NFL Thread - 2010-11

Okay, I just died a little inside. The fucking Steelers traded Santonio Holmers, a former first round pick like 5 years ago for a fifth round pick that more than likely won't make the team. Seriously, I know we're hurting for money but that's fucking crazy. Hines Ward is old and Sweed was a bust. Good going front office. I hope this bites you in the ass. Go fuck yourself... Holmes was growing over the years and him and Ben had sucj great chemistry and you fucked this up for a FIFTH round draft pick? Outside of this rant I'm fucking speechless. I'm about to go jump off a bridge. Seriously... We're going to have another shitty season because our front office is full of idiots. Let's sign James Farrior for 30 million but trade away a Star... I'm lost for words. Like seriously, this is bullshit. Now we have need at receiver, CB, safety and both lines. No way we can fix that in one draft. :(...

I don't understand at all why they did this. Especially for just a 5th round pick. Ward isn't getting any younger and with the exception of Mike Wallace the Steelers don't have much else at receiver. The Jets however are starting to look very strong. The defense got even better with Cromartie and on offense a receiver tandem of Braylon Edwards and Holmes is just dirty. Not to mention the running back combo of Shonn Greene and LT.

Holy fuckin shit. I found out about this trade via this thread. I have had an unabashed hatred for the Steelers, since I live in PA, and 90% of the Steeler fans I know are arrogant assholes who thing their shit doesn't stink. But now I fuckin LOVE the Steelers! It is rather ironic, but just last off-season the biggest question mark with the Jets was their receiving corps, which was terrible going into 2009. In just 1 season, they went from having a terrible receiving corps to having quite possibly ONE OF the best in the NFL, with Braylon Edwards, Santonio Holmes, and Jerricho Cotchery (who is one of the more underrated receivers in the game, especially when he isn't a #1). With the #1 defense (and the possible addition of a pass rusher in Jason Taylor), the #1 running attack that will only get better (especially if LT has something left, which I think he does), and a QB that got better as his rookie year went along, I am starting to think about more then just a division title in 2010 for the Jets.

Chad OchoCinco's reaction on his Twitter was classic. He posted a comment directed to Roger Goodell saying "The NY Jets are unfairly loading their team up with great players like the Yankees do, we need to stop this now!" Of course Ocho is wrong because the Jets are abiding by the rules, but the Jets damn sure have loaded up on top talent. They might even be one of the highest rated teams in Madden next season now.
I was very shocked when I heard about this trade. I had no idea that the Steelers were even thinking about trading Holmes and to go to the Jets, I didn't expect that either. You can't help but think that the Steelers trading away Holmes was related to his legal troubles and his looming 4 game suspension. They already have a problem with Roethlisberger and having Holmes in trouble may have been the final straw for the organization. Even with his troubles, only getting a fifth round pick is weak. Even if he misses 4 games, Holmes is a former super bowl MVP, young, fast, and dangerous enough to have big yard catches. A fifth round pick just seems like too little of a return for the Steelers. On the Jets side, however, they got a steal. Their offence is turning out to be very good and with their defence already great, they could very well be a complete team now.
I still can not believe this. I get that Pittsburgh wanted to off-load some personal problems, but to give up a WR the quality of Holmes for nothing more than a 5th round pick.. when so many teams need a WR, and would at the very least be willing to give up a 3rd, or 4th round selection.. is surreal.

I said it in the bar room thread, and will repeat it here. New York is without question the new powerhouse in the AFC, and quite possibly the NFL as a whole. Their Defense hasn't really lost anything and gained a great #2 CB to compliment Revis. They could be adding a future HoF DE.

Their Offense went from being minimal to unreal in the matter of an Off-Season. They cut Thomas Jones, only to replace him with a guy (in my opinion) that won't produce as good as Jones would this coming season.. but certainly won't disappoint, since he's out to prove he can still go. (That being LT) Their WR core is now 3 WRs strong. And what other NFL team can show they have that much fire-power?

New England? Randy Moss is getting too old to be sticking around. He quit on some of the games last season. (including the Carolina game, apparently) Wes Welker is a beast, but will never be a true #1. And who's under that? Edelman? Patten?

Lets not forget, New York also has a TE that was one of Sanchez's favorite targets last season.

