Battle Arena Tournament - There's been a tie- Sudden death round

Damn. A match between Mighty Mouse and Felix The Cat would've been awesome now that you mention it.
It's true, Scotty. EXE can just upload a virus and BLAMMO

EXE defeated Onslaught. Onslaught > Megazord.
Megazord is immune to viruses.

And even if, Alpha would be there to immediately fix it. He's just that bad ass.
Alpha was totally spanking that Kimberly ass with Trina on the side. Bitches don't know bout Alpha's sexual prowess.
I need to go see who Batman is going to beat for the finals. Probably that bitch Storm.
Storm was beaten by Ash? But Storm could strike any of the Pokemon with lightning. She could flood them away with a massive storm. She could summon fog to cloud their vision, then smack the shit out of them with the giant plane that the X-Men have.

Whatever. I'm going to argue for Batman, then watch him get beat by...people...who think that Pokemon can beat anything. Then I'll throw the customary bitch fit, and be on my merry way.
Yeah, but you have no credibility, and your posts didn't make sense. She can summon natural disasters to completely destroy the Pokemon. No Pokemon is going to survive being destroyed in a tornado while being drowned in a massive tsunami while being electrocuted by an electric storm.

Good thing Batman has the Batmobile, which is resistant against any thing you lame Pokemon can throw at him. He has also spent every night of his adult life fighting psychotic masterminds, so he can resist any sort of mind control from the psychic types. Let's see Pikachu survive being run over by a 4 ton behemoth.
Yeah funny. I did all those posts to reason why Ash should win, but he's missed one crucial ingredient through whole tournament. Balls. Honestly! Who could picture Ash killing someone. He can't even fucking win a badge without crying.

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