[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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The charity he does as well. I've been reading Mick Foley's "The Hardcore Diaries" and theres a few stories involving Cena visiting the soldiers and sick children, and I've gotta say my opinion has changed on the man.
This is probably why I like Cena the most. My opinion on the man's wrestling ability changed at Summerslamm 2006, but I was already liking him before them. The man just seems to be a genuinely nice person. He genuinely seems to care about the company, and more importantly, his fans. He seems like he is actually living the dream that so many wrestlers wish they had, and that he is so appreciative of that fact, instead of taking his place in the WWE for granted.

It's like that story I posted earlier, about Cena working out in the gym, and going over to the shy little girl just because she really wanted to talk to him, but was too shy to do so. That just says that he is a nice person. And, so many people today, famous people at least, just don't seem to have that. We hear all the time about bad things and such, but he just seems to be one of the good ones. I respect that immensely, and while it has nothing to do with his in-ring ability, it is one of the biggest reasons I like the man.

Shockmaster's raps are UNBELIEVABLE. Please do another!

i thought id bring this little arguement here

First off Cena in no way carried RVD from what i seen in that match it was all RVD...and u sayin cena is a good wrestle almost made me die laughing:twak:
Cena did carry RVD. There were a ton of spots where RVD seem confused, there was one spot where RVD couldn't get Cena on the top rope, so Cena took the big bump to the floor. RVD's match with Cena was one of the few RVD matches where he isn't just another spotty worker, going from spot to spot. The spots in this match generally were well transitioned, and flowed into the next.

In addition, the Cena absolutely owned that crowd. He had them eating out of the palm of his hand. Notice how everything he did in that match was just a little bit slower, just a little more drawn out. Notice how when he'd pick up RVD, he'd pick him up slowly, all the while staring out into the crowd, basically daring them to boo him. When RVD is on the floor, and the crowd, who had been bashing him mercilessly, started chanting "same old shit", Cena gets on the top rope, and jumps all the way down to the floor with a clubbing forearm to RVD's back. The crowd quit chanting and went "oooh". Then, just moments later, Cena gets up, and looks back into the crowd, telling them to boo him now. Cena gets RVD in the STFU, and RVD grabs the ropes, and instead of letting go like Cena normally would, Cena just held on, even after a 5 count. Instead of doing what his face character normally would, he held onto the move, just to spite the crowd. Later in the match, they are on Cena's case again, and he delivers a powerbomb off the top rope, and they start chanting "you still suck", basically acknowledging the fact that Cena impressed them again, but them not willing to admit it.

Cena completely owned that match.

Cough....That cena can wrestle remark made almost wet my pants, he couldn't carry anybody thru a match, in fact HBK carried him! He can't sell a move and has a limited move set.
Cena's selling is one of the best in the company. Limited move set has nothing to do with his wrestling ability. And, explain to me how HBK carried him, in either match.

Why anybody cheers him is beyond me, the same lines and the same moves each week, while people like Benjamin and Carlito who can wrestle are held back. I know there is a chance cena will take time off, and I can't wait. The odds are it will be HHH until he gets back, but thats better than Cena..Hopefully HHH puts over Orton and when Cena gets back people will see how much he sucks ass and boo him back to Mass!
Carlito? At what point has Carlito EVER demonstrated that he can work a good match? His matches are average at best and unwatchable at worst. I like Benjamin, but he's spotty. And, I don't mean spotty as in spotmonkey, I mean spotty in that sometimes he can have good matches, and sometimes he can't. But, on a consistent basis, Cena is clearly head and shoulders about Carlito.

I think he might have been before, but I'd be willing to bet he hasn't been on them in a while. There is nothing about John Cena, other than big muscles, that says that he would be using steroids. I had a long conversation about this with a VERY knowledgeable poster on another forum, and while I argued that Cena probably was, he pretty much convinced me that there is a good chance he is not.
I think John Cena is pretty cool. He's not my favorite, but he is funny and he tries. He genuinely loves the crowd and helps keep the crowd hyped up. The WWE has been smart to put him against heels that the crowd REALLY doesn't like Umaga, Edge (at the time because of the Lita controversy), and Khali. His feud with Shawn Michaels didn't go well because the Wrestlemania match kinda fell flat, but it had potential to go further until Shawn's injury.

