[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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Boys and gals, let's stay away from making fun of each other and arguing about the correct spelling of ******ed. Keep the discussion on track cause this could degrade into flaming very easily.

Thank you.

Oh and:

Slyfox said:
And, other than his match with Cena, when was the last time HBK lost cleanly? Other than his match with Cena, when was the last time HHH lost cleanly as a face? When was the last time The Undertaker lost cleanly?

That time he lost to Great Khali. You're welcome :D

Just kidding :)
That time he lost to Great Khali. You're welcome :D

Just kidding :)
Exactly my point. Which happened May 21st, 2006. So, he hasn't/hadn't had a clean loss in over a year. And yet, no one complains :). How about Shawn Michaels? When was his last clean loss, in a one-on-one match, that didn't involve Cena? Has it really been since Wrestlemania 21?

Way to use my own sayings against me. :p haha
After watching Cena in many matches and then watching some old Ultimate warrior footage I have come to the conclusion. Cena is an Ultimate Warrior copy without the makeup.

Cena loses most mathces early hits 5 moves of doom match over. Warrior gets beat up hits clotheslines and shoulder blocks (as does cena) Warrior hits the Gorrila press slam then the big splash, Cena hits the Protoplex (spinning back suplex) 5 knuckle shuffle, FU and its over. WWE is trying to makeup for the mistake that was the Warrior and trying to fix it with a Warrior clone named Cena.

I would rather see Eugene as WWE champ!!
i hate john cena..i hope his career gets ended soon

Gosh where have i heard that before.

Im starting to view john cena as a victim of where they have had him win so much they dont know how to handle having him lose they (and by they i mean the bookers) have fallen into a rut where they cant decide how to make it look good while still keeping cena a main eventer.
In my opinion, Cena needs to drop the belt. Obviously, if there is this much resentment for the guy, there is something fundamentally wrong with his push. If you are the top face on the program and more than half the people boo you, you got problems. However, McMahon does know this and is using it to his advantage. People buy PPV just in hope of seeing this guy lose. And the other half to see him retain. Good idea. Where the problem comes in is this. This isn't the same wwe we grew up on. There are three brands now with an expanded roster. If the wwe doesn't have him drop the belt soon, people will start tuning out, just like they did with the WCW. WCW's problem was they never pushed new talent and the brand got boring. They feed up and comers like Khali and Umaga to cena just to watch them go back to the depths of nothingness. I think it kinda insults the core of wrestling fans. I feel he is going to drop the belt, just as soon as MRRRRR. KEEENNNEEEDDDDY returns. I believe he is the next Austin or Rock. I just pray they don't feed him to Cena like so many others. Plus, i think more fans would respect cena if he did drop it and use his push to push others. Cena is no Hogan. So stop treating him like he is!!!
I could say the same things I hear so many people say about Cena,
but I have my own opinion.

True, i'm tired of seeing him as the WWE Champion, we need someone new with the title.

However, why not change Cena's character a bit?

He's been a babyface now for a long time.

He fizzled out of the rapper gimmick and into the soldier-esque-kids hero,

but whatever happened to heel Cena??

Remember when he would punch people in the face with a chain before he gave them an FU?

That was a lot more convincing then what he does now.

Either way, something new needs to happen with him.
Im starting to view john cena as a victim of where they have had him win so much they dont know how to handle having him lose they (and by they i mean the bookers) have fallen into a rut where they cant decide how to make it look good while still keeping cena a main eventer.

I beg to differ. Last night was a chance to get a new champion and not have cena look weak (god forbid that). Cena didnt have to be pinned or tap out to lose the title anyone could have lost and we would have had a new champ.
cena is a good guy but he has had the title. to long and his act is repetitive
Since Cena is going to be the WWE champ for god know's how long,
why not have him take some bumps in a match?

In the match at Vengence, he took a scissors kick and an RKO and jumped right back up a minute or so later to FU Mick Foley.

