Echelon's Mini Game: Defeat Sailor Moon and win cool prizes

Erasing a Galaxy is irrelevent, she has the power to manipulate probability, then she managed to absorb Chaos himself, with the abilities she gained from that she gained the ability to alter reality itself. The House of M storyline in the comics culminated in her saying the words "No More Mutants" and all but the original X-men team stopped being mutants (though that was a writer's device to keep some X-men since it sold well, coincidentally this happened at the same time as the movies started to come out)

She can literally say, no more powers or no more sailor moon and reality will alter at her command. She hasn't destroyed any galaxies because she isn't a villain but if she chose to, she could.

She can alter reality Ech, she could make it so that Sailor Moon never even existed.

No it's not. Sailor Moon's soul is connected to the Galaxy Cauldron; every time she dies she'll be reincarnated again and again unless the galaxy itself is destroyed. Scarlet Witch could incapacitate Sailor Cosmos, but she couldn't kill her unless she could erase galaxies.

Irregardless the rules state death or incapacitation, so I'll give you the match. What prize do you want?

My third choice was Cthulhu FYI, I think it can be argued although I'm not sure he would be allowed since y'know he's a 'god'. Also since Scarlet Witch can alter Reality she could remove the Silver Crystal and/or the Galaxy Cauldron from existence on a whim also. IF Scarlet Witch were a villain the Marvel Universe is done, no-one would be able to beat her unless they could kill her faster than electricity.

I will take feedback on my RP this round, thank you very much.
My third choice was Cthulhu FYI, I think it can be argued although I'm not sure he would be allowed since y'know he's a 'god'. Also since Scarlet Witch can alter Reality she could remove the Silver Crystal and/or the Galaxy Cauldron from existence on a whim also. IF Scarlet Witch were a villain the Marvel Universe is done, no-one would be able to beat her unless they could kill her faster than electricity.

I will take feedback on my RP this round, thank you very much.

Sailor Cosmos could since she moves faster than the Silver Surfer. If she knew exactly what Scarlet Witch could do, she'd immediately hit her with a star busting attack.

But that's not a fair scenario since neither fighter would know anything about the other other than they're enemies.
The problem I have with that is the Silver Crystal [or rather Cosmos Crystal] is her soul; she can't choke on her soul. Luckyman would win; here's a better scenario.

Cosmos figures out the source of Luckyman's power is the Luckystar. Cosmos travels through space in order to destroy it. Right as she shoots an energy blast at the star she starts having painful menstrual cramps which causes her to miss. The attack detonates, but she's in too much pain to shield herself and the backlash knocks her temporarily unconscious.

Winner Luckyman.

What prize do you want?


I'll take feedback for my RP when the next PPV rolls around
This concludes my Sailor Moon mini game. A big thanks to all of you that participated.

Here are the winners for Round 4; congratulations to all the winners.

Gelgarin – Shiva – WZCW feedback
Yazloz – Luckyman – WZCW feedback [PPV]
Shotaro – Scarlet Witch – WZCW feedback

I will be out of town this weekend so expect the rest of your prizes starting the beginning of next week.
Here is a full list of the winners per round.

The winners for Round 1

Awesome_Miz – Goku
Barbosa – Gohan
Ultimate Dynamite – Superman Prime
Nightmare – Majin Buu
Funkay – Dr. Doom
Gelgarin – Marik Ishtar
Kotre Ibushimix – Tao Rin
Snyper – Broly
Pancake – Hal Jordan Green Lantern
Joe Mason – Vegeta
JGlass – Apocalypse

The winners for Round 2

Ultimate Dynamite – Superman Prime
Doctor – Slayer
Kotre Ibushimix – Ren Tao
Gelgarin – Malik Ishtar
Killjoy – Apocalymon
Awesome_Miz – Neo Queen Serenity
Nightmare – Thor
The Mission – Darkseid

The winners for Round 3

Gelgarin – Rincewind the Wizzard
Kotre Ibushimix – Ren Tao
The Mission – Squirrel Girl
Awesome Miz – Aries Mu

The winners for Round 4

Gelgarin – Shiva
Yazloz – Luckyman
Shotaro – Scarlet Witch

Don't forget to participate in Wrestlezone's 3rd Battlezone Tournament, which starts tomorrow September 8th. You can find the tournament here...

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