[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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John Cena has been champion too long and they need to let him lose it at least once. GOD he has had it longer than JBL and they both suck in my opinion i would rather see Orton as champion because he has earned it, his matches with Shawn Micheals, RVD, even The Game. John Cena has had some good matches but you cannot say he has had better matches than people like The UnderTaker, HHH, HBK, and Orton. When he loses the champion i will take and interest in him when he is chasing the title, because he does same thing over and over and it bores everybody.

Shockmaster i agree but still John Cena cant put on a better match than any of those guys you mentioned, and i got a guy that deserves a title shot and that is none other than Randy Orton. You might say that about him but you cant say he hasnt put on great wrestling matches..
John Cena has been champion too long and they need to let him lose it at least once. GOD he has had it longer than JBL and they both suck in my opinion i would rather see Orton as champion because he has earned it,
When? When has Randy Orton ever did anything to deserve a World title run, other than just be younger than Brock Lesnar?

his matches with Shawn Micheals, RVD, even The Game. John Cena has had some good matches but you cannot say he has had better matches than people like The UnderTaker, HHH, HBK, and Orton.
Undertaker had a belt and was hurt, HHH is hurt, HBK is hurt and doesn't want the title, and Orton...well that just makes me laugh.

Shockmaster i agree but still John Cena cant put on a better match than any of those guys you mentioned, and i got a guy that deserves a title shot and that is none other than Randy Orton. You might say that about him but you cant say he hasnt put on great wrestling matches..
Name me a couple. Name me a couple "great" Randy Orton matches. The man's best match that I can remember is Wrestlemania 21 against Undertaker. And, that doesn't even come close to touching Cena's best work. Not by a long shot.
Orton hasn't had a good match in two years, and that was thanx in part to the Undertaker making him look really good. Orton's first run in the WWE in 2003 - 2004 were bad ass and he had some damn good matches.

Orton has had great matches, but all were in his initial run. His match against Foley at Backlash was very good. His match against Shawn Michaels was very good, his match against Edge at Vengeance of 2004 was my match of the year, and his match against Benoit at Summerslam, was damn good considering it was his first solo main event. Simply put, Orton was amazing in 04.

However, he lost all momentum once he was pushed to a title he didn't earn, and was only given to spite Brock Lesnar. He was made to look extremely weak against the Lame. The WWE fucked over their big star, simply to spite another guy that left. Orton should have been given the Batista push leading into WM 21, instead they hotshot a title on him that accomplished zero.

They even brought in his father to help get his act straight, but it still has done very little. That first run with Orton, while damn good for a 24 year old, did nothing but feed the fire of a third generation asshole. This is were the temper tantrums come into play. This last one, Orton should have been fired on the spot. Topped with the fact that Orton reportedly has failed multiple Wellness Program test.

While I feel Orton is better in the ring then Cena on a technical level, Orton's piss poor attitude has put him in the dog house. Orton should be on level with John Cena right now, but he has screwed himself. We all saw it coming in 04 around WM 20. Orton and Cena were todays MVP and Kennedy. Two guys on separate brands that you couldn't wait to see make it to the top. Say what you will about Cena after his title reigns, but in 03-04 the guy was white hot, he had insane heat around him.

Orton fucked his opportunity up, and would be a good champion, but he is not trustworthy. Cena is a proven commodity that has had Zero problems outside of the ring. Lord knows the WWE needs an overall good guy to be the face of their company, and not some spoiled 3rd generation brat that feels he deserves more then what he has been given.
And who in the hell has John Cena fought and had a great match with? He had a good match with The Undertaker when he first started (Cena lost by the way). BUT, Cena didn't make it look good, The Undertaker did! Same goes for his matches against HBK and HHH. Cena as an entertainer is alright. He doesn't make me laugh, but I am sure some people enjoy him. Cena as a wrestler is a peice of shit who couldn't wrestle his way out of a paper bag.
No, Batista can't wrestle his way out of a paper bag.

