Official DX Reunion Thread (merged)...Discuss EVERYTHING DX related here ONLY!!!

i think it will be pretty cool as them two to start, but i think when it begins to die down triple h will turn heel again and "leave" d-x. and there will be more members drafted in to d-x and Evolution II and they will feud, but not for a few month yet.
ive be down with Nash and Hall joining DX... its perfect the new DX will be the two original memebers HHH and HBK and the two original members of THE NWO Hall and Nash... that would be crazy. remember when HHH remade DX Xpac said hall and nash would be there next to them if they werent being held hostage by WCW.. Hall is a Free Agent and Nash well he needs to stop wrestling Lucha libre wannabe's in TNA
I like the idea of Hunter and Shawn joining up together for a mutal cause (they both want to get back at Vince). I really don't like that they change their personalities to suit being in DX again. Shawn Michaels, sure. For the past few months we've seen a re-awakening of the old Shawn, especially in the match vs Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania. But HHH? We've seen him be the same guy he always was when he was booed, except now the fans really love to cheer him. I'd rather if he stayed that same a-hole and leave the exposing his ass to the past. I don't mind the crotch chopping and the suck it, but should we believe Hunter changed his personality so quickly, or his feelings towards Shawn Michaels are different than 4 weeks ago when he was about to bash Shawn's head with a sledgehammer? I just find it hard to believe it could change so quickly. What do you guys think?

PS... first day on this forum, and looks sweet
D-X definitley needs 1 or 2 more members, its gonna get old real quick shawn not fully taking part in the antics its like having 2 parts of D-X. it cant just be HHH just saying suck it all the time.
Ok so D-X is back. There were several people who had doubts that D-X could be as good/funny as it use to be. One because how can you create something that was so great, and two because Shawn Michaels is now a Christian. Michaels did a great job Monday night with being funny and his old self, while also showing that he is firm behind his beliefs. I knew this would work out and I knew that the gimmik is not old...

Two words for ya,

I think Michaels' role in the new DX will be to set the pins up, and let HHH knock them down. he wont have to do any of the real riskeee stuff, that will be left to HHH. I love DX
One thing that needs to change is their attire. Alright listen, I'm from Texas, San Antonio in fact, the home of the show stoppa, I've actually met him a few times, but I digress...bottom line they both need to try to look a little cooler. Shawn, wranglers up to your belly button with a Texas belt buckle? Play the part, HHH can go with the jean look, with the DX shirt and the leather jacket(circa early 2002). Shawn can wear his wrestling gear(DX colors) around full time.
raw was great tonight with the dx and ecw shit

this dx shit wont be short lived because ratings will go up for raw because dx is back plus their gonna sell alot of dx shirts and shit

anyone who thinks DX will be a short lived summer thing is a fool
Smokeydogg said:
raw was great tonight with the dx and ecw shit

this dx shit wont be short lived because ratings will go up for raw because dx is back plus their gonna sell alot of dx shirts and shit

anyone who thinks DX will be a short lived summer thing is a fool
You say shit a lot.

I bought a DX shirt, and tickets for Raw in San Antonio in July. I hope DX is still raising hell at that time.
of course they will be around in july dx being back is good for raw's ratings and dx sells so get used to seeing dx for awhile
HEHE same here!!!! Wow tonights RAW was one of my fave ones I Started watching wrestilng about three years ago. I had really only heard stories and seen some videos...After tonight tho I am a huge DX fan! And to all the people who say they will only be around in till the end of Summer I got two Words for ya!!!!!..........There Back!!! Judgeing from the crowd's reaction Vince whould be a ASS for geting rid of them.
Raw was awesome. I think it's gonna come about that Stephanie was faking the labour thing and she'll be back with HHH as the lady (if you can call her that) of DX because they couldnt get chyna. although with her actually being pregnant she would not be very ative, what do you think????

Let's get ready to suck iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok So I was watching my tape of last nights Raw and It hit me like a tone of bricks!! The SS got one hell of a push last night with them takeing out Big Vis and Hass... And then later when they cam out to beat down DX I could see a very nice little war forming. I think SS is going to be a intresting rival for DX what do you all think?
So, one of the midgets from the DX segment on Raw used to work for a radio station I listen to down here, they tried to call him up about working Raw but he was on the plane back from rochester :(
AWESOME RAW!!! DX is back. Are you ready??? I know I am, hehe :cool:
Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, children of all ages. D-Generation X proudly brings to you it's WWF tag team champions of the world...The Road Dogg Jesse James, The Badass Billy Gunn. The New Age Outlaws!

and if you're not down with that, we got 2 words for ya SUCK IT!!
I thought DX's bit of raw was great i hope they keep it up.

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