[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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Objectively speaking, HHH is no where near Austin. If I were to rank, on a pyramid, different guys on different levels, Hogan, Austin and Rock would be on level 1, Hart, Savage, Flair and a few others would be level 2, and Triple H and John Cena would be on level 3. I prefer Cena to Flair personally, but meh. Objectively speaking, in terms of overall career and accomplishments, he's not there. But, Triple H is very solidly behind those others.

First, the Hardy's don't sell as much as Cena, nor are they as big in the ratings. But, the problem with the Hardys is that they are living off of their success from 8 years ago. Other than having his fiancee cheating on him, what has Matt Hardy done to deserve any kind of success? Solid wrestler? Sure. Great pop? Sure. I have no problem with giving Matt Hardy a push towards the main event to see how it goes, but he's never done anything to really set himself apart from others, in Vince's eyes. And Jeff, while an exponentially better wrestler now than his early years, still struggles with spotty matches, and I don't just mean high risk moves.

When Chris Benoit was champion people bashed him too. People were still bashing him until the day he died. Now, most of the IWC liked him as US Champion, but if he had been World Champion for a year, people would have turned on him too. I do not doubt this.


I do agree with you saying that Austin is in a different league than Triple H only because Austin just blew up to the mainstream spot in a matter of two years.And the fact that he basically started the Attitude Era.I would say that Triple H is below them.But putting Cena at level three is wrong.Those men had amazing talent in the ring.Cena doesn't.On a business point of view he would be number 1.

Just asking why would you prefer Cena's matches to Flair's? Flair put on hour long matches every night and didnt fail in the entertainment department.Where as Cena has had only one hour long match and a lot of Cenas matches tend to get very boring and repetitive.

The Hardyz do live off of their old success in the tag team division.

Face it.Everyone will get bashed.Cena just tends to get bashed even more.Everyone gets turned on when they hold the championship to long.People get bored and tired of seeing them all the time and lash out at them just because of the length of their title reigns.
John Cena is the best wrestler period. You don't like it, because he looks better then you. It's the same reason why people didn't like Shawn Michaels when he was champ in 1996, he was too good looking for wrestling. Well I'll tell you all, you're just jealous because all of the ladies cheer for him, and not you.

John Cena is the hardest worker in the business today. He goes out and bust his ass day in and day out. He is put in feuds with big monsters that can't move, yet he makes the matches look good.

No one rocks the mic like John Cena. The pops he gets week in and week out speak to that. Don't give me any crap about the boos, that's just because you dudes are jealous of John Cena. The Kids and Ladies know more about wrestling then all of you.

Word Life.
You don't like it, because he looks better then you. It's the same reason why people didn't like Shawn Michaels when he was champ in 1996, he was too good looking for wrestling. Well I'll tell you all, you're just jealous because all of the ladies cheer for him, and not you.

Wow....So you mean to tell us all that because John looks good and chicks eat that up he is great for that reason alone?
He is put in feuds with big monsters that can't move, yet he makes the matches look good.
Getting your ass handed to your for most of a match only to come back with the 5 moves of doom and win makes a match good? I think it's a crock of shit that Cena vs (insert giant immobile wrestler here) main eventing ppv's month after month.it gets old. Overcoming the odds gets old.Nitro vs CM punk for the ecw title should be match of the year if Cena vs giants matches are 'good'
that's just because you dudes are jealous of John Cena.

How would any wrestling fan be jealous of Cena? He was in a mediocre movie that in turn modified his gimmick to a marine wannabe and how would anyone not get over doing that? That's lowest common denomination gimmick there milking patriotism and support the troops crap. He was the very definition of 'wigger' for the longest time before that. Any backyard wrestler probably has a bigger moveset than Cena.
The Kids and Ladies know more about wrestling then all of you.
Cena is a 'real' life superman to little kids.They don't know better.Kinda like how us older fans cheered for Hogan and ultimate warrior when we were little. As for the ladies,using ur logic,wow they cheer cause they think he's hot. does that mean nsync,backstreet boys...boy bands in general..etc are the best thing that happened to music in the late 90s? Their cds sold well,there concerts sold well so does that influence your taste in music? If ladies cheer for it ,it must be good?