John Cena may not be the best technical wrestler, but that's not his shtick, he is a brawler and power wrestler, deal with it. Just because he won't hit triple German Suplexes, Three Amigos, or a 450 Splash or a Shooting Star doesn't mean he sucks, it means he wrestles a style that you don't like. John Cena is damn good at what he does, and what is asked of him. It's Vince McMahon that is protecting John Cena, not John Cena.

Vince has protected Cena for a long time, because he is his bread and butter. It's no different then the Rock from ten years ago. 6-Man hell in the cell, 5 guys go on top, the one on the bottom, the Rock. The Rock vs. Mick Foley, who took all the bumps, Mick Foley. It's done time and time again. The main eventer is protected to make sure the product goes on. It is a decision not made by the wrestler, but the promoter.

John Cena has had decent matchups with Edge, RVD, HBK, Triple H. Nothing great on a technical level, but still good matches. The reason why he has had crap matches is because he has been put with Sloth's like Khali or JBL.

Hell look at the Undertaker and some of the dead weight he's been put with. His match at WM 11 was horrible, but you know why, it's because King Kong Bundy is miserable in the ring. So would you blame the undertaker, of course not, you like the undertaker. It's easy to blame Cena for shitty matches, but you don't want to look at who he has been matched up with.
And who in the hell has John Cena fought and had a great match with? He had a good match with The Undertaker when he first started (Cena lost by the way). BUT, Cena didn't make it look good, The Undertaker did! Same goes for his matches against HBK and HHH. Cena as an entertainer is alright. He doesn't make me laugh, but I am sure some people enjoy him. Cena as a wrestler is a peice of shit who couldn't wrestle his way out of a paper bag.

I'll save you some time sly:icon_biggrin: Cena has had some pretty good matches against Umaga at the RR i really enjoyed the match and had a great ending...but the ending makes that match a little overrated imo but is still a good match

Cena vs Edge TLC unforgiven i really enjoyed this match as well another great ending even though Edge carried Cena threw most of the match alot of great spots and good wrestling i liked it

Cena vs HBK on Raw these guys went a solid hour and i liked this match as well HBK did carry Cena but Cena held his own in that match as well and showed that when he wants he can put on a very good match.

Cena vs RVD was a decent match and another great ending i preferred when Cena chased the title he was alot more entertaining

it reallys seems like this year Cena has dropped the ball and not been worth a damn last year he was actually ok but not special

Now for the whole Orton thing i wouldnt mind seeing him take the belt off Cena just because Cena has had it too long but hes gonna have to quit gettin himself into trouble all the time before hes ever going to be champ like Shock said at least Cena stays out of trouble while out of the ring..Orton was RED HOT in 04 putting on great matches but every since then Orton just hasnt impressed me as much and hasnt earned a shot quite yet but its coming
I'm not a fan of Cena, but i will not go along with the crowd and say i hate him because everyone else does.

Yes, he's a pretty crap wrestler, but the guy has heart and passion. Something that other top stars like Batista (also shit) Carlito and Shelton lack.

He's a good worker and brings in money for WWE and that is what Vince likes.

I perfer to have someone who actually grew up watching WWE and has a heart for the business as champion rather then a fame-seeking ****e like Candice.
John Cena needs to lose the title and be put back to mid card status point blank. He is an intercontenental champion at best . . . There are much better wrestlers in the organization that deserves the world title as well. Such as Randy Orton, he has the oppurtunity to be one of the best heels in WWE history and is the main Heel besides Edge right now. So I feel like it is time for a Heel champion PLEASE!!!!
John Cena needs to lose the title and be put back to mid card status point blank.
Mid-card status? The guy has already cemented himself in the main event for years to come.
He is an intercontenental champion at best . . .
No, he's not. He is great both in the ring and on the mic, and has tons of charisma. He has what it takes to be a great main eventer.
There are much better wrestlers in the organization that deserves the world title as well. Such as Randy Orton, he has the oppurtunity to be one of the best heels in WWE history and is the main Heel besides Edge right now. So I feel like it is time for a Heel champion PLEASE!!!!
If I had to pick one person to take the title off of Cena right now, then I would pick Randy Orton. But, look at it this way. John Cena hasn't failed any Wellness Policy tests, destroyed any hotels, or shit in any diva's handbags. He is a true professional, and deserves to be the WWE Champion.
John Cena needs to lose the title and be put back to mid card status point blank. He is an intercontenental champion at best . . .
I agree Cena needs to lose the title because his character has gotten stale and boring and his wrestling abiltys arent the greatest but sticking him right down in the mid card wouldnt be a good idea at all as he has been main eventing now for about 3 years and is a great draw to the WWE and has alot of fans that love him and hate him which is what makes him great in the main event scene but I agree that his wrestling is nothing more than IC title status but being his been in the main event so long and is a great draw just wouldnt make sense