So, with all of that.. ironically, the only problem for New York will be if Sanchez can continue to grow, or stumble in his second Season.
Its not that dumb of a trade now that I think about it. He's one screw up away from being suspended a whole season. Then it would be up to the commish to reinstate him. Which is highly unlikely. Its like Pacman Jones all over again. He's hood ma, He had a crummy life and you can't change that. Which is ashame because he's such a talented receiver. O well now its time to prove the critics wrong number 10.
Holmes going to the Jets is a great move. He will be another weapon on their offense, but as a Miami Dolphins fan, I hate to hear this news. I think the AFC East title is going to go to the Jets or patriots. The Dolphins and Bills will be fighting for last place in the division. Also, I'm very worried about the rumors I have heard regarding Jason Taylor possibly signing with the Jets. JT might not be what he used to be, but he can still make some what of an impact on defense.
So Ben Rapersbuger gets away with another one! Question is if you are the great Rodg (Goodell) how long or if any games would you suspend him?? I would say at least 2 to 4 games. Yes he isn't being charged with anything, but he seems to find ways to put himself in bad situtaions. Whether he did the dirty deed or not he's drawing negative media to the NFL and to his team. I find it funny how his supposed victim was so distraught when she first went to police, nowdoesn't want to press charges, seems maybe like a payoff on his behalf. I think let him sit for a few games, let him think of some ways to put himself in better places, and for God's sake at least take the trash to a hotel next time. He should definitely stay away from intoxicated girls too, knowing that it can turn out to be a bad thing, dude was banging Meadow a few years back, stick to hollywood girls my man.

I just read rumors coming out of Carolina that the Panthers are looking into possibly trading one of their few Draft picks to the Washington Redskins to get Jason Campbell as a back-up to Matt Moore. My life as a Panthers fan, as I know it, is about to go into cardiac arrest.

I get that Campbell, through some's eyes, is a worthy back-up but damn I do not want to know he's Carolina's "possibly next hope" if Matt Moore goes down.

For what its worth, I also read reports Carolina is considering for its 1st draft pick, in the 2nd round (48th overall) will go for either a QB, WR, or DT. The top choices they're wanting if available..

(Taken from
Possibly QBs said:
Other quarterbacks Carolina could consider in the second or third rounds are Texas’ Colt McCoy, Ole Miss’ Jevan Snead, Central Michigan’s Dan LeFevour, Oregon State’s Sean Canfield, Oklahoma’s Zac Robinson and Cincinnati’s Tony Pike. If they wait until later, some of the possibilities include Appalachian State’s Armanti Edwards, Fordham’s John Skelton, Troy’s Levi Brown, Tennessee’s Jonathan Crompton and West Virginia’s Jarrett Brown.

I don't think Tebow or McCoy will be available. So for espn experts to suggest they would be, may not be up-to-date with Team needs for the 20+ other teams who have First round picks.

Possible WRs said:
LSU’s Brandon LaFell, Clemson’s Jacoby Ford, Texas’ Jordan Shipley, Minnesota’s Eric Decker, Ohio’s Taylor Price, Cincinnati Mardy Gilyard, Kansas’ Dezmon Briscoe, and Southern Cal’s Damian Williams.

I'd rather see us sign T. Owens for a one year contract, than take another chance on a USC WR that'll bust. (See Jarrett and Colbert)

DT: Terrence Cody - this, I have no problem with. We need help at DT.
The Miami Dolphins are likely going to trade two second round draft picks to the Denver Broncos for Brandon Marshall. I'm disappointed as a Seahawks fan. I think he would have been great in the green and blue. I don't see this trade having much of an immediate impact on either team. The Dolphins aren't going to beat the Jets or the Patriots this year regardless, and I don't think either second round pick the Broncos make will fill the void left by Marshall.
With the addition of Brandon Marshall, the Dolphins have now made the AFC East a three team race. Henne had a solid first season as starter and that was with jack shit at receiver. The defense is solid, they struggled some last year but the addition of Karlos Dansby helps out a lot.
I'm not completely sold on Miami Dolphins just yet.

Sure, Brandon Marshall is a top 5 wide receiver, and yes... Chad Henne has shown signs of brilliance, but I worry about his consistency. I know he's young and you shouldn't expect everyone to be perfect, especially so early on, but I'm not completely sold on the guy yet. As great as he looked at certain times, he's looked HORRIBLE at others. Also, Miami's defense isn't anything special as well.

So, while it's a good move for Miami, I'm not about to jump the bandwagon and say they're actually up there with the elite of the AFC. Chad Henne needs show that he can be great night in and night out before I come to that conclusion.
The fight for the AFC East title will be a tough one this year. Marshall is an excellent acquisition for the Dolphins, but we still have some weak spots on our roster. We did pick up Karlos Dansby, but I still don't think he's going to be enough, and even if Jason Taylor stays, I don't think he'll make that big of a difference to tell you the truth. JT is starting to get up there in age, and he isn't the player he used to be.

