high according to you its because of Cena, but when they are low they have nothing to do with Cena that is just plain crap,
When the ratings went up, the only change was due to Cena being on Raw. If you put HHH or HBK in Cena's place, and the Benoit thing still happens, do you think either of them would have fared any better? Of course not. Raw's rating was a 3.8 on Monday, which is around the yearly average. The first quarter PPV buyrates did BETTER, than 2006 first quarter. And, if you think having ONS 2 weeks after Judgment Day, with no new matches or storylines didn't order buyrates, you are sadly mistaken. It'll be interesting to see what third quarter buyrates do.

Cena is responsible for drops in ratings and buy-rates.
How can the guy with the highest rated quarter hour segments be responsible for drops in ratings? How does that make sense?

How do you know that people have not stopped watching because of Cena? Do you have a figure saying 100% of fans stopping watching is not because of Cena?
Do you have any numbers that bear ANY justification to what you are saying? I can at least point to quarter hour and even hourly ratings and show that Cena is regularly involved in the highest bracket. Do you have any proof as to what you are saying?

And how is Orton responsible for the ratings
I don't recall saying he was. My signature is simply a joke about how a week after Orton was named number 1 contender the ratings got a 2.5 (which we all know now was a glitch). Someone on another forum posted that, I thought it was hilarious, so I yanked it. I don't recall saying seriously that Orton is responsible for any drop in ratings.

The bad ratings have nothing to do with benoit,
Yes, clearly it was a coincidence that after Benoit committed murder-suicide the ratings were the lowest ratings for Raw over that period of time in a decade. :rolleyes: Especially since they had been in the 4 range the week before the tribute show after McMahon's "death".

TNA's ratings have not been affectd at all by it, so wrestling as a whole has not been affected by benoit going mental.
TNA has never been mentioned in this at all. Additionally, TNA attracts a hardcore fanbase of hardcore wrestling fans. They attract very few casual viewers so they are not likely to lose many viewers because of it.

I bet the ratings pick up again when HHH comes back and someone other than Cena is not champion.
The ratings were a 3.8 for Raw on Monday. And yes, I'm sure ratings will go back up when HHH comes back. I don't deny that. The question you have to ask yourself is if Cena had been the one to get hurt in January, and it was HHH having to carry Raw by himself, do you think ratings would be any better?

I sure don't.
Cena is doing good for ratings, but you can't say that he isn't to blame for some of the drops in ratings either. Alot of my friends, who have been watching wrestling as long as I have, (my whole life), have stopped watching because of Cena. He isn't just a golden boy. If he continues to be the top guy, eventually, he do horrible for the WWE!
I like John Cena, He's not the best in the ring. But he's MUCH better in ring than hogan, or even Austin. His gimmick can be annoying and stupid, and the FU is a lame finisher. but people rag on him for the same things most wrestlers are guilty of. and at least he tries to come up with new moves, unlike hogan who's been using the same moveset for 25 years. or Khali who is unbearable to watch.
I like John Cena, He's not the best in the ring. But he's MUCH better in ring than hogan, or even Austin. His gimmick can be annoying and stupid, and the FU is a lame finisher. but people rag on him for the same things most wrestlers are guilty of. and at least he tries to come up with new moves, unlike hogan who's been using the same moveset for 25 years. or Khali who is unbearable to watch.

That's the thing I never understood with the Cena haters. They constantly pick up on his wrestling ability and 5 moves of doom or whatever. Now I'm not saying Cena is brilliant, but comparing his moveset with the likes of Austin I've come to decide that Cena is better than Austin was at the time when he was the number 1 man in the WWF. Austin's matches seem to forget about count outs and would see him take his opponent around the ring hitting their heads on the mat and in the steps etc. While I disagree with the fact that Cena gets his ass kicked so bad, his offence is a lot more watchable than that.