If I had to pick one person to take the title off of Cena right now, then I would pick Randy Orton. But, look at it this way. John Cena hasn't failed any Wellness Policy tests, destroyed any hotels, or shit in any diva's handbags. He is a true professional, and deserves to be the WWE Champion.

I would pick Randy Orton also he wasnt such a dick as you said he keeps constantly getting himself screwed over and over...i think he could be a WWE champion 3 times by now if he would stay out of trouble but he hasnt so he cant get the title yet..that wouldnt be very good punishment going from crashing hotels to being on top of the company but Orton is a great wrestler and the mic and has what it takes to be champion drawing wise imo but he just doesnt stay out of trouble and until he does he will never be champion
Ok.. I'm pretty annoyed right now.. I don't like Cena and I never will but U just live with the fact that he is WWE's star right now and just mark for anyone who goes against him. Now he is in a feud with Lashley and I hate this guy so I don't know who to hate more.. But here is what has me pissed off right now... They are using all these WWE legends in this vignettes for the Cena V. Lashley trying to get these guys over to fans who don't like them.. It pisses me off becasue now it seems like there trying to shove both these guys down our throats and I resent that fact. I hate to have who I should like or dislike shoved down my throat... With that said this match is the new Hulk Hogan Vs. Ultimate Warrior... You decide who's who...
Wow...that Cena and Lashley promo to end Raw was AMAZING. Bobby Lashley looked the best on the mic he's ever been, and Cena was simply fantastic. I was literally getting goosebumps watching that promo.

For those people who complain about catering to children and stuff, that promo was about as real and serious as one can get.

I SO want to buy Great American Bash now.
You must not watch much John Cena. His Raw matches don't count because everyone has the same Raw match. You have to. Watch his PPV matches, and tell me they are all the same.

This is only begging the question though.

Then Shawn Michaels and Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin weren't "true" wrestlers.

Name me a match and tell me how he was carried. Give me specifics of how he was carried since being WWE champion.

I know plenty of women who seem to understand wrestling a whole hell of a lot better than you are making yourself sound like. Could you be any more insulting to women or children?

Why is Hulk Hogan not a good wrestler now? Because it's no longer cool to like Hogan? Because he doesn't have 2235 different moves, illogically placed in his matches? Because his workrate is unparalleled and amazing, and even though everyone in the building knows he's going to "Hulk Up", the crowd STILL goes nuts for it? It's amazing that so many people just don't understand what great wrestling truly is.

Professional wrestling isn't about a bunch of moves. It's about storytelling, drama, pageantry. It's like any other entertainment medium. When it's good, it draws you in, captivates you, and makes you a part of the entertainment. It's something that you can't quit watching, and you find yourself feeling the emotions that the artist wants you to feel. THAT'S what Pro Wrestling is about. If you want to watch a bunch of grapples and holds, go watch NCAA Wrestling. Go watch Olympic wrestling. But, don't confuse that with Professional Wrestling. Bret Hart was great, not because he knew a bunch of holds, but because he knew how to draw people in, make them care about him, his opponent, and the match. The same with Hogan. The same with Cena.

