Official DX Reunion Thread (merged)...Discuss EVERYTHING DX related here ONLY!!!

I think Shawn meant ti when he said he is a devoted christian.

i am a big bret hart fan, but i have been big enough to accept what happened in montreal.

Plus, i have been a big DX fan from the start. I would definately not say that DX was a replica of the nWo. DX was it's own entity and it would have been awesome if the WWE'S nWo became DX given the members that were part of it in 2002. The main reason the nWo failed was because the three original members were established in WCW, you can't mix and match to see if something that was successful in a cartain time, with one company and assume that it'll be the same in a different one, because if WCW was around today and they brought in the old members of DX (Road Dogg, X-Pac, Chyna and Billy Gunn) it was bomb. You have to stick with what your own company established, that is why DX is going to be a big hit, i have waited for this since werstlemania 22, and i think it will never die. If you ain't down with it, you can just go SUCK IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mike713 said:
HHH and HBK don't need anyone right now,just let them do their thing as always and it will rock.

I agree...IDK why other ppl want to add more members....leave it as it is right now...and when HBK has to leave again...den add someone else...but hopefully no one...
Hopefully HBK can still work in WWE even if he doesnt wrestle, da way HHH did it back in 98 when he hurt his knee...but was still part of DX...

BUT if they have to add someone else...I think Orton would be da best bet especially since he has a DX type attitude.
one thing that will hurt the return of DX is that having them feud with the spirit squad is stupid. i dont care if it is 5 on 2 shawn and HHH are two of the most elite wrestlers in the WWE they need to feud with wrestlers on their level. I heard a rumor that the british bulldogs son is coming to raw he would make make an excelent feud with shawn saying he was here to revenge Bret for the montreal screw job. Also DX does need a at least Chyna and someone else to return. Nitro and Melina would make a great addition but there they are the only two i can think of. Ortons way two big to be in DX they need role players to compete for the tag and intercontinental titles. Maybe even a new girl. That Ashley girl who tries to act punk would be a perfect fit.
Jeese ppl just think of this DX as a farwell tour, its only goin to last until summerslam, n addin new talent would only fuck it. Just sit back relax n enjoy HHH n HBK cus this is the last time u r goin to see them together.
If u havent seen the Vengence press conference i suggest u do on was great) but at the very end HHH made a pretty disrespectful comment about ECW. So i was wonderin if we could have a DX vs. ECW feud in the furture.
Your thoughts?
yeah that was a great Press Conference, one of the best from wwe.
I was watching the tna from last week (on tivo, sorry trying to catch up) I couldnt help but see both Billy Gun and Road Dogg doing DX chops to Kevin Nash. They could have been just a reaction but maybe they still want to be apart of the reuion of DX. I also couldnt understand that DX reunited on raw monday when they still have a raw before vengence. Vengence is suposed to be when they reunite so maybe thats when the other older members come back to even the match to make it a 5 on 5. (Road Dogg, Billy Gun, X-pac, HHH, and HBK vs. The Spirit Squad) Just thinking.
Personly I think this is a very intresting time in the world of wrestling you got WWE bringing back ECW and DX all in the same month (My wet dreams have come true) Last time I checked TNA had quite a few ECW guys, Who I saw at ONS so it is not out of the realm of possibilty to see the return of the New Age Outlaws. (aren't Rodd Doggs and Billy Gunns contracts up?) As for Chyna she has gone Bat Sh%$ Crazy, and X-Pac is a druggy.

Also I keep hearing that DX will only be around for a short while. Judgeing from the reaction from the crowd on RAW the past few weeks, and how is pushing the hell out of DX I would not be suprised to see them around for a while. Like people have said this is a great way to give less popular superstars a push I.E. Nitro and Hass. I know all this has sparked my intrest in wrestling once more, and I know I am not the only one wich means rateings for WWE So I think they will be around for a while. Why lose a good thing. I just have to ask all of you one thing ARE YOU READY!?!?!?!
But What Do I know.
they need to keep ity just HBK and HHH.. first of all, nobody thats been mentioned fits the mold of dx. there has to be the "look" factor as well, adn shwn and hunter are both much older and wiser... so i wouldnt try and write them as the same characters.

furthermore, this dx is an nwo ripoff is rediculous.

dx was the "answer" to the nwo- not a rip off. it had its own identity, its own way of doing things. they werent out to take over the way nwo did- though shawn was out to prove that he was the icon in much the same light as hogan was out to show how great he was... but they were different factions, with dx being much funnier, more akin to wise cracking jerks from college who just naturally created chaos and nwo being the older, take-themselves-too-serious types who wanted world domination.

at any rate, the only 2 guys who would have worked on a dx reunion convincingly enough in terms of the look, had the mic AND ring skills to match hunter and shawn, and had teh attitude to compliment the big 2, was edge and christian... and its a bit too late for that, but had that happened at the cusp of hbk's return, a year long run of that would have been awesome...
but then it would be boring and repetative with only hbk and hhh.
i thinkthat even w/ melina and nitro in the new DX it wuld still be great.
I can see Billy Gunn, X-Pac, and Road Dogg coming back on Vengance and they can reform DX but they can use young stars who needs a push like Johnny Nitro and Melina can be there too. so w can have Nitro, Melina, HHH, and HBK in DX or we can add Carlito there so it can be melina, Nitro, HHH, and HBK and carlito. or have the old group like hhh, road doog, x-pac, billy gunn, hhh, and hbk
Lol i think it's funny how all these people want road dogg, billy gunn, x-pac back into DX...these people prolly got into wrestling when they NEW DX came in...but if you were unfortunate to see the DX of HBK/HHH then go ahead and watch the DX vhs/dvd and see for yourself how more humorous the original DX are.
Well regardless, I definitely got a HUGE warm nostalgia feeling seeing them out there together again. Just happy to see em.

Lol, I was about 14 when they first came on, and a huge Bret Hart fan. I hated DX so so so so so so much, hahaha.

Now I can't get enough of all the classic DX shit, but HBK and HHH, w/ Rick Rude and Chyna was by far the best.
well...i think dx comming back is going to be either VERY entertaining or a flop...first of all...they need all of the members: HHH, Shawn, X-Pac, Billy Gunn, and Road Dog with chyna...i dont think the wwe can pull this off....and also commenting on HBK...we dont want a little christian boy in dx...thats exactly what they are against
I think this DX reunion is going to last for a long time from now. I don't think that it will be short term. Vince is going to make a lot of money now with merchandising and i think it improves his ratings every week now. Expect for it to be long term.
i agree.. it'd be cool to have all the members back.. still, the comeback did pretty well. everyone's been anticipating it.. shawn's a good performer, he can pull it off..
bummer.. the reunion was great.. shawn could use a little DX push. he's been in the midcard class for a while now.. hell, DX is DX. they're the coolest..
try not to double post mate^.

I dont think they will get any memebers back. proberly have to start from scratch
HBK will go back to his old ways it's just on T.V.
there's no harm there
I mean for Christ's sake
HHH is married to Vince McMahon's
daughter Stephenie
besides it's all an act
backstage they all get along and
are one big family

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