Echelon's Mini Game: Defeat Sailor Moon and win cool prizes

Ech I have a question. Who are SMs parents?

Her father was never revealed; but this was her mother...


She was killed when the Silver Millennium kingdom fell.
Then I choose Doc Brown. He hops in the DeLoream, punches that bitch to 88 and goes back in time and kills Sailor Moon's parents.
Doc Brown is a genius inventor, he could turn it into a spaceship

Best case scenario this becomes another stalemate. The only reason she died was that she overused the Silver Crystal by sending Sailor Moon into the future. There's no reason to suggest that If attacked directly she'd couldn't use Neo Queen Serenity's ultimate unbreakable defense. It'll render her comatose but the match ends in a stalemate.
Best case scenario this becomes another stalemate. The only reason she died was that she overused the Silver Crystal by sending Sailor Moon into the future. There's no reason to suggest that If attacked directly she'd couldn't use Neo Queen Serenity's ultimate unbreakable defense. It'll render her comatose but the match ends in a stalemate.

So what happens if the moon blows up?
Hmm, time machine. That negates her time manipulation powers. What else can he do?

The Doctor? He can also travel to any point in space (he's even travelled to other dimensions) he has at least 13 lives as long as he isn't killed before he can regenerate.

He's the only survivng member of his own species because in order to save the universe he had to freeze them to a single moment in time thereby effectively killing them all. His own SPECIES (he's an Alien by the way)

Also he can speak and understand any language (thanks to the TARDIS) he has psychic paper which will fool anyone who isn't also psychic AND he has a sonic screwdriver that can effectively do anything to anything that isn't wood (it's a really powerful macguffin, but a macguffin none the less) and no-one knows his real name since he doesn't tell anyone and it's unprenouncable by the human tongue. He can communicate with anyone anywhere in space/time so theoretically and has witnessed the end of the universe as well as the instant after the big bang (and also the end of earth) This is just in the last 8 or so years, he's been around for fifty.
The Doctor? He can also travel to any point in space (he's even travelled to other dimensions) he has at least 13 lives as long as he isn't killed before he can regenerate.

He's the only survivng member of his own species because in order to save the universe he had to freeze them to a single moment in time thereby effectively killing them all. His own SPECIES (he's an Alien by the way)

Also he can speak and understand any language (thanks to the TARDIS) he has psychic paper which will fool anyone who isn't also psychic AND he has a sonic screwdriver that can effectively do anything to anything that isn't wood (it's a really powerful macguffin, but a macguffin none the less) and no-one knows his real name since he doesn't tell anyone and it's unprenouncable by the human tongue. He can communicate with anyone anywhere in space/time so theoretically and has witnessed the end of the universe as well as the instant after the big bang (and also the end of earth) This is just in the last 8 or so years, he's been around for fifty.

Sailor Cosmos can move freely though time and space as well. She has planet level durability and can destroy galaxies. What are some of the Doctor's durability feats? How strong is he?
No like if the moon blows up while she is on it, what happens to her?

Sailor Cosmos? Nothing. She's shown to be able to shield herself instantly. Sailor Moon has planet level durability with no defense, and I'd imagine that Cosmos would too.
Sailor Cosmos can move freely though time and space as well. She has planet level durability and can destroy galaxies. What are some of the Doctor's durability feats? How strong is he?

He's usually non-violent although it is established that on some worlds the words Doctor and Warrior are synonymous. He's more resiliant than a human but he's mortal. He has a limited number of regenerations but each time he regenerates he only retains his memories, everything else is different (appearance, personality the works)

The TARDIS is pretty much indestructable, and can disguise as anything (although it's stuck as an old blue police box) it's even been established that the TARDIS itself is a sentient being that can take human form, and because it is bigger on the inside he can be inside a human shaped and human sized TARDIS. The TARDIS is also able to take the Doctor anywhere in space and time and from within he can lock entire planets into a single point in time.

If you kill him you have a VERY short window in which to kill him permanently or he will regenerate (it was established that it takes around 30seconds for this to occur however once he reaches a certain point the energy he releases is tremendous.)

Here's how he would beat Sailor Cosmos, he'd turn up and show her his psychic paper to convince her to travel to a planet at the end of time, then he'd go there in the TARDIS and timelock it - again the Time Lords, who were also time travellers with BETTER TARDIS's (his was considered obsolete when he stole it) couldn't escape that, no way Sailor Cosmos is she'd be incapacitated for the rest of time.
He's usually non-violent although it is established that on some worlds the words Doctor and Warrior are synonymous. He's more resiliant than a human but he's mortal. He has a limited number of regenerations but each time he regenerates he only retains his memories, everything else is different (appearance, personality the works)

The TARDIS is pretty much indestructable, and can disguise as anything (although it's stuck as an old blue police box) it's even been established that the TARDIS itself is a sentient being that can take human form, and because it is bigger on the inside he can be inside a human shaped and human sized TARDIS. The TARDIS is also able to take the Doctor anywhere in space and time and from within he can lock entire planets into a single point in time.

