[Official] CKD Wrestling Thread

good on you jdogg, do your thing and i hope that you get to where your heading, careers are hard but if given the proper time can hopefully get your where you want to be.

Also in a related matter am i still champ? I think i am i remember i was lol
I was TV champ and still should be... I don't remember losing it.

I haven't been around that long so I'll just ask this. How is it different from the e-fed in the Book This! section?
I think the only difference is that it involves actual members of the forum and not wrestlers. Not sure though, but I'm definitely interested.
Theo's on the money. However, this can still qualify as a BT fed considering you are allowed to have made-up superstars.
I haven't been around that long so I'll just ask this. How is it different from the e-fed in the Book This! section?

It involves actual members of the forum, and nobody has to RP. However, you can talk shit to you opponents if you want to.

The first couple of shows me and J-Dogg made were the shit.
JKO I posted your updated sig in my forum. Just letting you know. And I'll be up bright and early awaiting the first show (gonna be up at 6 AM EST). Actual reason being a Monk marathon on USA leading up to the final episode. But I'll let you feel important ;)
LOL, it probably won't be up until tommorow night, so you don't have to do that.

But Monk is a cool show, damn I need to catch up on it, but I'll be in school. Shit.
A family emergency came up tonight. One of my best friends has been in and out of the hospital, and tonight I went to the hospital with him. He's fine now, but I realize that some people were looking foward to the first show. No worry, it should be up later today.

As long as your buddy is alright JKO. Can't wait for the show man. I'm really anticipating it, don't let me down.
Now before I post the old shows, realize that Battlez was a douche even back then, the faction wars are still going, and we had a poster named Profit who whined about alot of shit. Tenta was in an extended absence due to his mother's sickness and death. Dave was named Thunderball.
This is an old show. The new one should be up tonight.

CKD Pain

The show opens up with a new color scheme, new fireworks, and Commentators Jim Simpson and Mike Moss.

Jim Simpson said:
Hello fans, this is CKD Pain, and I’m Jim Simpson here, along with my partner, former Wrestling World Champion, Mike Moss.

I can say my own name, Simpson.
Hello fans, this is CKD Pain, and I’m Mike Moss here, along with my incompetent partner, Jim Simpson. And we have a show for you tonight, we are promised an appearance by Thunderball!

Jim Simpson rolls his eyes.

All of a sudden, “The Saviors” theme music plays, and we see The U.P. and Slick Christian Battlez come out to the ring.

The U.P. said:
Welcome to the very first episode of CKD Pain. You all should be honored to be in my presence.

The crowd boos.

Mike Moss said:
They should, Jim!

The U.P. said:
You may boo, but we are the upper echelon of superstars in this business, and we should be champions right now.

Christian Battlez said:
Yes, U.P., we should hold the titles. And these fans know that. These idiots don’t like us because we don’t kiss their asses like some people. Like Slyfox, Thunderball, SavageTaker. In fact, insert any of your little “heroes” in the blank, and you’d get nothing but lies and deceit. But we, we are the best the business has to offer, and none of you can deny that!

The U.P. said:
Yes, in fact, as a former World Champion, I am going to insert my friend and partner into the title scene. Fans, Women, Children, Men, Hermaphrodites, Welcome your future CKD Champion: Slick Christian Battl-

They are interrupted by a familiar sound. The lights dim, and a blue spotlight is on the entrance ramp. It’s….TENTA!!! Tenta returns from his injury and attacks The Saviors. He clotheslines Slick Christian Battlez, and Chokeslams The U.P. Profit rolls out of the ring, and The Saviors are retreating towards the back.

Tenta said:
Hey! I’m Tenta and I’m just here to say WHAT IN THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING? You think you’re just going to slide your “Slick” candy ass onto a shot at the CKD Title? Well, you’re DEAD WRONG! But I’ll tell you what: You Vs. Tenta, winner goes on to Lethal Injection to face SavageTaker for the title!

Christian Battlez said:
I accept!

Mike Moss said:
What a first show we are building up to have! Stay tuned!

The crowd cheers as we go to commercial.

We are back from commercial and we go to the ring for our first match.

Match 1:
Dexter vs. SK
Singles Match

Dexter makes his way to the ring to cheers. SK gets a mixed reaction. The match starts and SK hits a clothesline on Dexter. He stomps on Dexter. Dexter is cringing in pain. SK gets on the top rope, jumps onto Dexter, but Dexter reverses it into a powerslam. SK rolls out of the ring. He walks around the ring. Dexter goes for a crossbody, but SK throws him into the barricade. SK throws Dexter into the ring steps. He continues to beat down on Dexter, throwing big punches to Dex’s head. Dexter pushes him off and hits a dropkick, but SK catches his legs and slams Dexter down. The referee is counting, they are up to 8. SK throws Dexter into the ring and follows him. SK goes for the pin, but Dexter cradles him up and gets the win.