Right now, he's in a cross feud with Ken Kennedy and King Booker, and a face-on-face feud with Lashley. I think Cena will rise to the occasion and put on a great match with Lashley, and all of the Cenahaters will STILL bash him. Let's face it, if Cena were to face C.M. Punk in a five star match (and please DON'T say it's impossible because it's Cena, because you'll just embarass yourself) and Cena won a close hard-fought victory after a strong, entertaining 30 minute match, the haters would STILL bash Cena because he's Cena. I watched on YouTube the promo he cut with Ken Kennedy where he mocked him by mispronouncing his name over and over again. I thought it was pretty funny (not Porky's funny or Rock funny but still laugh worthy) and the comments were nothing but "Cena sucks" and "I miss The Rock" and "he's not funny". Point is, Cena was having fun, plus even Kennedy almost broke character once or twice, and the crowd seemed to like it. What's the problem?

One more thing: I've read that "only kids and women like Cena, but REAL wrestling fans hate him." Who exactly are these REAL wrestling fans? The ones who read the spoilers and news online? The ones who really know wrestlers and can go backstage? The ones who buy the most merchandise? The ones who go to every show in a 100 mile radius? Someone want to tell me who the REAL wrestling fans are?
One more thing: I've read that "only kids and women like Cena, but REAL wrestling fans hate him." Who exactly are these REAL wrestling fans? The ones who read the spoilers and news online? The ones who really know wrestlers and can go backstage? The ones who buy the most merchandise? The ones who go to every show in a 100 mile radius? Someone want to tell me who the REAL wrestling fans are?

IMO real wrestling fans are the ones that actually know about the business and love wrestling and have stuck watching it each and every week even if its shitty or not no matter what these fans stick around...not like the women and little girls that probaly dont know shit about wrestling coming to cheer there hearts out for Cena because they think "hes sooooo hot" and kids who are too young enough to know anything about what true wrestling really is.

The WWE has been smart to put him against heels that the crowd REALLY doesn't like Umaga, Edge (at the time because of the Lita controversy), and Khali. His feud with Shawn Michaels didn't go well because the Wrestlemania match kinda fell flat, but it had potential to go further until Shawn's injury

yeah i agree with you on this statement..the WWE noticed Cena was losing the crowd and was getting booed so they did the smart thing and put him up against wrestlers that cant wrestle (kahli) (umaga) and are really hated by the people smart move there but now they are being stupid again putting him up in another face vs face match with lashley imo thats not smart at all as people already hate Cena enough now they will hate him even more and he will continue to lose more people

I watched on YouTube the promo he cut with Ken Kennedy where he mocked him by mispronouncing his name over and over again. I thought it was pretty funny (not Porky's funny or Rock funny but still laugh worthy) and the comments were nothing but "Cena sucks" and "I miss The Rock" and "he's not funny". Point is, Cena was having fun, plus even Kennedy almost broke character once or twice, and the crowd seemed to like it. What's the problem?

That wasnt funny at all too me and i never really saw the crowd get into hell i dont even think most of them laughed as i heard a few boo's but thats about it..and yes Cena can be funny at times and i agree theres never going to be another Rock and we all have to face it but imo Cena tries too hard and is very overrated on the mic and is clearly not getting over with fans anymore from his mic skills

