[OFFICIAL] Chris Benoit Thread- Keep it all in Here!


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It's public knowledge that the WWE has basically deleted Beniot from it's history. With the WrestleMania being the WWE's Super Bowel, and the Undertaker being one of the biggest draw at Mania. What if Chris Beniot had been apart of the streak? Would that change how we view the streak today? Would the streak had stopped to stop attracting attention, would they skip a match on their Annual Undertaker 2_ and 0 DVDs? If they did that it would cause more attention to that mystery match that is never listed, so what would be the out come?
It would be no big deal, really. The Undertaker would still be 20:0.
Whenever they would show video packages on RAW where they would sum up his victories, they would casually skip that one, that's all. Kinda how they always sidestep who the other guy besides HBK was who won the Royal Rumble by entering as number 1.
The 20:0 DVD would still include the match, though, as in recent years the WWE stopped going out of their way to make sure he-who-must-not-be-named couldn't be spotted anywhere. If he was part of something important (like when the 4 Horsemen reunited) they would accept that he could not be hidden completely, and if he was part of the streak that would certainly be one of those cases.
The only way for anything to be shown or mentioned concearning Chris Benoit, is if he was somehow proved Innocent for the tradegy of 2007. There are still a lot of people who believe the investigation of the Double-Murder suicide back in 2007 wasn't done properly.

If Benoit had faced Undertaker at Wrestlemania before 2007 then they would probably have edited that match out of the DVD or maybe even decided not to release a DVD about The Undertaker's streak.
It would be no big deal, really. The Undertaker would still be 20:0.
Whenever they would show video packages on RAW where they would sum up his victories, they would casually skip that one, that's all. Kinda how they always sidestep who the other guy besides HBK was who won the Royal Rumble by entering as number 1.
The 20:0 DVD would still include the match, though, as in recent years the WWE stopped going out of their way to make sure he-who-must-not-be-named couldn't be spotted anywhere. If he was part of something important (like when the 4 Horsemen reunited) they would accept that he could not be hidden completely, and if he was part of the streak that would certainly be one of those cases.

Couldnt of said it better myself. Even though Benoit did something absolutely horrible... He did accomplish some incredible stuff. He won his first major title and Wrestlemania in the main event.... After winning the Royal Rumble by entering #1. He cant be totally erased. You cant try to but not even Vince can erase Benoit from wrestling history because he was a big part of the WWE for a while.
If Benoit had been a victom of Undertaker's Wrestlemania Streak then that match would unfortunately have become a forgotten part of history. Vince would have "erased" it just as he did with other Benoit matches such as the triple threat at Wrestlemania 20 or when he faced MVP at Wrestlemania 23 for the United States Championship. Programs at events after the Benoit incident still recognize the matches, without mentioning him. For example, his Wrestlemania 20 match was mentioned once in recent years but in the form of "the World Heavyweight Championship was up for grabs in a triple threat match", without revealing who won. Benoit's match with Undertaker would not be shown again in footage and it is doubtful that the streak would have had any DVD compilations. WWE refuse to recognize any of his in-ring work ever again. That is the unfortunate truth. We are lucky that Benoit never faced Undertaker at Wrestlemania or else another great match would have been forced into a fate of fading into obscurity.
What would have happened? The Taker would have won and would still be 20-0. The WM where he faced a couple jobbers in a handi capped match rarely gets mentioned, if beniot faced him, it wouldnt get mentioned either.
Remember a couple years back when Taker and Triple H had their 'first' epic encounter at Wrestlemania?

Remember how that was really their second match, and the WWE conveniently ignored the first one a decade earlier... even eliminating it from the video promo's of the streak that year?

That's exactly what would have happened if Benoit was a part of the streak.
It wouldn't make a difference, at all. They hardly go on about King Kong Bundy - what difference would another person being ignored make? Another dud thread.
Couldnt of said it better myself. Even though Benoit did something absolutely horrible... He did accomplish some incredible stuff. He won his first major title and Wrestlemania in the main event.... After winning the Royal Rumble by entering #1. He cant be totally erased. You cant try to but not even Vince can erase Benoit from wrestling history because he was a big part of the WWE for a while.

You thik Vince is sitting there trying to erase him out of spite or something? The dude ending up being a child murderer. Why would he want to mention him, or promote his image? It's simple business and bad publicity.

Say Benoit was a peadophile in jail? Would you kick up a stink then if his matches wern't shown? Jesus, if you want them bad enough, just click his name into YouTube and there are thousands of hours of matches. People who cry about a company not promoting a child murderer do make me laugh - these are the people who have blind perspective - and nine times out of ten are just children living with their parents who don't have a clue.
UT would have won the match and like everybody has said it would have been ignored.

