[OFFICIAL] Chris Benoit Thread- Keep it all in Here!

Pretty much on here everyone has said it! Taker would have defeated Benoit and still be 20-0! As far as the Undertakers streak DVD that would be interesting.. I say the DVD may not have been released at all if that had happened. WM20 im not sure how its done now but my DVD has the match in it! Thank Goodness he never faced Taker at WM or wow that be a hard one.

Truth be told Benoit was a helluva of a performer! Dude could wrestle circles around most of the roster in his era or any given era. To completely erase him from history well it is what it is!
Experienced in psychology and having since begun in Neuroscience, I can tell you that all scientific and medical examinations of Chris Benoit's brain point to a onclusion that not only the internet wrestling community, but the wrestling community as a whole need to understand.

Chris Benoit the wrestler and Chris Benoit the murderer litterally are two different people. We've all heard about the brain trauma Chris suffered. However a certain type of subconcussive trauma that Chris was heavily exposed to caused compartmentalizing of his brain. Think of it like this: Regular brains have all their doors open, however, Chris' brain developed a "closed off" room which was a way for his brain to deal with the excessive punishment it had endured. This goes along with a basic principle of the study of the brain that any of you can look into yourselves.

This is, that when any of us are exposed to a great level of trauma, our brains split off into a different section which is how we get 'split personality' disorder. Many rape victims, abused children etc. experience this and it is well-documented.

At a sub-concussive level (which is what Chris experienced) this also occurs but not "on the surface". While his face-value attributes would have remained the same, his cognitive mind was split into two, completely separate and un-interacting partitions. Because of the damage done to his brain, many are given to understand the study of Chris' brain as such:

The "Modern Brain" (as you may have heard it named before) that gave life to "normal" Chris Benoit, which is normally present in all of us and responsible for enforcing socially-acceptable restraints was completely disabled for certain periods of time when the closed compartment was triggered. Study of Benoit's brain and other subconcussive victims [including most recently the sportsman who killed his girlfriend and then shot himself... his name escapes me] seems to show that the alter-ego personality is purely made up of "primal" functions. The "primal" brain is what many animals today still live on. It is in control of basic instinct, protection, sexual drive, among many other things, including fight or flight and rage.

All documented studies of Chris Benoit's brain indicate without reasonable doubt that the "normal" Chris Benoit was completely unaware and not in control when he acted the way he did. In-fact, many of you here would have experienced a similar phenomenon due to getting drunk and blacking out or not remembering the night before.

As this science continues to be understood and accepted into 'mainstream' many will become aware of the true nature of the events that unfolded, for which we have much evidence and hopefully one day, Chris Benoit will once again be recognized for his achievements and contributions.

One last talking point that is relative to my explanation:
Years ago, people were laughed at for suggesting the world was round. We now know it to be fact.

Also, there was a time when people with disabilities were killed because they were seen as unable to be helped purely because society at that time did not understand their conditions. This is now no longer the case.

Chris Benoit is innocent. It doesn't need to be proven. It needs to be understood.
I can't help but chime in here. I have a psychology degree also. However, I hate how apologetic the profession is getting.

So he had brain damage. Ok. Does that mean we have to say he's "innocent" and underplay the tragedy that occurred? No. He's guilty. Whether it's because of any kind of abnormality, the action was still committed by him. I don't care why, I care about did.

We are so quick to give excuses to everybody for atrocious behavior. Can't keep from pouring alcohol down your throat? "Disease", not "impulse control". I'll spare you from any more examples, although I'm sure you can see where I'm going.

The whole "it's not your fault" thing is done to death and has went for a wrong turn, because we give people the tailor made excuses to continue to act the way they do. Then, instead of owning up to what they've done and take responsibility for shit, it's always "something else's fault".

"I drink too much? Too bad, I can't help it, it's a disease and I can't do anything about it so I'll just keep getting drunk! Yay!"

"I'm a bully? Oh, it's ok, I just had a bad home environment or anger issues and eventually I can cry and ask people to forgive me and feel sorry for me. I might even end up on tv and make a bunch of money! So I'll just keep doing it for now!"

And so on and so on and so on, etc. etc. etc. infinity.

