NFL Thread - 2010-11

It would be smart for L.T to go the Jets though, they have the top 3 best run blocking offensive line in the NFL. Mark Sanchez probably would've thrown over 40 picks if he'd had been drafted by the Lions or Rams, lol. But he has a better chance to win a ring with Minnesota.
Theo "Hitman" Mays;1887110 said:
I really think LT leaving NY means he will sign with Minnesota. LT had nothing but praise for the Viking organization and he even said himself that he can see himself as a Viking. I haven't heard him say anything about NY, so I'm about 58 percent sure he'll be a Viking come tomorrow or early next week.

As a Jet fan, I will be biased and say he will go to the Jets, and his best option is the Jets. The fact that the Jets offensive coordinator came from San Diego (he was the former head coaches son, too) is something that cannot be forgotten. Brian Shottenheimer may be the key to the Jets landing LT over Minnesota. If LT is healthy enough, I could see him being very successful behind the Jets offensive line, which is one of the best (if not he best) offensive lines in the NFL, especially when it comes to run blocking.

It would be smart for L.T to go the Jets though, they have the top 3 best run blocking offensive line in the NFL. Mark Sanchez probably would've thrown over 40 picks if he'd had been drafted by the Lions or Rams, lol. But he has a better chance to win a ring with Minnesota.

The idea that he has a better chance at winning in Minnesota is pretty ridiculous. I would say it is pretty equal, if not in favor of the Jets. Both the Jets and Vikings lost in the conference championship last season. The Vikings have an unknown at QB, with either a 41 year old Hall of Famer known for throwing costly interceptions, a backup QB who struggles with accuracy and can't win in the playoffs, or some guy in the free agent market (none of which are good). The Jets have a QB who got better as his first season progressed, to the point that his best games were when it mattered most, in the playoffs. His second year has the potential to be really good.

The Vikings have the better running back in Adrian Peterson, but the Jets had the #1 running game last year, and Shonn Greene, Leon Washington, and possibly LT would be a better combination then Adrian Peterson, and whoever else they can get. The Jets losing Thomas Jones could be a blow to the running game, but he wore down tremendously as the season progressed, to the point where Shonn Greene was the #1 back in the playoffs.

The Vikings have a very good receiving corps, and the Jets have a decent receiving corps (which will be better with Braylon Edwards having a full year with Sanchez). This position goes to Minnesota, since Sydney Rice is supposedly better then Jerricho Cotchery and Braylon Edwards, and Percy Harvin is a game changer.

Defensively, the Jets had the #1 ranked defense, and have not suffered and significant losses from that defense (Kerry Rhodes was so good, his ass got benched). Minnesota has a very good defense, but nothing like the Jets.

Please, PLEASE try and tell me Bad Childress is a better coach then Rex Ryan. Childress is constantly ridiculed for his on field decisions, and Rex is only ridiculed for his off-field decisions (like flipping off assholes that threaten to murder him at an MMA event in Miami).

Plus, Brad Childress looks like a skeevy pedophile, which is worse then Rex Ryan looking like he ate a skeevy pedophile for breakfast. (this last statement is sarcastic, please regard it as such).
I'm not getting into the "LT debate" here as either way if LT goes to the Jets, we'll go get Westbrook or promote Albert Young. Either way we're fighting over a fucking back up running back that has slowed down considerably over the last couple years.

Anyway, on to some news here. The Browns traded Brady Quinn to the Broncos for Peyton Hillis and a 6th round pick. So coupled with the release of Anderson, the Browns basically wasted their huge opportunity to grab a 1st rounder by trading either of them a couple years ago after Anderson's solid season. They seriously fucked that chance up and now they got a fullback that masquerades as a running back and a 6th round pick total for both if you look at it. Poor Browns fans.

As far as Quinn goes, he's now basically in a do or die moment. He's not with the Browns anymore, and the Broncos have some good talent offensively. If Quinn is elevated to starter or Orton gets injured, Quinn has to prove that his failure's as a QB in Cleveland was based on the lack of talent. If Quinn can play well in Denver, then it just proves Cleveland is the black hole for QB's. If he fails in Denver once again, then he'll be nothing more than a bust and further cement the reasoning why he fell in the draft to the Browns.
L.T to the Jets would be nice and all, but I think Minnesota would have the better chance to get to the Super Bowl but it really depends on if Bret Favre will return of not. But enough of that. BRADY QUINN JUST GOT TRADED TO DENVER!!! As a Cincinnati fan, this makes me happy. I love to see Cleveland suffer and any Browns fan today that is sad over this all I have to say is HA HA!

