Wrestlezone Battle Arena Tournament date revealed

Afro better be in this shit.


Alucard is gonna be a force to be reckoned with as well.
Deathnote only works on humans, Broly isn't human

I think that can be bent a bit. Remember, in the DeathNote world, the only supernatural beings are the Shinigami, literal gods. I think the ruling about it "only working on humans" could include basically any mortal beings.
I think that can be bent a bit. Remember, in the DeathNote world, the only supernatural beings are the Shinigami, literal gods. I think the ruling about it "only working on humans" could include basically any mortal beings.

If we bent it like that, then I couldn't allow Light into the tournament. He be able to kill everyone in the tournament.
If we bent it like that, then I couldn't allow Light into the tournament. He be able to kill everyone in the tournament, save for a handful of people that are immortal.

And those beings that have immortality, can still be killed.

But then there are those who have secret identities. Yes, there is the possibility he can discover them through manipulation, but there's also the possibility his opponent foresaw that and prepared accordingly.
But they still won't know if they're being manipulated. That's the beauty of Light's genius. In the anime, NONE of his victims knew they were being manipulated until the very last second before they died so its not likely Batman, nor the super heroes would prepare for that.
But then there are those who have secret identities. Yes, there is the possibility he can discover them through manipulation, but there's also the possibility his opponent foresaw that and prepared accordingly.

Light's biggest weakness is finding a person's real name. Other than the Death Note all he has is outstanding intelligence and detective capabilities, and in a fight that won't help him much when seasoned and trained warriors are facing him. Don't get me wrong I like Death Note and all, but if that is your one advantage is to know someone's real name to write their death, he's at a significant disadvantage where a good majority of people have secret identities. Hell even someone like Wolverine (He may be a different class, but it's an example) who the people that know his real name James Howlett, are all dead, or Xavier who's psychic powers would easily overcome Light's interrogations. So for no way to find the correct information, Light would be crushed because even Wolverine himself just calls himself Logan. This is just purely an example of course and it shows how much holes are in Light's capability to write someone's death.
But then there are those who have secret identities. Yes, there is the possibility he can discover them through manipulation, but there's also the possibility his opponent foresaw that and prepared accordingly.

I've never found proof of the Deathnote working on anyone other than a living human, because of this, I'm restricting his abilites accordingly.

If you can prove me wrong, then I'll be forced to take Light out of the tournament for being too overpowered.

This is the reason I won't allow people like Luckyman into the tournament
Look, let's just put the immortals and aliens and shit into a separate class from Light.
At least your keeping it real Ech. This will be epic. What is it, a voting tournament similar to the WZ Olympics?
I am pretty stoked for this. I always love a tournament even if I won't be able to contribute much more then a vote.
I am pretty stoked for this. I always love a tournament even if I won't be able to contribute much more then a vote.

It does only take about 2 minutes to research, and decide who is the strongest between two unknown competitors

Scotty said:
At least your keeping it real Ech. This will be epic. What is it, a voting tournament similar to the WZ Olympics?

Voting will be the same format as in every tournament. I'm hoping this won't turn out to be a popularity contest, as votes can be swayed as easily as showing a video that showcases someone's power and abilities.
Voting will be the same format as in every tournament. I'm hoping this won't turn out to be a popularity contest, as votes can be swayed as easily as showing a video that showcases someone's power and abilities.

They all turn into a popularity contest at some point.
There better be some One Piece or Gintama characters in this, if there isn't then this tournament will be boring and hardly debatable.
If Batman loses to Light Yagami, who doesn't know his name (and therefore his Death Note is useless), then I fucking kill a kitten and shit on Doc's face.
If Batman loses to Light Yagami, who doesn't know his name (and therefore his Death Note is useless), then I fucking kill a kitten and shit on Doc's face.

I agree. There is to many masked heroes with secret identities.
And it's not even like the bitch can coerce anyone to find out Batman's identity. Batgirl, Nightwing, Alfred, Joker, and Batman himself are waaaay too smart and loyal to reveal his identity. (Yes, Joker found out from a tortured Tim Drake in Batman Beyond. But Tim Drake was turned into a mini-insane-Joker, and he is universally considered the worst Robin. So hah.)

Where else? The Justice League? They did find out everyone's identities. But go ahead and try to trick the Green Lantern or the Martian Manhunter. Go ahead.
Aquaman is already stating his case why he should win. You see what he made that whale do at Sea World?
And it's not even like the bitch can coerce anyone to find out Batman's identity. Batgirl, Nightwing, Alfred, Joker, and Batman himself are waaaay too smart and loyal to reveal his identity. (Yes, Joker found out from a tortured Tim Drake in Batman Beyond. But Tim Drake was turned into a mini-insane-Joker, and he is universally considered the worst Robin. So hah.)

Where else? The Justice League? They did find out everyone's identities. But go ahead and try to trick the Green Lantern or the Martian Manhunter. Go ahead.

Light to Barbara Gordon: Tell me Batman's real name or I kill your father.

Not all that hard.
If Buu was stupid enough to toy with him and draw out the fight, then Broly could possibly become powerful enough to get the job done.

Herein lies the one weakness of Super Buu. By absorbing Goten and Trunks he incorporated some of their foolishness and arrogance that was demonstrated by Gotenks into his psyche. This gives Broli some hope but with the smarts of Piccolo, I still suspect that once Buu realised that Broli's strength was increasing the longer the fight went, he would end it quickly.

This is also the reason why I think Kid Buu would defeat Broli. The ruthlessness of the original Buu would end it quickly before Broli would be able to power up. If SSJ3 Goku could not beat Kid Buu, I doubt Broli would have a chance.

Broly is very much, in essence, like Doomsday. It would be one hell of a tough fight if those two faced off.

Hence why one of your sigs is so epic

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