[Official] Hulk Hogan Discussion

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WOW!!! Bischoff and Hogan to TNA?! That's going to do... exactly what it did in WCW. I would've hoped that by now promoters would realise that just because you have one of the biggest geniuses of all time and the biggest superstar of all time does not necessarily mean they will draw. Although I could be wrong and this could be a good thing for TNA. Only time will tell...:confused:
I've had a while to swallow this.... And quite frankly, as much as I'd like to get excited about this, I can't. I really just can't. Sure, things just became interesting as it pertains to what I suppose will eventually become the next Monday Night Wars. However, there is one extreme difference that I've noticed as it pertains to WCW's signing of Hogan in 1994, and TNA's signing of Hogan in 2009.

Namely, that by 1994, WCW had absolutely no direction. Sure, they had Flair back by this point, and he was working his traditionally classic matches with Ricky Steamboat. Having said that, WCW had absolutely nothing going for it by 1994, when Hogan shocked the wrestling world. There were no more fresh matches to be found in WCW at this point, and WCW was merely fledgling along, trying to keep it's head above water. WCW fans could only watch Sting wrestle Vader so many times before they clamored for new faces. Sure enough, Hulk provided them with the names and wrestlers that would become pivotal to WCW's eventual success.

TNA, on the other hand, does have a distinct direction. TNA had made a conscious effort to prove that they are radically different compared to the WWE. They've bolstered their Tag Teams, signed Knockouts that are completely capable in the ring, and are now making a conscious effort to gel their rising TNA stars with WWE wrestlers that can still throw in decent matches, and have pretty good minds for the business. Sure, some people referred to them as "WWE Lite", but one could clearly tell, if they watched both companies, that TNA was making huge strides to differentiate themselves from the WWE. Alas, they had plenty of matches to keep them going for a good couple of years to come, what with AJ becoming champion, Matt Morgan becoming the next big name in TNA, and other such TNA names starting to become involved in the main event scene. Yes, I understand TNA hired "WWE guys", but for the most part, TNA had wiped away the stigma that TNA was where you went when WWE felt you didn't have it anymore.

This move completely changes all of the progress TNA has made in such a short span of time. Now all we can do is compare it to the WWE, and I'm willing to bet that TNA's about to go in a totally different direction now. Hulk has already made it apparent he wishes to run TNA, and it's pretty evident to say the Hulkster has a radically different viewpoint on how business should be run, at least compared to how TNA's upper brass feels business should be done. Yes, Hogan's viewpoint has worked in the past, but wrestling is a totally different type of entertainment now. Besides that, in the WWE, though the Hulkster would never admit it, Vince would always be there to keep his ego in check, and make sure that Hulk would not become too much of a cancer backstage. Whenever Hulk was in the WWE, even in his later runs, the only time that Hulk became a pain in the ass was when he knew he didn't have to put up with Vince over a long term stretch of time, and he was free to let his ego run wild. Who exactly in TNA is going to control Hulk Hogan? Eric wasn't able to do it in WCW, and Vince Russo has basically has his legs cut out from underneath him by this move. Don't tell me you think Dixie's going to keep him in line, because we all know that's simply not true.

