Official DX Reunion Thread (merged)...Discuss EVERYTHING DX related here ONLY!!!

Couldn't Trips do a better impersonation of Vince? He only tried to alter his voice a few times. This could have been the funniest ever if he put his all into it.
HHH pull off Vince great. i dont know about HBK's trying to be Shane. it was alot better then when DX made fun of the Nation.:suckit:
That was so funny I am loving DX and HHH has finally got himself a personality instad of an attitude ......I love it
I don't know if this has been posted or not, but in the DX article of RAW magazine, even DX acknowledges that the reunion's a short-time thing. They don't want this to get stale. They're well aware that it has to be done right or the whole group's history could be tarnished by continuously bathing in its past glories.

So far they've been doing a great job with the reunion! I find them just as hilarious as they ever were!
even if dx had a reunion it would suck becasue the new age outlaws are at TNA sayin some stupid crap like WAMMO instead of suck it and x-pac is off doing some other stuff the only person that would probably be reliable would be chyna
FLUFF said:
Shawn is a wuss if he doesn't come back as the old degenerate we all knew and loved. Now, he is just some bible toting religious moron who thinks he may go to hell if he says bitch or makes a reference to his penis. Shawn better come back as the fun loving guy we all knew, or DX just isn't gonna work out.
what you need to do is SHUTUP!you should never call Shawn a moron because hereads the Bible ,that is totally defensive to christians,when you call us a moron you call God a moron,and when you do that you better watch out buddy!:mad:
Yessie420 said:
HHH pull off Vince great. i dont know about HBK's trying to be Shane. it was alot better then when DX made fun of the Nation.:suckit:
what do you mean the nation are you talking about united states if you are ur' stupid but no Offience:blink: :icon_exclaim:
Maxy said:
what do you mean the nation are you talking about united states if you are ur' stupid but no Offience:blink: :icon_exclaim:

HAHAHAHA! Dude, I never stoop to name-calling here, but you're straight up ******ed.
seiya1994 said:
wow.... whoever says John Cena could be or should be in DX.... should get slapped.... honestly..... :twak:
well then I guess I should be slapped then, but don't you dare try it or you'll not just get a little girlie slap but a big punch j/k:lol2: lol
dtm8117 said:
HAHAHAHA! Dude, I never stoop to name-calling here, but you're straight up ******ed.
what nation are they talking about then and no I am not retarted also i'm sorry for calling that person stupid I just get caught up in wrestling:icon_exclaim:
He is reffering to The Nation of Domination. When Triple H was "The Crock" The Rock, X-Pac was "Mizark Henry" Mark Henry, Road Dogg was "B'Lo Brown" D'Lo Brown and Billy Gunn was "The Gunnfather" The Godfather and Jason Sensation was Owen Hart.
Kain27 said:
He is reffering to The Nation of Domination. When Triple H was "The Crock" The Rock, X-Pac was "Mizark Henry" Mark Henry, Road Dogg was "B'Lo Brown" D'Lo Brown and Billy Gunn was "The Gunnfather" The Godfather and Jason Sensation was Owen Hart.
oh my bad I am so sorry I wasn't I wasn't in those wrestling day's SORRY!:( :icon_sad:
Kain27 said:
He is reffering to The Nation of Domination. When Triple H was "The Crock" The Rock, X-Pac was "Mizark Henry" Mark Henry, Road Dogg was "B'Lo Brown" D'Lo Brown and Billy Gunn was "The Gunnfather" The Godfather and Jason Sensation was Owen Hart.
oh my bad I am so sorry I wasn't in those wrestling day's SORRY!:( :icon_sad:
I think the fact that Triple HHH is the one that does the main stuff is going to catch up to DX. People are going to get tired of HBK not wanting to do any of the real edgy stuff =D
It wont last long.With Shawn micheals religion and his upcomming knee surgery the most it would go to would be sometime in december or unforgiven pay per view.Who knows?
It if D-X devloped new members so it could last longer. Mayybe bring back X-Pac but I think Randy Orton would be cool in D-X too!
Maxy said:
what do you mean the nation are you talking about united states if you are ur' stupid but no Offience:blink: :icon_exclaim:

Nation of Domination with The rock,DLo,Mark Henry,Godfather,and Owen hart. DX made fun of them exactly the same way they made fun of Vince and Shane.:twak:

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