Official DX Reunion Thread (merged)...Discuss EVERYTHING DX related here ONLY!!!

Yes I do have to say there return monday was a huge thing, I think you can see it on HHH and HBK's Faces that they were a little suprised..Like when HHH said "We're back babby" HBK got a huge smile on his face. I dunno maby it was just me reading into it to much.
Obbie said:
Ok so D-X is back. There were several people who had doubts that D-X could be as good/funny as it use to be. One because how can you create something that was so great, and two because Shawn Michaels is now a Christian. Michaels did a great job Monday night with being funny and his old self, while also showing that he is firm behind his beliefs. I knew this would work out and I knew that the gimmik is not old...

Two words for ya,


Why don't you just say Suck it:dark2: :shit: :dark2: :shit:
I am glad to see Triple H and HBK back together as DX
but I think They need X-Pac and Road Dogg and Billy Gunn
D_GenerationX said:
Why don't you just say Suck it:dark2: :shit: :dark2: :shit:

I did say "suck it" because I was making a point that D-X is back in force. That they are back to there old self. They were several on this boards saying that D-X would not be back because of HBK's beliefs.
dont get me wrong i love that DX is back but shawns personality was just a little two childish. I liked about 90% of their stuff but he was a little to stupid. Plus i think it will be short lived simply because they need rivals and i just dont see any. unless they decide to rival with ECW. Which is practically gay.
They need more then two members to have a proper DX group, especially when it comes to the Spirit Squad. They beat DX in numbers, if they get on the same page. It would be nice to a tag team added.
D-X does not need to add NAO, X-Pac, or Chyna. They had there moments but honestly I was so pissed off at first when HBK left the group and they added NAO and X-Pac. I would prefer they just kept it the original two members. It might add some entertainment if they had a tough ass chick like Victoria as a valet but I'd rather see this group just stay together. If you want to add someone, I would prefer it be two new guys. This is the more logical situation as NAO are of course under contract, as was X-Pac with Wrestling Society X. Of course I'm not sure if that's still the case.

If you want to add anyone to the group, I say add the World's Greatest Tag Team in Haas and Benjamin. I think it would be entertaining and let Benjamin build his career with fans as well as give Haas a second chance to make a name for himself. Plus it would be funny to see these guys develop into D-X characters like we saw the NAO do years ago.
Really now? Let's get one thing straight, the world as it is right now has not changed me, and it will not change me. So what makes you believe that I'm going to "come to my senses" because you told me to, or because of your lame post? In fact people like you reminds me to keep on believing. In fact it strengthens my dependence on God and Jesus. But this is not a Christian forum, this is a wrestling forum...

I thought Shawn was funny. I thought HHH was going to bust out laughing during the Coach segment. Especially when Michaels put the D on backwards. If you could put one person in D-X (since we all know that there needs to be more members) who would you put in? Myself I wouldn't mind Carlito.
Biscegliadawrestlingbible said:
If you ain't down with it, you can just go SUCK IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my new/old school dx would be Jim Duggan and Super Fly lol sike. I think it will also be Carlito and possibly maybe an unknown but im thinkin ... Matt Striker. I dunno why but just seems like a match to me.
cena_girlv1 said:
hey zero u stay up way 2 f***** late

lol. Bant.

I don't see anyone joining D-X at the moment, don't get me wrong X-pac or Chyna comeing back would be awsome but I don't see it happening. I would also like D-X to continue onto Summerslam and finally verse the McMahons in a final showdown with D-X winning. The McMahons winning would just longer the storyline and quite possibley make the D-X storyline stale. Or they could have the Summerslam match for the RAW GM spot.. with Michaels takeing time off out of the ring and taking up the GM spot which IMO would be awsome.
Carlito would be a great pic 2 join dx....especially with the "interview" he had yesterday with was hilarious and dx's style..
I really don't think that they should bring back any old members of dx....use hbk and hhh...and move forward with newer members...carlito being 1 of dem....

But HBK taking off for his knee and becoming raw gm is a good idea..
Carlito's going to be better once he drops the gimmick accent, and the "that's not cool" catch phrase. Once they give him the freedom to leave that stuff behind he will be a star.
Did anyone else catch Shawn saying "Oh Shit" after HHH whispered in his ear after their match was over at Vengeance?
i think after tonight DX will have a new rival.. Vince will bring someone in to challenge DX just my guess.. isnt it Vince and Shance vs DX tonight on raw?
i see a run-in happening:dark2:
Yessie420 said:
i think after tonight DX will have a new rival.. Vince will bring someone in to challenge DX just my guess.. isnt it Vince and Shance vs DX tonight on raw?
i see a run-in happening:dark2:

I agree 100%
GOD I HOPE SO!!!!...I cant stand anymore of the Spirit Squad vs HBK and HHH or SS vs HHH or SS vs HBK...God damn give us something else
i didnt see Vengeance but i read the results, do you think it's the person Vince was on the phone with last night that will do the run-in tonight?

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