Anyway, on a side note, I'd like to see Cena turn heel soon, possibly back to his thuganomics gimmick which I found hilarious. I don't think his gimmick is even that bad at the moment, but the creative team have nothing for him. His role is becoming very repetitive.
Why John Cena sucks on the Mic
A few people keep saying that Cena has awsome, gfreat or whatever mic skills and im getting sick of it because it is not true.
This is taken from a segment with Edge
"Everybody here wants to see me whoop your arse"- oh WOW! Cena dont get to extreme on the mic. I mean common any jobber on any roster can say that.
"trust me hommie you have your arm around something but she's not special"- Got barely any reaction, and are you suprised a 4 year old could say that comeback.
"lita doesnt exactly have what you call a very good defence" No reaction from fans, I mean once again its not exactly hilarious, nor is it the best insult/most witty I could think of about 4 off the top of my head.
"think of the doctors bills your goign to have to fork out to get rid of those anal lice"- that is just crude, cheap doesnt make me even smile, got barely any reaction, a few boo's from a crowd that was totaly pro-cena when he came out.
"you can only supress it you cant stop it" (in referance to herpes)- Thisis desperate, desperate mic-work if you ask me this after he has just managed to get owned by lita when she said "Edge is a better wrestler than you John, the entire locker room are better wrestlers than you, hell im a better wrestler than you" Cena's comeback is so lame he makes lita sound like the rock on the mic.
General things about Cena I dislike on the mic
his catchphrases are really poor, and arent in the least bit exciting - "oh ill never back down ill never quit", "the champ is here", "you want some come get some" now despite the fact that NONE of them are orginal which shows a complete lack of creative mic work, they are boring and only ever get a reaction if its a very pro-cena crowd.
Next are his jokes, they nearly always resort to toilet humour and its not even funny toilet humor- crude stuff like above. which in context isnt even funny. If you want to be funny in your promos then he needs to study videos of Stone cold, HHH, Vince, Rock, Christian.
When he cuts a promo his face goes all red like a fooking strawberry or something and looks like a complete nob. Its like he knows his promos suck and he tries to put too much effort in.
A complete lack of crowd interaction/adapting his promos to react with the crowd or events. For example in the promo above it was after that power cut, Cena came out did his same old "im still here" routine, Edge interupts him and says 2next your going to say your the reason the power came back on". It adds to the excitment of the promo and shows you to be a truely great mic worker. christian and Rock were experts at this if you want to see how it is done look at some videos of them cutting a promo.
A reliance of going up against guys (recently) who are utter shite on the mic/no mic skills i.e. Umaga, Khali. Anyone can make a joke of these two guys, even one of the hardy boys could have a field day on the mic with those 2 clowns. This is done to make Cena look better on the mic than he really is because hes going up on their against people who cant mic work at all, so of course he's going to look better than he really is.
look just search youtube or dailymotion and have a look for videos of christian, Angle, Stone Cold, The rock, Vince, HBK, HHH, Edge, Jericho and see how much better their promos are than Cena's. Hell even watch promos by MVP, Booker T, Carlito, or flair. They all cut better promos than Cena, so I hope I have proven once and for all that Cena's promos are nothing special, and his mic skills certainly dont make him stand out from other wrestlers on the rosters.

And Finally in relation to Cena been compared to Austin, well the only similarity i see is that the term brawler is applied to describe their style of wrestling. Austin was before he got tombstoned by owen hart a technical wrestler similar to someone like malkeno. After this he COULDNT wrestle like this because he had problems executing moves correctly, so they made him a brawler. Stone looks like a brawler, had the gimmick of a guy that dont give a shit. Stone cold was rarely ever carried in his matches unlike Cena who is almost constantly carried unless they are making him out to be herculeus or something. Stone cold's moveset was limited yes but what made him a great wrestler was that every match he had was different. For example look how different his matches at summerslam and unforgiven (i think) 2001 with kurt angle were. Thats all i can be arsed saying atm because i am tired but ill be happy to continue to explain why stone is better in the ring another day.
I like John Cena, He's not the best in the ring. But he's MUCH better in ring than hogan, or even Austin. His gimmick can be annoying and stupid, and the FU is a lame finisher. but people rag on him for the same things most wrestlers are guilty of. and at least he tries to come up with new moves, unlike hogan who's been using the same moveset for 25 years. or Khali who is unbearable to watch.

I may be the biggest Cena supporter on this board, but saying he's better than Hogan or Austin is completely ridiculous. Both of those guys were clearly better professional wrestlers than Cena in their primes.

Of course, Cena is only 30 and he has many years to continue improving. One day he might reach Austin or even Hulk Hogan's level, but he is certainly not there yet.