As fun as it may be to see the Hulkster for a month or two, something about this move just rubs me the wrong way.
Alot of people on this forum are excited about the signings of Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff in TNA wrestling. I for one am not. The four people most consider responisble for the death of WCW are Eric Bischoff,Hulk Hogan,Kevin Nash,and Vince Russo. All four of those names now work for TNA wrestling. Hulk Hogan admittedly was running WCW back in the day during their darker days albeit not officially. He was in Eric Bischoff's ear sucking WCW and Billionare Ted's wallet dry. Now he will be doing this for a much less wealthy Carter family and a much less talented TNA roster. At their highest point in their ratings history they are a third of WCW's lowest point in theirs. Hogan at 56 years old isn't even half the wrestler he was at 50 or even 53. He can barely shave or brush his teeth without wincing in pain. He isn't thinking of his health and he isn't thinking of TNA. He is a greedy no good asshole and don't be surprised if you see Ed Leslie pinning AJ Styles or Brian Knobbs beating Samoa Joe clean. Boy I can't wait for Impact next week...:rolleyes:
I think TNA will be fine. People tend to focus way too much at what happened in the past. I think with the combination of vast experience, really high ups and really low downs, plus a limited amount of money, things will be carefully and efficiently executed in TNA. Back in WCW, there was too much money and the idea of failure obviously didn’t cross WCW’s mind. I believe Easy – E has learned his lesson with his experience in WCW and most likely learned a thing or three working for Vince himself. I think the success they had with CCW (it was successful right??) helped out a lot. Hulk Hogan has reached Rock Bottom, and I’m not talking about Dwayne’s Ura-nage Slam (which is incorrectly referred as, by the way), and one would hope that this fresh start will get the “Real Icon” back on the road to success. Yeah, I said it, REAL ICON!! This is all hopes and wishes, as we will never know until they show. Besides, are you telling me that you wouldn’t pop for the return of the “Newer Word Oder”?? (Had to change it due to rights and all that)
I doubt TNA would ever try to infringe on the New World Order, but if they did, calling it the "Newer" World Order would still be too close to copyright infringement for them.

They'd likely just call it a variant name, and simply refer to it after it's title as "a new world order".
TNA made a bad mistake in bringing in Hogan. It'll be a matter of time before hogan will demand the belt as he is only good for ratings. Hogan at this point should not be wrestling. based on past history between russo and hogan, this may turn up ugly.
Bishoff on the other hand I see more creative matches being slated out.
If TNA said any words on TV that started with NWO about a group with Hogan and Nash Vince would have an injunction by the next taping and maybe get the segment pulled from TV or digitize out the t-shirt and audio.

The closest TNA could come would be having the lineup of Hogan, Nash, Steiner and calling them, say, "the Boys in Black." Any closer ripoff of the NWO than say the MEM would have Vince's lawyers down TNA's throat.

TNA has foolishly declared war against a much better armed adversary.
If TNA said any words on TV that started with NWO about a group with Hogan and Nash Vince would have an injunction by the next taping and maybe get the segment pulled from TV or digitize out the t-shirt and audio.

The closest TNA could come would be having the lineup of Hogan, Nash, Steiner and calling them, say, "the Boys in Black." Any closer ripoff of the NWO than say the MEM would have Vince's lawyers down TNA's throat.

TNA has foolishly declared war against a much better armed adversary.

People said the same of the wars in Iraq and Vietnam, man.

Just because you have a bigger set of guns doesn't mean you actually know how to use them.

Vince has put this all on himself by failing to put out a better product despite the demands of his audience. The failure of that product is masked every single week because there's a new "celebrity guest host" who helps drive meaningless ratings up. Vince is an idiot if he thinks because he's still drawing a 3.5 that his product doesn't still suck holy hell.

The Hogan/Bischoff thing may be dated, but the sheer fact this news made ripples is in and of itself tangible proof that it's not only still relevant, but that it's equally as dangerous. It's yet to be seen whether that danger is for TNA or the WWE, but based on the plot as we see it today, I'd think Vince should up his threat level warning before Dixie should.
The Hogan/Bischoff thing may be dated, but the sheer fact this news made ripples is in and of itself tangible proof that it's not only still relevant, but that it's equally as dangerous. It's yet to be seen whether that danger is for TNA or the WWE, but based on the plot as we see it today, I'd think Vince should up his threat level warning before Dixie should

The WWE product being subpar is not the point. Vince McMahon is the undisputed best in the world, all-time, at putting other wrestling companies out of business.

It didn't just start with WCW and ECW. When the WWF went national, there were 12-20 territories chugging along. Vince absorbed a few, ran some out of business, and forced the rest into the arms of Jim Crockett, who he ran out of business, forcing him to sell JCP/WCW to Turner.

