Official DX Reunion Thread (merged)...Discuss EVERYTHING DX related here ONLY!!!

hothead25 said:
Carlito's going to be better once he drops the gimmick accent, and the "that's not cool" catch phrase. Once they give him the freedom to leave that stuff behind he will be a star.

i beg to differ on this subject, tho i do see where ur coming from, i also do see carlito's "that's not cool" and his accent still working if he were to join D-X i could honestly see that happening. Think about it, HHH or Shawn saying something let's say about How Mr. McMahon wear's a thong or something along those line's i could really see Carlito interrupting and saying, "that's not cool" or maybe even, "that's not right."
Sorry Carlito doesnt need to join DX, hes gotten pretty far by himself. He will dominate the IC title picture for the next year or two and move up to heavyweight title picture by that time. :bringit:
well no matter what about carlito, that scene of Vince, Shane and the *** squad getting :shit: on is PRICELESS. And here I didn't think they would top that awesome parody
zero said:
you are so right, I am so wrong, and religion is retarted.
What happened last night?It was still advertise to take place i mean it wouldn;t take long to go in the back and get cleaned up!
Wrestlers who should join the dx faction are n&m Mr.Kennedy and ARMANDO ELEJANDRO ESTRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRADA AAAAAA. And "mabye" Y2J. I also think the studderer matt maorgan should join.
HbK4LyFe04 said:
Carlito would be a great pic 2 join dx....especially with the "interview" he had yesterday with was hilarious and dx's style..
I really don't think that they should bring back any old members of dx....use hbk and hhh...and move forward with newer members...carlito being 1 of dem....

But HBK taking off for his knee and becoming raw gm is a good idea..

amen bro
one, nitro is a heel he wouldnt fit in at all.. edge wouldve if he wasnt a heel.. u need someone with charisma and a likeable comical personality and is somewhat of a baby face... i guarantee carlito will become a member of DX.. and the highlanders wtf theyre exactly like dx theyre hilarious and fit the blueprint of the necessary tagteam of the original dx.. and dx always had one serious guy.. test isnt gonna do any funny shit he doesnt have THAT much of a personality but i could see it.. who i really see is carlito, or at least the highlanders.. if a girl would to join it would be ashley without a shadow of a doubt
im sorry to break it to u but DX will be coming to an end soon. It was reported that HBK told WWE officals that he is uncomfortable in his new role with DX.
I for one hope they don't run it into the ground I however was hoping for an Original DX thing with the Return of Chyna!! that would have made the whole DX vs Cheerleaders great a woman who was more man then all 5 cheerleaders combined haha
Yeah right some of you guys think NWO was a better fraction than DX. NWO reminded me some what of the movie coccoon they were old washed up wrestlers that get there energy from a big paycheck from Billionaire Ted. So, it is no way in hell NWO is better than DX One man named Stone Cold had ratings than the whole fucking NWO which included Hulk Hogan and that is way sad I hear the children crying....WAAHHH NWO SUCKS
nailscoop55 said:
im sorry to break it to u but DX will be coming to an end soon. It was reported that HBK told WWE officals that he is uncomfortable in his new role with DX.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to ratings, and if Vinnie Mac likes what he sees, DX will continue whether Shawn Michaels is comfortable with it or not.

Personally, I think the sketch that they did on Raw this was "sports entertainment" at its best. I've always been a fan of impersonations, and Michaels skipping around like Shane O'Mac had me on the floor. Triple H did a killer Vinnie Mac, too. And digging up those clips of Vinnie performing "Stand Back"? Priceless.
Shawn didn't change at all he can have his religious ways and go by god and that is what makes him enjoy performing for you fans and can put on his humor side for you DX fans without saying bad words and a drama side cause he has the heart to peform a classic wrestling matches too. That is all you guys think about DX and Shawn Michaels aint the same anymore. He still is the same guy that found his smile so without it we wouldnt have Shawn Michaels. He makes people laugh and DX makes=ratings so there is no reason to post a Shawn Michaels post saying Shawn Michaels aint the same or should leave DX he is doing just great in the faction.
BarbwireBallz said:
Shawn didn't change at all he can have his religious ways and go by god and that is what makes him enjoy performing for you fans and can put on his humor side for you DX fans without saying bad words and a drama side cause he has the heart to peform a classic wrestling matches too. That is all you guys think about DX and Shawn Michaels aint the same anymore. He still is the same guy that found his smile so without it we wouldnt have Shawn Michaels. He makes people laugh and DX makes=ratings so there is no reason to post a Shawn Michaels post saying Shawn Michaels aint the same or should leave DX he is doing just great in the faction.
I agree. I like the way they play on it to(like blindfolding him when the strippers..sorry cheerleaders came out). It's working well but sadly it can't last long it would soon get old.It won't be down to ethier Triple H's or HBK's performances though.:wwf:
As many people have already posted, I believe Carlito would make a great addition to the new D-X. He has a great on screen persona, and he could put of awesome vignettes with his gimmick remeber Carlito Canadian Cool? "Dats Cool eh?". A personal favorite I came up with for a tag line for him or shirt, is on the front have the D-X "Suck it" and on the back "Do you spit or swallow" I think it'll equal gold. Another member that i think would fit in the new D-X but is highly unlikely is John Cena. If it not being for his feud with Edge, and Triple H eventually getting the belt he could make a good member.

-Feature Out
Didn't see Raw, but they did the Stand back thing again? it wasn't even DX that did it originally, I think it was Benoit and Jericho back in 01.
I think Kenny would be a great addition to D-X. He's a hell of an athlete, has a kocky attitude and it would be a great storyline of him turning on Spirit Squad and would probably get a huge pop. The only downfall would be leaving the Spirit Squad with only four so-so wrestlers.
There sure are a lot of junoir members on this site. This site must be getting popular all of a sudden
I think that if anyone in the spirit squad joined d-x i would have to shoot myself. the spirit squad is such a dumb got a bung of young kids beating up on people they grew up idolizing i mean seriously how lucky can you get.


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