Do some people need help? Sure they do. Do half the people that we say "just need help" really only need to take some f'n responsibility for their actions? Yes to that, too.

He was guilty, end of story. Doesn't matter "why", just matters that he "was".
Well, since I don't seem to have an edit option, I will add this to my above post as I forgot my part in answering the question of the thread.

I believe that they would do the same thing they have been doing, and that would be to just overlook that particular match and do one of those "highlights" type of dvd. I'd say they would look at the streak, talk about it, and simply state they are using the "best matches of the streak" or some other such hooha.
I'd like too add in that Chris Benoit is in the new Wwe encyclopedia and they chronicle all his title wins and gloss over his career in a quite tasteful fashion from Japan to WWE. I was shocked they included him!
Yet with that horrible brain damage he had time to text Chavo with some normal sounding texts? I am not saying the guy didn't have brain damage but he knew well enough what he was doing because the people he was talking to thought everything was okay. So either his brain damage took on an identity of it's own and did a damn good job of it or Benoit wasn't totally gone.

I think everyone knows he has brain damage but the thing is he still killed his wife and child. This guy worked with this brain damage for a long time without hurting anyone. But what we have are just opinions because not you or I know what was going on in his brain at the time.


The text messages is why there is doubt about Benoit comitting the murders. This has never been explained by police, and none of the "official" versions can answer how Benoit was in the state of mind to send text messages.

If it was brain injury, then how come someone like Mick Foley can cop eleven chairshots to the head by the Rock at Rumble '99, fall off Hell-In-A-Cells, and cop other head injuries, (including copping it from barbed-wire baseball bats) , and yet not kill his family?

Furthermore, how can someone with an addled brain be able to hang themselves from their exercise machine? According to the police, Chris Benoit was found hanging from his exercise machine, where he had fashioned the cable to lift the weights into a noose, and then tied it around his neck, and the weights propelled him into the air, breaking his neck and killing him. Wouldn't he have just used a rope and chair instead? The fact that he could use this way of hanging himself, (which would require an understanding of physics), makes me doubt the "official" version, along with the seven empty beer cans near his body (Benoit was apparently a teetotaller, and there was no alcohol in his system according to the autopsy, but enough steroids to floor a horse was). The fact that the police won't answer these questions, (along with not even interrogating Kevin Sullivan, the most likely suspect), makes me wonder if anyone can claim to know the whole story?

My most likely theories of what happened (IMO)

1. Roid-rage (which Vince wants to cover up, as it makes the Wellness Policy a sham).

2. Kevin Sullivan killed them.

3. Trauma from numerous head injuries.
WWE has long been on a sticky wicket trying to hide Benoit when they have Superfly in the HOF... This guy lost a civil case much as OJ did, a judge held him responsible for the death of his girlfriend and Vince of all people was the one who "stood up" for Snuka by saying he was like his character on TV, a savage.

There will never be enough evidence to say categorically that Benoit murdered, killed or even hurt anyone that weekend. All they have is what appeared to have happened and a badly damaged brain. While I am not supposing that Sullivan or anyone else was involved you can never 100% rule it out either so it'll be up there with the Snuka mystery, we will never know... so if Snuka could go into the HOF and still show up on TV etc, then there is absolutely no reason Benoit can't without WWE coming across as majorly hypocritical.

They didn't remove Verne Gagne when he bodyslammed his roommate to death in the retirement home... think about it, the UDISPUTED MEDICAL EVIDENCE is that Benoit's brain was as far gone on the day he died as the 85+ brain that Verne had when he did that... In Verne's case it was "a tragedy" that a senile old man did that, so why is it any different for Benoit? At worst, the man everyone loved, the wrestler we idolised was gone and there was a scared, bewildered man with the brain function of an Alzheimer's patient, the tragedy is that no one noticed until it was far too late and cos a child was involved, he becomes evil... the one thing Benoit was not at that time was evil...
WWE has long been on a sticky wicket trying to hide Benoit when they have Superfly in the HOF... This guy lost a civil case much as OJ did, a judge held him responsible for the death of his girlfriend and Vince of all people was the one who "stood up" for Snuka by saying he was like his character on TV, a savage.