Vince has the money to do talent raids. He has the relationships with TV networks to counterprogram against TNA programming. He has the cash in hand to swallow a few quarters of losses or to spend on "screw TNA" ventures. And he has the tape libraries of the greatest matches of all of TNA's stars except for Styles and Joe.

The irony is that Hogan might be blowing smoke about challenging Vince and bringing back the Monday Night Wars. But I don't know that Vince is going to take that chance.

Six-Step Program to Crush TNA WIthout Necessarily Making WWE TV Better
1. Lighter veteran schedules. Over-35 main eventers have earned it, and Cena, Orton, HHH, Punk and one or two others should be enough to sell house shows.
2. Raid Key TNA Talent. Angle is a free agent, as far as we can tell. Joe is a free agent either in 2010 or 2011. AWesome Kong may be a free agent next year.
3. Put the word out to WWE main eventers: WWE is at war. If you go to TNA, there is no guarantee you'll come back. You risk being frozen out like Randy Savage.
4. Any time a TNA talent's contract is up, offer a WWE roster minimum contract, just to increase TNA's overall payroll.
5. Counterprogramming. Get an 8pm Monday slot, and use it for a studio show or something. Next year, move Smackdown to Thursdays in the new deal.

That 8pm studio slot could be turned over exclusively to stuff to undermine TNA. Forget announcing match outcomes. TNA is building to Hogan-Sting? Run their 1997 match. TNA downplays the old guys and puts some emphasis on the X-Division? Tape one "TV Title" match per week between Evan Bourne, Chavo, Shelton Benjamin, Yoshi Tatsu and maybe even per-appearance guest stars Petey Williams, Sonjay Dutt, Michael Shane, Johnny Devine, Brian Kendrick, Paul London, etc. and run that during the 8pm show.

None of that makes Raw or Smackdown or ECW any better. But it raises the cost to Panda Energy and Spike of staying in the game.
The WWE product being subpar is not the point. Vince McMahon is the undisputed best in the world, all-time, at putting other wrestling companies out of business.

It didn't just start with WCW and ECW. When the WWF went national, there were 12-20 territories chugging along. Vince absorbed a few, ran some out of business, and forced the rest into the arms of Jim Crockett, who he ran out of business, forcing him to sell JCP/WCW to Turner.

Vince has the money to do talent raids. He has the relationships with TV networks to counterprogram against TNA programming. He has the cash in hand to swallow a few quarters of losses or to spend on "screw TNA" ventures. And he has the tape libraries of the greatest matches of all of TNA's stars except for Styles and Joe.

The irony is that Hogan might be blowing smoke about challenging Vince and bringing back the Monday Night Wars. But I don't know that Vince is going to take that chance.

Six-Step Program to Crush TNA WIthout Necessarily Making WWE TV Better
1. Lighter veteran schedules. Over-35 main eventers have earned it, and Cena, Orton, HHH, Punk and one or two others should be enough to sell house shows.
2. Raid Key TNA Talent. Angle is a free agent, as far as we can tell. Joe is a free agent either in 2010 or 2011. AWesome Kong may be a free agent next year.
3. Put the word out to WWE main eventers: WWE is at war. If you go to TNA, there is no guarantee you'll come back. You risk being frozen out like Randy Savage.
4. Any time a TNA talent's contract is up, offer a WWE roster minimum contract, just to increase TNA's overall payroll.
5. Counterprogramming. Get an 8pm Monday slot, and use it for a studio show or something. Next year, move Smackdown to Thursdays in the new deal.

That 8pm studio slot could be turned over exclusively to stuff to undermine TNA. Forget announcing match outcomes. TNA is building to Hogan-Sting? Run their 1997 match. TNA downplays the old guys and puts some emphasis on the X-Division? Tape one "TV Title" match per week between Evan Bourne, Chavo, Shelton Benjamin, Yoshi Tatsu and maybe even per-appearance guest stars Petey Williams, Sonjay Dutt, Michael Shane, Johnny Devine, Brian Kendrick, Paul London, etc. and run that during the 8pm show.