Vince does a lot of things that I disagree with but ignoring Benoit is not one of them. Sorry but some things are bigger than wrestling and murdering your wife and son is definitely bigger than wrestling.
Unfortunate? Seriously? He killed his fucking son and wife, a little boy who probably thought the fucking world of him, and he killed him. Im so sick of fucking people saying its not fair that wwe ignores his matches. Was it fucking fair when he took his sons life? Was it fair he deprived him of a wife and kids of his own? People that defend his in ring work always make me think they dont have kids of their own. No fucking matter what he did at his JOB he still killed his wife and son, do we worry about other murders accomplishments at their 9-5 jobs?
The only way for anything to be shown or mentioned concearning Chris Benoit, is if he was somehow proved Innocent for the tradegy of 2007. There are still a lot of people who believe the investigation of the Double-Murder suicide back in 2007 wasn't done properly.

If Benoit had faced Undertaker at Wrestlemania before 2007 then they would probably have edited that match out of the DVD or maybe even decided not to release a DVD about The Undertaker's streak.

Had he not killed himself they probably would have found him not guilty via insanity given the fact that he had irreparable brain damage.
Unfortunate? Seriously? He killed his fucking son and wife, a little boy who probably thought the fucking world of him, and he killed him. Im so sick of fucking people saying its not fair that wwe ignores his matches. Was it fucking fair when he took his sons life? Was it fair he deprived him of a wife and kids of his own? People that defend his in ring work always make me think they dont have kids of their own. No fucking matter what he did at his JOB he still killed his wife and son, do we worry about other murders accomplishments at their 9-5 jobs?

So, you're saying he planned it? I worked in mental health for YEARS; and I'll tell you something right now, you know nothing numbnut: BRAIN DAMAGE CAUSES PEOPLE TO DO THINGS OUT OF CHARACTER. I've dealt with people who had killed after having severe brain injury, and after rehabilitation, they went on to lead normal (or as normal as is possible with the memory of what they had done) lives. It's people like you that set the mental health issue back into the dark ages, when, if someone was just a little abnormal, they would be locked up for years. If you want to spout off, pick a subject you actually have a little knowledge about.:banghead:
Im just going to say this....I was never a huge fan of benoit. My belief is that we shouldnt be in celebrities business as much as we are. Yea I kno what he did but all i know him as is a wrestler. I didnt know him personally, I didnt know his family, I dont know the situation before the murder, I didnt know anything about the guy and neither did anyone else posting on this board. I feel for his family and all the people he affected I really do but as a wwe fan I wouldnt have a problem with them showing his matches. If I watch wrestlemania XX I dont turn the dvd off before the last match. To answer the question I honestly think that the streak is bigger than benoit, strictly from a wrestling standpoint, and it would be included. I dont like how wwe takes away from other wrestlers legacys because of benoit...for example on Randy Orton's dvd they barely mention his first world title win and dont have the match included...IMO if you dont want to see benoit then dont buy the DVD
So, you're saying he planned it? I worked in mental health for YEARS; and I'll tell you something right now, you know nothing numbnut: BRAIN DAMAGE CAUSES PEOPLE TO DO THINGS OUT OF CHARACTER. I've dealt with people who had killed after having severe brain injury, and after rehabilitation, they went on to lead normal (or as normal as is possible with the memory of what they had done) lives. It's people like you that set the mental health issue back into the dark ages, when, if someone was just a little abnormal, they would be locked up for years. If you want to spout off, pick a subject you actually have a little knowledge about.:banghead:

Agreed. Its easy, especially for wrestling fans, to just say oh Benoit was a terrible person...it makes them feel good about themselves to shun a "terrible person" and its easier than taking the time to understand that he had serious brain damage and how that damage affected his behavior. Its not speculation even, its medical fact, that he had irreparable brain damage.
I agree with the above poster. I see a lot of people who suffer from PTSD from their military tours. These people are great fun loving decent people. Unfortunately they sometimes go into these trances where they aren't themselves, they might snap and do crazy things and not remember any of it. I deal with this within my own family where someone might, for no apparrant reason, go of on som crazy rage fit, and then not remember it later. These typees of people here voices, sometimes get stuck in the past, or even think that they are stuck in an infinite loop in limbo. I've seen these people to not be able to discern reality from imagination. They would sometimes have full conversations with someone not there, and then when they realize it are embarrassed. Sometimes when they have one of there outburst they might be seeing something completely different. It's very possible that in Benoit's mind he was killing an intruder in his house in order to protect his family, only to realize the next day what really happenned causing him to kill himself being unable to deal with the unimaginable horror. The simple fact is no one knows what he thought or tried to do. He could have been acting out in an act of love to save his family. The man lost EVERYTHING, and all people do is shit on his name.
I agree with most who say they'd prolly skip past the match when showing clips, but still have it in the DVD. Another question though, lets say the event never happened with Chris Benoit. What if then this same event happened to someone the caliber of The Undertaker or Stone Cold? Would they even be able to erase or even ignore them?
As someone who grew-up loving Benoit & watching from his early years to his unfortunate end (I was actually was at the PPV he no showed during those tragic events where I heard he was supposed to win the ECW title, the match I basically bought those tickets to see) I can say I COMPLETELY agree with WWE basically wiping him from the record books.

