Nominations thread for Luther Area tournament

Light Yagami could kill Batman.

Very true, Batman getting a victory over Yagami would be even more of a travesty than Goldberg retiring Bret Hart prematurely.

However, Yagami would most definately be Class 2 material, where Batman would be Class 1. The two most likely wouldn't meet.
Thank you Ech.

I hate Superman, so I won't pick him as a winner.

How about Super Buu? Did he kill Goku?
No. Goku was already dead. Gotta love that ill conceived final season.
I am in favor of Mega Man being in but we need to decide on whether it should be EXE or Classic. Classic is more famous and had an excellent comic while EXE had a majorly successful anime and manga.
EXE had a better story and quality. I'd say he's a better pick.

Also Viewtiful Joe would be hella cool. But my main nominations are Light Yagami and Mega Man.
Viewtiful Joe had awesome games, but the show (at least over here) sucked. Badly.
I'm not reading 108 missed posts. Here's my votes:

Michaelangelo (TMNT)
Omega Red
Mr. Mxyzptlk
Marcus Fenix
The Arbiter
Classes 1 and 2 are filling out fast

to give Class 3 some love, i'm going to nominate The Sentry

What's "Class 3"?

I haven't read the thread...I'm just naming names, and looking forward to voting/arguing.

Scorpion, Shang Tsung, Sub-Zero, Noob Saibot, Ryu, Chun Li, Zangief, Vega, and the entire cast of Killer Instinct all deserve spots.
What's "Class 3"?

I haven't read the thread...I'm just naming names, and looking forward to voting/arguing.

Scorpion, Shang Tsung, Sub-Zero, Noob Saibot, Ryu, Chun Li, Zangief, Vega, and the entire cast of Killer Instinct all deserve spots.

Classes go by power; 1 being the weakest and 3 being the strongest. Three overall winners to the tournament, one for each class.
Class 3: Light Yagami (Death Note)
Kenshin Batosai (Ruruni Kenshin)

Class 1: Spike Spiegal (Cowboy Bebop)

Yagami would be crushed in the first round if he fought in Class 3, but at the same time, he'd dominate everyone in Class 1. So, Class 2 would be where he'd end up.
Yagami would be crushed in the first round if he fought in Class 3, but at the same time, he'd dominate everyone in Class 1. So, Class 2 would be where he'd end up.

I dunno bout that. His book would basically take care of everybody in Class 3 before the fight even takes place.

EDIT: assuming he can figure out who his opponent is first.
SS Gotenks should be there...

General Ramm could work...

Did you see me mention Galactus? He's certainly a Class 3.

What about Megazord? Was that it's name? The original super-machine in Power Rangers?

Also, any of the combination robots from Transformers.
I dunno bout that. His book would basically take care of everybody in Class 3 before the fight even takes place.

His book only works with humans. The only competitor with human blood in Class 3 to be nominated so far has been Gohan. Unless he gets Gohan first round, he wouldn't survive past the first round.

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