NFL Thread - 2010-11

The Niners made a great move by getting Westbrook. He will serve as a great complement to Gore. I'm not surprised this came out of nowhere, since the backup they planned on having Glenn Coffee backup, but instead he decided to take a permanent coffee break.
I told all my buddies that BWest would be a Niner come week's end after Coffee retired. It is a good move if Westbrook can prove to stay healthy. If he can't then Coach Mike and crew will push Gore heavy and rely on Michael Robinson and rookie Anthony Dixon. If he does stay healthy it could be an excellent payoff for the Niners. Westbrook at one time was a top 5 RB and is a great blocker and receiver out of the backfield and can do a bit of running if they need him.
So, (P) how 'bout them dirty Jets? Just watched the highlights from the Monday Night Turf War in New York - and the hit on Manning.

I don't know if a flag was thrown on that, or more importantly if Pace will be fined/more, but he should be. I'm just saying, you watch that play again in regular speed - Manning bobbles the pass; the ball is clearly up in the air with him juggling it, and losing it - then out of no where (yet with enough time to stop himself) Pace blasts Manning in the back.

I suppose you could consider Manning at this point no better than anyone other than a QB, since the ball was being fumbled and Manning became a sitting duck; yet at the same time with as much as they want to protect the QB from major hits - you'd think Pace would face punishment here.

On the flip side..

WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH PLAYERS LOSING HELMETS?! In every Pre-Season game so far, at least one (or more) players have lost their helmet(s) on random encounters with others. The last I heard, the NFL were looking into new style helmets to prevent concussions. :lmao: I'd say they're failing, miserably. Unless their goal was to make sure the helmets flew off upon contact with anything - so the Player's head couldn't blame contact with the helmet as being related. lol

In news relating to Westbrook, I doubt he makes much of an impact with the Niners. He's getting up there in age, banged up regarding his body, and likely will do what Alexander did in Washington, after Seattle dropped him. (much of nothing)

San Fran doesn't need Westbrook. Coffee may not have been great, but he's young and has room for improvement. At most, he's good for a couple downs to rest Gore and likely just another top name to grab media attention.
So, (P) how 'bout them dirty Jets? Just watched the highlights from the Monday Night Turf War in New York - and the hit on Manning.

I don't know if a flag was thrown on that, or more importantly if Pace will be fined/more, but he should be. I'm just saying, you watch that play again in regular speed - Manning bobbles the pass; the ball is clearly up in the air with him juggling it, and losing it - then out of no where (yet with enough time to stop himself) Pace blasts Manning in the back.
It was 100% clean hit. No flag was thrown, because it was a clean hit on the QB. Remember, QBs are football players too. It's not Paces fault Manning made a stupid mistake and allowed that to happen. And what Pace did was make sure that a fumble happened by taking the QB out of the play. If there was to be a fine/suspension, the refs would have thrown a flag. They didn't, because they are playing FOOTBALL, and it was a clean hit. You just want fine because his helmet came off, which caused the blood.

I suppose you could consider Manning at this point no better than anyone other than a QB, since the ball was being fumbled and Manning became a sitting duck; yet at the same time with as much as they want to protect the QB from major hits - you'd think Pace would face punishment here.
Nope, it was Mannings fault all this happened. And it's not like the ball was clearly out AND Pace had time to stop, think, change directions, and go after the ball. That's unrealistic. Football is a fast-paced game.

In news relating to Westbrook, I doubt he makes much of an impact with the Niners. He's getting up there in age, banged up regarding his body, and likely will do what Alexander did in Washington, after Seattle dropped him. (much of nothing)
Dude, you're way off. Wesbrook will be a solid #2 guy. He still has the talent, will play for a good team (with a good line), and as long as he'll stay healthy, he'll provide the spark that team needs.