Why John Cena sucks on the Mic
A few people keep saying that Cena has awsome, gfreat or whatever mic skills and im getting sick of it because it is not true.
This is taken from a segment with Edge
"Everybody here wants to see me whoop your arse"- oh WOW! Cena dont get to extreme on the mic. I mean common any jobber on any roster can say that.
You're right. He should have said "God dammit you mother fucker, I'm going to kick your mother fuckin' ass and then I'm going to pull out my .45 and kill your sorry ass you stupid son of a bitch". :rolleyes:

I'm not even going to go through the rest of this list, as it is all a bunch of garbage. Give me your favorite wrestler and I can find stupid or lame comments from them as well.
honestly i am a huge cena fan.........i believe he is more entertaining than most superstars. Ric Flair was a terrible seller but was "great" cena is a decent seller and will be possibly "great". Cena isnt the best in the ring, but is better than khali, Batista or thee triple H before his injuries....... his rapper was the best gimmick for him...his rap battles with kurt angle rikishi, the big show.that was hilarious television....i loved it...... he is getting a change in attitude little by little as being basically a cocky white "rapper".....it should be good to see what happens after he returns from filming a movie..... somebody has to love cena because he has been champ for an awfully long time even though they really dont have a wrestler than can carry the show. cena is a better wrestler than umaga...gosh umaga was a terrible wrestler when he was jamal.his move set really hasnt changed except the Samoan spike. cena does need a change in attitude but i still think he is entertaining and fun to watch sometimes.but all in all cena is one of the best in the wwe today
Although I really don't belong in here, simply because although I loathe Cena (they're my reasons) I don't actually have the before-hand knowledge to explain why. One thing I will comment on, though; his stick skills.

People do say he's got really good mic skills, which I will admit he is pretty fluid on the mic, but I would be too if I said the same (for the most part, of course it's not literally the same but I'm sure my words will get twisted to seem as if I'm stating it as an absolute) thing every night. He does throw a curve ball every once in awhile, but his humor isn't all that great and although somtimes directed at the older audience (camal toe, anyone), you'd have to have the maturity of a 5 year old to find it funny.

I'm sure he does have decent mic skills, but he says the same thing pretty much every night. Recently, not so much; but none the less. I'd be good if I said the same thing every week.
You really don't have to have a before hand knowledge to understand why Cena sucks. All you have to do is watch Raw every week to understand that. I love Sylfox's picture by the way! Now that Cena is literally in danger of losing the title, you feel that it is only necassary to say that Orton will kill the Ratings. Did you miss Raw or something. It was more than evident that Orton (in this case) was a fan favorite. Cena didn't get a big as pop as Orton did, which should tell you that Orton is more than capable or carrying the Raw brand. I think even better than Cena. Raw needs a good heel champion and Orton is going to be great. He is good in the ring and what makes him a great heel, is the fact that he is a, "bad guy," but he doesn't have to cheat to win. He wins most of his matches fairly. Orton is going to be the next Champ whether you like Cena or hate him. Orton will be better!
You really don't have to have a before hand knowledge to understand why Cena sucks. All you have to do is watch Raw every week to understand that.
All you have to do is see Cena in the ring next to Carlito to understand just how much better Cena is than most of the roster.

I love Sylfox's picture by the way! Now that Cena is literally in danger of losing the title, you feel that it is only necassary to say that Orton will kill the Ratings.
Hahaha, it actually has little to do with that. The Raw one week after Orton was named #1 contender was the one that had the Nielson glitch and the 2.5 rating. Someone mentioned that it was 1 week after Orton was named challenger, and someone else posted that picture. I thought it was hilarious and yanked it for myself. It really has nothing to do with Cena losing the title. I just thought it was hilarious.

Did you miss Raw or something. It was more than evident that Orton (in this case) was a fan favorite. Cena didn't get a big as pop as Orton did, which should tell you that Orton is more than capable or carrying the Raw brand.
Orton got a bigger pop than Cena? I'm afraid you are mistaken. The only time Randy Orton got significant crowd reaction was when Cena was in the ring. Orton got most of his positive reaction from Cena being in the ring. If it had just been Carlito vs. Orton, the crowd would not have had near the response.

Orton is going to be the next Champ whether you like Cena or hate him. Orton will be better!
Well, we'll just have to see. Going by history, it's clear that is not the case, but it was three years ago. We'll just have to see.
You really don't have to have a before hand knowledge to understand why Cena sucks. All you have to do is watch Raw every week to understand that.