If this were 2 or 3 years ago, then I would say the Dolphins have no chance in hell at winning the AFC East title because the Patriots were still a powerhouse back in those days. New England might still have Brady and Belichick, but that team isn't what it used to be. Their defense is in shambles, Moss's age will catch up with him eventually, and Wes Welker is going to have tough time coming back at %100 after that gruesome knee injury.

As far as the elite teams in the AFC go, I still think the Ravens and the Colts are at the top of the mountain. The Dolphins could get a wildcard spot, but I don't see them making it to the AFC Championship game.
Roethlisberger is a douchebag. Because there won't be charges brought, because the victim doesn't want to deal with the scrutiny of a trial, the details of what Roethlisberger did that night are out.

The investigation records are public now. Deadspin posted a bunch of details of what's contained in the records. The records are full of details by witnesses.

The highlights:
•The encounter lasted about ten minutes, beginning from when Roethlisberger entered the back area "with his penis already out of his pants." The alleged victim repeatedly told him she didn't want to have sex, but he kept reassuring her, as they had unprotected sex. She told her friends immediately after, and they reported it to the first police officer they saw.

•According to her friend, both the girl and Roethlisberger were "noticeably intoxicated". His bodyguards "dragged" the victim to the back, and he followed two minutes later. When her friends approached the bar manager to unlock the bathroom door, he told them "Ben's an NFL quarterback, he won't do anything to ruin his reputation."

•The alleged victim had met up with Roethlisberger earlier in the night at another bar, where he called her and her sorority sisters "a tease." They ran into him again at Capital City, where the back room was roped off to everyone but Roethlisberger and "10 to 15 girls." One of her friends told police afterwards that she thought the whole thing was a "set-up," and that Roethlisberger had selected the alleged victim earlier in the evening.

•The alleged victim was wearing a nametag labeled "DTF" When asked, she said it stood for "down to fuck." Roethlisberger replied, "I'm not down to fuck, but I like to fuck girls."

•One of the girls in the group left the bar angrily after Roethlisberger purchased a round of drinks, saying "all my bitches, take some shots."

•Roethlisberger's bodyguards were deleting photos from people's cameras and phones that depicted Roethlisberger drinking.

•When they got home, one of Roethlisberger's friends asked him what had happened in the bathroom. Roethlisberger told him nothing had happened, and that they were just "messing around." He said that she had slipped, and once he had helped her up, he told her they were not going to continue.

•On March 17, 12 days after the incident, a lawyer for the woman requested that the rape probe be dropped, because "a criminal trial would be a very intrusive experience."

Roethlisberger definitely escaped jail time here. He must have settled with the victim. What a wordsmith he is... "I'm not down to fuck, but I like to fuck girls."

If you look through the records, the victim is a complete idiot... "Rotheseburgehergh".

Needless to say, both are morons. Fact of the matter is that Ben dodged a major bullet considering the fact that he raped this girl. He's a major fucking douchebag. It's only a matter of time before this all catches up with him, and there's going to be a girl who pursues pressing charges.
Some of that stuff seems a little far fetched, Guy. I'm not sure if I'm buying that shit. I mean, seriously, the bodyguards "dragged" her to the back? She didn't yell, no one in a bar full of people intervened? Give me a break.

But, if it somehow is all true, then yeah... Roethlisberger is a scumbag. I've always had respect for him as a football player (I still respect his heart and toughness on the football field), and I always thought he was a good dude, but now... just being accused of something like this changes my perception of him. Even if it's not true, he still put himself in a terrible position, for the 2nd fucking time. He needs to be smarter than that.

Also, Guy, I agree that if this is true, then that women is a fucking idiot as well. I never say a woman "asked for it" when they get raped or harassed in any manner, but man.... this is as close as it comes to me saying that. Seriously, wearing a shirt says "DTF" and then actually saying out loud what that means, can you be more ******ed?

Anyways, it's all a big mess. Pretty much everyone is in the wrong, since we don't know the exact truth and since there's no way to find out. Hopefully from this point on though Ben can keep his nose clean and just focus on football, so he can live up to his potential as one of the greatest who ever played the game.
So 2 pieces of news today.

