Would any on like to see the return of Muhammad Hassan

Kaze Enigma

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Muhammad Hassan


Who didnt hate this character?
He was probobly the most hated heel in the wwe during his breif stint.

He had golden promos. Here is he debut promo with mick foley

On his first day on RAW you can see how much he is hated by the fans, who has no idea who he even is.

Hassan went on to have an undefeated streak against guys like Y2J, Chris Beniot, The Hurricane, The King Jerry Lawler and Sgt Slaughter.

He was massively Over as a heel and his ring work wasnt to shabby either. This is a match with him VS HBK

His main feud was against HBK, which in your rookie year that is an accomplishment.

He was the buried on Smackdown by the undertaker beacuse UPN didnt like the idea of his character.

So do you think he should come back?
Would he even be allowed to return with the WWE being PG now?
Your thoughts would be appreciated.
I still miss Muhammad Hassan to this day. Granted, he was one of those "right guy, right time" gimmicks, a la La Resistance, but he took that character and skyrocketed. Just the opening second of his music got the whole building booing

Granted, the situation was out of WWE's hands, but they pulled the plug on Hassan WAY too early. He had so much untapped potential, and even though they felt they had to kill the gimmick because of what happened, I wish they could've compromised somehow, put him back on Raw or something. I feel he was so great at what he did and still had so much to offer.
Yea, wwe always drops the ball. hassan is only 28yrs old. He's alot better the drew mcdyess or whatever, zigglees, morrison. Damn wwe just dont have anyone right now. Get rvd, lesnar, hassan, lashley, booker, kennedy, umaga, train khali over again, and turn him bk heel. damn, fast. WWe is in alot more trouble then people want to acknowledge. Think about how deep the wwe would be if they got these wrestlers to come bk. They'd have so many options and different fueds it would be ridiculous. They have no depth now, weakest roster that i remember them having. I have watched wrestling for 18yrs. sad.
i actually started a thread on him a few months back and was glad to see that there were others out there who also thought he was capable of being something real special. so you ask do i miss the character and wrestler? definitely, and even with the character being scrapped it would have been nice to see how else they could have used him. i'm sure at this point if he had a desire to come back they could and would probably use him. there is a large chunk of the market that wasn't even watching wwe when he was around, so something fresh could be created. it would be cool to see him come back, he seemed to get better (and daivari) everytime he came to the ring, promos or in ring work.
Yea, wwe always drops the ball. hassan is only 28yrs old. He's alot better the drew mcdyess or whatever, zigglees, morrison. Damn wwe just dont have anyone right now. Get rvd, lesnar, hassan, lashley, booker, kennedy, umaga, train khali over again, and turn him bk heel. damn, fast. WWe is in alot more trouble then people want to acknowledge. Think about how deep the wwe would be if they got these wrestlers to come bk. They'd have so many options and different fueds it would be ridiculous. They have no depth now, weakest roster that i remember them having. I have watched wrestling for 18yrs. sad.

I think Hassaan was great and I think he was definately a miss. They should have repackaged the guy, granted the gimmick did alot for him, but this guy just had the it factor. Anyway I hear he is a succesful actor or something now so they missed the boat. To the people like the one above, how in the world can people claim the WWE talent pool is weak right now? It is deeper and better than it has ever been. First a list of current main event guys on the roster: John Cena, HHH, HBK, Randy Orton, Christian, CM Punk, Taker, Batista, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Chris Jericho, and Edge once he heals.
Now guys who could be in the main event with just a months worth of good push: John Morrison, Swagger, Mark Henry, Kane, MVP, The Miz(was his match against Koffi the other night not one of the best WWE t.v. matches in a long time?) Dolph Ziggler, Ted Dibiase, and although it would take alot Carlito. Now I dare you to show me a time including the attitude era when they had this many potential main eventers in the company at once.
Hassan was a very good heel and he was suppose to become a world champion also but the time and place of the london bombings screwed his character over. the media is to blame as they kept calling him an arab and the wwe would not let him wrestle after that event for fear of him 'shooting' on the situation but he still did and he is an arab american. he'll come back if the WWE apologizes to him and he is thrown into an immediate title picture. Hassan was a great wrestler and i believe he would easily be good today also. damn the media for taking away good stars. damn the paparazzi for bashing nicole richies car.
Hassan was a very good heel and he was suppose to become a world champion also but the time and place of the london bombings screwed his character over. the media is to blame as they kept calling him an arab and the wwe would not let him wrestle after that event for fear of him 'shooting' on the situation but he still did and he is an arab american. he'll come back if the WWE apologizes to him and he is thrown into an immediate title picture. Hassan was a great wrestler and i believe he would easily be good today also. damn the media for taking away good stars. damn the paparazzi for bashing nicole richies car.

I think the irony of the whole situation was that he wasn't Arab American... he was Italian American... Then again, WWE has always used non-white wrestlers to portray whatever ethnicity they want/need at the time... Chief Jay Strongbow was Italian American as well.