None of that makes Raw or Smackdown or ECW any better. But it raises the cost to Panda Energy and Spike of staying in the game.

First off, great post.

Secondly, I'm not saying it cant' happen. I realize that the WWE does seem to corner the market, but that's not to say Vince is so naïve that he can't see more value in not sinking his competition for the third time in a row, than by actually seeing the value in sinking it.

I'm not saying he's going to step outright and help promote TNA, but I don't think he's going to "go to war" with it either. Certainly not until TNA legitimately declares war on WWE anyway. TNA can talk about that all they like, but until they actually move into the same territory (e.g. a Monday Night war), they're still a non-issue in the eyes of the WWE.
I'm not saying he's going to step outright and help promote TNA, but I don't think he's going to "go to war" with it either. Certainly not until TNA legitimately declares war on WWE anyway. TNA can talk about that all they like, but until they actually move into the same territory (e.g. a Monday Night war), they're still a non-issue in the eyes of the WWE

That would be true if Angle had six more months on his contract. The first move in a WWE-TNA war is signing Angle. If TNA loses Angle, they lose their best performer and the bridge between the "WWE-WCW stars" and the "New Generation athletic TNA guys" like Joe and Styles. Angle is the only guy who can cut star-power promos head-to-head with Hogan and then go wrestle a 60-minute Iron Man match with Styles.

Since Angle's contract is up now, WWE has to decide whether to go to war now. IF they let Angle re-sign with TNA, then they lose their first opportunity to hurt the TNA product and TNA's credibility with their old fanbase.
Unless the WWE is willing to give Angle the type of contract that the Undertaker has, I can't really see him going back, no matter how frustrated he may or may not be in TNA right now. I just don't see him working on the road like he was prior to joining TNA the way the WWE is more than likely going to request. He'd have to sign a deal that allowed him to skip out on all the house shows, and basically work two or three times a month (including PPV's). The WWE has the money to make it happen, sure, but I'm just not so sure Angle would necessarily sign off on it.
I just don't see him working on the road like he was prior to joining TNA the way the WWE is more than likely going to request. He'd have to sign a deal that allowed him to skip out on all the house shows, and basically work two or three times a month (including PPV's). The WWE has the money to make it happen, sure, but I'm just not so sure Angle would necessarily sign off on it.

I think that, post-Benoit, that is a direction that the "E" is moving in anyway. Undertaker has his deal. Shawn Michaels has a similar deal. Edge and Batista are always banged up. Jericho and Big Show took years off, so they are financially secure enough to tell Vince "No." Mysterio wants more time off.

Would Vince McMahon make this concession just to get Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle back in the WWE? Not really. Would he do it to remove TNA's cornerstone--I think he would. But if he does, then he's accountable to the guys on or close to Angle's level who stayed with him.
Right now the stage is set almost identically to what it was when Bischoff seized control of WCW for the first time. The WWE product is stale and aimed at children, while TNA is kind of stuck in a rut. Admittedly, it isn't as big a rut as WCW was in, but it is something of a rut nonetheless.

Hulk Hogan is irrelevant. Sure, he'll attract a few more fans, but probably not enough to cover his salary. Bischoff is the big deal. Bischoff mastrered the "if you can't beat them at their own game, beat them at a different one" mentality, and was always aware that an edgier product could work, and I think he will be a good thing. He could also be the famous Russo filter that everyone knows we need.
Right now the stage is set almost identically to what it was when Bischoff seized control of WCW for the first time. The WWE product is stale and aimed at children, while TNA is kind of stuck in a rut. Admittedly, it isn't as big a rut as WCW was in, but it is something of a rut nonetheless.

Hulk Hogan is irrelevant. Sure, he'll attract a few more fans, but probably not enough to cover his salary. Bischoff is the big deal. Bischoff mastrered the "if you can't beat them at their own game, beat them at a different one" mentality, and was always aware that an edgier product could work, and I think he will be a good thing. He could also be the famous Russo filter that everyone knows we need.