If you kill him you have a VERY short window in which to kill him permanently or he will regenerate (it was established that it takes around 30seconds for this to occur however once he reaches a certain point the energy he releases is tremendous.)

Here's how he would beat Sailor Cosmos, he'd turn up and show her his psychic paper to convince her to travel to a planet at the end of time, then he'd go there in the TARDIS and timelock it - again the Time Lords, who were also time travellers with BETTER TARDIS's (his was considered obsolete when he stole it) couldn't escape that, no way Sailor Cosmos is she'd be incapacitated for the rest of time.

You do realize that she can move through time freely, lock and unlock dimensional portals, and rip the spatial continuum right? Sailor Pluto has all the abilities that you're describing for this guy, and she's inferior to Sailor Cosmos. I'm thinking their time/space abilities cancel each other out.

I'll need his strength and durability feats that don't involve time/space please.
You do realize that she can move through time freely, lock and unlock dimensional portals, and rip the spatial continuum right? I'm thinking their time/space abilities cancel each other out. Sailor Pluto has all the abilities that you're describing for this guy, and she's inferior to Sailor Cosmos.

Fine, then I propose that Scarlet Witch, who has the ability to alter reality on a whim, can defeat Sailor Moon by simply thinking her out of existence.

Check. Mate.
Fine, then I propose that Scarlet Witch, who has the ability to alter reality on a whim, can defeat Sailor Moon by simply thinking her out of existence.

Check. Mate.

Would she be able to erase a galaxy with her thoughts? If so, show me. I'm assuming she's stronger than Dark Phoenix, who'd get stomped by Cosmos.
You dick. ;)

If you can give a convincing, creative [and possibly hilarious] scenario where Luckyman would win I'll give you the match.

Cosmos would have Luckyman on the verge of death, knocking the rakkyô away from him multiple times. Just as she is about to perform the coup-de-grace a strong breeze blows past, blowing the rakkyô into Lucky's mouth while he is screaming in fear. His choking sounds strangely arouse Sailor Cosmos and she takes just a moment to pause. In this time Lucky rolls out of the way and Cosmos, full on soaking wet at this point, stares at Lucky in awe, jaw agape. Luckyman then trips on a rock in his approach, stumbling into Cosmos, who falls, the impact causing the Silver Crystal to bounce into the air, falling into Cosmos' mouth, lodging into her throat and suffocating her.
Would she be able to erase a galaxy with her thoughts? If so, show me. I'm assuming she's stronger than Dark Phoenix, who'd get stomped by Cosmos.

Erasing a Galaxy is irrelevent, she has the power to manipulate probability, then she managed to absorb Chaos himself, with the abilities she gained from that she gained the ability to alter reality itself. The House of M storyline in the comics culminated in her saying the words "No More Mutants" and all but the original X-men team stopped being mutants (though that was a writer's device to keep some X-men since it sold well, coincidentally this happened at the same time as the movies started to come out)

She can literally say, no more powers or no more sailor moon and reality will alter at her command. She hasn't destroyed any galaxies because she isn't a villain but if she chose to, she could.

She can alter reality Ech, she could make it so that Sailor Moon never even existed.
Cosmos would have Luckyman on the verge of death, knocking the rakkyô away from him multiple times. Just as she is about to perform the coup-de-grace a strong breeze blows past, blowing the rakkyô into Lucky's mouth while he is screaming in fear. His choking sounds strangely arouse Sailor Cosmos and she takes just a moment to pause. In this time Lucky rolls out of the way and Cosmos, full on soaking wet at this point, stares at Lucky in awe, jaw agape. Luckyman then trips on a rock in his approach, stumbling into Cosmos, who falls, the impact causing the Silver Crystal to bounce into the air, falling into Cosmos' mouth, lodging into her throat and suffocating her.

The problem I have with that is the Silver Crystal [or rather Cosmos Crystal] is her soul; she can't choke on her soul. Luckyman would win; here's a better scenario.

Cosmos figures out the source of Luckyman's power is the Luckystar. Cosmos travels through space in order to destroy it. Right as she shoots an energy blast at the star she starts having painful menstrual cramps which causes her to miss. The attack detonates, but she's in too much pain to shield herself and the backlash knocks her temporarily unconscious.

Winner Luckyman.

What prize do you want?


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