My general dislike for Cena comes from the fact that i think he's been champion too long and needs to step down and someone else be in the spotlight.He doesnt have a variety of moves to pull from.Like one of em said last night on Larry King wrestlers are entertainers and are supposed to entertain the fans.Cena doesnt entertain me in the slightest other than listening to him get booed.
Wow....So you mean to tell us all that because John looks good and chicks eat that up he is great for that reason alone?

That's right. WWE isn't about wrestling, it's about entertainment. With the greatness of John Cena, along with his good looks, the WWE is now able to go into areas they never thought possible. This means they can now try to attract the 15 - 20 year old female audience. You already have the men, that despite how much they say they "hate"Cena, yet can't change the channel watching. So now they are DOUBLING their audience. Awesome.

Getting your ass handed to your for most of a match only to come back with the 5 moves of doom and win makes a match good? I think it's a crock of shit that Cena vs (insert giant immobile wrestler here) main eventing ppv's month after month.it gets old. Overcoming the odds gets old.Nitro vs CM punk for the ecw title should be match of the year if Cena vs giants matches are 'good'

It's called wrestling psychology. The hero has to look bad, so he can overcome the odds, it's basic story telling. What fun would it be if Batman and Superman beat up people without looking like they were going to get beat. It happens in every movie. It builds up drama and suspense. If it appears that Cena is going to lose, it adds more drama. Nitro vs. CM Punk will never be good, because who wants to watch "Vanilla Midgets" wrestle when you can watch John Cena beat down Umaga.

How would any wrestling fan be jealous of Cena? He was in a mediocre movie that in turn modified his gimmick to a marine wannabe and how would anyone not get over doing that? That's lowest common denomination gimmick there milking patriotism and support the troops crap. He was the very definition of 'wigger' for the longest time before that. Any backyard wrestler probably has a bigger moveset than Cena.

John Cena is an amazing patriot, and new symbol of americana. He represents the American fighting spirit, that yes, even in the face of overwhelming odds ( The War on Terror/ Umaga - Khali) that we will not blink in the face of danger, and that threw hard work and perseverence, you can overcome anything. Believe and you can achieve. Why is John Cena being a soldier so bad, but Hulk Hogan can go around waving an American Flag?

Cena is a 'real' life superman to little kids.They don't know better.Kinda like how us older fans cheered for Hogan and ultimate warrior when we were little. As for the ladies,using ur logic,wow they cheer cause they think he's hot. does that mean nsync,backstreet boys...boy bands in general..etc are the best thing that happened to music in the late 90s? Their cds sold well,there concerts sold well so does that influence your taste in music? If ladies cheer for it ,it must be good?

Cena is a real life superman, because the world demands it. In a world of such negative news, it's wonderful that the WWE allows children to have an escape from reality with a real life super hero. Why does everything have to be so gloom and doom in wrestling? The attitude era is over.

And yes, the girls cheering is awesome. The company is growing and expanding itself away from evil over bearing smarks that believe they know everything about the business. And even though you may not think the Boy Bands were good, I bet any of the rock bands would of love to have had their concert, CD, and merchandising sales.
That's right. WWE isn't about wrestling, it's about entertainment. With the greatness of John Cena, along with his good looks, the WWE is now able to go into areas they never thought possible. This means they can now try to attract the 15 - 20 year old female audience. You already have the men, that despite how much they say they "hate"Cena, yet can't change the channel watching. So now they are DOUBLING their audience. Awesome.
I m not speaking about business or expanding audiences.i m speaking as a fan looking at actual in-ring performance,moves,charisma,mic skills..etc...that wants to be entertained. a fan that remembers what the product was like before they tried to attract that bigger audience.WWE seems to be trying to create a 'wrestling boom' like there was during the monday night war and it isn't working. i know I change the channel when there's a segment/match on i dont want to watch.I know i m not the only one.
If it appears that Cena is going to lose, it adds more drama.
We all know Cena isn't ever going to lose. We just plain out know better than that therefore there is no drama build up just false hope that Cena might lose and then reality sets back in.
Nitro vs. CM Punk will never be good, because who wants to watch "Vanilla Midgets" wrestle when you can watch John Cena beat down Umaga.
I want to watch nitro vs cm punk because they actually entertain me unlike watching umaga beat down Cena just to lose to the 5 moves of doom.Nitro and cm punk have both put on matches in the past that were light years better than anything i ve ever seen out of Cena. also wtf is a 'vanilla midget'?
John Cena is an amazing patriot, and new symbol of americana. He represents the American fighting spirit, that yes, even in the face of overwhelming odds ( The War on Terror/ Umaga - Khali) that we will not blink in the face of danger, and that threw hard work and perseverence, you can overcome anything. Believe and you can achieve. Why is John Cena being a soldier so bad, but Hulk Hogan can go around waving an American Flag?
What makes Cena an amazing patriot ? the war on terror / umaga - khali is a good analogy : the war in iraq should have never happened(for reasons not suitable for discussion in a john cena thread) and neither should umaga and khali going against cena. Too predictable was the outcome.As for Hulk Hogan he is a "Real American" and an old face of Americana.As for Cena being a soldier i believe you typo'd that. shouldn't it say 'soulja' or whatever the rap/wigger spelling is.