Not that I've got that out of my system, this trade was for Full Back Peyton Hillis and a 2011 6th round pick and a conditional 2012 pick. Fair trade? I don't know, but Quinn has an arm and Cleveland may have gotten more out of the trade, but what's done is done. Cleveland has it's QB for the future it seems lol, so we'll see what happens.
Well some pretty big news here: The Cleveland Browns traded QB Brady Quinn to the Denver Broncos for FB Peyton Hillis, a 2011 6th-round draft selection and a late-round 2012 pick.

This trade kind of confuses me. On one hand, I don't really see why the Browns took this package, although Quinn isn't very proven yet so it may be a fair deal, but for the Broncos to go and get Quinn I really did not see that coming. Orton had a decent year and I thought maybe they would give him another shot, but they probably this opportunity and decided to jump on it. I think Quinn can be a good QB in this league and maybe the change of scenery will help him. I was just shocked when I heard this because I didn't hear anything of the Broncos looking at a QB.
This doesn't surprise me too much. Brady Quinn really hadn't done anything in Cleveland that showed he could be a starting QB. The Broncos QB situation is still in a pretty dire situation because I don't believe Orton could be "the guy". He was decent last year, but still he really didn't do anything special. I guess the Broncos are still trying to fill the void Jay Cutler left behind. I know Cutler was horrendous with the Bear's last year, but he seemed to being good in Denver.
As a Jet fan, I will be biased and say he will go to the Jets, and his best option is the Jets. The fact that the Jets offensive coordinator came from San Diego (he was the former head coaches son, too) is something that cannot be forgotten. Brian Shottenheimer may be the key to the Jets landing LT over Minnesota. If LT is healthy enough, I could see him being very successful behind the Jets offensive line, which is one of the best (if not he best) offensive lines in the NFL, especially when it comes to run blocking.

The idea that he has a better chance at winning in Minnesota is pretty ridiculous. I would say it is pretty equal, if not in favor of the Jets. Both the Jets and Vikings lost in the conference championship last season. The Vikings have an unknown at QB, with either a 41 year old Hall of Famer known for throwing costly interceptions, a backup QB who struggles with accuracy and can't win in the playoffs, or some guy in the free agent market (none of which are good). The Jets have a QB who got better as his first season progressed, to the point that his best games were when it mattered most, in the playoffs. His second year has the potential to be really good.

The Vikings have the better running back in Adrian Peterson, but the Jets had the #1 running game last year, and Shonn Greene, Leon Washington, and possibly LT would be a better combination then Adrian Peterson, and whoever else they can get. The Jets losing Thomas Jones could be a blow to the running game, but he wore down tremendously as the season progressed, to the point where Shonn Greene was the #1 back in the playoffs.

The Vikings have a very good receiving corps, and the Jets have a decent receiving corps (which will be better with Braylon Edwards having a full year with Sanchez). This position goes to Minnesota, since Sydney Rice is supposedly better then Jerricho Cotchery and Braylon Edwards, and Percy Harvin is a game changer.

Defensively, the Jets had the #1 ranked defense, and have not suffered and significant losses from that defense (Kerry Rhodes was so good, his ass got benched). Minnesota has a very good defense, but nothing like the Jets.

Please, PLEASE try and tell me Bad Childress is a better coach then Rex Ryan. Childress is constantly ridiculed for his on field decisions, and Rex is only ridiculed for his off-field decisions (like flipping off assholes that threaten to murder him at an MMA event in Miami).

Plus, Brad Childress looks like a skeevy pedophile, which is worse then Rex Ryan looking like he ate a skeevy pedophile for breakfast. (this last statement is sarcastic, please regard it as such).

Talk bout an unnecessary post. You didn't need to type an essay to tell me the Jets have a higher ranked defense than the Vikings, or that the Vikings have better receivers than the Jets. But thanks anyway for giving me the Football 101.

The way I see it, L.T would put better numbers in New York, while putting worser numbers in Minnesota while having a better chance to win a ring.

I know, I know, the Jets made it to the championship game. But they were 9-7 for a reason, and that reason is mainly due to Mark Sanchez. He'll be more experienced this season, sure, but he's recovering from offseason knee surgery. TRUST me, it won't be a pretty recovery. His mechanics will be inconsistent and it'll take around midseason before his knee feels fine again. I really don't see the Jets winning the super bowl this year, but as a fan I can understand you feel very confident about your team.
More News:

The Lions acquired Shaun Hill from the 49ers for draft picks. Should be a decent backup to Stafford and could step in if he struggles or gets injured.

The Jets and Tomlinson have agreed to a 2 year contract. This a pretty big news and good news if you are a Jets fan. I love LT and I still think he has something left and can still be a great RB in this league. It's going to be very weird seeing LT in a Jets jersey, but I guess we should all get used to it because it is happening. Now does Minnesota go after Westbrook?
Well according to Adam Schefter, LT has signed with the Jets now, so we can end this argument. LT and the Jets agreed to a 2 year deal.