IMO, I think the terrorist angle was stupid to begin with, regardless of what happened in the news that day (or three days later, as the case may have been). I think that there would be so many other angles to run with, to build this character with tremendous heat, other than a bunch of guys in terrorist masks choking out The Undertaker. Whatever... it's not my show.
That year, Summerslam was in Washington, DC. Batista was the champ. It would be a huge pop when the hometown boy came back with the title. The first world champ from DC (correct me if i'm wrong here)...

And an even LARGER amount of heat because Hassan was supposed to take it from him in DC. Though personally I thought that his anti-american promos might get him killed... but then again he would be in NW DC... probably the least violent part. But at the same time after 9/11 and the bombing in Europe... the network was scared. Vince pushed the envelope and it fell of the table. The guy had great charisma, great in-ring and HAD THE IT FACTOR....

Unfortunately Vince picked the wrong time and essentially killed the guy. Now Davari has gone on, even in WWE, to do better things. And a bit off topic but I'd love for TNA to pick up his brother and have another good tag team...

The guy garnered some of the most real heel heat in recent memory, and was very good at keeping it going. At Wrestlemania that year he was in the ring beating on Eugene and Hulk Hogan (one night after being inducted to the HOF) came out and whoops his ass and got a HUGE face pop, possibly larger than Hogan has got in a while. The guy they gave this ill-fated character to was GOLD and they certainly missed the boat there.
I was actually thinking about an Hassan return for awhile now. I was skimming through pages of my son's WWE Encyclopedia and came across the small blurb dedicated to Muhammed (Mark Copani) one some random page. It got me thinking about his character and the way he was unceremoniously dumped from WWE programming altogether. I absolutely hated the character how it was portrayed on television week after week, but the wrestler himself grew on me rather quickly. He had the skills, both in and out of the ring but he was just cursed with a gimmick that purported such anger and intensity among fans and media alike. I think more watered-down version of Hassan's character would work in today's WWE but with the whole PG rating it would be sure to draw some unwanted ire.
daivari is in tna now but as some1 else.
i want him to but muhammad hussan will NEVER come back. he dont wanna wrestle no more
Hassan was something else. I always wondered what happened 2 the guy & when I found out, it was really unfortunate.

I don't see him returning any time soon (if @ all) though, seeing that he's happy with what he's doing now. It's less stress, not much traveling, etc. etc.

but could really generate that heat, & he was 1 of my favorites @ the time
I always thought a good stable would of been Hassan and Daivari and Khali. Where Hassan and Daivari are the mouthpieces for the group and Khali be the powerhouse. I saw them winning tag team gold at least. I really liked the Hassan character and always hoped it would make some sort of a comeback.
Hassan had the heat from the get go, and his ring work was nice too, but it was just a bad time for a guy like him to be in the company. If he ever wanted to come back, I'd say he could fur sure come back. At this point in the war, I don't think it would be too extreme to have him back in the WWE.
I think Hassaan was great and I think he was definately a miss. They should have repackaged the guy, granted the gimmick did alot for him, but this guy just had the it factor. Anyway I hear he is a succesful actor or something now so they missed the boat. To the people like the one above, how in the world can people claim the WWE talent pool is weak right now? It is deeper and better than it has ever been. First a list of current main event guys on the roster: John Cena, HHH, HBK, Randy Orton, Christian, CM Punk, Taker, Batista, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Chris Jericho, and Edge once he heals.
Now guys who could be in the main event with just a months worth of good push: John Morrison, Swagger, Mark Henry, Kane, MVP, The Miz(was his match against Koffi the other night not one of the best WWE t.v. matches in a long time?) Dolph Ziggler, Ted Dibiase, and although it would take alot Carlito. Now I dare you to show me a time including the attitude era when they had this many potential main eventers in the company at once.

I'm sure the WWE wanted to repackage him but he didn't want to wrestle anymore. So in this case it really wasn't the E's fault. But I agree that the guy had the look, charisma and was pretty decent in the ring. He just didn't have the heart.

I also agree with your second point. The future main event scene looks pretty damn good. People call it weak because it's the in thing to rag on the WWE. Plus they don't like a guy so they don't count him as being ME worthy. I am really not crazy about Cena but I'd be a fool to say he's not ME material.
Even if he doesn't want to wrestle, they should bring him back for one night only if the rumours of having Kanye West guest host are true.

You could have some award being given to a Diva for some reason, Kanye runs down to interrupt saying it should have gone to Alicia Fox, then Hassan's music surprisingly hits and HE interrupts Kanye complaining about the lack of Arabic Divas!
Yea, wwe always drops the ball. hassan is only 28yrs old. He's alot better the drew mcdyess or whatever, zigglees, morrison. Damn wwe just dont have anyone right now. Get rvd, lesnar, hassan, lashley, booker, kennedy, umaga, train khali over again, and turn him bk heel. damn, fast. WWe is in alot more trouble then people want to acknowledge. Think about how deep the wwe would be if they got these wrestlers to come bk. They'd have so many options and different fueds it would be ridiculous. They have no depth now, weakest roster that i remember them having. I have watched wrestling for 18yrs. sad.