In a world of such negative news, it's wonderful that the WWE allows children to have an escape from reality with a real life super hero. Why does everything have to be so gloom and doom in wrestling? The attitude era is over.
world of negative news that audiences want to hear otherwise there wouldn't be so much coverage of negative events. I m not saying children having cena as their superhero is a bad thing.everyone needs a role model/hero to look up to. I m just saying make him more human.everyone cant win all the time.

The company is growing and expanding itself away from evil over bearing smarks that believe they know everything about the business. And even though you may not think the Boy Bands were good, I bet any of the rock bands would of love to have had their concert, CD, and merchandising sales.
I never claimed to know everything about the business . I dont want to talk business. I m talking as a fan. and i guess you missed the point i was trying to make about boy bands: There total lack of substance,the lowest common denominator crap. Were they successfull from a business point of view? Yes. Were they talented? No. Now what does that tell you? It tells me if you look good and have no talent at anything as long as it's marketed right someone will buy it and if u find a common denominator (boy band's case - guys singing songs about what every girl looks for in a guy and saying they have/are it plus that 'hot' look. Cena - patriotism) it ll sell/spread like wildfire.
That's right. WWE isn't about wrestling, it's about entertainment. With the greatness of John Cena, along with his good looks, the WWE is now able to go into areas they never thought possible. This means they can now try to attract the 15 - 20 year old female audience. You already have the men, that despite how much they say they "hate"Cena, yet can't change the channel watching. So now they are DOUBLING their audience. Awesome.

It's called wrestling psychology. The hero has to look bad, so he can overcome the odds, it's basic story telling. What fun would it be if Batman and Superman beat up people without looking like they were going to get beat. It happens in every movie. It builds up drama and suspense. If it appears that Cena is going to lose, it adds more drama. Nitro vs. CM Punk will never be good, because who wants to watch "Vanilla Midgets" wrestle when you can watch John Cena beat down Umaga.

John Cena is an amazing patriot, and new symbol of americana. He represents the American fighting spirit, that yes, even in the face of overwhelming odds ( The War on Terror/ Umaga - Khali) that we will not blink in the face of danger, and that threw hard work and perseverence, you can overcome anything. Believe and you can achieve. Why is John Cena being a soldier so bad, but Hulk Hogan can go around waving an American Flag?

Cena is a real life superman, because the world demands it. In a world of such negative news, it's wonderful that the WWE allows children to have an escape from reality with a real life super hero. Why does everything have to be so gloom and doom in wrestling? The attitude era is over.

And yes, the girls cheering is awesome. The company is growing and expanding itself away from evil over bearing smarks that believe they know everything about the business. And even though you may not think the Boy Bands were good, I bet any of the rock bands would of love to have had their concert, CD, and merchandising sales.
This is quite possibly the greatest post I have ever read. I see no problem with this logic.