San Fran doesn't need Westbrook. Coffee may not have been great, but he's young and has room for improvement. At most, he's good for a couple downs to rest Gore and likely just another top name to grab media attention.
Dude, Coffee retired (it's been said a bunch I think here, I know I mentioned it). He's taking a permanent Coffee Break. That's why they got Westbrook, because they didn't have anyone else they could trust.
I don't see Westbrook being a pick up either. The guy has spent more time getting his head checked out than playing football the last few years. I am sure he is a nice guy and it was hard emotionally for the Eagles to cut him, but there's no use in keeping a guy if he can't get medical clearance to play.

Will Allen is out for the season. That's gonna hurt the Phins' secondary. I just hope that Vonte and Sean learn what pass interference is in time for the season. haha
Brett Favre is on a plane heading north, a source told NFL Network's Scott Hanson. Could it be bringing Favre back to Minnesota? Signs point to yes.

The Biloxi Sun Herald cited a "highly placed source" in reporting that the plane is taking Favre and his wife, Deanna, to Minnesota so the quarterback can announce his return for a 20th NFL season.

Also on board are three of Favre's closest friends on the Vikings -- defensive end Jared Allen, guard Steve Hutchinson and kicker Ryan Longwell -- who traveled to Hattiesburg, Miss., to try to convince the quarterback to come back, "The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported.

The Star-Tribune confirmed that Allen, Hutchinson and Longwell didn't attend practice Tuesday, nor were they at morning team meetings. None of the three has battled injuries during training camp or missed any practices.

Minutes after Hanson's report, Favre's official Web site sent an e-mail to members of the media, saying: "Stay tuned for breaking news from the Minnesota Vikings today on Brett Favre's possible return."

Favre has wavered all summer on whether or not to return. He created a firestorm when he reportedly texted some Vikings teammates and team officials Aug. 2, saying he would retire because his left ankle hadn't responded to offseason surgery as well as he had hoped.

Favre's agent, Bus Cook, said the next day that the 40-year-old signal-caller will play if his surgically repaired ankle is healthy enough.

During Hall of Fame weekend, Favre texted NFL Network analyst Steve Mariucci that the ankle still was giving him problems.

"His arm feels great," said Mariucci, who was Favre's quarterback coach in Green Bay. "His conditioning is good, but he hasn't run much without pain in his ankle. It still gives him pain, and it needs to be better before he reports."
Is anyone besides me just sick and tired of Brett FN Farve?

You and me both. He's an All-Time great, and he's still damn good, but he's a piece of shit. Everyone is sick of his drama queen bullshit every year in the off-season, and the only reason he does it is to skip OTA's and training camp because he doesn't want to do it. It's funny that he ALWAYS decides to come back right before the season starts.

I feel bad for a guy like Tavarus Jackson, regardless of his talent level, the dude puts in the work in the off-season, and then Bret Favre doesn't do shit all off-season and he just comes back right before the season starts and takes his job.
Everyone makes a big deal over Brett Favre, but it isn't his fault. It is the media who makes a whole big deal over the fact of if this guy is retiring or not. He doesn't go out seeking the attention. The media takes every little thing Favre does or says and runs with it and makes a big deal out of something that is usually nothing. Be my guess and call me a homer, because Favre plays for my team, but I've been sticking up for Favre since his days in Green Bay. I know I'm in the minority when it comes to Brett Favre, but so be it.
You and me both. He's an All-Time great, and he's still damn good, but he's a piece of shit. Everyone is sick of his drama queen bullshit every year in the off-season, and the only reason he does it is to skip OTA's and training camp because he doesn't want to do it. It's funny that he ALWAYS decides to come back right before the season starts.

I feel bad for a guy like Tavarus Jackson, regardless of his talent level, the dude puts in the work in the off-season, and then Bret Favre doesn't do shit all off-season and he just comes back right before the season starts and takes his job.

