Wrestlezone Battle Arena Tournament date revealed

Your sub-forum is up in the Movies and Television section. Please add rules and the tournament's format when you can. I will sticky the thread. Also, let me know what else I can do, either through this thread or through PM.
This looks totally freaking awesome. Astro Boy vs. Megazord, anyone? Hell, if Mega Man gets in, Astro boy vs. Mega Man! That would be AMAZING!!
Mega Man vs. Astro Boy could be the match of the tourney. I'm getting shivers just thinking about it.
Fuck yes, Afro Samurai vs. Kenshin. We need to make this happen. Now. So I can tear apart any argument that Kenshin was a better with a blade then Kenshin could wish to be.
Are you kidding, Crashin? This is amazing. I expect Nerdgasms galore.

I love it.
Mega Man vs. Astro Boy could be the match of the tourney. I'm getting shivers just thinking about it.

You realize that someone like Magneto could destroy them both easily

I'll be pushing Tia Harribel, it would take at least a top 10 seed to beat her.
Post two Class One, very first person on that post. If I don't get a chance to argue this point, Afro was the number two samurai in the world for many years before becoming the number one. Afro took a fucking spike through the skull, and I mean all the way through and survived to win the battle for the number one headband. Kenshin couldn't even defeat his toughest opponent in Shishio. Now if it's Kenshin in Samurai X instead of Ruruoni Kenshin, then we'd have a more evened out battle for sure.
I know, Ech, but if Astro Boy and Mega Man were to face off, it could be the greatest thing ever, considering Astro Boy is basically the reason Mega Man exists at all.
Well I'll be posting the remaining fighters, and the top ten seeds per class, through the rest of the week, so you never know who'll show up.

Some of the seeded fighters should be easy to guess; others not so much.
I'm not making any predictions on who would beat who until the actual matches are announced.

Also, that pic of the Megazord.....fucking epic.
I'm not making any predictions on who would beat who until the actual matches are announced.

Also, that pic of the Megazord.....fucking epic.

The top ten seeds will face each other, so you'll be able to logically figure out those matches.
Could we possibly seeing Deathscythe Hell vs. Megazord? Or Mega Man vs. Megazord?

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