Cena is very good, because his storytelling is so fine. It's like someone said earlier. They know he's going to win, but they keep watching anyways because for some reason they have this hunch that he's going to lose this time. THAT is called storytelling. THAT is working a crowd. You don't need a million moves and holds to do it. Hell, look at Steve Austin from 97-99. The guy has three moves essentially. Punch, kick, and Stunner. But, the way he did it was so masterful that it drew you in, and made you watch.

If you want to talk about TRUE wrestling, then you need to talk about Olympic or NCAA wrestling. If you want to talk about true PROFESSIONAL wrestling, then you need to talk about entertainment qualities.

Cena is never lost in the ring, he is always aware of whats going on. The spots in his match are RARELY obvious, and his transitions are generally very well done. He draws a crowd into a match, and his selling is one of the best in the WWE (and before you say it, I've already discussed WM 23...many times). His moveset psychology is solid, and is in-ring psychology is very good. He knows how to tell a story in the ring, and his matches are always hot. He doesn't rely on big spots to entertain a crowd, and he can play the offensive wrestler in the match or the seller in the match.

I still don't understand why people think Cena can't wrestle. Cena is one of the best wrestlers in the WWE, and the world, today.

Either you are a cena fan in denial, or are 12. That last statement has made you whole comment void.

Edit from Prax: I'm leaving this up cause I want to see Sly respond to it. Just keep it civil, k Sly?
Best seller? Are you serious? The guy gets in in the face and pretends to look off in the distance like a dazed gorrilla, and magically changes his face and turns around with a punch of his own, every match. I dont know what that stupid sitting suplex thing he does is called, but damn it gets annoying seeing him do that every match, as well as the firemans carry and the stu and, of course, the gayest move in the planet, the 5 knuckle shuffle. Im not saying the guy is a terrible person, but by God he is a terrible wrestler. I thought we were seeing something knew when he did the leg drop for the first time...but guess what? That move also became one of his moves of death...every week...you can at least admit this much, you know exactly what will happen to Cena every match. He gets beat down, comes back with a punch or sumthin, does either a suplex or that sitting suplex thing, followed by a 5 knuckle shuffle, then an f-u...and sometimes an stfu.....such a boring wrestler....i admit he is good on the mic, but the ring, not so much. Cena is the chuck norris of wrestling, we all know this.
Either you are a cena fan in denial, or are 12. That last statement has made you whole comment void.
Great response, and nice flame-baiting I might add. I do wish you would take the time to actually read through this thread where I have said numerous times my age, occupation, and so on. But, I guess it's true what they say. "Ignorance is bliss". I mean, what better argument is there against Cena than to say all his fans must be 12? :rolleyes:

Sorry if I disappointed you Prax :D

Best seller? Are you serious?
Would I say it repeatedly if I wasn't?

The guy gets in in the face and pretends to look off in the distance like a dazed gorrilla, and magically changes his face and turns around with a punch of his own, every match.
Well, by God, damn that Cena! I mean, he's the only person, particularly with the face disposition, to get punched and then punch back. :rolleyes:

I dont know what that stupid sitting suplex thing he does is called,
My guess is that it is because you don't know near as much about wrestling as John Cena.

as well as the firemans carry and the stu
The FU is not a true Firemans Carry. It's more of a slam than a true one.

and, of course, the gayest move in the planet, the 5 knuckle shuffle.
I'd take the 5 Knuckle Shuffle over a Rolling Thunder or a 619 any day of the week.

Im not saying the guy is a terrible person, but by God he is a terrible wrestler.
Because? Do you have any actual reason for this, hopefully one that attempts to counter my points in the post you originally responded with your flame-baiting comment?

I thought we were seeing something knew when he did the leg drop for the first time...but guess what? That move also became one of his moves of death...every week..
John Cena does not do the top rope legdrop every night. Only in certain matches, the majority of which are PPV matches.

you can at least admit this much, you know exactly what will happen to Cena every match.
Of course. Just like I know what is going to happen in every Hogan match, every Austin match, every Rock match, every HBK match, every Bret Hart match, every Lashley match, every Chris Benoit match...etc, etc, etc.

such a boring wrestler
The majority of the WWE fans disagree with you.