I think what John Cena needs to do is take a break...for gods sake he works all the time (house shows,Raw) for damn near 3 years straight and i respect him for doing so he has a great work ethic but johnny its time for a break go and shoot another movie, drop the damn title and try and come back strong (with a few new moves)
I am sick of Cena! I don't want to Cena on any WWE programing for at least a year! Can't he go on vacation or something like that? He does work hard, but I think that the majority of fans are sick of seeing him. If he left for 8 to 12 months and came back, he would get a much better reaction from the fans and he would be liked again. That is what he needs to do, but for me, I will never like Cena! I never have and I never will. I was one of the few that wanted him to lose to the Great Khali. I hate Cena. The only way that I could enjoy him is if he came out as a heel. I would enjoy that.
IMO real wrestling fans are the ones that actually know about the business and love wrestling and have stuck watching it each and every week even if its shitty or not no matter what these fans stick around...not like the women and little girls that probaly dont know shit about wrestling coming to cheer there hearts out for Cena because they think "hes sooooo hot" and kids who are too young enough to know anything about what true wrestling really is.
See, I'm sorry, but this is the type of thinking that just irritates the hell out of me. First of all, the wrestling business was NEVER meant for the fans to "actually know the business". Ever. Professional wrestling worked SO hard to PREVENT fans from knowing the business. Knowing about the business doesn't make you a better fan. And, there are plenty of wrestling fans, who watch it week in and week out who cheer for Cena, women and children as well.

And what cracks me up is this line.."kids who are too young enough to know anything about what true wrestling really is." But, I'll tell you what. How about I give you a chance to explain yourself before I rip you to shreds on this?

Tell me what "true wrestling really is". I would love to hear it.
Seriously I have hated to guy up to a week ago when Bobby Lashley was crowned #1 Contender. For the first time in my life, I am cheering for Cena. I think Bobby Lashey is overrated and hasn't proved anything yet. Right now he is just making the WWE look bad with the whole steriods scandels going around.
as i heard a few boo's but thats about it

Dude, are you serious? That particular segment, Cena got booed so heavily (and I loved it), all you have to do is watch it again. It’s funny how volumes turn low on the crowd and commentators start shouting on the top of their voice when Cena’s gets booed.

You can just tell in JR’s voice, that even he is sick of seeing Cena; I mean there’s not much they can comment about on him as he likes doing all the talking.

‘The champ is here’ (repeat x 10)

I agree with everything else you said there though. I’m a grown up wrestling fan, and although I admire Cena’s commitment, it’s just not cutting it.
And what cracks me up is this line.."kids who are too young enough to know anything about what true wrestling really is." But, I'll tell you what. How about I give you a chance to explain yourself before I rip you to shreds on this?

Im talking about little 5-10 year olds that know nothing about what a good match really is they just watch it for the fact they like Cena after that is Cena's crowd the younger kids and women im not sayin that some women and kids do not love and admire wrestling but face it i just recently went to a house show awhile back and these girls were saying they just come to see "orton and cena cuz they are so hott" and thats bullshit and they dont have a clue what great wrestling is and what a good match is, and Cena does not put on great matches dont even say he does because he is shit doing the same thing time after time is boring and not worth watching..but i really did enjoy Cena's TLC match with Edge but thats about the only one

Dude, are you serious? That particular segment, Cena got booed so heavily (and I loved it), all you have to do is watch it again. It’s funny how volumes turn low on the crowd and commentators start shouting on the top of their voice when Cena’s gets booed.

You can just tell in JR’s voice, that even he is sick of seeing Cena; I mean there’s not much they can comment about on him as he likes doing all the talking.

‘The champ is here’ (repeat x 10)

I agree with everything else you said there though. I’m a grown up wrestling fan, and although I admire Cena’s commitment, it’s just not cutting it.

Yes that is what i meant he got booed and nobody even laughed and yes i do notice that JR and King both scream at the top of there lungs when he makes his entrance and the crowd really hands it too him not to mention...does any think that Cena's music is played alot louder than others?? i dont know maybe its just me but it seems they blast it very loud but anyway that shouldnt matter because he gets hella booed regardless

Seriously I have hated to guy up to a week ago when Bobby Lashley was crowned #1 Contender. For the first time in my life, I am cheering for Cena. I think Bobby Lashey is overrated and hasn't proved anything yet. Right now he is just making the WWE look bad with the whole steriods scandels going around.