I m not speaking about business or expanding audiences.i m speaking as a fan looking at actual in-ring performance,moves,charisma,mic skills..etc...that wants to be entertained. a fan that remembers what the product was like before they tried to attract that bigger audience.WWE seems to be trying to create a 'wrestling boom' like there was during the monday night war and it isn't working. i know I change the channel when there's a segment/match on i dont want to watch.I know i m not the only one.
You must be talking about me. Because I remember what the product has been like since the late 80s. From Hulkamania, to the steroid scandal, to the barren years, to the Attitude era, to the post WM 17 era, to now. And I can tell you that right now, it is just as enjoyable as it ever was, just on a broader scale.

We all know Cena isn't ever going to lose. We just plain out know better than that therefore there is no drama build up just false hope that Cena might lose and then reality sets back in.
See? That is what makes Cena SOOO good. Despite the fact that you know he is going to win, he still puts doubt in your mind about whether or not he can actually win the match. THAT'S storytelling.

I want to watch nitro vs cm punk because they actually entertain me unlike watching umaga beat down Cena just to lose to the 5 moves of doom.Nitro and cm punk have both put on matches in the past that were light years better than anything i ve ever seen out of Cena. also wtf is a 'vanilla midget'?
Neither Johnny Nitro nor CM Punk have put on a match as good as Cena vs. Umaga or Cena vs. HBK on Raw.

And what is a vanilla midget? The entire ROH roster :D

A vanilla midget is a term for a small wrestler with a bland character, and little charisma.

I m just saying make him more human.everyone cant win all the time.
Tell that to Lance Armstrong.

I never claimed to know everything about the business . I dont want to talk business. I m talking as a fan. and i guess you missed the point i was trying to make about boy bands: There total lack of substance,the lowest common denominator crap. Were they successfull from a business point of view? Yes. Were they talented? No. Now what does that tell you? It tells me if you look good and have no talent at anything as long as it's marketed right someone will buy it and if u find a common denominator (boy band's case - guys singing songs about what every girl looks for in a guy and saying they have/are it plus that 'hot' look. Cena - patriotism) it ll sell/spread like wildfire.
As far as the boy band comparison, the boy bands like N'Sync WERE very good. Why? Because they were never striving to make industry changing music. They were never trying to put out the best possible songs. They were there to make money. Same with people like Britney Spears. They weren't trying to change the industry, their goal was to make money, and they did that better than most other artists with the same goal.

In professional wrestling, the goal is ALWAYS to make money. It always has been. Different promotions go about it in different ways, but the end goal is to ALWAYS make money. The ones whose goals aren't to make money go out of business.

John Cena is successful because he makes money. He's good because he achieves his bosses objectives. Along the way, he just happens to regularly put on 3 and 4 * matches. John Cena, assuming he stays in the business, will go down as one of the greatest wrestlers in WWE history.
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In professional wrestling, the goal is ALWAYS to make money. It always has been. Different promotions go about it in different ways, but the end goal is to ALWAYS make money. The ones whose goals aren't to make money go out of business.

John Cena is successful because he makes money. He's good because he achieves his bosses objectives. Along the way, he just happens to regularly put on 3 and 4 * matches. John Cena, assuming he stays in the business, will go down as one of the greatest wrestlers in WWE history.

You know Slyfox, this is the kind of posts that makes me believe in John Cena as a future great wrestler. Obviously, from my particular point of view, he is not great yet, but could be, and i say this because we all know what kind of asset is John Cena to the industry. Sure, you made your point above:
John Cena is successful because he makes money. He's good because he achieves his bosses objectives.
I cant be more agreed on this, and i'm speaking seriously. John Cena draws money like crazy, maybe 2 or 3 more wrestlers are on the same level (Mysterio and Batista) i dont know, but i have to accept that John Cena is an excellent employee, and he always puts big efforts while he's in the ring:
Along the way, he just happens to regularly put on 3 and 4 * matches
<--(More 3 * matches than 4*, but nobody's perfect ;))