Agree, Bischoff could be the bigger signing if he helps TNA to acquire a new tv deal which could put TNA closer on par with the WWE. Hogan will transform TNA when he's on board as the first thing he will do is likely run the show on tv and backstage. Sad for all the young talent which were just getting pushed.
Unlike most, I do think TNA's procuring of Hogan was a good idea. I know everyone's screaming "WCW" and "TNA Grave Yard" already, but the difference between now and then is that TNA has an invested interest in their up-and-coming talents. TNA wants a future. Dixie Carter believes in her young talents. WCW couldn't see the potential in an AJ Styles, I know, because they had him on their roster. Hell, they couldn't even see the potential in a clearly over Jericho. TNA isn't WCW, and without Double J in the house, it seems as if cooler heads have prevailed, attitudes have been checked at the door, and growth has happened in a big way. They're not about to let some ego muck up what they've built in such a short span of time, and I'm not talking within the past seven years, I'm talking about within the past seven months.

AJ Styles is a legitimate World Champ, beating the likes of Sting. Matt Morgan is a main event ticking time bomb that's getting props from his foes. Samoa Joe was pressured into joining the Main Event Mafia because, admittedly, they couldn't beat the guy. Eric Young is a singles champion, and heading the faction holding a quarter of the gold in TNA right now, and while TNA's been about one step forward and six back in the past, I think after BFG, they're ready to launch their homegrowns into the stratosphere. My bet is that Hogan hypes TNA in interviews, maybe gets in shape for one bout before the year end, and spends most of his TV time talking up the product, putting over the talents in segments, and simply doing what people have wanted him to do for fifteen years; help a company thrive and grow. He realizes that this run isn't about him, this run is about TNA.

Just my two cents anyway~
According to the New York Daily News, Hogan has some plans for TNA that he'd like to see happen. Supposedly, Hogan would like to bring in Stone Cold Steve Austin, Rob Van Dam, Macho Man Randy Savage and the Nasy Boys onto the TNA roster. Hogan also wants to start another Monday Night War with the WWE by having TNA put a show on Monday nights.

Overall, I think this shows just how far out of touch Hogan is with TNA's current situation and the situation of talent to begin with. As far as Stone Cold Steve Austin, Hogan has been trying to do something with Austin for years. For a long while, Hogan has wanted to face Austin at a WrestleMania but has never been able to talk him into it. It's been said that Hogan would even be willing to do the job if it had taken place but I don't believe that for a second personally. If I'm not mistaken, I think his knees and his neck are shot to a degree that a competitive match is pretty much out of the question. I think Austin pretty well knows how Hogan operates and I'm not going to hold my breath for him to show up in TNA.

As for the Macho Man Randy Savage, I thought they despised one another. I doubt that Savage is going to be all that great of an in-ring performer as well. The guy turns 57 in less about two days so I'm not overly excited. It'd be nice to see the guy after so long, but I've no real interest in watching him wrestle anymore.

Rob Van Dam I'd be pretty excited to see. If he's near the level he once was, then RVD could be an exciting addition to the TNA roster. There are a few guys there that he could potentially have some real classics with.

The Nasty Boys....Good God....Just no...just...just no. For God's sake no.

Overall, it seems that the more I keep hearing about what Hogan's supposed plans are or what he wants to see happen in TNA, the less confident I become in this partnership he has with TNA.
According to the New York Daily News, Hogan has some plans for TNA that he'd like to see happen. Supposedly, Hogan would like to bring in Stone Cold Steve Austin, Rob Van Dam, Macho Man Randy Savage and the Nasy Boys onto the TNA roster. Hogan also wants to start another Monday Night War with the WWE by having TNA put a show on Monday nights.

Now alot of what you've said here, Jack, admittedly, doesn't sound like good business from the wrestling standpoint. But we'll focus on individuals wrestlers when the time is right. For now, there's something interesting you've pointed to, and it's Hulk's desire to go one on one with Vince.