ok now i like Bobby Lashley and this right here is what i hear alot people say he hasnt proved any thing yet well hell he was pushed so hard and so fast he really hasnt had time...i think the Lashley can be something in the future but hes gonna have to get a manager and work on his mic skills his wrestling to me really isnt all that bad but its not great i do think he is a way better wrestler than Cena but he too could work a little more but i think that Lashley is gonna be a big name is years to come but its just gonna take some work and about the steroids scandal if that no taleted Batista is about to beat the Monsterous Kahli and gonna get another shot at the title soon why not let Lashley? If you look at it most of the locker room is or has been on steriods and theres nothin they can do..too late... the WWE's problem is with there crappy wellness policy and they need to get that fixed pronto or they could very well be in some trouble
Im talking about little 5-10 year olds that know nothing about what a good match really is they just watch it for the fact they like Cena after that is Cena's crowd the younger kids and women im not sayin that some women and kids do not love and admire wrestling but face it i just recently went to a house show awhile back and these girls were saying they just come to see "orton and cena cuz they are so hott" and thats bullshit and they dont have a clue what great wrestling is and what a good match is, and Cena does not put on great matches dont even say he does because he is shit doing the same thing time after time is boring and not worth watching..but i really did enjoy Cena's TLC match with Edge but thats about the only one
You didn't address what I wanted you to address. You just gave the exact same argument ad nauseum. Please actually read the entire post, that way it will save both of us time.

Just to make it easier on you.

me said:
And what cracks me up is this line.."kids who are too young enough to know anything about what true wrestling really is." But, I'll tell you what. How about I give you a chance to explain yourself before I rip you to shreds on this?

Tell me what "true wrestling really is". I would love to hear it.
I'm not really sure how could have missed the bolded part, but you did.

So, again, before I rip you to shreds. Please explain to me what "true wrestling really is".
True Wrestling to me is not coming out week after week doing the same exact routine you have done every since you have been champion John Cena does just that...True Wrestling to me is coming out and entertaining the fans by putting on the best show you possibly can every night imo cena does not...True wrestling is having a moveset that is more than just 5 moves and pulling something new out in a match every once in awhile (cena does not) he does the same repetative routine every week and ppv and its annoying...yes it is a show and Cena is told what to do but it is Cena's job to put on the match instead he has to be carried every single match and he does the same old shit every night...theres alot more i could add but thats enough and was all directed to Cena this is after all a Cena Thread

You missed my point on my previous statement i meant about my saying on "true wrestling" my point was these little kids 5-10 have pretty much no clue what a good match is or not they go to the shows too watch Cena and other stars of there liking but they are too young to understand exactly what a true good classic match is...same thing with the women they go just to look at Cena and watch him on TV but they probaly dont know shit about wrestling and just started watching because they seen Cena and Orton and probaly wouldnt know if either one of them put on a good match if it slapped them in the face... not saying all but some i remember when i was growing up watching wrestling i use to love Hogan and didnt really pay attention to how bad a wrestler he truely was because i was too young to really understand wrestling..now that i have gotten older and ive looked back at what hes done and other wrestlers of that time he isnt a good wrestler at all IMO but thats just me but i dont really think you can sit there and tell me that these 5 year olds know what a good match is...
True Wrestling to me is not coming out week after week doing the same exact routine you have done every since you have been champion John Cena does just that
You must not watch much John Cena. His Raw matches don't count because everyone has the same Raw match. You have to. Watch his PPV matches, and tell me they are all the same.

True Wrestling to me is coming out and entertaining the fans by putting on the best show you possibly can every night imo cena does not
This is only begging the question though.

True wrestling is having a moveset that is more than just 5 moves and pulling something new out in a match every once in awhile
Then Shawn Michaels and Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin weren't "true" wrestlers.

instead he has to be carried every single match
Name me a match and tell me how he was carried. Give me specifics of how he was carried since being WWE champion.