A lot of old guys do the best they can to miss OTA's and shit like that. What veteran wants to go through the same stuff, when they know they'll be ready for the season. And regarding Tarvaris Jackson, has the thought crossed your mind that he might not be that good? Don't get me wrong I LOVE TJack and I think he can be a decent QB, but who is to say he can lead the team to a Super Bowl. Favre gives the Vikings the best chance they have to make it to the big game, not Jackson. Tarvaris is a trooper. The guy is a good kid who isn't making a big deal over the matter. He has stated that whatever role he gets he will do his best to help the team and he is ready for whatever the Vikes throw at him. Yes he could just be saying that, but he could have been outspoken and made a fuss, but it shows that he has some class and maybe he truly does accept the fact that he is a backup for this team and that is probably for the better.
Everyone makes a big deal over Brett Favre, but it isn't his fault. It is the media who makes a whole big deal over the fact of if this guy is retiring or not. He doesn't go out seeking the attention. The media takes every little thing Favre does or says and runs with it and makes a big deal out of something that is usually nothing. Be my guess and call me a homer, because Favre plays for my team, but I've been sticking up for Favre since his days in Green Bay. I know I'm in the minority when it comes to Brett Favre, but so be it.

Thats true too the Media does hang on every word and thing he does however that being said is that 90% of it is all him. He waffles every off-season about either coming back or retiring. The other 10% is the Media kissing his ass,showing him working out with High School Kids,showing all his previous Press Conferences,etc. I just am sick of Brett Farve and all his BS.
How did he waffle this year? Don't give me the whole text thing, because all that said was "this is it" and the media ran with it. Favre debunked it saying if he is healthy he will play. There was no question that Favre would be playing this year. The other years I can understand people getting peeved over the situation, but who cares. He has earned the right to un-retire if he wants. It happens all the time, but it isn't publicized as much as it is with Favre.
Who really gives a shit anymore, he does the same shit every year, he waits until training camp is either done or almost done, and then comes out and says he's coming back for at least one more year, he's been playing this same game for years now, everyone should have known he would be coming back this year, the guy signed a 2 year deal last year and as far as I know never once formally announced he was retiring after last season once
How did he waffle this year? Don't give me the whole text thing, because all that said was "this is it" and the media ran with it. Favre debunked it saying if he is healthy he will play. There was no question that Favre would be playing this year. The other years I can understand people getting peeved over the situation, but who cares. He has earned the right to un-retire if he wants. It happens all the time, but it isn't publicized as much as it is with Favre.

I agree that this year there was little to no waffling on whether he would play or not. And the only waffling that there was was logical waffling, if the ankle lets me, I'm playing.

Everyone knows what Favre meant when he said "This is it." He went to see the Michael Jackson movie thing.

I may not be the biggest Favre fan (I wish he sat down at the end of 08, when he was hurt and played through it), but as Theo said, all Vets try to get out of Training Camp, and you can't blame them. People have friggin DIED during Training Camp, because of 2-a-days in the hot summer sun (Vikings fans know this), not to mention they try to avoid as much contact/stress on their body as possible to be 100% for the regular season).
I love the fact that Favre keeps waffling. Makes for entertaining TV and it makes his story that much more interesting.

Personally, I hope he keeps playing until he is 50. He's the only quarterback from my childhood who is still playing! BRETT FAVRE BRETT FAVRE BRETT FAVRE!
It's being reported that Javon Walker has worked out with the Vikings. With the Percy Harvin situation up in the air this is a good move. I'm not sure Walker has or ever will fully recover from his knee injuries but if he's close then he could help as a third option. He has a history with Favre and it doesn't hurt to take a look at him.
It's being reported that Javon Walker has worked out with the Vikings. With the Percy Harvin situation up in the air this is a good move. I'm not sure Walker has or ever will fully recover from his knee injuries but if he's close then he could help as a third option. He has a history with Favre and it doesn't hurt to take a look at him.
I agree man, Walker, no matter how washed up he is, may be worth at least a tryout. The one thing I'd worry about is Favre trying to rekindle old times with Walker, when Favre clearly found Sidney Rice to be his go-to guy. Trying to force it to Walker could hurt that (of course that's if Walker makes the team and gets playing time).