Think about.... When's the first time, really the only time, someone has had Vince on the ropes? It was when the decision was made to attack him head to head. Eric did this masterfully, and if I'm not correct, the same guy just signed on with Hulk Hogan. I see no reason why this can't work. If you want to beat Vince, you're going to have to go head to head with him. And quite frankly, if not now, when? Carpe Diem, right? Seize the Carp.

Overall, I think this shows just how far out of touch Hogan is with TNA's current situation and the situation of talent to begin with.

Because he wants to challenge Vince? WCW was in no position to take Vince on head to head when they decided to instigate the Monday Night Wars. this business is very fickle.... Sure, it may not make sense to challenge Vince, but it's really your only choice, if you want to be the number one wrestling program.

As far as Stone Cold Steve Austin, Hogan has been trying to do something with Austin for years. For a long while, Hogan has wanted to face Austin at a WrestleMania but has never been able to talk him into it. It's been said that Hogan would even be willing to do the job if it had taken place but I don't believe that for a second personally. If I'm not mistaken, I think his knees and his neck are shot to a degree that a competitive match is pretty much out of the question. I think Austin pretty well knows how Hogan operates and I'm not going to hold my breath for him to show up in TNA.

I think there should be something said for how much loyalty Steve has to the WWE brand. I just can't see him making the jump to TNA. I've heard it said that if he were offered $10 Million, he'd face Hulk. Still, if you want to talk about counterproductive moves, this would be it for TNA. Right now, TNA doesn't need Steve, and quite frankly, Steve doesn't need TNA. Steve can stay loyal to the WWE, and become, through revisionist history, the greatest wrestler of all time. Besides, Steve is one to hold grudges. And you can best believe Steve remembers that it was The Hulkster that held Steve down in his later days in WCW.

As for the Macho Man Randy Savage, I thought they despised one another. I doubt that Savage is going to be all that great of an in-ring performer as well. The guy turns 57 in less about two days so I'm not overly excited. It'd be nice to see the guy after so long, but I've no real interest in watching him wrestle anymore.

Yeah, don't really see this being an important move. as to whether Hulk and Randy hate each other.... Eh, it's dicey. From my standpoint, if these two realize there's money to be made, they're the best of friends. If Savage sees money in TNA, I think he'll let his personal feelings for Hulk go.

Rob Van Dam I'd be pretty excited to see. If he's near the level he once was, then RVD could be an exciting addition to the TNA roster. There are a few guys there that he could potentially have some real classics with.

I agree wholeheartedly. Now, more than ever, it seems likely RVD will make a return. If TNA snatches him up, it will be huge. It has the potential to be bigger than the Hogan signing, and gives TNA a superstar to mold for five to ten years, if they really want him. The guy brings fans, plain and simple. Signing RVD could be monumental for TNA.

The Nasty Boys....Good God....Just no...just...just no. For God's sake no.

What's so bad about the Nastys? Sure, they're old, but all they've ever been is a brawling team. You don't have to be too young to know how to brawl. If they get brought in, so what? Have them work a program with the Dudleys. I promise, it'll be better than you think.

Overall, it seems that the more I keep hearing about what Hogan's supposed plans are or what he wants to see happen in TNA, the less confident I become in this partnership he has with TNA.

I see where you're coming from, but at the same time, you gotta admit, Hulk's got some decent ideas out there. I'm skeptical, too, but I think the decision to bring in RVD and moving to Monday is pretty good. If TNA wants any shot of wrestling away power from TNA, I think these are the moves that can get the job done.
Hogan can see that Vince is in a weak state. He see's that Vince is putting himself first and WWE second. That's why he's been teasing a Monday night show. Taunting McMahon to see if he's alert. So far, McMahon was only mad about the signing in MSG.

TNA's current roster is in an almost perfect state to take it to WWE. Think about it. AJ, Daniels and Joe are headlining the next PPV. Hernandez, Morgan and D'Angelo are in a high profile match. The Knockouts easily trump the divas and so do the tag teams. They have the X Division as well. TNA's talent has become more home grown than ever and still going strong. All in less than one year.