Cena is the chuck norris of wrestling, we all know this.
Damn straight. They both are awesome.
Let's make something clear. In an earlier post that I made, I asked, "Who in the hell as Cena fought and a good match with?" Some of you have responded and mentioned some of the good matches that he as had. You've mentioned, Angle, Jerico, RVD, HBK, HHH, Umaga, and some others. All of these matches, except for Umaga, go back to the point that I was trying to make with The Undertaker, HBK, and HHH! Most of the big names that he has, "had a good match with," have carried his no wrestling ass from the beginning bell to the end bell. Someone mentioned JBL as a good match for Cena! Bullshit! That match was probably the worst match at WM 21! JBL kicked his ass all match and at the end Cena gets a good rush for about 4 minutes, hits the F-U and wins! That match sucked ass!
Someone mentioned JBL as a good match for Cena! Bullshit! That match was probably the worst match at WM 21! JBL kicked his ass all match and at the end Cena gets a good rush for about 4 minutes, hits the F-U and wins! That match sucked ass!

That match was bad. But maybe there talking about the I Quit match they had at Judgment Day. In my opinion that is the best I Quit of all time. The best probably because both JBL & Cena have limitations. It was an awesome match.
You've mentioned, Angle, Jerico, RVD, HBK, HHH, Umaga, and some others. All of these matches, except for Umaga, go back to the point that I was trying to make with The Undertaker, HBK, and HHH! Most of the big names that he has, "had a good match with," have carried his no wrestling ass from the beginning bell to the end bell.
How? How did they carry John Cena? Just because they are "smark favorites" and good wrestlers doesn't mean they carried him. Do you even know what carrying an opponent means?

Someone mentioned JBL as a good match for Cena! Bullshit! That match was probably the worst match at WM 21! JBL kicked his ass all match and at the end Cena gets a good rush for about 4 minutes, hits the F-U and wins! That match sucked ass!
Like Y 2 Jake said, I wasn't talking about the Wrestlemania match. I was referring to the I Quit match at Judgement Day.
C'mon man! How can you be a John Cena fan? I will agree with you as far as the JBL, IQ match is concerned. It was one of Cena's best matches and he did shine in that match. BUT, really, the only amazing thing that he can do in wrestling is continue to F-U people that out weigh by 250 to 300 pounds. I will say that Cena is strong, but that is it! Everytime I watch a Cena match, I can call the match before J.R. and The King can! He does the same things over and over again. I mean, let's talk about his finisher, the F-U! Nothing more than a modified Death Valley Driver and don't get me started on the STF-U! That is the dumbest submission in wrestling. I am glad that he added it to his move set, because I do have to say that it makes his big matches a little more suspensful at the end when he slaps that move on, but he can't even do that right. I do not like Cena and I do have to be honest with you! I would hate him alot less if he dropped the title! Raw does not need another HHH, they already have one. I could see him being the champ as long as he has if he were actually good, but he isn't that good. If he is the champ by September 18th, it will have been 365 consecutive days, that is crazy for someone like Cena!
C'mon man! How can you be a John Cena fan?
I like quality wrestlers who know how to entertain?

BUT, really, the only amazing thing that he can do in wrestling is continue to F-U people that out weigh by 250 to 300 pounds.
Well, that and entertain millions of people every week on Raw.

Everytime I watch a Cena match, I can call the match before J.R. and The King can!
And I could do the same thing for Hogan when I was 7. I could do the same thing for Steve Austin when I was 15. What's your point?

He does the same things over and over again.
So did Bret Hart.

I mean, let's talk about his finisher, the F-U! Nothing more than a modified Death Valley Driver

and don't get me started on the STF-U!
No, please do.

That is the dumbest submission in wrestling.
Thanks, I'm glad you did start.

Why is it the dumbest submission in wrestling, pray tell?