I love Sylfox's picture by the way! Now that Cena is literally in danger of losing the title, you feel that it is only necassary to say that Orton will kill the Ratings

I liked it too. It would be better if it was Cena FUing Khali. That is what I call Ratings suicide.

Did you miss Raw or something. It was more than evident that Orton (in this case) was a fan favorite. Cena didn't get a big as pop as Orton did, which should tell you that Orton is more than capable or carrying the Raw brand.

Although I Can't stand John Cena he does get bigger pops than Orton most of the time (not always)rather it be in a hate/love way or girls going nuts. WWE's fanbase now it seems is mostly women and kids and its quite noticeable. Cena's fans are just that women and kids so therefore most of the time he gets a good pop but he's also getting booed out of the arena by most men. MSG loved Cena at WM 20 and some RAW's in recent times....O My shows what shoving one guy down peoples throat each week will do to ya.

As for RKO carrying the RAW brand. I don't think he would have problem. He is a great heel and that is exactly what RAW needs right now is a Heel champ. Just because Cena drops the belt (IF) he does the ratings will stay the same as always right in the 3.4-3.8 area. We also will not be stuck with god awful main events anymore hopefully.

All you have to do is see Cena in the ring next to Carlito to understand just how much better Cena is than most of the roster.

All I have to do is some good ol DVD searching back to WM 23-Vengeance to see just how bad Cena is in the ring and if I wanted just to see how bad he was promo wise I'd have to go find the Mr. Kelloggs Crunchy Nuts vid and Cena's Cabana.

Orton got a bigger pop than Cena? I'm afraid you are mistaken. The only time Randy Orton got significant crowd reaction was when Cena was in the ring. Orton got most of his positive reaction from Cena being in the ring. If it had just been Carlito vs. Orton, the crowd would not have had near the response.

:lmao: Good god Sly. RKO just had a whole promo by himself this past week and the fans were going nuts yelling Randy! Randy! etc.. and tons of Cena sucks chants. Carlito/Orton...yeah that will get a really good response when they are both heels..remember Edge/Orton the kids and women didn't know who to cheer for. MSG gave Cena extreme heat. Orton has been getting big pops since along time ago even against Dusty/Cody some fans gave him positive reactions. So to say he can't get a pop like Johnny Boy is BS.

Like I said earlier though RKO doesn't always get pops like Cena but he does sometimes.
I liked it too. It would be better if it was Cena FUing Khali. That is what I call Ratings suicide.
Funny you say that, because ratings didn't drop at all...

All I have to do is some good ol DVD searching back to WM 23-Vengeance to see just how bad Cena is in the ring and if I wanted just to see how bad he was promo wise I'd have to go find the Mr. Kelloggs Crunchy Nuts vid and Cena's Cabana.
I haven't seen the Vengeance match, but the Wrestlemania 23 was a darn fine match. And the Raw in Milan was a MOTYC. What's your point?

:lmao: Good god Sly. RKO just had a whole promo by himself this past week and the fans were going nuts yelling Randy! Randy! etc.. and tons of Cena sucks chants.
Please direct me to all of these Randy chants and all of the Cena sucks chants in Orton's promo. Here's the video.


Carlito/Orton...yeah that will get a really good response when they are both heels
Fine, Umaga vs. Orton.

But, really. Get back to me with all of those Randy chants during Orton's promo. Because, I listened for them and couldn't hear them. Please direct me.
Funny you say that, because ratings didn't drop at all...

Then what makes you think having RKO as champion will???

I haven't seen the Vengeance match, but the Wrestlemania 23 was a darn fine match. And the Raw in Milan was a MOTYC. What's your point?

It was 10 minutes and quite shitty and buyrates were low. Done been over this. I'd post the match and discuss his bad wrestling skills but I couldn't find it.

You know the whole deal about WM 23 already. He was carried and he no selled you have been told that 1000 times by me and others yet still you don't understand. RAW in Milan was great MOTY is a possibility. We discussed this already.

Please direct me to all of these Randy chants and all of the Cena sucks chants in Orton's promo. Here's the video.