One thing I'd worry about for the Vikes, who is going to return the kicks/punts? Wasn't that Harvin? If he's a no go, do they have anyone worthwhile to run back kicks?
One thing I'd worry about for the Vikes, who is going to return the kicks/punts? Wasn't that Harvin? If he's a no go, do they have anyone worthwhile to run back kicks?

The Vikings are actually very deep when it comes to return guys. In fact Harvin only returned kicks last year, the punt returning duties were left to Darius Reynaud and Jaymar Johnson. Both guys I' sure would be more then capable of returning kicks as well. They also have Bernard Berrian who has been a decent return man in the past so he could see some time there again.

Now none of these guys are obviously better then Percy Harvin but they are capable replacements. Harvin isn't a guy that can just be replaced with one player, it will take a few different guys to help do that. However, if he is out the Vikings do have those capable guys waiting in the wings.
Javon Walker? Wow, didn't know the talent pool was that shallow. I haven't even though of that name in forever. He only has 12 games, under 500 yards, and 1 TD in the last 3 seasons and his knee is just about ready to explode at this point. Doubt he'll be able to help them, but it's not like there's any risk involved in that signing, or anything.

Harvin really does seem to be in trouble though. Apparently this has been a recurring problem for years. At this point, it might be best for him simply to take a year off.
The last time I heard the name Javon Walker, I swear I seen/read a story of some type of robbery in which he was beaten and left in an alley/parking lot. When I googled that very thing, it dated back to 2007/08 though - and I could've swore I just recently heard that story. Weird.

Either way, Minnesota still has Favre's favorite target (Rice), and a very solid TE (Shiancoe). Not to mention Berrian (remember him?) and Greg Lewis. And finally, at least for this year, Favre has the ability to turn anyone into a stud it seems. (He did with Rice, afterall) Mix that with the fact that they have Peterson who is vowing to carry the ball better, and I doubt they have many issues with one receiver absent.

The more important fact is these migraines are becoming worse with each year. As the year went on last year, he missed playing time and practice time. Now he's collapsing. If he doesn't figure this out, and soon, the next step is a 6 ft. hole in the ground. said:
Minnesota Vikings Pro Bowl wide receiver Sidney Rice had hip surgery this week and hopes to return to the field by midseason at the latest, a league source told NFL Network insider Jason La Canfora on Tuesday.

Rice is recovering well and is expected to miss approximately the first six weeks of the season, the source told La Canfora.

Rice led the Vikings in receptions (83) and receiving yards (1,312) in 2009, a breakout season that coincided with Brett Favre's signing with the Vikings. Rice also had eight touchdown catches.

Rice told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that he had surgery during a visit to the Steadman Clinic in Vail, Colo.

Rice has been on the physically unable to perform list throughout training camp, meaning he cannot practice with the team. Instead, he has been performing running drills on the sideline, and on Friday he told reporters that he felt "a little bit of pain" when he goes full speed.

Rice and Favre were injured during the Vikings' loss to the New Orleans Saints in the NFC Championship Game in January. Rice decided against offseason surgery, and his slow recovery likely prompted this week's procedure.

Favre is coming back from offseason ankle surgery, and receiver Percy Harvin, the 2009 NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year, has been suffering from severe migraines throughout camp and has missed a majority of Vikings practices.

And on that note, the Minnesota Vikings' season may have just went up in smoke. While one WR being out doesn't exactly kill the team; the fact that Percy Harvin is already an unknown at this point and their Hall of Fame QB is working on a repaired ankle at the age of 40 doesn't help matters any.

This is going to put extra added pressure on Adrian Peterson to return to top form and carry the team through the first Six Weeks, as a minimum.

Their line-up in the Six Week period they could be weak will be as follows:

(Wk 1) @ New Orleans, (Wk 2) v. Miami, (Wk 3) v. Detroit, (Wk 4) Bye, (Wk 5) @ NYJets, (Wk 6) v. Dallas.

That's not an impressive line-up to have, when being short-handed like they'll be. New Orleans is a team that'll throw and put up a ton of points. Miami could be a win, depending on Defense alone. Detroit shouldn't be overlooked due to being a divisional opponent, and finally the Jets and Cowboys are just as heavily favored to make runs - and they (currently) don't have any glaring holes on their team. At least as far as injuries are concerned.