Snuka's case happened back in the 80's for one... There wasn't nearly as much media coverage on it as with the Benoit case. Also, the major thing that made the Benoit tragedy such a headline was the fact that his son was killed, and his son also had some handicaps, which makes it that much more heinous.

There will never be enough evidence to say categorically that Benoit murdered, killed or even hurt anyone that weekend. All they have is what appeared to have happened and a badly damaged brain. While I am not supposing that Sullivan or anyone else was involved you can never 100% rule it out either so it'll be up there with the Snuka mystery, we will never know... so if Snuka could go into the HOF and still show up on TV etc, then there is absolutely no reason Benoit can't without WWE coming across as majorly hypocritical.

Never be enough evidence? I'd say they have all the evidence they need to say Benoit did it. His brain was severely damaged from years of steroid abuse on top of constant brain-rattlings due to his style of wrestling. I remember back in WCW during his feud with Raven part of what made that feud so awesome was the brutality of it... Benoit always took unprotected chair shots, and almost always did the diving headbutt(even during house shows)... When your head gets rattled around that much it's never a good thing... Concussions + Steroid Abuse + All the mind altering pain killers he was taking to keep going = bad things bound to happen.

Also, as far as Sullvan being involved... If Kevin Sullivan wanted to kill the Benoits he would have done it back in the WCW days. I'm sure Sullivan didn't like the fact that Chris was with his ex-wife but he was mostly professional about the entire thing. I think anybody that tries to drag Sullivan into it is a fucking moron.

They didn't remove Verne Gagne when he bodyslammed his roommate to death in the retirement home... think about it, the UDISPUTED MEDICAL EVIDENCE is that Benoit's brain was as far gone on the day he died as the 85+ brain that Verne had when he did that... In Verne's case it was "a tragedy" that a senile old man did that, so why is it any different for Benoit? At worst, the man everyone loved, the wrestler we idolised was gone and there was a scared, bewildered man with the brain function of an Alzheimer's patient, the tragedy is that no one noticed until it was far too late and cos a child was involved, he becomes evil... the one thing Benoit was not at that time was evil...

I would venture to say that it doesn't get much more evil than murdering your own wife and son, regardless of the circumstances... How fucked up of a human being are you to say that doesn't symbolize evil? Wow.

And to compare it to fucking Verne Gagne, a case that got 1/8th the media attention that the Benoit case did... Wow... just wow.

I was/am still a huge fan of Chris Benoit's work in the ring, but to say he wasn't evil or responsible for the fucked up things that transpired that night is absolutely delusional.

Also people need to stop taking what Chavo Jr. said as facts... he's a guy who constantly acts way more important than he is and seems like the kind of person that would make some shit up to get his name in the headlines.
I have to agree that it was just evil. I still love what Benoit did in the ring and respect him as a wrestler, but Christ he killed his kid. Read Chris Jericho's second book. There is a chapter on Benoit, and even he can't justify what he did. This is one of his best friends talking. He even admitted that Benoit always has a strange kind of dark side to him. No matter how messed up he was he should have gotten help. Reached out to someone. It shouldn't have had to come to what it did.
Sadly I don't think anyone will ever know what went through his mind that weekend. I think the WWE would have just put in on A DVD, or not even have acknowledged it. There in a tough position on him really. Mention his great career, and there glorying A murderer. I think it varies from person to person. I personally can watch A Beniot match without thinking about what he did. I'm watching a wrestling Match and that is all that enters my mind. My best friend though can't even watch anything with him in it.
I still think he is a horrible person for killing his wife and child regardless of his mental state. WWE though I think took the right action. There really is no precedence for how to deal with that kind of thing. That kind of media coverage that someone like Snuka never had. Taker vs Beniot was one of my dream streak matches. I think what we will see with Punk might be the closest we will see to it.
To everyone that thinks Benoit should not be forgotten, let me put it this way: If your daughter and grandson were killed, would you want the killers bosses to publicize him in any way but a negative way, if at all? You can separate the art from the artist, but for better or worse, WWE owns no responsibility to keep the memory of Benoit alive.
What happened with Benoit is a tragedy. A very sad tragedy. I wish we could all go back to more innocent times, but that is surely naive. I do not think he was in control of his faculties when he committed those acts. My heart goes out to him, Nancy, & Daniel.