But there's a big BUT my fellow Cena fan....
John Cena, assuming he stays in the business, will go down as one of the greatest wrestlers in WWE history
here's the tricky part: what happened to the Rock?? he was every single day working his ass and and making money like a degenerate. Suddenly, he saw that he didn't need to bust his ass weekly, because he realized that there are Hollywood doubles for that job...that's right, The Rock left the bi$$ of wrestling, for the Movie Bi$$$$$$$$$$$, and i don't blame him!!!
The whole point of this is, i really can see John Cena leaving wrestling sooner rather than later, you said:
John Cena is successful because he makes money
well, the marine wasn't the best action film ever, but frankly, i enjoyed Cena in his role more than i do when he wrestle. I can see Cena as the next action hero, like Van Dam, Seagal, Lundgren... no BS!!
But until that day come... John Felix Anthony Cena (or whatever his name is...) can just suck it. :D Lashley is going to break him in half! LOL! :headbanger: Anti-Cena 4 Life, Gang-Chain soldier!!!
"Your time has come my time is now..." well, you time is OVER!! Go Lashley!!!
(Lashley mark until everybody returns to normal...)
I cant be more agreed on this, and i'm speaking seriously. John Cena draws money like crazy, maybe 2 or 3 more wrestlers are on the same level (Mysterio and Batista) i dont know, but i have to accept that John Cena is an excellent employee, and he always puts big efforts while he's in the ring:
I know Mysterio actually had a surprisingly good drawing reign as champion (well, better than was expected), but I'd be curious to see about Batista. That'd be interesting to know. Speaking of Batista, who else thinks this upcoming feud with Khali is going to suck big time? And yet, I am excited to see it and am thinking I just might be surprised.

<--(More 3 * matches than 4*, but nobody's perfect ;))
I wouldn't disagree with this. It's hard to put on a 4 star match every night. Even Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit wrestling each other every night would struggle with it.

But there's a big BUT my fellow Cena fan....
here's the tricky part: what happened to the Rock?? he was every single day working his ass and and making money like a degenerate. Suddenly, he saw that he didn't need to bust his ass weekly, because he realized that there are Hollywood doubles for that job...that's right, The Rock left the bi$$ of wrestling, for the Movie Bi$$$$$$$$$$$, and i don't blame him!!!
The whole point of this is, i really can see John Cena leaving wrestling sooner rather than later, you said: well, the marine wasn't the best action film ever, but frankly, i enjoyed Cena in his role more than i do when he wrestle. I can see Cena as the next action hero, like Van Dam, Seagal, Lundgren... no BS!!
But until that day come... John Felix Anthony Cena (or whatever his name is...) can just suck it. :D Lashley is going to break him in half! LOL!
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised at all to see Cena leave sometime in the future. But, at the same time, I wouldn't be surprised to see him stay. You have to remember that wrestling was all the Rock ever knew. He knew the business inside and out, and that might have turned him off to it as well. He knew what it was like to grow up without a father at home because of the business, and maybe he didn't want his son doing the same. Plus, the Rock was a LOT bigger in his heyday than Cena is right now. So, the circumstances are different, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Cena leave at some point either. Hell, the way the WWE works him like a dog, I'm surprised he isn't burned out on it.

:headbanger: Anti-Cena 4 Life, Gang-Chain soldier!!!
"Your time has come my time is now..." well, you time is OVER!! Go Lashley!!!
(Lashley mark until everybody returns to normal...)
Nothing wrong with being a Lashley fan. I'm a fan of Lashley's. You might as well get on the bandwagon now, because in 5 years, everyone else will be. You can then just stand around saying how you knew it before they did.
John Cena is without a doubt the best wrestler alive today. I mean do I have to give you anymore proof than the fact he has the best submission hold in the world atm in the STFU??

I mean look at the champions that hes has made tap out, Triple H, HBK, Angle, Chris Benoirt, Edge the list is endless. Guys like Triple H and HBK at the biggest stage of them all Wrestlemania. Thats were you put everything on the line and dont hold back and never give in!! Cena didnt give in did he? No he made Triple H and HBK tap out!!

Once you get in the STFU you need the jaws of life to get you out, thats how good it is!!

Its not Cena's fault that all you Cena haters are jealous of hsi success, fame & good looks. You all know you wanna join the Chain Gang, so really whats stopping you??
LOL. I know you all are being sarcastic, but I really am having a great time watching this whole Cena thing. It's cracking me up.