He doesn't sell ANYTHING, none of his matches are fun or exciting to watch cause you know he'll come out on top at the end no matter what.
Wow, this argument will never die, will it?

We are going to be arguing the suckiness or greatness of John Cena until the end of time, aren't we?

First off, so what if John Cena has 5 moves of doom? Every wrestler has 5 moves of doom. Chris Benoit (God rest his soul) had the push clothesline, the Sharpshooter, the Multiple German Suplexes, the Flying Headbutt, and the Crippler Crossface. Goldberg had the savate kick, the gorilla press slam, the rolling leglock, the spear and the Jackhammer. Even The Rock, who I remember some time ago EVERYONE hated because he couldn't wrestle, had the DDT, Samoan Drop, Spinebuster, The People's Elbow, and The Rock Bottom. Not everyone can be like my favorite, The Undertaker, who has the Old School Clothesline, Snake Eyes, The Running Big Boot, the Flying Clothesline, the Choke-Slam, and The Tombstone Piledriver, with an occasional Last Ride.

I admit Cena isn't the greatest, and he is a lot more watered down than what he used to be, but is that really why you think he sucks? Everytime a guy is pushed hard by the WWE, people find a reason to hate him. I love reading this stuff, "Cena sucks, no one likes him, get him off the air..." Yet everytime I hear PPVs and shows, he's getting more cheers than boos. (Yes, I hear some boos, but not like M.V.P. and Khali boos) Maybe the people that are saying how much they hate Cena want to be rebels. "We want to look tough and cool and non-conformist, so we'll cheer the heels and boos the faces. Yeah!" So what if his matches aren't technical showcases or four star excitement? The only Hogan matches I thought were great were vs. Goldberg, the Undertaker and Andre the Giant, and he lost two out of those three.

I would like to see Cena lose the title to someone like King Booker or Bobby Lashley, but it doesn't mean I'm throwing things at my TV when Cena overcomes the odds again. It's going to be a big moment when Cena finally does lose the WWE title, and I'm sure many of you will crack on the next champion and how he's overexposed and shoved down your throats. Same old tune that I heard for Hogan, The Rock, Goldberg AND Cena. Oh well.
why was Cena talking about Benoit though?! he barely knew him, this is WWE making sure everyone see's Cena and how sorry he is so he gets sympathy. God-forbid he doesnt make an appearence on RAW It makes me sick to my stomach.
Thats bullshit harpoon, I hate John Cena probably more then anyone on this board but if you work at WWE, you know everyone, especially when you've had matches with them as Cena did with Benoit. They obviously knew each other and they were obviously friends, try and get your hatred of Cena out of this equation here and be even a tad bit respectful to Cena for being in grief over the death of a FRIEND. They were both involved in the WWE for the last five years, five years is a damn long time to know someone, so check your Cena-hatred at the door in regards to his appearnace on the tribute show, because he deserved just as much as anyone else to share his words on the subject. It wasn't for sympathy, jesus they had super heel Chavo on there crying his eyes out and touching everyone who watched him speak, you think they'd want to give sympathy to one of their biggest heels? No.
Chavo obviously was a geniue friend of Benoit though, as were JBL and Edge. I cannot find anywhere that says Benoit and Cena were friends, I know that they have worked together and everything but still I think there is a element of having to have Cena on TV to satisfy his 'fans' and put him over as a genuinly nice guy. There were many people that should have been there to speak about him ahead of Cena- Arn Anderson, Bret Hart, Flair... just to name a few. The decision to have Cena speak about him was in my opinion at least in part because of WWE's determination to show him on TV. It really is a pity that WWE try to explot the death, a similar situation to how Rey got super face status with the Eddie storyline.
Chavo obviously was a geniue friend of Benoit though, as were JBL and Edge. I cannot find anywhere that says Benoit and Cena were friends, I know that they have worked together and everything but still I think there is a element of having to have Cena on TV to satisfy his 'fans' and put him over as a genuinly nice guy. There were many people that should have been there to speak about him ahead of Cena- Arn Anderson, Bret Hart, Flair... just to name a few. The decision to have Cena speak about him was in my opinion at least in part because of WWE's determination to show him on TV. It really is a pity that WWE try to explot the death, a similar situation to how Rey got super face status with the Eddie storyline.