Winner: Dexter!

We see JKO backstage. He is watching the match when J-Dogg walks up.

J-Dogg said:
JKO, we had a great run as J & J, Tag Team Champions. But I think it’s time we told the fans the truth.

JKO said:
The Truth?

J-Dogg said:
Yeah, the truth that you’re going to give me MY CKD Tag Team Titles.

JKO said:
Your Tag Titles?

J-Dogg said:
Yes, MY Tag Titles.

JKO said:
Well, J-Dogg, you see, the truth is very funny because if I remember correctly, I was the one who got the pin for out team when we won the match.

J-Dogg said:
It was both of us. Look, let’s face it, I carried the team, so I deserve the titles.

JKO said:
Well it looks like we have a disagreement, and where I come from, if you have a disagreement, you do something about it….

JKO pushes J-Dogg, J-Dogg punches JKO, and they get into a huge brawl. TMexico, Slyfox 696, and The D-Man help separate the destruction. CKD Owner, Calvin Cash comes up.

Calvin Cash said:
Look, I don’t need this crap on my show. Now look, J-Dogg, you’ll get the CKD World Tag Team Titles. It is up to you to find a partner. JKO, you’ll get the CKD Tag Team Titles, you’ll also have to find a partner. Now after this day, you are not allowed to talk, or make contact with each other. If this rule is broken, then both of you will be released from your respective contracts.

We go to commercial.

We come back from commercial and we see a video package about CKD Television Champion Thunderball. This leads into the next match.

Match 2:
Thunderball vs. General Disarray
Singles Non-Title Match

GD comes to the ring first. He is getting major heat. Thunderball comes out to a mega-pop. They start up and Thunderball goes for a suplex, but GD lands on his feet. GD is taunting, but he takes too long and Thunderball hits a German Suplex, and keeps GD in that position for the pin.

Winner: Thunderball!

Jim Simpson said:
That just goes to show that you should never underestimate your opponent!

Mike Moss said:
Yes, Jim, I know that all too well. But right now, we take you to Johnny Coacham.

We go backstage to SavageTaker with Johnny Coacham.

Johnny Coacham said:
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am standing here with CKD Champion, SavageTaker. SavageTaker, last time we talked, you were assaulted by The U.P. and Milkyway. How do you feel knowing that U.P.’s partner could possibly be going to Lethal Injection to face you for that CKD Championship?

SavageTaker said:
If Battlez wins tonight, then I will be ready. The Saviors have been a pain in everyone’s ass for the past few weeks , but I think that will end soon. If Tenta doesn’t end it tonight, then I’ll end it at Lethal Injection. OHHHH YEAHHHH-

He is hit in the head with a chair by GD. GD pushes Johnny Coacham away and grabs the mic.

General Disarray said:
Thunderball, let this be a message to you. You may have beaten me tonight, but come Lethal Injection, that CKD Television Title will be around my waist!!!!

We go to commercial.

We come back from Commercial and it’s time from the Main Event.

Main Event:
Tenta vs. Slick Christian Battlez
#1 Contender’s Match

Tenta comes out to a mega reaction. The Saviors come out to a chorus of boos. The match starts in the ring. Battlez starts the match with a low blow while the ref is turned around. Battlez is in control. He is punching Tenta in the face. Tenta stops the punches with his arm and uses his strength to throw Battlez to the turnbuckle. He does a big crossbody into the corner on Battlez. The U.P. comes to ringside, and Tenta gets distracted. Tenta is trying to keep an eye on both of The Saviors, but he runs into a DDT from Slick Battlez. Battlez goes for the pin, but Tenta kicks out. Tenta lands a bodyslam on Battlez. He runs towards the ropes and hits a leg drop. He picks up Slick Christian Battlez and puts him in position for a Chokeslam. When he lifts Battlez into the air, U.P. pulls Tenta’s legs from under him and Battlez hits a Bulldog simultaneously. Slick then gets on the top rope and hits a moonsault on Tenta and gets the pin.

Winner and #1 Contender: Slick Christian Battlez

Tenta is laid out and The Saviors stand over him. A code is playing on the screen as CKD Pain goes off the air.​

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