You missed my point on my previous statement i meant about my saying on "true wrestling" my point was these little kids 5-10 have pretty much no clue what a good match is or not they go to the shows too watch Cena and other stars of there liking but they are too young to understand exactly what a true good classic match is...same thing with the women they go just to look at Cena and watch him on TV but they probaly dont know shit about wrestling and just started watching because they seen Cena and Orton and probaly wouldnt know if either one of them put on a good match if it slapped them in the face
I know plenty of women who seem to understand wrestling a whole hell of a lot better than you are making yourself sound like. Could you be any more insulting to women or children?

now that i have gotten older and ive looked back at what hes done and other wrestlers of that time he isnt a good wrestler at all IMO but thats just me but i dont really think you can sit there and tell me that these 5 year olds know what a good match is...
Why is Hulk Hogan not a good wrestler now? Because it's no longer cool to like Hogan? Because he doesn't have 2235 different moves, illogically placed in his matches? Because his workrate is unparalleled and amazing, and even though everyone in the building knows he's going to "Hulk Up", the crowd STILL goes nuts for it? It's amazing that so many people just don't understand what great wrestling truly is.

Professional wrestling isn't about a bunch of moves. It's about storytelling, drama, pageantry. It's like any other entertainment medium. When it's good, it draws you in, captivates you, and makes you a part of the entertainment. It's something that you can't quit watching, and you find yourself feeling the emotions that the artist wants you to feel. THAT'S what Pro Wrestling is about. If you want to watch a bunch of grapples and holds, go watch NCAA Wrestling. Go watch Olympic wrestling. But, don't confuse that with Professional Wrestling. Bret Hart was great, not because he knew a bunch of holds, but because he knew how to draw people in, make them care about him, his opponent, and the match. The same with Hogan. The same with Cena.

Cena is very good, because his storytelling is so fine. It's like someone said earlier. They know he's going to win, but they keep watching anyways because for some reason they have this hunch that he's going to lose this time. THAT is called storytelling. THAT is working a crowd. You don't need a million moves and holds to do it. Hell, look at Steve Austin from 97-99. The guy has three moves essentially. Punch, kick, and Stunner. But, the way he did it was so masterful that it drew you in, and made you watch.

If you want to talk about TRUE wrestling, then you need to talk about Olympic or NCAA wrestling. If you want to talk about true PROFESSIONAL wrestling, then you need to talk about entertainment qualities.

Cena is never lost in the ring, he is always aware of whats going on. The spots in his match are RARELY obvious, and his transitions are generally very well done. He draws a crowd into a match, and his selling is one of the best in the WWE (and before you say it, I've already discussed WM 23...many times). His moveset psychology is solid, and is in-ring psychology is very good. He knows how to tell a story in the ring, and his matches are always hot. He doesn't rely on big spots to entertain a crowd, and he can play the offensive wrestler in the match or the seller in the match.

I still don't understand why people think Cena can't wrestle. Cena is one of the best wrestlers in the WWE, and the world, today.
im going to agree with slyfox here cena knows wut hes doing and he does it well but for a hardcore wrestling fanit gets annoying because ur waiting for something new thats just something cena doesnt seem to do thats why we hate it. but if he was doing random moves all the time first of all the announcers couldnt keep up and it wouldnt make sensei do think cena is horrible on the mic especially since he was good when he was on smackdown. i doo thing cena should be outa the title scene for at least 4-8 months and come back as a challenger. the verdict here is that cena in the ring is a good entertainer to the audience he tries to appeal to which is kids to about the age of 14. when he rapped and swore and made fun at people he was appealing to people i would say from when u understood it to about the age people in there early twentyish area. on the mic he wont ever be a great like the rock, stone cold,flair, tripleh, edge, hbk, or heyman(i personally think he was one of the best) but he could at least be as good as he used to be no more i never back down etc... as a wrestler not an entertainer he flat out sux but there are very few people in the history of pro wrestling who exceeded in entertaining(in ring), skillful (on the mic), a good storyteller,and a good in ring wrestler (not entertainer) so the verdict is that cena needs to get creative move wise, be his old self, watch some tapes, not be a marine EVER, and listen to the crowd theyre turning on u so make them like u again