I think if Minnesota can come out of this with a 4-2 record, they still have a chance at a Wildcard spot. However, anything below that and they'll be fighting several other teams in a losing effort. The NFC is stacked with talent this year, and multiple good teams will be on the outside looking in at Wildcard spots.
And on that note, the Minnesota Vikings' season may have just went up in smoke. While one WR being out doesn't exactly kill the team; the fact that Percy Harvin is already an unknown at this point and their Hall of Fame QB is working on a repaired ankle at the age of 40 doesn't help matters any.

This is going to put extra added pressure on Adrian Peterson to return to top form and carry the team through the first Six Weeks, as a minimum.

Harvin will be fine, he's dealt with migraines all his life and the doctors said he probably could have played in San Francisco Sunday but held him out obviously to be cautious. Berrian will take over as primary receiver and we've signed Javon Walker. While Walker hasn't been relevant since his last season in Denver, look what he had in Oakland to work with. He had his best seasons with Favre at QB so perhaps we can get some magic out of Walker this year. Hopeful thinking I know, and I know Rice is a big target for Favre, but Favre can make anyone a big target. We still have Shiancoe as well.

Their line-up in the Six Week period they could be weak will be as follows:

(Wk 1) @ New Orleans, (Wk 2) v. Miami, (Wk 3) v. Detroit, (Wk 4) Bye, (Wk 5) @ NYJets, (Wk 6) v. Dallas.

That's not an impressive line-up to have, when being short-handed like they'll be. New Orleans is a team that'll throw and put up a ton of points. Miami could be a win, depending on Defense alone. Detroit shouldn't be overlooked due to being a divisional opponent, and finally the Jets and Cowboys are just as heavily favored to make runs - and they (currently) don't have any glaring holes on their team. At least as far as injuries are concerned.

New Orleans game I am concerned about, mostly because the offense is not on the same page. That being said the Defense just has to harass Brees like it did in the playoffs and we can squeak out a win. With Miami we shut down their run game and go after Henne we should win without any issues.'s Detroit. Bye week will be helpful to rest up people, the Jets are going to be a dog fight, that'll be low scoring. Dallas will be a tough game but again our defense can do a lot for us by causing Romo headaches.

I think if Minnesota can come out of this with a 4-2 record, they still have a chance at a Wildcard spot. However, anything below that and they'll be fighting several other teams in a losing effort. The NFC is stacked with talent this year, and multiple good teams will be on the outside looking in at Wildcard spots.

Eh? If Minnesota walks out of there with a 4-2 record they are in prime position for the division, let alone the wildcard. The Packers have just as difficult of a schedule as the Vikings do and their schedule is more difficult towards the end of the season rather than the beginning. If the Vikes wade through the first few weeks and manage a winning record, they should be set up nicely for the rest of the year.
Am I worried about Sid's injury as a Vikings fan? Darn right. Do I think we will be ok? Damn right. Berrian is capable of carrying the load and Harvin dealt with migraines his whole life, like Ty said and he will be ready come the regular season. Peterson also doesn't get credit for being a half decent receiver out of the backfield, plus Shank can now snatch up some passes and get the TD. The Walker signing is interesting. If any other team would have signed him I would make a big deal about it, but seeing as how we have Favre, who Javon had his best years under, makes me believe Javon could be a nice fill in at WR while Rice is gone. We can line him up on the outside with Berrian and put Percy in the slot, where he will be much more effective.
Losing Sidney Rice definitely hurts the Vikings receiving corps. They now have no legitimate number one guy until Rice comes back. I don't care what anyone says about Bernard Berrian there is no way he is a number one guy. He's a tremendous slot receiver and can be a solid number two but that's it. Having him and Greg Lewis as the two starters isn't that great but they should still do decent. If Harvin can come back he'll be in the slot and then Javon Walker will probably be the number 4 guy to start and try to work his way up.