Hogans resent comments on TV and Radio are rash and probably far from true, but he's trying to garner attention for TNA. Wrongfully but still.

The only guy TNA could benefit from those Hogan mentioned is Rob Van Dam. He can still go in the ring. He could be X Division champ a few times, World champ once and then take Angle's current route and help develop new talent. Savage isn't in his best shapeand has already done TNA, poor Knobbs waddles like a penguin and I won't even comment about Austin.

TNA is in the right path, Hogan, well he could use a gps but he can get there. He just needs to realize that investing on the newer talent rather than him and his crew will get him more money.
I think that Hogan and Bischoff partnering with TNA is about as big as it's going to get for the company. Hulk's comments are a little out there truth be told, but HIGHLY probable. Now is the time for TNA to nut up or shut up, and do so while bringing their A game. And with Hogan as their Ace-In-the-Hole, they can do just that. A lot of people are going around saying that thing's are going to be just like WCW, and for a while it was. TNA has been focusing on their older talent, while repressing the younger stars. Now they have the chance to rectifying that, and they have been!

Honestly, who would have thought that Matt Morgan would be THE break out star of the year? And Hernandez, the man is absolutely blossoming into such an amazing singles competitor he'll be holding gold likely by summer of 2010. But the younger guys need name power like Hulk Hogan to help them reach that next unattainable level, while putting the company on the map. It's win-win. Now if TNA were smart, they will pressure Hogan in promoting the product more in his interviews. And talk to other stations in promoting their product, Spike TV can only do so much.

Now, as for moving to Monday nights.....not now. That would be the WORST thing that can happen at this critical point in TNA's 7 year history, they need to pace themselves. They just aquired their biggest name, if they were to go head-to-head with WWE they will be squashed. TNA needs to just stay in the slot their in for now, build up their ratings, then when the time is right they can move to Monday's. This is a case of "learning to walk before you can run". they really can't afford to do that at this juncture.

Now let's look at the names Hogan is wanting to bring in....

Nasty Boy's: This isn't to bad of an idea personally. Who say's they have to wrestle? I can see them more as manager's than anything, MCMG anybody?

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: Now that Hogan and Savage have "apparently" settled their differences, Savage can probably do a little segment with Jay Lethal. Wrestling, likely not. Maybe another thing with managing, or something like a spot as General Manger. Personally I'll go with the latter considering that Mick Foley's "Executive Shareholder's" position is getting a little stale.

Rob Van Dam: Holy shit! I can really see this happening! I remember when RVD came back from his suspension back in 2006, and I'm happy to say that I'm one of like 1,200 people who got to be there the night he came back. (It was a house show, and sorry had to gloat a little). The reaction was incredible, I can imagine that reaction x100 if this happens. RVD might be a little bit about the money, but trust me he is mosre about the competition than the dollar signs. TNA cannot pass this oppotunity up if it becomes availiable. I can see RVD going up against....well....anybody! Mainly A.J., or Joe. As well as having a few runs with the X-Division championship. Who know's, dare I say, World Championship? Again, I can really see this happening.

Steve Austin: Now, DESPITE what many have said in recent weeks....I don't think that Austin is quite done with wrestling. He's said so himself that he has maybe a match or two left in him. I think Hogan will do his best to try and get the "Texas Rattlesnake" to come to TNA for a few matches. Whether Austin will actually do so remains to be seen, I've seen on this forum that "Austin's loyalty to WWE will keep him from a Hogan/Austin match in TNA, be that as it may Austin has really wanted to do a match with Hogan for a long time. Hell, Hulk has even offered to put Austin over! All that really needs to happen, is Dixie, Jeff and Hulk sit down with Steve and mull over the details and a Hogan Austin match is very possible in the not-too-distant future. Do I think it will happen? Possiblly. Is there Austin's chances of doing a match in TNA? If the money is right, yes. If this does happen....TNA will reach a level that not even PG WWE could reach on their best day.