1. Adam Shefter reports that the St. Louis Rams have traded former 1st round pick Adam Carricker to the Washington Redskins. The Redskins have in exchange moved up in Round 5 (The Rams gave up The Eagles 5th, and got the Skins 5th). This is somewhat puzzling. Carricker has 2 years left on his deal, in which he was making relatively little money. The one thing I am thinking is that maybe they traded Carricker because they have plans on drafting a defensive lineman. Maybe the Rams don't go Bradford with pick 1? Suh/McCoy possibly, with a QB at 33? Could they potentially go McCoy/McCoy with picks 1/33? How about Suh/Tebow, or Suh/McCoy? It might make sense for them to not pursue a QB at pick 1, because first overall QBs usually demand a crapload of money, and the Rams are going through an ownership change.

2. It's official, the New York Jets have signed long-time nemesis Jason Taylor. According to Adam Shefter, the deal is 2 years, 13 million. However, the Jets are on the hook only for 3.75 million of it. This is an awesome move for the Jets, if Taylor still have anything left in the tank. Taylor was an elite pass rusher, which is one thing the Jets sorely needed last year. He should still have enough in the tank to be a solid part time pass rusher. I think that the Jets will still go with a pass rusher this draft, but there is also talk of them going after an o-lineman, to be an heir-apparent to Alan Faneca (or to flat-out replace him). Faneca is ancient, and declined somewhat this year. However, there is also talk of the Jets moving on from Shaun Ellis and Bryan Thomas, which would create another need at D-end/OLB.

So how do all of these moves affect the NFL draft this year? We'll find out Thursday (in PRIMETIME), but what do you guys think?
So 2 pieces of news today.

1. Adam Shefter reports that the St. Louis Rams have traded former 1st round pick Adam Carricker to the Washington Redskins. The Redskins have in exchange moved up in Round 5 (The Rams gave up The Eagles 5th, and got the Skins 5th). This is somewhat puzzling. Carricker has 2 years left on his deal, in which he was making relatively little money. The one thing I am thinking is that maybe they traded Carricker because they have plans on drafting a defensive lineman. Maybe the Rams don't go Bradford with pick 1? Suh/McCoy possibly, with a QB at 33? Could they potentially go McCoy/McCoy with picks 1/33? How about Suh/Tebow, or Suh/McCoy? It might make sense for them to not pursue a QB at pick 1, because first overall QBs usually demand a crapload of money, and the Rams are going through an ownership change.

2. It's official, the New York Jets have signed long-time nemesis Jason Taylor. According to Adam Shefter, the deal is 2 years, 13 million. However, the Jets are on the hook only for 3.75 million of it. This is an awesome move for the Jets, if Taylor still have anything left in the tank. Taylor was an elite pass rusher, which is one thing the Jets sorely needed last year. He should still have enough in the tank to be a solid part time pass rusher. I think that the Jets will still go with a pass rusher this draft, but there is also talk of them going after an o-lineman, to be an heir-apparent to Alan Faneca (or to flat-out replace him). Faneca is ancient, and declined somewhat this year. However, there is also talk of the Jets moving on from Shaun Ellis and Bryan Thomas, which would create another need at D-end/OLB.

So how do all of these moves affect the NFL draft this year? We'll find out Thursday (in PRIMETIME), but what do you guys think?

On the Rams situation, WTF? I don't understand this move too aweful much unless they are trading one Nebraska tackle for another by drafting Suh. I don't see why they would do that though since they got rid of Marc Bulger. I hope they know what they are doing, but it is the Rams so who knows what they are thinking.
McNabb wants T.O. to come join him with the Redskins. These two played their best football when they played together, but we all know how that worked out in the end. Getting T.O. would bring in a instant threat at receiver and a lot of drama.
I do not see any team getting T.O. until after the draft, but what do you guys think about T.O. and McNabb teaming back up?
McNabb wants T.O. to come join him with the Redskins. These two played their best football when they played together, but we all know how that worked out in the end. Getting T.O. would bring in a instant threat at receiver and a lot of drama.
I do not see any team getting T.O. until after the draft, but what do you guys think about T.O. and McNabb teaming back up?

I heard about this. It's not completely surprising, because TO and McNabb are teaming together on the newest season of Pro's vs. Joe's on Spike TV. They reportedly worked out their differences. Donovan isn't stupid, he knows a good receiver when he sees one, and TO is a good receiver. I wouldn't be surprised if the Skins did sign him eventually.

In another piece of news, the OCNN (Ocho Cinco News Network, powered by Motorola) added a new reporter to their news team, Darelle Revis. (@revis24). We will have to wait and see if he covers off the field as well as he can cover ON the field.
As a Dolphins fan, it just kills me to see Jason Taylor go to the Jets. He was the last person I would've ever expected to join the Jets, but it actually happened. JT might not be the player he used to be, but he can still go. The Jets already have a very good defense, and JT is a great addition to their team.