With all that said the Vikings at the very worst will go 3-3 to start and will probably end up going 4-2. Considering the hardest part of their schedule is probably at the beginning they will be fine. The running game and defense is more then good enough to help carry them and at the end of the year they should be competing with the Packers for the division title. Even if everyone was healthy I still have the Packers winning the division but Minnesota will probably go 11-5, possibly 12-4 and easily get a wild card.
Alright, here we go.


West - 49ers, 10-6

Its finally our fucking time. Even if Alex Smith doesn't even do GOOD, we should still be able to get this done, for lack of competition. Linehart has looked like shit in Arizona, and well, the Rams are the Rams. I worry slightly about the Seahawks, but luckily, we tend to own them. We have what is looking like a dominant defense, the emergence of yet another huge bruising runner in Anthony Dixon, and what is looking like a strong offensive line. Im not entirely confident, but I am thinking we can get this done.

East - Cowboys, 11-5

Even though they look like they have never actually been on a football field in the game I am watching. These jackasses have been huge paper lions for about 4 years running now, so if they don't come through this year, I will never pick them for anything ever again in my life. They look loaded on both sides of the ball, but, we say this every year. I pretty much lost any and all faith in the Giants during last years hindenburg-esque collapse. Jacobs is done for the most part, the offensive line is leaky, and they didnt do enough to improve a defense that rolled over last year. The Redskins will be much more competitve, and may be a suprise playoff hunter, but there just isnt enough in year one of the Shanahan era to truly compete. The Eagles just have way too many questions to take them seriously at the offset, but they are loaded with young talent and playmakers. If Bradley comes back from that knee injury, and Kolb has a top ten preformance, these guys could be a serious dark horse.

North - Packers 12-4

Would have been the Vikings until Sidney Rice went down in flames. This pick is pretty much split down the middle between everyone who knows anything, and given the injury to one of the best guys on the Vikings, along with the unreliability of Percy Harvin('s health) makes me change my mind. Couple that with the fact that the Packers have looked like an absolute juggernaught for the entire pre season as well. I really didn't get a warm fuzzy about them not addressing their biggest flaw in the offseason (pass protection) but they have looked great so far. The Bears will be fun to watch, but not a complete enough team to compete. The Lions, while improving, are still years from contending.

South - Saints 13-3

I will be honest, the Saints make me very, very nervous. I have NEVER seen a luckier team in my life than last year. God above pre ordained that the Saints were going to win the Super Bowl last year. Teams who live life off other teams fuck ups eventually run out of luck. The team however, returned most of their starters from last year, and added good depth in the offseason. They have looked great so far in pre-season, so I will go with them as of this writing. The Bucaneers are awful, and didn't do much to improve. It is a fucking circus down there. The Falcons are fairly solid, but I have zero faith in Ryan, or the team in general. Ryan did well, but was extremely overrated his rookie season, and proved that in his sophmore year. I dont feel they are especially weak, probably good for a record between 7 -9 and 9-7, but I just dont especially like anything about them.

NFC Wild Cards - Vikings, Panthers

YEA I SAID IT. What do the Panthers have? The best running back stable in the league. One of the best run blocking offensive lines in the league. A top ten defense. You know what they DONT have? Jake Delhomme single fucking handedly loosing games for them. The guy was an absolute turnover machine, easliy and clearly the worst starting QB in the league last year. I dont think people properly appreciate how well Matt Moore preformed in his stead, he put up VERY good numbers, much better than the ones Kevin Kolb put up in Philadelphia. They also have a coach who is absolutely 110% getting fired if they do not go to the playoffs. You guys heard it here first.

West - 49ers
East - Cowboys
North - Packers
South - Saints

Wild Cards - Vikings, Panthers

Passing Leader - Aaron Rodgers
Receiving Leader - Greg Jennings
Rushing Leader - Adrian Peterson
Tackles - Patrick Willis
Sacks - Jared Allen

AFC Post and predictions coming soon.

NFC Champions: Vikings
Dark Horse Contender: Cowboys

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