But, you were dead on about the STFU. It puts everyone out, no matter what. If you ask me, Cena just might have the most inescapable submission hold in the business today.
Hahah your in heaven arent you Sly??

Best submission? No boubt about that.... no doubt in my mind!!

What really annoys me is when people try to rag on John and say that he does the move wrong. As as been pointed out numerous times the STFU is an STS not an STF. I mean gods people, I could rag on Angles anklelock if i started to call it a Boston Crab to.

And who is not impressed by the sight and strength of John every time he gets someone up for the FU? I mean god the strength of the man just simply amazing.
So true I mean how many people are able to lift opponents like Big Show or Khali after haveing the Hell beat out of em. Who else is a man of steel (besides Lashley... and Batista) to overcome the odds???? Ok I give up I just can't say much good bout Cena still, but I tried...
Sly will be happy for week then all alone after that :)

Everyone needs to realize that John Cena is the wrestling business today. There is not a single wrestler out there right now promoting business better than Mr. Cena.He can draw unlike some of the people say that is better than Cena. Granted they may have in the past but that is the past and in today's world they do not draw like Cena does.

People will either love the man for his abilities or hate the man for his abilities, but one thing you cant take away is the passion this man shows for the sport and how he does so many good things for the company and who wouldn't want a guy like as your champion and leading your company. Plus with him having so many that love/hate him there is no way that he can taken out of the title let alone the main event scene as he draws for the the fans that love him or those that hate him. Your there to boo or cheer and that my friends makes money and that what Cena does.

Love or hate the man you can not deny that he does what he does for the best of the company as he only does what they want him to do. Its not his fault his move set is limited by WWE, as if it wasn't i'm damn sure that Cena would put on a clinic. even though his matches are good and he has had some damn good classic ones.
i was interested in the rapper john cena because he was a character that everyone could enjoy but now that hes a marine directed at the 8 year old kids marking out in the crowd hes the most aggravating person ive ever seen. i am one of the biggest cena haters youll see these days but i cant deny that he is way over with the demographic hes directed at. cenas still young and if they make him back into his thug character and teach him how to wrestle he could have an interesting career but until that he sucks and i hate him. Also Slyfox i may disagree with everything youve ever posted going back to the hogan debates but some of the points you make make me second geuss my own opinions but then i watch raw and everythings back to normal.
Welcome to Slyfox 696 appreciation week... or should I say... The John Cena thread?

Cena just might have the most inescapable submission hold in the business today.

As hard is for accepting it... you might be right... :( It,s a shame that CM Punk dont use the anaconda Vice though, and maybe you are going to laugh, but if Chris Masteroids could apply his master-lock properly, without any interference, the move itself is painful as a kick in the nuts.....In Mexico that move was (or is) known as "full nelson (correct me if im wrong) and sometimes i saw wrestlers passing out for real...
In the STFU(STS), if you are lucky enough to be flexible as rubber, you might have a chance to hold on, and try to kick out... but in a "master lock" you cant do shit, even if you are elastic as a condom....your neck would broke in no time.

(all this assuming that the moves are applied properly and with more force than the ussual)

**Enjoy your appreciation week pal, just don't blow up in a limo!! LOL!)**
i was interested in the rapper john cena because he was a character that everyone could enjoy but now that hes a marine directed at the 8 year old kids marking out in the crowd hes the most aggravating person ive ever seen. i am one of the biggest cena haters youll see these days but i cant deny that he is way over with the demographic hes directed at. cenas still young and if they make him back into his thug character and teach him how to wrestle he could have an interesting career but until that he sucks and i hate him.

I think you need to realize that his Marine Gimmick is direct at the kids as he is a good guy and that these little kids that are 8 year old now will be future adults that will supporting the WWE with their money. They will be the ones buying the PPV. These little kids allows WWE to gain a profit form merchandise and his rapper gimmick was nice but it wasn't very suitable for the younger kids. You want a gimmick, and Cena has that, that allows you to love by the wee ones and parents of these kids. Its comes back to making a profit for the WWE and well Cena does that best :) There no going back to the rapper gimmick.