Throughtout the video and night Cena got a negative reaction. In the tag match is when the fans really let him have it with the Randy Randy Randy and Cena Sucks. In that video when Orton said he would become champ they went nuts. He said He will be the new hero and once again BIG pop. So cut it with the nonsense that Cena got a positive reaction and Orton didn't. You said Cena was in the ring when RKO got pops HAHAHAHA where was he there?

Fine, Umaga vs. Orton.

No HHH/Orton during their feud...Orton was face HHH was heel. Orton got positive reactions.

Now Cena/HHH tell me who got the negative and positive??? Exactly Cena was booed and ripped to shreds by the Chicago crowd just like in Detriot this year. At the past 2 WM's Cena got very negative reactions.

But, really. Get back to me with all of those Randy chants during Orton's promo. Because, I listened for them and couldn't hear them. Please direct me.

Randy was getting massive pops. Even when he tryed to get the crowd turned on him. It wouldn't work. MSG thought Cena sucked.Period.
Then what makes you think having RKO as champion will???
Who said I did?

You know the whole deal about WM 23 already. He was carried and he no selled you have been told that 1000 times by me and others yet still you don't understand. RAW in Milan was great MOTY is a possibility. We discussed this already.
Fine then. HBK is a terrible wrestler. He no-sells most matches when he does his nip up and Cena carried him on Raw in Milan. Triple H is a terrible wrestler because he no sold at Summerslam last year. Ric Flair is a terrible wrestler because he oversells to the point of ridiculousness. Hulk Hogan is a terrible wrestler because he no sold when he hulked up. Bret Hart is a terrible wrestler because he no sold the effects of a sleeper.

There has never been a good wrestler in the history of professional wrestling if one instance of poor selling is the sole determinant.

And, you have no idea what it means to carry someone.

Throughtout the video and night Cena got a negative reaction. In the tag match is when the fans really let him have it with the Randy Randy Randy and Cena Sucks. In that video when Orton said he would become champ they went nuts. He said He will be the new hero and once again BIG pop. So cut it with the nonsense that Cena got a positive reaction and Orton didn't. You said Cena was in the ring when RKO got pops HAHAHAHA where was he there?
You must not have been watching the same video I posted. The only time people chanted for Randy and said Cena sucks was when CENA WAS IN THE RING! Some cheered and some booed when he said he'd be champ and be the new hero. And, basically, THAT still was referring to Cena.

Good God, could you at least TRY to be objective?

No HHH/Orton during their feud...Orton was face HHH was heel. Orton got positive reactions.
What are you talking about? Why don't you go back and see what we are actually talking about. I think you misunderstood where I was going with that.

Randy was getting massive pops. Even when he tryed to get the crowd turned on him. It wouldn't work. MSG thought Cena sucked.Period.
Yes, because a 50/50 response clearly shows that everyone thought Cena sucked. :rolleyes:
Fine then. HBK is a terrible wrestler. He no-sells most matches when he does his nip up and Cena carried him on Raw in Milan. Triple H is a terrible wrestler because he no sold at Summerslam last year. Ric Flair is a terrible wrestler because he oversells to the point of ridiculousness. Hulk Hogan is a terrible wrestler because he no sold when he hulked up. Bret Hart is a terrible wrestler because he no sold the effects of a sleeper.

HBK- I'm not going to repeat what I and other have told you 10000 times.

Triple H- Future Hall of famer that has done it all. Backstage politics aside,He's a top dog. Best on the mic as heel. Great in the ring.

As for Hogan and Hart- Both are overrated IMO. Been over this as well.

Go back read my posts and bring me a point that I haven't already discussed with you.

And, you have no idea what it means to carry someone.

Selling,Calling. Leading a match. Pulling most of the spots etc...

You must not have been watching the same video I posted. The only time people chanted for Randy and said Cena sucks was when CENA WAS IN THE RING! Some cheered and some booed when he said he'd be champ and be the new hero. And, basically, THAT still was referring to Cena.

I just said Cena got a negative reaction. Orton got a Positive. Every time Cena's name was brought up the arena erupted in boo's then when RKO talked down on Cena they cheered.

The MSG crowd didn't like John Cena.

Good God, could you at least TRY to be objective?

Your saying everything over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. When about half the forum since page fucking 50 has explained to you.