and that thumbs up from chuck was directed at me not john cena (sorry off topic)
lets just hope now that Lashley is on Raw he'll be able to take the title from Cena, or is this another case of Umaga + Khali, vince giving Cena big opponents to make him look unstopable, no wait that was lashley, maybe a decent fued in the oven here.
except lashley is still learning alot in the ring and doesnt have mic skill.
id rather hear ill never backdown ETC... then nothing at all lashleys plus side is that hes learning in the ring compared to cena who has been doing alot of the same stufffor 2 year w/ the exception of the top rope legdrop and the STFU(tricep chokeout of death lol)
Exactly how many 5 year olds do you see at wrestling matches nowadays? I may see the occasional 8-10 year old kid, but wrestling is NOT for children like it used to be. And as women cheering Cena, so what? They cheer for Batista, Shawn Michaels, HHH, Johnny Nitro, and any other large guy with their shirt off. Some women go to football games and baseball games just to watch the guys in the tight pants. Same way men watch the divas for their shirts off. (Unfortunately, they wear bras, grumble...) Tell me you change the channel when there's a bra and panties match on...

As for knowing a good match, here's a question for you...who in your mind is one of the best wrestlers at putting on a good match? Obviously it's not Cena, but I'm trying to understand the mindset why Cena is THIS hated. If Cena is "terrible" at putting on a good match, tell me who, in your humble opinion, is.
(Unfortunately, they wear bras, grumble...) Tell me you change the channel when there's a bra and panties match on...

Actually yes i do i leave the room most of the time after the divas make there entrances because i dont like divas wrestling accept mickie james melina and victoria because to me its garbage but they may be just me who knows?

As for knowing a good match, here's a question for you...who in your mind is one of the best wrestlers at putting on a good match? Obviously it's not Cena, but I'm trying to understand the mindset why Cena is THIS hated. If Cena is "terrible" at putting on a good match, tell me who, in your humble opinion, is.

Shawn Micheals no doubt about it and dont even say Cena's even close to putting on a show like Micheals does...

Cena is getting more boring week after week while hes being champion too me all he does is say the same thing and does his same exact superman routine and i dont see how you guys can sit there and say hes soo great when all he is is a champion who makes money and Cena does just that and thats why he has been champion for so long because the champ has to make money or that would be stupid to put him there and for whoever said that im "insulting women and children" no way they can cheer for whoever they want and its fine by me if they like Cena alot of people like Cena but alot of people also despise him because he cannot wrestle and is boring and they are sick and tired of him winning and winning and winning every ppv match when there are other good wrestlers that need a shot and that is me im tired of the same thing each week
he cannot wrestle and is boring and they are sick and tired of him winning and winning and winning every ppv match when there are other good wrestlers that need a shot and that is me im tired of the same thing each week

I don't get why people say that John Cena can't wrestle. He can wrestle, that's why he's made it through OVW just like any other talent that you people love so much, and obviously management saw fit that he can put on a good show. Of course Cena is gonna do the same moves over and over, but wait, what wrestler DOESN'T do that right now in the WWE. The WWE wants to keep their wrestlers in top shape, even if that means limiting their moveset, hence why there is a ban. And of course when you have the guy representing your company as champion, you want to keep him in good shape as much as you can.
I don't get why people say that John Cena can't wrestle. He can wrestle, that's why he's made it through OVW just like any other talent that you people love so much, and obviously management saw fit that he can put on a good show. Of course Cena is gonna do the same moves over and over, but wait, what wrestler DOESN'T do that right now in the WWE. The WWE wants to keep their wrestlers in top shape, even if that means limiting their moveset, hence why there is a ban. And of course when you have the guy representing your company as champion, you want to keep him in good shape as much as you can.

That acoounts for most of it and that each wrestler has their own set of moves that set them apart from the rest. And the great John Cena can nothelp that WWE only lets him have limited moveset as if he didnt we would see Cena in a new unique different light. He can wrestler and just like my buddy sly said look at how he carried RVD and you all say he can not wrestle pshh. Plus his moveset allows him to stay healthy and not get injured badly as he his the face of the company. People need to lay off his an entertainer frist and wrestler second and he can wrestle so sit back and watch the great Cena wrestle :D
Shawn Micheals no doubt about it and dont even say Cena's even close to putting on a show like Micheals does...
I can't help but notice that you completely ignored my entire post, and then proceeded to type out the same exact things you've said already, almost verbatim.