I was kind of shocked when I heard about McNabb wanting to bring Owens to the Redskins, but I guess enough time has passed for the old wounds to heal. Although he has a bad habit of dropping passes, I think Owens can still bring something to the table. If he can produce, he might draw some double teams every now and then, and as long as he can keep his ego in check, then this can be a good move for the Redskins.

The Steelers picked up Byron Leftwich from the Tampa Bay Bucs today. This move probably has a lot to do with the possibility of Big Ben being suspended. Leftwich probably won't make a successful impact, but there's a good chance he'll see some playing time while Ben is out.
Today, Roger Goodell passed judgment on Ben Roethlisberger. According to ESPN's Tag Team of insiders Chris Mortensen and Adam Shefter, Roethlisberger has been suspended for the first 6 games of the regular season, but the suspension can be reduced to 4 with "good behavior and compliance with clinical evaluators."

I don't understand at all why they are going to allow his suspension to be reduced because of "good behavior and compliance with clinical evaluators." No other player whom has violated the Personal Conduct Policy has ever been given 2 separate lengths.
I haven't talked about my 'Skins in a while but nows the time to do it. First off I know this old news but happy with the McNabb trade. If I had to pick between McNabb, Campbell or Grossman (ugh) it has to be McNabb. And I get the feeling like we are going to see a guy who wants to prove the doubters wrong that he is on the decline.

As far as T.O goes, that I'm not so sure. I really don't want to see him disrupte our locker room with his fat ego. I think we have some solid young WR's (I.e Devin Thomas) that I think can make a name for themselves. But of course we don't have that big name guy that could draw a double and open up the others. If he can keep himself in check, understand his role, then I would give him a shot. But don't put so much money guaranteed upfront. The Skins need to be in control, not T.O.

In unrelated news, I've read this morning that Big Ben is looking at a 4-6 game suspension to start the season. That's too bad. When will guys understand that you can't put yourself in a position that can get you into trouble? Should Big Ben miss the first 6 games here is their schedule.

Week 1- vs Atlanta
Week 2- at Tennessee
Week 3- at Tampa Bay
Week 4- vs Baltimore
Week 5- Bye
Week 6- vs Cleveland
Week 7- at Miami

Looking at those games, I could see them start 0-2, 1-3. Those first 6 gamesare exactly easy, except for the Browns and Bucs, but even then those are young rising teams so who knows. But giving them the benefit of the doubt, the best I see them doing is 2-4. Now that's not exactly the final nail in the coffin for the playoffs but it does hurt. Hopefully Ben understands the position he has put his team in, and the harm he has done to his name.
Well no wonder the Rams are in the shit hole, the GM is asking the fans who they should take number 1 overall. I love fan interaction but asking a bunch of people in a bar who they should pick 1st overall is a little much. Way to go Rams let the fans run the team into the ground even more than you all did.
I very much doubt he was being serious. Honestly, I'm betting they go with Suh if they don't trade out of it. Why? They haven't even BEGAN talking about contracts with Bradford (reportedly) and most of his interviews he's come off as less then thrilled to be going to St. Louis. The biggest difference in the Rams and the Lions is that the Lions actually had a few pieces in place for when Stafford came in, the Rams only have Steven Jackson. That's it. If they nab up Suh, they turn one of the worst D.Lines into their strength. Heck, McCoy might be good for them because he's a penetrator DT, while Suh is more well rounded DT.
I very much doubt he was being serious. Honestly, I'm betting they go with Suh if they don't trade out of it.

I can almost guarantee the Rams take Bradford unless they trade out of the pick.

The biggest difference in the Rams and the Lions is that the Lions actually had a few pieces in place for when Stafford came in, the Rams only have Steven Jackson. That's it.

Outside of Calvin Johnson what did the Lions have? They had no good secondary receivers, their offensive line was average, and they had a 2nd year rb in Kevin Smith that had a slightly above average rookie year.

If they nab up Suh, they turn one of the worst D.Lines into their strength.

One great defensive tackle does not turn a shit line into a strength of the team. The Rams passed on a qb last year to take an O lineman in Jason Smith and they are regretting it. They won't do the same thing this year.
I hope the Lions do the smart thing and get Russell Okung. Stafford needs help and having to face Julius Peppers(CHI), Clay Mathews(GB), and Jared Allen(MIN) 6 out of 16 games this season.
Remember all rumors should be taken with a grain of salt this close to the draft.

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