What would have happened? The Taker would have won and would still be 20-0. The WM where he faced a couple jobbers in a handi capped match rarely gets mentioned, if beniot faced him, it wouldnt get mentioned either.

only problem with youre post is that it wasn';t a couple of jobbers. Atrain was upper midcard and tag specialist, and his partner was BigShow. No matter what you think, Big Show can't be classed as a jobber, especially at the time.

OKAY, time to chime in about my feelings regarding benoit:
hiding his work and history in ring fits with wwe's nonconfrontational and appologetic policies of the current publicly traded company that is embracing a child friednly and non controvercial product.
however that might not be the right thing in terms of truth and respect for their past and workers.

Sports are rife with athletes who get involved in these types of situations. Someone talked about how gagne's killing his roommate wasn't as important because it had 1/8th the media coverage and that the rumors of snuka killing his girlfriend in the 80's are also lesser events due to the lack of coverage. But let's look at something that made the benoit case look like average evening news: OJ Simpson.

There has never been a more covered event of a post active athlete committing/being accused of committing a crime then the OJ case. Months before it went to trial, mere days/hours after it broke in the media, everyone had an opinion. I'm not going to get into the details since anyone over 15 knows them, but in the end he was found not guilty in the eyes of tHe law, but a civilian court found him responsible for the death of his ex wife and her new boyfriend/fiancee. Yet even with everything that happened, and all that has gone on since then, the NFL didn't remove him from the HOF, they don't gloss over his on field records and accomplishments. TV stations don't edit out his scenes in the movies he was in when they are aired.

Hell, there have been dozens of NFL's who have been involved in such things and people constantly forgive them and let them off the Hook. Ray Lewis killed someone, Plaxido Domingo shot up a night club, Michael Vick had a dog fighting ring and yet they all continued to play and get lavished with love and attention by fans and the people in control of the NFL.

Personally, I find Michael Vick far more discusting and disturbing then anything Benoit did. At least benoit did have a potential cause beyond his control in what he did, while Vick did it for amusement and money. I find the fact that Vick and Lewis were welcomed back with open arms into the NFL for more worrisome then if WWE would just admit to Benoit's role and history within their world.
I'm not saying there should be a Benoit DVD set praising him without any mention of the events, but if they did something that showcased his major matches, throw in some commentary and interviews detailing the damage his actions caused himself through years of substance abuse and repetitive blows to his head, and donate the proceeds to the family and to research like Chris Nowinski's brain damage group, then I would not refuse or tear them apart for doing so. I can look back at what he did and recognize his value as an entertainer while regretting the effect his work had on him and his family.

I feel that Benoit was likely in a place in his mind, were he saw no out for himself. He must have realized that he years were catching up on him and soon he would have to step back or at least lighten his load of work. And as a competitive guy, as so many of his colleagues stated when it happened before the full news came out, he likely couldn't handle that. He had to know that he wasn't the most marketable of people and wasn't comfortable enough in public outside of the ring to go the Hogan route, and wasn't equipped for a commentating position. So he saw his days in the spotlight coming to an end and wondered what he could do once he had to retire. He potentially thought that he would not be able to cope or survive without his career that he had worked so hard for. And he reached a conclusion where the only thing he could do is end his life. But he might have thought that doing so would be too cruel for his wife and son. Leaving her to cope alone with their child would be too vicious an act, and his son would not be able to understand why his father was gone and that his being dead would be too much of a hardship for them both. So he came to the mistaken conclusion that the best thing to do was to end all their lives to spare each the hardship and pain of the others loss.

There is a known medical/mental condition that causes these types of thoughts. It has been classified and documented to have been the cause of many deaths over the years. It mainly affects men, but has been known to cause woman to murder their own families for similar reasons. Benoit's case fits a lot of the criteria for this situation, which is known as Family Annihilators. Even prior to the events, benoit's friends would speak about how benoit seemed to want to be in control of everything his family did, down to making his son dress in a mini suit/tie all the time and limiting his wife's outside company. So add that to the issues of damage to his brain by 20years in the extremely physical world of professional wrestling, and you can get a decent picture of what might have been going through his head.