Also Slyfox i may disagree with everything youve ever posted going back to the hogan debates but some of the points you make make me second geuss my own opinions but then i watch raw and everythings back to normal.

You know I was the same way but i have seen the light and Cena is a decent worker in the ring and he does well with what WWE allows him to do movewise. Cena puts on a show love/hate you watch the man regardless :)
You know I was the same way but i have seen the light and Cena is a decent worker in the ring and he does well with what WWE allows him to do movewise. Cena puts on a show love/hate you watch the man regardless

i cant deny that he works hard and i love what they do to make cena haters hate him more like he finish at backlash and it defenitely does its job i love to hate john cena "The Marine". i also cant say i genuinly hate cena as a wrestler because hes somewhat interesting and is defenitely very athletic i just hate the overcome all odds marine thats shoved down our throughts every week. now i can say many personal hatefl things about batista but theres another time and another thread for that
i cant deny that he works hard and i love what they do to make cena haters hate him more like he finish at backlash and it defenitely does its job i love to hate john cena "The Marine". i also cant say i genuinly hate cena as a wrestler because hes somewhat interesting and is defenitely very athletic i just hate the overcome all odds marine thats shoved down our throughts every week. now i can say many personal hatefl things about batista but theres another time and another thread for that

I will admit the overcoming the odds is hurting Cena with smarks but they need to realize that Cena is the face of the WWE and will be the man until WWE feels they need to have Cena somewhere else so he doesn't get stale. But having Cena chase the title will get out of beating the odds all the time and maybe then we all can see Cena in a different light. Until Cena stops drawing he will be the man so for now sit back and watch greatness as one day we all look back and go wow he was something special:headbanger:
...I am officially in hell.

Nah it is fun though reading guys like Shocky's posts after remembering correctly I believe he was with me on wishing that John Cena got into a horrible car accident.

But in all seriousness, I've changed alot on my opinion of Cena, and alot of that does have to do with Mr. Slyfox, so thank you sir. He is the best in the WWE today, not in terms of in-ring ability and move set, but in terms of storytelling, popularity, and drawing, nobody is bigger then Cena at the moment. And while I strongly dislike his matches and have only enjoyed a few of them, this man is one of the most respectable men the WWE has possibly ever had. He really does put in 100% everywhere he goes at every time, and he has a love for this business that I haven't seen in a long time from a wrestler (granted I still think if he loves the business as much as he does he should take some time to learn a bit more). The charity he does as well. I've been reading Mick Foley's "The Hardcore Diaries" and theres a few stories involving Cena visiting the soldiers and sick children, and I've gotta say my opinion has changed on the man.
Why John Cena is better then everyone, you heard it right here.:

John Cena is the best, ya you heard me right,
He can beat both Umaga and Khali just in one night.

A 7 foot ******, known as the Undertaker?
hell son, he send him into retirment to be a Quaker.

Then there is Bret Hart, the man that can put down a hit,
hell son, once in the STFU, he'll be screaming the words "I Quit"

Triple H, the man that was once known as the Game,
John Cena's so good, he makes that old ass look Lame.

Shawn Michaels, the Has Been Kid with his silly super kick,
John Cena beats him so bad, Shawns in the corner about to get sick.

Stone Cold Steve Austin, to busy drinking some beer,
Once in the STFU, he'll know the true meaning of Fear.

Then the man, with the Saggy boobs, and bleached Hair,
The True 60 Minute Man is John Cena, not some chump named Flair.

John Cena is the man, that you know you all hold dear,
He'll be the champ at least for another year.

Cena can wrestle, and he's carried plenty of matches. Like his match against RVD, for example.

