[Official] CKD Wrestling Thread

Yeah. I'll just be myself. My obnoxious, disgruntled, homicidal self. I'll fill up the form tommorow.
CKD Wrestling

CKD is live and on the air. CKD Wrestling owner Calvin Cash is standing in the middle of the ring.

Calvin Cash said:
Hello CKD fans. Welcome to the show!

The fans cheer, not at the sight of Calvin Cash, but proud to be CKD fans.

Calvin Cash said:
Now before I begin, I want to make an announcement. All CKD Champions have been stripped of their titles. However, tonight we have a very exciting show. We have the debut of a new segment called “The TM Show”, starring TM. We also have a Television Title match pitting Becker against Steamboat Ricky.

The fans go wild with excitement at the sound of Steamboat Ricky. They start to chant “Ricky! Ricky!”

Calvin Cash said:
Now all of you shut up! Ricky is an annoying degenerate and nothing more than an arrogance!

The fans boo loudly.

Calvin Cash said:
Excuse me, I have one more announcement. We are also are going to debut the new concept of a special guest host. This week on CKD Wrestling, we have a guest host who is a bit controversial, but is a very spectacular athlete. He is very rich, very famous, and has opted to stay out of the spotlight until now. Ladies and Gentlemen, Tiger Woods!

Tiger Woods comes out to a mixed reaction. A woman throws a Nike cap at him. Men give him thumbs up signs. He steps into the ring.

Tiger Woods said:
Hey, it’s Tiger.

The crowd boos.

Tiger Woods said:
Calm down, calm down. Now I know I have been involved in a bit of controversy over the past week, but tonight I come to you not as a man who made a mistake, but as a man who wants to run a wrestling show. Tonight I am going to make some big decisions. My first decision is to add former CKD Television Champion Dave to the Title match coming up.

The crowd cheers.

Tiger Woods said:
Another decision is to make Dewey the guest of The TM Show, starring TM.

The crowd cheers.

Tiger Woods said:
The last decision I’m going to make is going to put the CKD Title on the line in the main event. It will be The D-Man vs. Coco in the Main Event for the Title.

The crowd goes wild with excitement. However, those cheers turn into boos as Lord Sidious walks down the ramp and into the ring.

Lord Sidious said:
What the hell do you think you’re doing?

Tiger Woods said:
Running a wrestling show, what about you?

Lord Sidious said:
Oh, I just happened to be watching the show, and I saw that you were making some matches. And I actually thought you were doing a pretty decent job until you made the main event for the title.

Tiger Woods said:
Oh really, Sidious.

Lord Sidious said:
Yes, because I thought it was interesting that you left WZ's biggest and best member, Lord Sidious, out of the match.

Tiger Woods said:
Sidious, why don’t you ever just chill out and have some fun?

Lord Sidious said:
I’m not here to have fun. I’m here to share my views and moderate.

The fans are booing, but they are quickly excited when SavageTaker comes out.

SavageTaker said:
Hold on, hold on, hold on! What is going on here? You can’t talk about the CKD World Championship without mentioning the man who had the best reign in history!

Tiger Woods said:
A history of 3 months?

SavageTaker said:
Don’t you have a wife to cheat on?

A man in the crowd yells “PWNED!”

SavageTaker said:
Anyways, tonight, if we’re going to have a World Title match, the Macho Bad Ass, SavageTaker is going to be in it!

Tiger Woods said:
Well, I’ll tell you this: tonight, Sidious, SavageTaker, D-Man, and Coco will all compete in the World Title match.

There are loud cheers and subtle boos.

Tiger Woods said:
But, there will be a 5th mystery competitor, and you’ll have to watch the main event to find out who it is.

Jim Simpson said:
Well, fans, I am Jim Simpson, and I am here with announcing partner, JKO, and what a show we have planned here tonight! Lord Sidious vs. Coco vs. D-Man vs. SavageTaker vs. a mystery competitor! I have to say though, Sidious may be going in over his head, he has to face four other CKD competitors.

JKO said:
You might want to shut up, Jim, Sidious might come out here and chop you up with his lightsaber!

Jim Simpson said:

JKO said:
Dirty bastard, don’t hit me with the disappointed smilie!

Match 1:
Steamboat Ricky vs. Becker vs. Dave
CKD Television Title Match

Steamboat Ricky makes his way to the ring to loud cheers. Followed by Becker and Dave. Becker starts of the match with a Piledriver to Steamboat Ricky. Ricky rolls out of the ring. Becker lands a big boot on Dave. He puts Dave in a headlock. Dave grabs the ropes, but Becker continues the lock. The referee starts the rope count. 1, 2, 3, 4, Becker lets go. He kicks Dave in the head. He picks Dave up and lands a bodyslam. He gets on the turnbuckle and hits a big elbow drop on Dave. He starts to taunt and yell at Dave. Dave rolls up a pin out of nowhere. He gets the two count. Becker gets back up and runs for a clothesline on Dave, but he misses and hits the referee. He continues to beat down on Dave. He locks Dave in a Sharpshooter for a couple of minutes. When he finally releases the hold, Dave is clutching his legs in pain. Dave hits a Thunderplex (German suplex) on Becker before his legs buckle out in pain. Steamboat Ricky comes back from under the ring, and hits Becker with a chair.

JKO said:
Holy Shit!

Dave clotheslines Ricky, and pins Becker. The referee is waking up. Dave gets the 3-count and win.

Winner and NEW Television Champion, Dave!

Jim Simpson said:
What a match, right JKO!

JKO said:
You hit me with the disappointed smilie, you dirty wanker.

The crowd is cheering.