Not only can I say as a former Benoit fan that he basically became non-existent to me as ever being a wrestler or in the WWE, but why ever bring him up or even slightly elude to the horrible things he did? Why even come close to risking it?

I could see WWE releasing a match if he was part of Taker's streak because they have released old matches of his before but mentioning him, releasing his promos, releasing unlreased footage or something on his matches, etc. NOPE, NEVER GONNA HAPPEN! And it makes perfect sense to me as a human being, wrestling fan & buisness man why they would never do more than release a very few select matches of his & probably edit them heavily in the process.

So yeah basically he would have been ignored for the most part one way or the other. Like others have said some things are bigger than wrestling & record books & a double murder suicide is one of them.
I was Christmas shopping recently, and saw in a bookstore a book called something like "The WWE Encyclopedia" (I think that was its name). Now, this book has recently come out, and I looked through it, and, lo and behold, Chris Benoit actually appears in it. The book lists titles won in WWE, and it even has a picture of him. It isn't a long entry, but he is acknowledged.

I also have heard that WWE may have softened their policy on removing Benoit from everything, and instead, are going to acknowledge his existence (when they have to), but will just make mention of it, not praise him for his efforts. For example, WWE may mention that Benoit won the World Title at WM20, but won't write glowing praise about his performance in that match. He may be acknowledged as a past Royal Rumble winner, but doing it from No.1 won't be mentioned.

So, it seems that they are going to be completely subjective about Chris Benoit, and not give any opinion on him, but only acknowledge facts, such as title wins.

I feel that this is the best way to do it because, like it or not, he was part of WWE. He did win those titles. Acknowledging that isn't an endorsement of his actions afterwards, and anyone who says that WWE, by merely mentioning Benoit title wins in their records, is promoting murder, is a fool, and doesn't deserve to be listened to.
Unfortunate? Seriously? He killed his fucking son and wife, a little boy who probably thought the fucking world of him, and he killed him. Im so sick of fucking people saying its not fair that wwe ignores his matches. Was it fucking fair when he took his sons life? Was it fair he deprived him of a wife and kids of his own? People that defend his in ring work always make me think they dont have kids of their own. No fucking matter what he did at his JOB he still killed his wife and son, do we worry about other murders accomplishments at their 9-5 jobs?

I saw a few people picking on this post and while I respect his opinion, I want him to read mine and maybe he will be enlightened by why so many of us wish for Chris Benoit to be remembered as a great wrestler, not as the murder of his family.

First off I would like to point out that Chris Benoit is one of the reasons WWE takes concussions seriously, around the same time he Killed his wife and son were also the same time the other major sports were beginning to realize that head trauma bad, and that it needs to be addressed right away. His actions forced the WWE (and other outlets) that brain damage is SERIOUS.

Until this point in time NO ONE outside of psychological fields took brain damage seriously, (THIS IS A FACT not opinion) it's still not something (while still out in the public eye) that is fully accepted, this goes for ALL mental illnesses (I throw brain damage in with mental illnesses based on the fact that it can lead to multiple disorders/control and function issues) So yes while what he did was beyond tragic it was partially his careers fault, (note: not blaming the WWE as Benoit was a decorated wrestler who could have sustained said injuries that caused his SEVERE brain deterioration while working for any company during his career, being that he was the age of 40 and his brain was that of someone in their mid to late 80's that's A LOT OF ABUSE.)

Combined with the stress of life he might not have felt he had any options, and his best friend was dead and he did not know how to properly grieve. All of these things could have been something much easier for him to deal with if his brain had not been so traumatized...

Don't get me wrong I know i'm coming from a bias stand point as I have said in previous Chris Benoit threads I myself have brain damage and understand what it's like have that type of confusion and how some days are good and others bad. I'm not condoning what he did I'm just saying you can't fully throw Chris Benoit (The wrestler) under the bus.

If you want to blame anyone blame society for not accepting that Mental Illness is a major problem and needs to be dealt with properly instead of being swept under the rug, and don't get me wrong I'm not looking for kid gloves, I just want people to take mental illnesses seriously and realize that they can be handled but if people ignore them or can't get help bad things can happen.