I am glad that he added it to his move set, because I do have to say that it makes his big matches a little more suspensful at the end when he slaps that move on, but he can't even do that right.
What makes you say that he can't even apply the STF-U right? *eagerly awaits your response...Xfear knows why. :D*

I do not like Cena and I do have to be honest with you! I would hate him alot less if he dropped the title!
What does Cena holding the title have to do with his wrestling abilities? Will he somehow magically transform into a great wrestler again once he drops the belt?

Raw does not need another HHH, they already have one.
Don't remind me. Of course, the difference between Cena and HHH is...well, nevermind. We'll save that for another time.

I could see him being the champ as long as he has if he were actually good, but he isn't that good.
You've yet to explain why, other than "limited moveset" and "boring". One of which has little to do with being a good wrestler, and the other is subjective opinion.

If he is the champ by September 18th, it will have been 365 consecutive days, that is crazy for someone like Cena!
It just shows how good Cena really is. He brings credibility and respectability to the title. Look at the Smackdown title, how it has been passed back and forth amongst everyone (injuries play a part). It's like the cheap girl at the frat party...everyone gets a feel. How does that make the current champion credible?

What makes a credible champion? Someone who is clearly better than everyone else. A good champion is somebody who can take that title and truly seem above everyone else on the roster. And, when that time comes where the champ finally slips up and someone DOES beat him, it gives the new champion great credibility and a great rub. I mean, did anyone think that Edge was a more believable champion when he won the belt? Sneaking in for a win after a brutal cage match, to win a title that had been passed around like Paris Hilton? No.

John Cena makes a great champion, and the fact that he's been champion for so long makes the title credible.
You know I never looked at it your way before. We can put Cena in the same class as Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart, because I can't stand neither one of them either! Maybe I'm just a different type of wrestling fan than you are! I like unpredictability. Superstars like Randy Orton and Shelton Benjamin! Can't really guess what they are going to do next and that is what makes them exciting to watch. I agree, Cena can entertain, if he couldn't, he wouldn't be the champ and never would have been! But it isn't entertaining anymore. Alot of my friends have turned from wrestling because of the repetition of the storylines and alot of that has to do with Cena continueing to "defeat the odds," in every match he has! At WM 23, Shawn Michaels made Cena look like an upstart and you know he did. The title should have changed there, but Cena, the thug/soldier rose to the occassion and defeated HBK, like everyone on here and everyone else I know predicted. That is why I don't like him having the title. I know what is going to happen at a PPV with him in it or any match with him in it. It's crazy! I do have to say, however, you do have a point about the title being passed around on SD, but if Taker hadn't have been injured, the title would be where it should be!
I like the Paris Hilton title-passing reference. You only need to look at the Intercontinental title to see what happens when EVERYONE gets to hold the title.

Still though, Edge won the title by attacking and beating Kennedy to take the Money in the Bank contract, then sneaking in on Smackdown days later (the next day in real life) after The Undertaker fought in a cage match with Batista THEN got attacked by Mark Henry, and Edge still needed to fight him for a minute or two. And his first title reign began the same way, which was directly after Cena's Elimination Chamber match. It sets up the character to be the ultimate opportunist, the same way he won the matches with Batista. That gives the World Championship credibility since Edge was willing to do ANYTHING to get the belt. It also has credibility because Undertaker and Batista viciously fought over it in three straight matches. Keep also in mind that the Royal Rumble winner of the past four years has always chosen to wrestle for the World Heavyweight championship, no matter which show it was on and who was holding it. (Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, Batista, and Chris Benoit)

As for Cena's reign, except for the spinning title which I'm not a fan of (the U.S. title spinning was cool because it fit his gimmick, but he isn't really portraying the rapper gimmick anymore so why still have it?), he has had the belt for a long time, which gives him the HHH-like gimmick of "Who'll be the one to take it from him?" We all probably knew Umaga and Khali weren't going to take it, but the matches with Shawn Michaels, Edge and Orton gave suspense because all of them could have won but didn't. More suspense in the 5-man tournament because once again, anyone could have won it. The point of Cena's reign is that he does overcome the odds, and the fans, whether they like or hate him, are waiting to see who will be the man to finally beat Cena for the title. Lashley has as good a chance as anyone, probably better because he's gotten a great push toward it.
You know I never looked at it your way before. We can put Cena in the same class as Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart, because I can't stand neither one of them either!
Cena isn't in the same class as Hulk Hogan yet. He's got a long ways to go.