But, anyways, you really should jump aboard the Cena bandwagon now. Because, when he loses the title, and goes on a few months vacation and comes back, EVERYONE is going to be kissing his ass. You should get a head start. Like the mods are doing :D

i thought id bring this little arguement here

First off Cena in no way carried RVD from what i seen in that match it was all RVD...and u sayin cena is a good wrestle almost made me die laughing:twak:

anyway i really hope Cena does go on vacation and lose the title i have Cena Nuff i wish even though it isnt possible that at the GAB lashley wins (yes i am a lashley fan) but anyway i think i would jump on Big Daddy V's bandwagon before Cenas and i will not be catching this terrible sydrome I WILL NOT!!
a great idea for cena would be to have him lose his title against someone who0 can come off dominant agaianst him and then have him stay in title contention for a while and then have him become the guy who fights hard but gets beat in the end like a matt hardy type and he goes on a long losing streak and seems to lose his confidence then at one point start to slowly work his way back up and eventually getting back into the main events as an underdog whose worked so hard to get back up there.

this would please all cena fans because there guy would be more exciting and would please cena haters like myself because hes away from the main event for a while and maybe this is what it takes to make the smarks start to appreciate his hard work and determination in a way that keeps him from seeming like a fucking superman
Cena can wrestle, and he's carried plenty of matches. Like his match against RVD, for example.

But, anyways, you really should jump aboard the Cena bandwagon now. Because, when he loses the title, and goes on a few months vacation and comes back, EVERYONE is going to be kissing his ass. You should get a head start. Like the mods are doing :D

Cough....That cena can wrestle remark made almost wet my pants, he couldn't carry anybody thru a match, in fact HBK carried him! He can't sell a move and has a limited move set.

Bandwagon? This is one mod who will NEVER jump on that! he will get cheered by the same kiddie fanbase he has now, and booed by all others. I look forward to the day when he goes away for a while and pray he never comes back! I am so sick of the same old crap from him each week.

Why anybody cheers him is beyond me, the same lines and the same moves each week, while people like Benjamin and Carlito who can wrestle are held back. I know there is a chance cena will take time off, and I can't wait. The odds are it will be HHH until he gets back, but thats better than Cena..Hopefully HHH puts over Orton and when Cena gets back people will see how much he sucks ass and boo him back to Mass!
you know what, i use to dislike cena, but he seems to work very hard and he is very charamatic, but now i dont think he's all that bad, sure he repeats his moves all the time, but which wrestler doesnt.... steve austin had his stunner,lou thez press, stompin a mudd hole and an elbow drop and the rest were filler moves.........rock had the rock bottom, spine buster,ppls elbow and a punch were he spit on his hand first..... some wrestlers are just able to pull off more moves... when they showed that highlight reel of john cena on raw, i was impressed with it.

but i have a serious question, i was gonna post this on a seperate thread, but i figured it would juss get moved here...............


look how muscular he is, he was pretty big when he first came in, but now he looks alot bigger, and look at the ppl he's FU'ed...umaga,khali,big show...thats some incredible strength.....wut do u guys think
i dislike John Cena the wrestler not John Cena the man because outside of the ring Cena is a good role model he really gets into charity and is not a dick like orton or batista..but just as a wrestler i cannot stand the guy he is absolutely boring and his character just isnt good or fun anymore,and i really dont get why people think he has such great mic skills if you ask me he isnt even in the top 5 on the mic imo id have HHH,Kennedy,HBK,Orton,Edge all before him...he tries way too hard to be funny when he really isnt id laugh more watching sly say how great he is than listen to him on the mic

And for his wrestling skills the guy does the same ol shit match after match...gets beat down for about 10 minutes and no selling while doing so and then magically comes back and throws a few punches,followed by the 2 shoulder blocks,ocasionnally he does his run against the ropes sommersault neckbreaker or whatever it is then he comes back with that spinny powerbomb,5 knuckle shuffle and the the WTFU.imo thats bullshit and is crap and like deathisaright said you got guys like benjamin who i think is the most underrated wrestler possibly ever being held back and its ridicoulous and yes i know slyfox he does sell merchandise and draws crowds but if im not mistaken his merchandise sells are going down and he constantly gets booed night after night by real wrestling fans not little girls and kiddies but like i said the guy has to be carried through every match and his matches are just boring.hell i dont even watch the main event on raw anymore cause its impossible that cena will lose and thats why i hope he goes and shoots another movie and i will be one happy person when that happens and hopefully he will stay in hollywood just like Rock and not come back

For the guy that asked if cena is on steriods more than likely yes because it seems there is a big steriod problem in wwe and that needs to get fixed but anyway ive Cena Nuff have you?
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