So, feel free to address my post.

This is the only thing here that I want to talk about. I agree. Cena does not put on a show like Michaels. Cena, in the last two years, has done it better. HBK has pretty much been sleepwalking through the last two years, ever since his feud with Hogan. He came alive briefly around the time of Wrestlemania this year (coincidentally, about the same time he was put in the main event AND put with John Cena...) but then proceeded to be the same old HBK immediately afterwards. I don't know if it is just because of his bad knees or back, but HBK from 2005-2007, other than a few instances, has been pretty lackluster. In the meantime, Cena has put on multiple PPV MOTN, and a few MOTYC as well. His match with HHH, his match with RVD, and his matches with Edge were all very good. And, Cena vs. Umaga and Cena vs. HBK on Raw are probably the two leading candidates for 2007 match of the year thus far.

Cena, when comparing the last two years, has been a much better worker than HBK.
While I agree mostly with you Sly, you can't say 2005 was a bad year for HBK. Aside from the terrible Hogan match, HBK had a Match of the Year against Angle at WM21 which is probably one of the best matches of all time possibly, then they came back and did it AGAIN at the RAW homecoming which would've been MOTY had Wrestlemania not already sealed that spot. 2006 was terrible, and 2007 has been to for HBK. But since he came back he's given us a hell of a lot more then I think any of us expected, constantly having MOTY candidates. Sure there's been some duds, but you can't sit here and tell me that John Cena hasn't had his fair share of duds either.

HBK in my book can do whatever he wants---he can come out and fart in a microphone and wrestle like the Great Khali, and I'd still cheer for him and wouldn't care. Why? Because he's earned that right. John Cena hasn't.
While I agree mostly with you Sly, you can't say 2005 was a bad year for HBK. Aside from the terrible Hogan match, HBK had a Match of the Year against Angle at WM21 which is probably one of the best matches of all time possibly, then they came back and did it AGAIN at the RAW homecoming which would've been MOTY had Wrestlemania not already sealed that spot. 2006 was terrible, and 2007 has been to for HBK. But since he came back he's given us a hell of a lot more then I think any of us expected, constantly having MOTY candidates. Sure there's been some duds, but you can't sit here and tell me that John Cena hasn't had his fair share of duds either.
Sure, Cena has had duds. Everyone has matches that just don't click. And, HBK's match vs. Angle at WM was BEFORE his feud with Hogan. And, it was since then that I said HBK has been pretty piss poor. And, his match with Angle at Homecoming just wasn't that good. I've watched it a couple of times (although not lately), and I just don't see why everyone raves about it, other than because it was Angle/HBK in a WM rematch.

My point is that, since about WM 21, Cena has consistently been the better worker than HBK. Would I put the best HBK against Cena and give Cena the win? Meh...that'd be tough call. But, in the last two years, Cena has been better.

HBK in my book can do whatever he wants---he can come out and fart in a microphone
Haven't we already had enough from DX? ;)
See this is what I just don't get about you Sly man, I understand how much you like Cena, but even John Cena at his prime isn't even comparable to HBK in his prime. I mean we've gone over match ratings and all that junk, but how you can compare a prime Cena to a prime HBK is beyond me, thats like comparing a prime Kevin Nash to a prime Bret Hart, it just doesn't add up to me. Perhaps its just your opinion, but how you can even find a prime Cena vs. a prime HBK to be even remotely close is beyond me. One is a legend who all but saved WWE from extinction. The other is a guy whos put on some good matches and has been on top for all of two years in a company with zero competition. HBK revolutionized the way matches were worked in the WWE---Cena hasn't. He's just copied the old Hogan routine.
See this is what I just don't get about you Sly man, I understand how much you like Cena, but even John Cena at his prime isn't even comparable to HBK in his prime. I mean we've gone over match ratings and all that junk, but how you can compare a prime Cena to a prime HBK is beyond me, thats like comparing a prime Kevin Nash to a prime Bret Hart, it just doesn't add up to me. Perhaps its just your opinion, but how you can even find a prime Cena vs. a prime HBK to be even remotely close is beyond me. One is a legend who all but saved WWE from extinction. The other is a guy whos put on some good matches and has been on top for all of two years in a company with zero competition. HBK revolutionized the way matches were worked in the WWE---Cena hasn't. He's just copied the old Hogan routine.
Well, first thing is first. We haven't seen a prime Cena yet. You take the HBK from ten years ago, and he is still two years older, and many more years of experience than Cena.