Reason's to why WZ and I hate John Cena

1-Stale Character

2-Small Moveset

3-Unbelievably long title runs

4-Heroes and Superman character's aren't liked anymore. It's not 1990

5-Repeated Promos and being shoved down our throats each week

Been discussed. I don't have to explain all of them as they already have been explained alot of times.

I don't know what you mean by "objective" and really don't care. But I just told you plain and simple why I can't stand Cena. Now you want to argue over those above^^ Go ahead. Even though We have been over it.

What are you talking about? Why don't you go back and see what we are actually talking about. I think you misunderstood where I was going with that.

Cena's suppose to be the ultimate good guy. Yet he gets booed at the biggest stage of them all in WM. That's what I'm talking about. Umaga/Orton does't have shit to do with a Cena thread.

Yes, because a 50/50 response clearly shows that everyone thought Cena sucked. :rolleyes:

50/50 :lmao: You mean around 70/30 right?
HBK- I'm not going to repeat what I and other have told you 10000 times.

Triple H- Future Hall of famer that has done it all. Backstage politics aside,He's a top dog. Best on the mic as heel. Great in the ring.

As for Hogan and Hart- Both are overrated IMO. Been over this as well.

Go back read my posts and bring me a point that I haven't already discussed with you.
Funny, that's how I feel everytime someone posts that John Cena sucks. *shrugs*

If your proof that Cena sucks is one instance of poor selling, then there has never been a good wrestler.

Your argument and claim is ridiculous.

Selling,Calling. Leading a match. Pulling most of the spots etc...
Then how could you say that HBK carried Cena? :lol:

Your saying everything over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. When about half the forum since page fucking 50 has explained to you.
So is every new random person that comes in this thread. Which is why I have to constantly repeat myself. If someone would bring something new and actually worthwhile, maybe I'd say something different.

How is it my fault for defending Cena against the same things which have been proven wrong time and again?

Reason's to why WZ and I hate John Cena

1-Stale Character

2-Small Moveset

3-Unbelievably long title runs

4-Heroes and Superman character's aren't liked anymore. It's not 1990

5-Repeated Promos and being shoved down our throats each week

Been discussed. I don't have to explain all of them as they already have been explained alot of times.

I don't know what you mean by "objective" and really don't care. But I just told you plain and simple why I can't stand Cena. Now you want to argue over those above^^ Go ahead. Even though We have been over it.
Who gives a rat's ass if you hate him? How does that have anything to do with his ABILITY as a professional wrestler?

Like you said, same things over and over and over and over and over again.

Not one thing you mentioned has anything to do with his ability as a professional wrestler.

Cena's suppose to be the ultimate good guy. Yet he gets booed at the biggest stage of them all in WM. That's what I'm talking about. Umaga/Orton does't have shit to do with a Cena thread.
Clearly, you did not go back and read what we were actually talking about.

Do so, and then get back to me. :rolleyes:

50/50 :lmao: You mean around 70/30 right?
Coming from the person who said that there were constant Randy chants and Cena Sucks chants during Orton's promo, I'm going to have to go ahead and stick with my 50/50.
Your argument and claim is ridiculous.

Tell that to most of this forum. I'd say the poll but I think someones jacked with it.

Then how could you say that HBK carried Cena? :lol:

Because I watched the match unlike you I suppose...

How is it my fault for defending Cena against the same things which have been proven wrong time and again?

Ok,so they have been proven wrong just because you and a few other n00b Cena marks think so..:rolleyes:

Who gives a rat's ass if you hate him? How does that have anything to do with his ABILITY as a professional wrestler?

Like you said, same things over and over and over and over and over again.

Not one thing you mentioned has anything to do with his ability as a professional wrestler.

All of those have to do with him being a Professional Wrestler. You even said yourself that the entertainment is wrestling.

His Character- has to do with his ability as a Professional Wrestler from promos to in ring work. It's stale.

Moveset- Has mostly everything to do with his ability as a Pro Wrestler. His moveset is shit. Same routine just like HBK,Flair,Hogan etc...(I know you don't have to tell me again) we see the same shit because he is constantly shoved down our throats.

Title Runs- Have to do with him being a Pro Wrestler. The strap is attached to him. When your WWE Champ your the most noticed guy. He holds other talent back with his ridicously long title runs. The more he holds that title will effect his character's staleness.