I'd really have to agree actually. There's plenty of other wrestlers who I believe (although I dont know for sure) are more friendly with him. Cena & Benoit never had a proper feud, which I think possibly would have brought them closer together. I dont doubt they were friends but I think it's more likley he was friendlier with other superstars that he had worked with for years, or who were lower down the card.
Leave Cena alone for once. Benoit's death affected EVERYONE, wrestlers, fans, family, friends. There's no benefit to Cena having him about how he felt about Benoit. What, is some fan gonna say, "Oh, Cena was so nice speaking about Benoit, maybe we should cheer him more!" That makes no damn sense at all!

Maybe he was one of the few people that could do it. Not every wrestler would be open enough to share their feelings on camera that soon after a death, especially one as grisly as this one. Cena was at RAW, he wrestled Benoit on several occasions, whose to say they were not friends? They weren't enemies. I don't remember who spoke on camera when Eddie died, but not everything is an attempt to put someone over and get ratings, and make a wrestler more likable.

Get over yourself and think of someone else besides your own selfish ego and your hatred over a wrestler. A man and his family are dead and you're thinking how much Cena makes you sick. Christ.
Leave Cena alone for once. Benoit's death affected EVERYONE, wrestlers, fans, family, friends. There's no benefit to Cena having him about how he felt about Benoit. What, is some fan gonna say, "Oh, Cena was so nice speaking about Benoit, maybe we should cheer him more!" That makes no damn sense at all!

Maybe he was one of the few people that could do it. Not every wrestler would be open enough to share their feelings on camera that soon after a death, especially one as grisly as this one. Cena was at RAW, he wrestled Benoit on several occasions, whose to say they were not friends? They weren't enemies. I don't remember who spoke on camera when Eddie died, but not everything is an attempt to put someone over and get ratings, and make a wrestler more likable.

Get over yourself and think of someone else besides your own selfish ego and your hatred over a wrestler. A man and his family are dead and you're thinking how much Cena makes you sick. Christ.

This is the John Cena thread. This is for people who like Cena to discuss with people who hate Cena. I dont see your point. Dont reply because it's off topic. But seriously dont take the time to post here if your in mourning over Benoit.
I 100% agree with BrooklynBuc.... In the wake of this tragedy, it is very selfish to harp on someone you dislike because they gave a heartfelt speech on a tribute show. Also, Cena is the face of the WWE, and whether he knew Benoit well or not, you should have the face of your company giving a speech much like they had Batista come out to open the Eddie Guerrero tribute show although they may not have known each other as well as other wrestlers did. There may be a time and a reason to dislike Cena, but please im begging people not now and not for this reason.
The face of your comapny has absoloutaly nothing to do with it. I am almost convinced that the decision to let him speak was at least IN PART because WWE wanted to try and convince everybody that Cena is a caring indivudual knowing that he would probably be emotional at this time. I am not criticising Cena really more the decision to have him speak and the reasoning behind it.
06/26/2007 by Ryan Clark

John Cena has been telling people that he has a script in hand for a new WWE Films production that will begin filming in the fall. It will not be a sequel to The Marine.

If and when this thing does come to play, he'll most definitely have to take some time off from his WWE duties to shoot the film, or else face the burden of an incredibly taxing schedule. At the very least, he'll have to scale back on house shows and media appearances. When he filmed The Marine, he took about a month off. It should be interesting to see if he does what he did when he filmed The Marine in late 2004 where he'd fly out to Australia every week to film the movie, and then hop back on the plane to go back to the U.S. to appear at WWE shows. At the time, he was just starting to gain a lot of momentum to build for his eventual championship win at WrestleMania 21, which is why he didn't really take any time off. This time around, his spot is in safe-keeping and he'll still be the number one guy in the company if he decided to take some time off from his WWE schedule.