But, you also have to remember that Cena and HBK were working in VERY different times, on a variety of different fronts. First, HBK did not wrestle almost every single week. Raw was a 1 hour show (maybe two??) and there weren't 16 PPVs like there are now. Second, there was no such thing as a brand split. Everyone was on the same roster, and only the top of the line guys, generally the ones that weren't steroid users, were on the roster for HBK to go against. There was also no such thing as a WWF style, at least in terms of banned moves and stuff like that. If HBK wanted to go balls to the wall every match, he could. There are a few other differences as well, but comparing HBK and Cena in their primes just really is hard to do, because Cena has yet to reach his prime, and HBK was champ under entirely different circumstances.

But, I find Cena just as entertaining now, despite those things as I did HBK from 94-96.
I Agree with Xfear in no way is Cena now even close to bein a great as HBK then...but i do agree with you sly that HBK since Summerslam in that awful match against Hogan hasnt been the same HBK and all the Kurt Angle matches were great and better than what Cena has been giving us imo and you talk about Cenas duds since wrestlemania (not saying that match was anything special) everything on ppv he has done was a dud...the backlash match imo wasnt good at all..Thenat judgement day and one night stand agaist the Great Kahli both matches were terrible and then at Vengeance against 4 other good stars they go 10 minutes and Cena over comes all odds once again..this is my whole point slyfox enough is enough Cena keeps winning and overcoming odds over and over and it makes me sick to my stomach that they keep doing it have a look at the new article on wwe.com they are calling lashley vs cena a "dream" match and already saying he will have to overcome great odds to beat Lashley im tired of him and his boring promos that he says the exact same thing in each week and his matches that arent any good or fun because you already know hes gonna win..i dont see why you like him at all hes nothing special imo and extremly overrated and seeing that so far post wrestlemania this year the ppv buyrates have been bad and i think its time we see a new champ
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I've heard the arguments for new champ, but who in the hell on Raw is there to be a new champ.

Lashley: The guy is still too green and needs time to build his in ring ability up. The WWE was able to stick the ECW title on him, because the title is meaningless. You can't put one of the big two on him just yet.

King Booka: This is Raw, not Smackdown. If this was Booker T, I would say so, but The Booka man is well into his 40's now, and honestly, he is now one of those guys too big for the belt.

Kennedy: If the man could stay healthy for more then six months, this would be an excellent choice, but still, it is too soon for him to get the title.

Randy Orton: Maybe the best choice out of the bunch so far. Randy is the best at being a good little boy when he has been ripped by WWE management for acting like a little bitch. Triple H is in his corner for the strap, so this is the most likely choice, but I don't agree with it.

Triple H: Do we really, really need to see another Triple H world title reign. What the hell would this accomplish, nothing. We'll see Triple H do more of his lame posing in the ring. A Face Triple H sucks, and always has, but a Face Triple H World champion is worse.

Shawn Michaels: Again, another guy past his prime, and should maybe be given the strap as a thank you tour, but that's it.

So tell me, who out of this bunch deserves to be world champion. Cena is the right choice right now, because it is more of a reflection on how bad the WWE's current roster situation is. Injuries have plagued the WWE in 2007, and the young guys are still too young to be given a major title.

Word Life!!!
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