Heroes,Superman characters-It's 2007 its bullshit and predictable. I want to turn on WWE Tv and not know what is going to happen. Not know the winner of every match and outcomes of angles. With Cena it is impossible. Don't give me that crap "well your on a spoiler site" Even if I wasn't here I could guess the outcome of any Cena match on PPV this year with ease. The little kiddies probaly can too.

Promos and Mic Skills- You must have at least some Promo abiltity to make it in the WWE. Especially when your champion.

Clearly, you did not go back and read what we were actually talking about.

We've talked about everything there is about Cena. We disagree and almost all of it. I'm sure if I go back and read whatever it is your wanting me to read. I've discussed it with you and the other Cena lovers.

Do so, and then get back to me. :rolleyes:

Already have from July when I first got here.:rolleyes:

Coming from the person who said that there were constant Randy chants and Cena Sucks chants during Orton's promo, I'm going to have to go ahead and stick with my 50/50.

Coming from a person who says John Cena is as good if not better than HBK.

I think i'll say 70/30.
Tell that to most of this forum. I'd say the poll but I think someones jacked with it.
Yes, because this forum is clearly indicative of all wrestling fans everywhere. :rolleyes:

Because I watched the match unlike you I suppose...
I've seen the match several times. And, by your criteria, which wasn't completely accurate by the way, Cena was in no way carried.

Ok,so they have been proven wrong just because you and a few other n00b Cena marks think so..:rolleyes:
No, because there has yet to be an argument for why Cena sucks as a wrestler than I haven't beaten.

And yet, I've given several examples of why Cena IS a good wrestler, and have yet to be answered.

All of those have to do with him being a Professional Wrestler. You even said yourself that the entertainment is wrestling.

His Character- has to do with his ability as a Professional Wrestler from promos to in ring work. It's stale.
His character is given to him by booking. No reflection on his ability.

Moveset- Has mostly everything to do with his ability as a Pro Wrestler. His moveset is shit. Same routine just like HBK,Flair,Hogan etc...(I know you don't have to tell me again) we see the same shit because he is constantly shoved down our throats.
Yes, because moveset determines quality of wrestler. :rolleyes:

Tell that to guys like Hogan, Steve Austin, Stan Hansen, Vader, etc.

Title Runs- Have to do with him being a Pro Wrestler. The strap is attached to him. When your WWE Champ your the most noticed guy. He holds other talent back with his ridicously long title runs. The more he holds that title will effect his character's staleness.
Again, determined by booking. Not indicative of his ability.

Heroes,Superman characters-It's 2007 its bullshit and predictable. I want to turn on WWE Tv and not know what is going to happen. Not know the winner of every match and outcomes of angles. With Cena it is impossible. Don't give me that crap "well your on a spoiler site" Even if I wasn't here I could guess the outcome of any Cena match on PPV this year with ease. The little kiddies probaly can too.
Again, determined by booking. Notice a pattern yet?

Promos and Mic Skills- You must have at least some Promo abiltity to make it in the WWE. Especially when your champion.
His promos and mic ability are some of the best in the company. He rarely flubs lines, always gets his point across, almost never stutters, and does in an engaging way. His acting ability in promo is some of the best in the company, and he's incredibly versatile, as has been demonstrated by the variety of opponents he's had.

We've talked about everything there is about Cena. We disagree and almost all of it. I'm sure if I go back and read whatever it is your wanting me to read. I've discussed it with you and the other Cena lovers.
Since it is obviously WAY to difficult for you to go back one whole page, I'll explain. My point was that an Umaga/Orton match on Raw would not have had near the heat as it did with Cena in it. Cena gave that match, and Randy Orton, a lot more heat than he would have gotten otherwise. That was the point.

Now you understand why your comments made no sense to me.

Already have from July when I first got here.:rolleyes:
You just said you didn't read it? What the hell are you talking about?

Coming from a person who says John Cena is as good if not better than HBK.

I think i'll say 70/30.
Let's see. I say that the guy who is on top of the biggest wrestling promotion in the world, who makes the WWE the most money, is in the highest rated segments and has put on 2 MOTYC in 2007 alone already is comparable to a 42 year old man with bad knees. And, that somehow is worse than saying something that has been proved blatantly false with video evidence.

Sorry, I'm going to have to stick with 50/50.
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