Match 1:
SuperCrazy vs. Mr. Eko vs. Dagger Dias vs. NightShiftLoser vs. The Sign Guy vs. KillJoy
6-Man Hardcore Battle Royal for King Of Street Fight Hardcore Title
KillJoy comes out first to cheers.
NSL and X come out in the same fashion.
SuperCrazy comes out to a mixed reaction.
Dagger Dias does the same.
The Sign Guy comes out to boos. He has a sign that states "You're all dirty wankers". Everyone is in the ring. Sign Guy starts out the match with a chair to NightShiftLoser's head, but NSL ducks and hits a low blow on Sign Guy.
Jim Simpson said:
That attempt was worse than Christian Battlez' posting skills, JKO!
JKO said:
Still waiting on that ointment, Jim.
SuperCrazy picks up The Sign Guy, hits a powerbomb on him, and pins him for the elimination.
Jim Simpson said:
The Sign Guy is eliminated.
JKO said:
KillJoy and Dagger Dias battle each other in one corner of the ring. SuperCrazy picks NightShiftLoser up for a Bodyslam, but NSL reverses it into a tornado DDT. NSL goes for the pin on SuperCrazy, but SC rolls out of the ring. KillJoy has Dagger Dias in position for a Superplex. He lands the Superplex on Dias. Mr. Eko kicks KillJoy in the head and pins Dagger Dias.
Jim Simpson said:
Dagger Dias is eliminated.
NightShiftLoser hits a Chair DDT on KillJoy. Mr. Eko runs and punts KillJoy in the head. KillJoy is bleeding. KillJoy fights back, but the referee renders him unable to compete. He is taken to the back with paramedics.
Jim Simpson said:
Wow, what a brutal situation! It's down to Mr. Eko and NSL now!
JKO said:
Mr. Eko punches NSL. NightShiftLoser punches back. Mr. Eko gets his kendo stick and cracks it across NSL's head. NSL is bleeding. Mr. Eko throws a chair at NightShiftLoser and superkicks him. NSL is on the ground and Mr. Eko gets the pin.
Jim Simpson said:
Looks like we have a new Hardcore Champion, JKO! Mr. Eko!
JKO said:
As Mr. Eko is celebrating, SuperCrazy is on the turnbuckle. He jumps and hits a successful hurricanarama on Mr. Eko. He gets the pin. 1..2..3..!
Winner and NEW CKD King Of The Street Fight Hardcore Champion: SuperCrazy!
Before SC can get finished celebrating, CH David comes out.
CH David said:
Now, it's nice that you've won your title and everything, but Calvin Cash just gave me an oppurtunity to pick any title I want to become # 1 Contender for, due to the fact that I never got my World Title match with Doc. And rather than try and go for the crowded World Title scene, or have to pick a partner to win the Tag Titles, I'm going to go to my hardcore roots, and challenge you, SC, to a Kitchen Match at Balls Of Barbwire. That's right, I-
Before he can finish talking, the lights go out. Monkey sounds are heard again. Two men are seen at the entrance ramp in a flash of light. These are the same two men that were seen when Leafy was getting attacked earlier. The lights come back on. The two men are nowhere to be found. SC and CH David are both laid out.
We go to commercial.