Official DX Reunion Thread (merged)...Discuss EVERYTHING DX related here ONLY!!!

DX will not be the same yes but it still is good.To compare this year around dx to 1990's Dx would be a waste of time.
When DX Breaks up will it be like triple h turning on shawn cuz i heard he wants to be the top for a bit after his dx run
hbk will turn on HHH this time around but i dont think it will be for awhile because the DX shit is boosting ratings and the shirts and shit are selling theirfore expect DX to be around for awhile
I know it's been posted a hundred times, but I'm already sick of DX. I think it is stupid that Triple H went from beating people down with sledgehammers one week to dressing up like Vince and "getting head" under a table the next. And HBK has been nothing but annoying. I can act better than he has been. If HBK isn't going to be the old HBK and instead be a good religious boy, than DX shouldn't have been brought back. They need to do DX all the way or not at all. If HBK has refused to even say "Suck It", than why bother doing the DX chop? It implies the same thing, just with gestures. Just because he's found God doesn't mean he is going to Hell because he says "Suck It". I bet HBK isn't too worried about going to Hell when he cashes his royalty checks for the DX "S*ck It" shirts they sell at Oh wait. It's censored so it must be ok. Oh, and I think Ken Kennedy would be a good addition to the DX roster.
I think so far DX has been good even though i think it would have been better to wait til wresltemania to bring them back but i think there totally fine here and now
Obbie said:
I'm a Christian and I believe that if Shawn doesn't come back the old way than that is fine. I do not think that the New Shawn has to go back to the old Shawn. He changed for a reason and there is no reason going back to the way he was. Just because you think those words are funny doesn't mean that he has to say those or do those things. Go and watch something else. Get over it and stop complaining. Just watch Wrestling and enjoy for what it is.
Dude HBK sucks now in Dx because he is so called changed his ways if he can change them once he can do it again...and ne way its all fake so its not like its hurting his real ways...if he wont go back and at least say bitch or swear at all that would maybe b the start of the old shawn
Well you have to understand that in the bible mocking god is a sin.Think about it if he does it its kinda mocking chritianity.WWE shouldnt get involved with That stuff.Vince Mcmahon did and had the fans screaming it was boring.They shouldnt make shawn change for a few laughs.
No shawn michaels is never going to say all that crap, and I agree with 'extreme', i'm sick of DX. They wasted atleast half an hour on continous segments referring to DX and RAW only had 2 matches i can distinctly remeber. And what the hell was that promo in at the end about. Where we meant to believe that the fireworks where going off in vinces limozine. Gimmie a break. They are putting too much entertainment to these RAW's, and i would prefer more wrestling time.
charzhino said:
No shawn michaels is never going to say all that crap, and I agree with 'extreme', i'm sick of DX. They wasted atleast half an hour on continous segments referring to DX and RAW only had 2 matches i can distinctly remeber. And what the hell was that promo in at the end about. Where we meant to believe that the fireworks where going off in vinces limozine. Gimmie a break. They are putting too much entertainment to these RAW's, and i would prefer more wrestling time.

Agreed 100%:shooter:
ya but alot of the matches are gay like no alot of ppl care about seeing no namers. I like watching matches with somewhat big names and real moves otherwise matches with like Johnny Nitro in them arent the best too watch and i think the side entertainment make raw interesting
ShaneRamlall said:
Well you have to understand that in the bible mocking god is a sin.Think about it if he does it its kinda mocking chritianity.WWE shouldnt get involved with That stuff.Vince Mcmahon did and had the fans screaming it was boring.They shouldnt make shawn change for a few laughs.
What this guy said!
Hi this is my first post..

Im laughing at ppl who r saying its possible for the outlaws to come back to DX...if u didnt see the outlaws shoot interview ull not know that billy gunn and roadogg verbally attacked hhh (gunn actually got to the point of saying if he seen him he would kick the sh** out of him). So u can forget about the outlaws coming back.
ShaneRamlall said:
Well you have to understand that in the bible mocking god is a sin.Think about it if he does it its kinda mocking chritianity.WWE shouldnt get involved with That stuff.Vince Mcmahon did and had the fans screaming it was boring.They shouldnt make shawn change for a few laughs.
Dude HBK was invovled in the "God as a tag team partner" storyline. If he really is that bothred about his relegion hye would have refused to do it as I believe that was a storyline mocking god. Although I find it amusing when they blindfold him/tell him Mr.Fuji is about to get him out of the way. (am not a christian by the way,going to hell when I die,the music will be better there anyway).:wwf:
extreme said:
I know it's been posted a hundred times, but I'm already sick of DX. I think it is stupid that Triple H went from beating people down with sledgehammers one week to dressing up like Vince and "getting head" under a table the next. And HBK has been nothing but annoying. I can act better than he has been. If HBK isn't going to be the old HBK and instead be a good religious boy, than DX shouldn't have been brought back. They need to do DX all the way or not at all. If HBK has refused to even say "Suck It", than why bother doing the DX chop? It implies the same thing, just with gestures. Just because he's found God doesn't mean he is going to Hell because he says "Suck It". I bet HBK isn't too worried about going to Hell when he cashes his royalty checks for the DX "S*ck It" shirts they sell at Oh wait. It's censored so it must be ok. Oh, and I think Ken Kennedy would be a good addition to the DX roster.

You made some really good points. And I agree with the Ken Kennedy comment - I never thought of that. Although I think Nitro would be a better fit, and more likely. Anyways, I also think it's stupid that just because Shawn Michaels is religious, he won't act out his role and be a degenerate. That's what he's paid to do. He's just spoiled.
I just read on that DX will be teaming up with cena for some dark matches against the spirit squad. What do u guys think of that situation?
^ I don't know what to think to be honest. Remember when the old DX wore the military gear when invading WCW headquaters? That was a pretty historical event. Do you think they'll bring back those costumes and encorporate it into Cena's soldier-type gimmick? I sure hope not. I would hate to see Cena in DX. That would be a big mistake because the new DX is starting off so well.
If John Cena ends up being in DX..... that would be TERRIBLE. I'm not going to say much else as I hope this does not happen. If it does..... it would be an end for my faith once and for all in wwe's creative team. But maybe if Cena joins, maybe they are planning a HHH && HBK screwjob on cena? Anyways I hope HHH & HBK stay together with no new additions.
It says on the wrestlezone home page that HBK is taking some time off and will get surgery when the DX angle is over...Do you think HHH will recruit people while HBK is out.
i have a feeling dx wont be lasting as long as people think. with hbk not comfortable with it , it wont seem to work much longer unless more members or there is a sudden change of heart by hbk
I found this at another site under the results of a RAW house show:

DX (HHH and Flair) d. Spirit Squad

Does this mean Flair is joining DX?

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