Of course, this is all just speculation. But I think that this is all possible, with Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff, anything is possible.
So I think I did a lot of soul searching and I think I finally understand why at this point Hogan has said he is not wrestling in TNA, and its because he wants to see how he does in Australia I mean seriously think about it if your doing 4 matches in 14 days time and you can't perform anywhere near decent for fans your not going to want to step into the ring for something like this its time to pass the torch and this is Hogans test.

I think Hogan and Bischoff bring the knowledge that TNA needs to beat McMahon eventually, but I also think what Bischoff realizes is that the wrestling game isn't about the same old dogs in the fight and that is what he will put in Hogans ear. Really though think about this for one second though is it really that bad if the nasty boys come in right now to TNA? No cause a legendary team (I use the term loosely) helps bring more chances to make the tag team division bigger, same if Rick Steiner got back with Scott, Hall if he loses some weight getting with Nash, I mean no matter how many people you bring in eventually they will go down to the new blood because that is what is good for business is rising stars.
Hogan to TNA is gonna make or break the future of the company. If the name of Hulk Hogan can't increase rating by a meaningful amount, it'll prove it's pointless for them to offer big cash to big names in a hope to increase viewer numbers. What could they do after that? It could prove names don't draw in TNA (or maybe wrestling in general these days). What else could they do established name wise after that? Maybe only signing The Rock to a full time schedule, and that's never gonna happen.
If the name of Hulk Hogan can't increase rating by a meaningful amount, it'll prove it's pointless for them to offer big cash to big names in a hope to increase viewer numbers. What could they do after that?

They could forget about trying to use a parade of former champions and celebrity names to attract attention and start trying to attract attention with their quality product. (If they still have a company after the Hogan Experiment fails.)

For once, MBA-speak is of value. Create a TNA mission statement: to be the most athletic, innovative wrestling product on television. That should be the standard that governs every move they make, every segment on television, every signing, every guest appearance. Every piece of the TNA and Impact puzzle should contribute to that focus.

This means two major areas of focus:
1. Sell the quality of their product--the most athletic, innovative wrestling show on television.

If Spike wants to have SuperDave come on and promote his project, then SuperDave has to spend a little time learning enough to get through a 2-minute segment where he hypes up one wrestler as his favorite, the guy he came out to see, and make it believable. (And Kurt Angle doesn't count, he doesn't need the credibility with any part of the TNA fanbase).

If you're going to have hardcore Abyss garbage matches, then at least sell Abyss as the premier hardcore garbage wrestler in the world today. Get him a title from CZW or from whoever owns the bankrupt shell of XPW.

2. Focus on maintaining and improving the quality of their product.

If some guys on your roster now don't fit with a fast-paced, athletic style, either figure out how to fit them into the picture or get rid of them.

Have someone read over the show outline and point out plot flaws (Mark Madden's idea, he probably wasn't the first).

Figure out how to show fewer moderately-interested-crowd shots. I know that the crowd can't be on fire all the time, every show. But if they're not hyped, keep them off of TV.
Agreed, and exactly the point I was trying to make. To be honest, I hope this whole Hulk Hogan thing fails ratings wise yet TNA manages to survive. It should then be the final straw for the WWE-lite/reject thing they've got going on and prove if they want to be in the wrestling business they've got to concentrate on being their own thing rather than a copy.
Hogan to TNA is gonna make or break the future of the company. If the name of Hulk Hogan can't increase rating by a meaningful amount, it'll prove it's pointless for them to offer big cash to big names in a hope to increase viewer numbers. What could they do after that? It could prove names don't draw in TNA (or maybe wrestling in general these days). What else could they do established name wise after that? Maybe only signing The Rock to a full time schedule, and that's never gonna happen.

Well what about a certain man by the name of Kurt Angle? When TNA announced at No Surrender 2006 that Kurt was on the roster, their official website had so much traffic that it literally shut down, and their ratings were pulled from the average of .6 to an average of 1.0. An average they have today. I agree that the product is more important, but big name wrestlers are still needed for ANY wrestling product.
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