Maybe I'm just a different type of wrestling fan than you are! I like unpredictability. Superstars like Randy Orton and Shelton Benjamin! Can't really guess what they are going to do next and that is what makes them exciting to watch.
I agree, you never know what Orton will do next. Will he be on the next PPV? Or will he tear up another hotel room? Or, allegedly, defecate in another diva's bag? You never can tell.

And, I like Shelton Benjamin just fine. But he has to learn how to work a good match, and not rely on high spots for cheap pops.

Unpredictability is fine. But, storytelling is much better. It's just like most movies you watch. You know the good guys are going to win almost every time. But, the good ones will take you on an emotional ride despite that. THAT is what a good wrestler will do. It doesn't matter who will win, but the ride that takes you there. And that is why Cena is so damn good.

At WM 23, Shawn Michaels made Cena look like an upstart and you know he did.
How so? And what about their match on Raw, when Cena made HBK look the best he's been in years?

The title should have changed there, but Cena, the thug/soldier rose to the occassion and defeated HBK, like everyone on here and everyone else I know predicted.
Of course you predicted that. Everyone did. If they didn't they'd be foolish. HBK is 42 years old, had injured knees that he had needed surgery for since LAST WM, and has said repeatedly he doesn't want the belt. If anyone though HBK was going to win (and some did actually) then they were just foolish.

I like the Paris Hilton title-passing reference.
Thanks. :)

Still though, Edge won the title by attacking and beating Kennedy to take the Money in the Bank contract, then sneaking in on Smackdown days later (the next day in real life) after The Undertaker fought in a cage match with Batista THEN got attacked by Mark Henry, and Edge still needed to fight him for a minute or two. And his first title reign began the same way, which was directly after Cena's Elimination Chamber match. It sets up the character to be the ultimate opportunist, the same way he won the matches with Batista. That gives the World Championship credibility since Edge was willing to do ANYTHING to get the belt.
I have to disagree.

It makes Edge weak and seemingly unable to win the belt with even odds. Now, while that is not necessarily a bad thing for a heel to do sometimes, at some point, Edge needs to win the match in a 1 on 1 match, even if he cheats to win. He's yet to win the belt in a traditional 1 on 1 match. And, since Edge looks weak, the fact that the belt is around his waist, makes it look weak, especially since it had 3 different owners in like 2 months time.
I'll say my opinion on the matter, Cena just bores me to death with his lack of originality. You might want to blame that on the writers but lets face it when it's all said and done Cena is the one out there night in and night out trying to pull off a gimmick which he fails to do. The rap thing was just annoying as hell, the Marine thing ok ya we get it you have a movie that sucked good for you. The ruthless aggression thing not bad but that was before he was "invincible." He pulls off the occasional good move, his ring speed isn't great, he has the power but over acts a lot (which he isn't the only one guilty of that), his finisher name is ******ed it's like a 14yo wrestling F-U wow ok Austin should flip him off and say no F-U then boom hit him with a stunner haha.

But I could deal with Cena if he wasn't champ seeing as how theres a lot more guys that deserve it and it should change hands, It's not cool to keep others down to keep someone average up.

How about when Cena was on the mic and was talking about Kennedy he was all Mrrrr.Crapy Pants wow ok nice one :icon_rolleyes: and for him to keep going with the Mr.Camel toe that was weak. I don't know about you guys but I get a feeling when I hear or see someone do something lame when they think its cool or funny I feel embarrassed for them I got that feeling right then and there just thinking wtf your in front of millions and you can't come up with something better then that....YOUR FIIRRREEED! take Lashley with you unless he learns to work a mic and his balls drop.
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