In terms of Undertaker vs. Chris Benoit if it came down to talking about it shortly after the double murder it would have been buried due to the fact that they held a memorial show right after finding out before realizing WHY he was dead. (biggest PR nightmare of the WWE reign, eh, maybe second)

In 2012 I think it would depend heavily on how The Undertaker himself feels about the situation as if he respected Chris as the man he was and the performer he was if there was anyone who could break anyone in the WWE's arm into getting footage shown you would probably find the match itself on DVD, but I doubt at this point he would be ignored, as I think that died when HHH used the crossface.

Also go look through pro sports history books and hall of fame, you can get away with a lot of things and still be considered a great legend (unless it's gambling). you signaled him out for murder when many pro athletes have been horrible womanizers (several accused of rape) drugs, alcohol, but you still cheer for them. your looking at physical aspects alone mentally the women that were attacked will never be the same and while they might eventually move on but their lives were changed, and some things are worse than death.

Chris Benoit killed out of passion and love, of course it was wrong but mentally he was gone, people have done worse with their brain fully functioning...

I apologize for the ramble and hope it enlightened some people.
Chris Benoit was one of my idols growing up because he was the nearest thing to the dynamite kid i could see. I still remember getting a call from a friend at 7:30am saying Benoit was dead, at the time none of us knowing the full extent of the horror that was to of been found later on.

Now as a wrestler the facts stand up that he was a great performer and was respected by the boys in the back while he was there. However i dont think they would include him on any streak DVD just because of the policy the WWE have on him at this point in time.

one question for everyone though do they feel such anger towards Benoit because he killed a child? or because he is a killer in general? because if what i have read on the web is correct didnt jimmy snuka kill a woman? so do people class him in the same way as benoit for instance or is it just because of the child factor?

I am a father and i would never harm my daughter but from all i have read over the years since his death i dont hold him accountable i hold the brain injuries he suffered over the years accountable for the horror he caused that weekend. From what i read he was a loving father who dotted on his son.

anyway back on point no he would not get recognized on any streak dvd and the taker would of beaten him
If Benoit had been a victom of Undertaker's Wrestlemania Streak then that match would unfortunately have become a forgotten part of history.

That's how it would have been, yes. As part of political correctness, when something big has happened and can't be undone, what we do is pretend it never occurred at all. Out of sight, out of mind.

Chris Benoit had a noble career before murdering his family and killing himself....it's silly to say he didn't. So, the way it's handled today, if we don't want to acknowledge his existence, then we treat it as if he didn't have any career at all.

I say no. He had a great career, he did a lot of memorable good things, was well thought of in the wrestling community....and then he did what he did. Hate him now if you want to, but don't deny that the good things ever existed.

In the case of Undertaker's streak, it would have been easy for WWE to conceal the record of Benoit's participation in the avalanche of opponents 'Taker faced. Yes, when a list is presented of 'Taker's defeated WM foes, Benoit's name should appear (had they ever fought), but any further reference to him will be stricken from the official records. At least that way doesn't deny something that's right in front of our faces.

WWE can practice the PC version of: "Chris Benoit? Who?....Never heard of him" while keeping Undertaker's WM streak on the up and up.

And in my own view, I still feel bad when I think of the agony of mind Benoit must have suffered on the night he killed his family, hoping no one else ever has to go through what he did.
I always wonder why would he do a driving headbutt from the top rope. They said that's what drove him mad and crazy and shit.
Agreed. Its easy, especially for wrestling fans, to just say oh Benoit was a terrible person...it makes them feel good about themselves to shun a "terrible person" and its easier than taking the time to understand that he had serious brain damage and how that damage affected his behavior. Its not speculation even, its medical fact, that he had irreparable brain damage.

Yet with that horrible brain damage he had time to text Chavo with some normal sounding texts? I am not saying the guy didn't have brain damage but he knew well enough what he was doing because the people he was talking to thought everything was okay. So either his brain damage took on an identity of it's own and did a damn good job of it or Benoit wasn't totally gone.

I think everyone knows he has brain damage but the thing is he still killed his wife and child. This guy worked with this brain damage for a long time without hurting anyone. But what we have are just opinions because not you or I know what was going on in his brain at the time.
The probably would of found some clever way to package this DVD so it would show this Chris Benoit Match. Tell me this. The Randy Orton DVD released not to long ago missing one very important match. Orton Vs. Benoit at Summer Slam for the WHC where Randy Orton won his first WHC title and becomes the youngest WHC champion history, and probably the most important match of his career. But you if that match was against someone that wasn't Benoit it would of been in there. I would like someone to come up with a Reason that match wasn't on the DVD except for Benoit being in that match.

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