Probably the most ludicrous (and practically unintelligible) thing I have ever read on this forum. So you have watched wrestling for 18 years....so what? Then you know that talent HAS to change at some point. Did you give up on WWE when Hulk Hogan left? -- It would seem not. The fact that you claim they have nothing just because some of your favorite past stars are no longer around is basically ridiculous.

Basically, you want WWE to invent the time machine and go back several years to when they had the talent you just listed. Wow -- when I think of it like that, it totally seems plausible. In fact, I have a flux capacitor just sitting around, waiting to be put to good use. I'm sure I can unload it on WWE for a decent price.
I highly doubt he'll return but who knows, anything can happen. Hassan has stated that he really wants to peruse a career in acting. And even though I would kill to see him return to the WWE, I wish him the best in his acting career.
It was quite unfortunate that the London bombings also destroyed his chances of survival within the WWE. I don't think anyone had this kind of heat since Sgt. Slaughter "defected" to Iraq around the time of the first Gulf war.

If my memory serves me, the WWE had to change venues for that years Wrestlemania. They were supposed to be in an open roof arena, but they went with a domed arena so that no one could try to snipe Slaughter.

Isn't it wonderful when people take wrestling too seriously?
My question is quite simply - What is Hassan doing right now that prevents him from returning to the WWE? The last I heard, he was trying to break into Hollywood post-WWE firing. It's been years since he left, and the last time I checked, I haven't heard of any movies with Mark Copani featured. Someone needs to talk him into returning. He had massive heel heat, and was definitely the most over heel of the last 5 years. He'd be even more over than Punk is right now.

The WWE should have just removed the whole martyring angle in post-production. Because of their stubbornness in not wanting to remove that angle, they lost a classic heel and someone who could have been one of their top stars. They never should have took Hassan in that direction to begin with. Things were a lot better when there was more subtlety to the character.
I agree with pretty much all of the posters on this thread about how amazing of an athlete he was, with tremendous mic skills.

BUT, with that said, I would never ever wanna see him (or anyone like him) in the WWE. My viewpoint may be different from most of you, but understand that I have nothing against Mark Copani, the person. I would love to see him repackaged as something else (hes probably better than most trainees that they have at FCW, plus hes still only 27).

But I did have a problem with his gimmick. Now Im not trying to get on my high and mighty roller coaster here or anything, but as an American of Indian descent, it was just a pain in the bum to watch this guy spew. I realize that I am not Arab, nor am I a Muslim, but the fact was that he was a brown person billed from around that region of the world and he was chastising "white america" around an extremely emotional and traumatic event. As a Hindu of Indian origin, it still was not easy tip toeing around the whole race issue. If one sees all these middle eastern people committing heinous and violent acts, and then sees an Indian person, they almost physically look the same. Im not saying I'm a particularly sensitive guy (far from it) but whether you guys know it or not...around 2004/2005 there was still some strong xenophobic sentiments going around. Needless to say, him standing in the middle of the ring and playing the race card didnt help ease the tension.

I agree that some African-Americans could feel the same way about Cryme Tyme and their antics, especially with their vignettes that they played before they debuted. But they were made to look "cool" in the eyes of children, especially with the demographic listening to gangster rap getting younger and younger. And I was still a bit too young to fully understand what the Nation of Domination represented.
But with Hassan, it was just different. It was a real low blow, especially after (correct me if im wrong) his debut the crowd was cheering for him. And then he immediately went heel and on the attack. For a lot of the "marks" of the wrestling community that had garnered some sympathy towards foreigners, I feel that in a small way, it brought them a step backwards, because some of what he said did indeed ring true. I agree his heel persona did wonders for his character, but it was something, almost a reopening of wounds so to speak, that I did not want to see on a weekly basis.

Anyway, with all that said, I would absolutely love to see Hassan back, but hopefully with him ditching his previous persona. Hope I didn't offend anyone with what I said.
Ok, to the guy who posted my thread and responded to it, by saying this is the deepest roster wwe has ever had, wich by the way is crock s***. Mvp sucks and botches all day as well as mark henry. The big slow is a waist of size and space, ziggles isnt over and wont ever be as well as drew mcwatever, jerichoke isnt as good as he was when he first came bk, who else did you say. Ok between 1998 and 2004 was their deepest roster period. Even in the attitude era, they had stone cold, the rock, ahmed johnson, owen hart, x-pac, road dogg, billy gunn, triple h, a healthy shawn michaels, kane, undertaker, sycho sid, the best lighweight division, ken shamrock, bull buchanon, bossman, al snow, british bulldog, the hollys, gangrel, the godfather, big show in his prime, mankind, faarooq, jbl, kurt angle, rikishi, ministry of darkness, val venis is his prime, the radicalz, tazz, then add a few yrs later to that: You get shelton benjamin, lesnar, batista, john cena, charlie haas, randy orton, some key players from wcw. Need i continue. And most of these guys are gone. WWe is in alot of trouble. They need some serious recruitment and resignings of talent they foolishly let leave.

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