That's how I view benoit. A tragic figure who deserves better then to be ignored. He was as much a victim as his wife and son, and we should be honoring his sacrifice instead of hiding him away. If he had only killed himself, everyone would talk about the tragedy and how great he was. if he had killed anyone other then his family, it would be passed off and he would be forgiven. but because it was his wife and son, he's tossed aside and treated like a pariah. it's time to let go and forgive.
athletes, wrestlers or 'real' sports, have done far worse and been forgiven in the past, so why can't benoit?

Aside from the atrocious use of caps lock, I have to say the one part that can be denied in your statement is that Flair is one of the top 4 technical wrestlers of all time. He was all flash and only mediocre ability. It was all about the persona and charisma with Flair. his best moves were taunts, or pratfalls where he was the one getting the worst of an exchange. Flair's in ring talents have always been exaggerated because he was a great showman, but he was never a great technical wrestler. He could pull off what needed to be done for a man his size during his time at the top in the 70's and 80's but there wasn't a lot of technique compared to the guys like Hart, Malenko, Perfect, Benoit, and others. HBK was in a similar position, it was more about his personality and charisma then his actual technical knowledge and ability. HBK was good at everything, but not great. He was one of the best all-round of all time, but he was never really the best in any one area except perhaps as mentioned his crowd interaction and salesmen-ship during a match. Few could match HBK and Flair in selling the psychology and suffering of a wrestler during a match. But for technical movesets and knowledge, neither was ever as good as nostalgia and memories trick us into believing.

The text messages is why there is doubt about Benoit comitting the murders. This has never been explained by police, and none of the "official" versions can answer how Benoit was in the state of mind to send text messages.
He killed his wife and kid, I'm not looking for grand reasoning in his actions.

If it was brain injury, then how come someone like Mick Foley can cop eleven chairshots to the head by the Rock at Rumble '99, fall off Hell-In-A-Cells, and cop other head injuries, (including copping it from barbed-wire baseball bats) , and yet not kill his family?
I was never big on the whole, Benoit brain was the reason.

Furthermore, how can someone with an addled brain be able to hang themselves from their exercise machine? According to the police, Chris Benoit was found hanging from his exercise machine, where he had fashioned the cable to lift the weights into a noose, and then tied it around his neck, and the weights propelled him into the air, breaking his neck and killing him. Wouldn't he have just used a rope and chair instead?
May not have had rope at the house. Might have seen the weight machine and done it on a whim.

The fact that he could use this way of hanging himself, (which would require an understanding of physics), makes me doubt the "official" version, along with the seven empty beer cans near his body (Benoit was apparently a teetotaller, and there was no alcohol in his system according to the autopsy, but enough steroids to floor a horse was). The fact that the police won't answer these questions, (along with not even interrogating Kevin Sullivan, the most likely suspect), makes me wonder if anyone can claim to know the whole story?
Nancy Benoit had signs of alcohol in her bloodstream upon the toxicology report.

My most likely theories of what happened (IMO)

1. Roid-rage (which Vince wants to cover up, as it makes the Wellness Policy a sham).

2. Kevin Sullivan killed them.

3. Trauma from numerous head injuries.
Could be Roid rage, but even with Roid rage, a lot of people have experienced it and not killed their 7 year old son.

Sullivan didn't do it.

The execution of the murder and the suicide leads me to believe that it wasn't from the trauma.
I'm not sure if it's been mentioned on this thread, because i haven't read through all 5 pages, but there was that statement last year that said that Chris Benoit, at the time of his death, had been given roughly 10 months to live due to a heart that was enlarged 3 times the normal size. This was according to either Benoit's sister or Nancy's sister...
It's been 7 years ago yesterday that the late Chris Benoit did the unthinkable. The man murdered his wife Nancy and his son Daniel right before killing himself in their home in a suburb of Atlanta, GA. Chris Benoit shook the wrestling world in just hours. 2 years before the deaths of Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett on June 25th. Chris Benoit was the one making the news that day. Now as we remembered the legecy of the late great Eddie Guerrero this pasted Monday night on RAW. Have we as wrestling fans forgotten about the living legecy of Chris Benoit?