Well this is just what Ive been waiting for.Cena to take time off and leave.Although he could just have a tight-packed schedule, I would take the time off.I hope he leaves so they have him drop the title.
I'm a cena fanatic and I love everything he does but he could use some more new moves ones we never saw him do before not that its anything wrong with the moves he uses now...he's not the best in-ring wrestler but who cares hes the CHAMP! ..He was better in ovw to me as the prototype but he looked ugly but he dosent now...I personally liked him better when he first debuted on smackdown when he used to wear his jersey's and stuff then him now on raw ....I buy anything with cena on it cuz he's SEXCI !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm a cena fanatic and I love everything he does but he could use some more moves that would suprise us ones that he hasent done before......and he was better in ovw to me....I enjoy seeing him wrestle though hes not the best in the ring but who cares hes the champ......I buy anything that has to do with cena he's sexci

This is the kind of post that makess me want to hurl, basically the end sentence. I bet this poster is a pre-teen Girl. Cena's products are over the top in terms of saturation, the more you smash it through someones head that the guy is good, it is bound to get some people to believe it. The only reason he was better in OVW, is the fact that he didn't do the nauseating routine of what he does now, he didn't do the FU he didn't do the WTFU, he didn't do the five Knuckle Shuffle nor the Wave the hand in front of the face, this thereby speeds up his matches thereby making them appear better.
I'm a cena fanatic and I love everything he does but he could use some more new moves ones we never saw him do before not that its anything wrong with the moves he uses now...he's not the best in-ring wrestler but who cares hes the CHAMP!

His in ring ability does matter. If he sucks in the ring and does his 5 moves of doom then it doesn't matter that he's the "champ"...it just makes him boring and repetetive to watch, like a fan or a washing machine.

I buy anything with cena on it cuz he's SEXCI !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do I need to say anything about this? Yeah screw it. This is exactly why he's champion. Because these girls and little kids buy all his shit with his new slogan that he probably doesn't even use. WWE just wants some money so they put out more and more shit for these leeches to buy so they can show off to their 7th grade class. Whatever I could go on for hours about this but I'll restrain myself.
Since Cena is going to be the WWE champ for god know's how long,
why not have him take some bumps in a match?

In the match at Vengence, he took a scissors kick and an RKO and jumped right back up a minute or so later to FU Mick Foley.

He doesn't sell ANYTHING, none of his matches are fun or exciting to watch cause you know he'll come out on top at the end no matter what.

Then I guess John Cena would be a perfect addition to TNA because none of them sell moves either.

And John Cena is not bad a selling moves, he sells moves as fine as anyone else does in the business. It's only because he's John Cena people think that he has every flaw in the wrestling business.
Michael Colvin sent this in: I just got back from The Plex Fitness Center in Bossier City, LA (location of tonight's WWE Raw house show) and spotted WWE Champion John Cena working out. I little girl (maybe 8 years old) wanted to talk to Cena, but was too shy to go up to the Champ. Cena overheard the little girl talking to her mom and walked up to her and said hi. Cena talked to the girl for a little while and then talked to her and her mom some more after he finished his workout. Other than that nothing intesting happened. Cena was by himself and their was only about 8 other people in the gym, no one else bothered him. I'll let you know if anything interesting happens at tonights house show.

This right here is just another reason, in a long list of reasons, that I admire John Cena and why he is a great champion. He took time out of his incredibly busy and hectic life, to go talk with a little girl who was to shy to go talk to one of her heroes. John Cena is the type of person and character that people, especially children, should look up to.
I was on WWE.com just looking at past ppv of the year as you do.
I stumbled across something that really annoyed me.
The main event for all ppv's for all this year apart from 3 have involved John Cena. All these showed him winning. The other 3 were 2 involving The Undertaker which i am ok with and the whole Mr. McMahon shaving head thing. But John Cena is an idiot and the WWE Title deserves better. I feel that these Main Events should be given to new people with real potential.
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