We see a video package of the next PPV, Balls of Barbwire, with X, Doc, TDigle, and FalKon.

We go to commercial.

We return.

Match 2:
General Disarray vs. Tastycles
Singles Match

Tastycles starts out the match with a kick to GD’s gut, but reverses it and picks Tasty up in a Fireman’s Carry position. He runs, jumps, and lands a Samoan Drop on Tasty.

Winner: General Disarray!

JKO said:
Wow! In my illustrious career in CKD, all the times I have been in the ring with GD, he has been nothing more than jabroni soup, but now after this match, he looks like champion pasta! Whoever wins the CKD Championship match tonight better watch out for this guy!

Match 3:
Leafy Shuffleboard vs. Killjoy
Singles Match

Killjoy makes his way to the ring with cheers. Leafy comes out to a mixed reaction. Killjoy starts with a spinning kick to Leafy. He gets on the turnbuckle for a moonsault. Leafy reverses it into an electric chair bomb. Leafy starts to pummel on Killjoy. Doc and Theo Mays run out with a can of paint, a bowling ball, and a paintbrush. They hit Leafy Shuffleboard with the bowling ball and get Killjoy disqualified. They put Leafy on the ground. They paint “P.O.S.’s Bitch” on his back.

Doc said:
You see this? This is a new era for WZ and for CKD. People say factions are dead; well I say they’re just beginning. Theo Mays. Doc. And KillJoy. We are the Palace of Sigdom, and we are gonna run CKD Wrestling!

The crowd cheers.

Theo Mays said:
Now can you sig that?!

Slyfox and Klunderbunker, “The Power Trip”, come out to boos.

SlyFox 696 said:
My name is Slyfox 696.

Klunderbunker said:
My name is Pickles, but call me Klunderbunker.

SlyFox 696 said:
Now it’s all fine and good that you’re going to usher in the new era, but we want the tag titles. And we’ve been told that if we want them, we have to face Doc and Mays at Balls of Barbwire. So Mays and Doc, prepare to get hit with the bant hammer! Can you sig THAT?

JKO said:
Looks like we’re going to get a pretty interesting match at Balls of Barbwire!

Jim Simpson said:
Hey JKO, you better shut up before you get bant from the Bar Room again!

JKO said:
Suck my wiener.

The crowd boos at the Power Trip.
We go to commercial.

We return.

The TM Show:

TM said:
Hello, I am TM, and this is the TM Show. I am outside of the CKD Wrestling arena and I am here with my guest Dewey.

Dewey said:
Hey, guys! Tonight, we’re gonna go hunting!

Dewey grabs a gun out of his pocket.

TM said:
Holy shit, man put that thing away!

Dewey said:
Don’t worry, TMan, it’s registered.

He takes the gun and shoots around with it.

Dewey said:
Now, fans, you must find your target. See, I’ve found mine. Look closely at the pale white gorilla in the black dress suit.

He shoots at the “gorilla”. He lands the target.

Dewey said:
Let’s go look at what we’ve hit, shall we?

The camera zooms in on Dewey’s “gorilla” and we see Dick Cheney on the ground, bleeding.

TM said:
Oh my purple shit, run!

The cops are driving up as a goose named Frongledink comes and stands over Cheney’s body.

Frongledink said:
How ya like them apples, bitch?

JKO said:
Um, no comment.

We go to commercial.
We are back.

Main Event:
SavageTaker vs. The D-Man vs. Lord Sidious vs. Coco vs. ???
CKD Championship

SavageTaker makes his way to the ring to cheers. So does D-Man. Coco comes out to a loud mixed reaction. Lord Sidious comes out to loud boos. Tiger Woods comes out.

Tiger Woods said:
It is time to announce the mystery competitor. The mystery competitor is… ME!

Tiger Woods rips off his sweat pants to expose wrestling tights. Coco starts the match off with a DDT to D-Man. SavageTaker hits a dropkick on Coco. SavageTaker is landing knee drops on Coco. SavageTaker throws Coco into the ring post. Lord Sidious is beating down on Tiger. Sidious lands a bulldog on Tiger. Tiger gets up and lands some punches on Lord Sidious. Sidious pushes Tiger down. The D-Man gets back into the ring and hits the D-Manizer (Spear) on Sidious. Tiger Woods’ wife comes out and hits Tiger with a golf club. The D-Man runs and hits a D-Manizer on SavageTaker. The D-Man attempts a D-Manizer on Coco, but Coco jumps up and D-Man hits the ring post. Coco gets on the turnbuckle and lands a Frog Splash on The D-Man. He gets the three count and win.

Winner and NEW CKD Champion: Coco!

JKO said:
What an amazing show! That’s all for tonight, folks. See you next week!

The crowd is going wild as CKD Wrestling goes off of the air.
In fairness JKO I have to credit you- that was an enteraining read. Cudos to you on the effort you put into this :)
Palace Of Sigdom. Ha ha. Awesome JKO. Have my character use my catchphrases:

*On Yonder
*Quote The KilJoy: -Insert Witty Text Here-
Fucking epic JKO. I'd rep you, but I can't haha. Loved the show man, I was laughing my ass off. So Doc and I are fighting for the tag team titles at the PPV, representing the palace of sigdom. Love it. Sly and KB going down!
CKD Wrestling

CKD Wrestling starts off with Leafy Shuffleboard running in dim light. Two men are standing in the shadows. You can hear monkey sounds in the background.

Leafy Shuffleboard said:
Let me be! Let me be!

A loud breaking of a stick is heard. Leafy is covered in blood. Monkey sounds are heard again. The lights go out and the two men are gone.​

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