We all see that the WWE is still trying to. Now the only time that we can see Chris Benoit is on the WWE network.
It's 7 years, we've all moved on. Nobody has forgotten about him. We just have more important things to talk about now. Like The Shield and Rosebuds.
Of course wrestling fans haven't forgotten about Chris Benoit. One of the WWE's biggest stars murdering his family and then killing himself is something that will never be forgotten, no matter how much WWE wishes it could be.

It surprises me that WWE are actually featuring Benoit's matches on the Network, which allows fans to see what a great in-ring talent he was. However, this will always be overshadowed (rightfully so in my eyes) by the terrible things he did and how his life ended. Benoit will never get a tribute on WWE programming, and should never be inducted into the HOF, which I WWE would never consider doing anyway.

The fans who saw Benoit in the ring will never forget what a great technical wrestler he was, and just because he doesn't get talked about as much today that doesn't mean that his wrestling achievements, and certainly the way his life ended have slipped out of people's minds.
The fans who saw Benoit in the ring will never forget what a great technical wrestler he was, and just because he doesn't get talked about as much today that doesn't mean that his wrestling achievements, and certainly the way his life ended have slipped out of people's minds.

I think this quote sums it up best. Chris Benoit will always be remembered by wrestling fans for his ability in the ring but sadly the way his life and also his wife and son's life ended will forever taint his legacy.

As an in ring performer is he Hall of fame worthy?? yes he certainly is but that will never happen because of what he did.

For the people who were fans of his while he wrestled (myself included) lets just be grateful that we can still watch one of the best technical wrestlers to of ever graced the ring, but as always that still does not make us forget the last few days of his life sadly.
Huh? What? Have we forgotten? Of course not. But we've moved on. Look how his life ended. Is that something you want to remember on a weekly basis? Sure isn't for me. I have my own things to worry about than think about Chris Benoit. But what's left to talk about? Maybe the one or two people in the world than think the whole thing was a conspiracy have things to talk about, but nobody with half a brain in their head cares to talk about it. Dumb question.

Have we forgotten? Certainly not. But unless you're watching his matches on DVD or the Network, why would you care to remember him?
I don't think that anyone has forgotten him, how could you?

People who don't follow professional wrestling know who Chris Benoit is, and the stigma has definitely turned off some potential viewers.

His wrong actions brought to life an new vulnerability to professional wrestling/sports entertainment, iron-clad medical protocols, and a spiderman awareness to steroids and alike, which while good, has also helped to alter moves and spots that are performed within the confines of a wrestling match. (Rock blasting Ken Shamrock with that chair was fucking legendary)

Obviously as a publicly traded company they have an image to maintain, or at least one they want you to see, and it would be illogical to feature or promote him, so it's understandable why we don't see "toothless aggression" t-shirts and his induction into a widely seen Hall of Fame.

But, when wrestling fans are talking about who was one of the greatest technical wrestlers ever, or one of the most intense wrestlers ever, his name will be brought up, still living in our hearts and minds.

On a side-note, I miss hearing "Whatever" by Our Lady Peace, In my mind as one of the greatest entrance tunes, ever. (WWE! Bring back Kane's "Slow Chemical"!!)
Have people forgotten about Ted Bundy? Okay, the Benoit tragedy wasn't quite on the same scale, but the public don't forget about massive stories like these. Young people know about them because they're still widely discussed.

Besides that, Benoit held too many major titles, was involved in too many big moments (including winning the Royal Rumble from #1 and headlining WrestleMania) and was too brilliant a performer to be forgotten. WWE is probably enraged at giving Benoit so many accolades and having him headline pay-per-views against The Rock, Shawn Michaels and everyone in between. It's one thing to brush Steve Lombardi under the carpet, but by the time of the tragedy, Benoit was a bona fide legend in pro wrestling.
How can we forget when somebody post a thread about him every month? I loved Benoit as a child. The WrestleMania XX Main Event may have been the best match I've ever seen. But sadly, nobody will ever be able to think of Chris Benoit and not immediately think about what happened at the end of his life. It's unfortunate, but his legacy will forever be tarnished. He was one of the best pure wrestler's ever, but nothing ever excuses what he did. Even if he had gone completely insane. It's the most infamous story in wrestling now, and it's best if we just move on. No need to focus on the negatives. Just think about the positive, like the literally hundreds of thousands of wrestlers who never did anything as horrible as Chris Benoit.

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