This sucks as a Vikings fan personally, but it could possibly be a blessing in disguise when I ponder it further. Brian Westbrook is still out there as a Free Agent, and I think he would fit our offense way better than LT will. My biggest concern with Westbrook is his injury proneness, and that could be a problem. Another option like I said is Albert Young, who has really come into his own last year and could be a sleeper player. Ultimately I see us going after a running back in the 3rd -5th around area that has good pass catching and route running skills.

As far as the Jets go, they got yet another running back to add to their corps. They released Thomas Jones because of cost, and I'm really interested to see what kind of money they threw at LT. If it's close to the same money as Thomas Jones, then this I could consider a bad move. If the money is close, they could have had Thomas Jones who ran for 1400 yards last year, compared to 700 with LT. They also have Leon Washington who is probably going to end up playing the role the Jets want LT to fill better anyways. Honestly if the Jets got rid of Leon Washington, I would not mind the Vikings picking him up. He has an outstanding skill set and really I think the Jets kind of forgot what he can bring to the table.
I have faith that the triangle in Minnesota will find a suitable replacement for Chester Taylor. LT would have been great, but it is moot as he chose the Jets. Whether it is Albert Young, Ian Johnson, Brian Westbrook, a HB acquired through trade, or one through the draft, I have full confidence in the front office in finding a suitable replacement.

And the Lions picking up Shaun Hill is a great move. He is a solid backup behind Staff. Quinn to Broncos, seen it coming a mile away. It is a good move as they got him for cheap. Hillis is a solid player and will do well with Harrison. Quinn gives Denver a potential future at QB after Orton is finished up.
Talk bout an unnecessary post. You didn't need to type an essay to tell me the Jets have a higher ranked defense than the Vikings, or that the Vikings have better receivers than the Jets. But thanks anyway for giving me the Football 101.

The way I see it, L.T would put better numbers in New York, while putting worser numbers in Minnesota while having a better chance to win a ring.

I know, I know, the Jets made it to the championship game. But they were 9-7 for a reason, and that reason is mainly due to Mark Sanchez. He'll be more experienced this season, sure, but he's recovering from offseason knee surgery. TRUST me, it won't be a pretty recovery. His mechanics will be inconsistent and it'll take around midseason before his knee feels fine again. I really don't see the Jets winning the super bowl this year, but as a fan I can understand you feel very confident about your team.

1. You bitch about me EXPLAINING WHY I THINK SOMETHING, and then post 2.5 paragraphs and not give any information whatsoever. Talk about unnecessary posts.
2. Do you even know the extent of Mark Sanchez's "injury" and surgery? You make it out like he tore his ACL at the end of the season. This was to fix a lingering problem he has had since USC. It was barely an arthroscopic surgery. It's not like he has to come back from a torn bicep tendon in his throwing arm. Only 40 year old QB's who decide in august to play football can come back from that. The Jets and Mark Sanchez have said he will be ready for MINICAMP, and definitely 100% by TRAINING CAMP. This isn't even going to affect MINICAMP, so how the fuck can it affect THE REGULAR SEASON.
3. Why should I TRUST YOU, when you don't even know what he fuck you're talking about. Go back to me when you learn what the fuck you're talking about.

Now to add something to the conversation (something that Nev doesn't know how to fucking do):
Well according to Adam Schefter, LT has signed with the Jets now, so we can end this argument. LT and the Jets agreed to a 2 year deal.

As far as the Jets go, they got yet another running back to add to their corps. They released Thomas Jones because of cost, and I'm really interested to see what kind of money they threw at LT. If it's close to the same money as Thomas Jones, then this I could consider a bad move. If the money is close, they could have had Thomas Jones who ran for 1400 yards last year, compared to 700 with LT. They also have Leon Washington who is probably going to end up playing the role the Jets want LT to fill better anyways. Honestly if the Jets got rid of Leon Washington, I would not mind the Vikings picking him up. He has an outstanding skill set and really I think the Jets kind of forgot what he can bring to the table.

According to Jets Beat Writer Rich Cimini (one of the most reputable Jet Beat Writers), LT signed a 2 year deal worth $5.2 Million, which could escalate to 5.7 million. This is slightly more then what Thomas Jones got with the Chiefs, but it is far less then the $6 million for 1 year Jones would be due if they didn't cut him. So the LT instead of Jones deal is actually making sense now, because the Jets were able to save money at the supplementary HB option, all the while getting a feature name (which should help sell some PSLs, which is a whole other story).
I think LT signing with Jets is a good move on both sides. LT isn't as explosive as he used to be, but I feel he can still bring something to the table. The Jets have a good defense, and the duo of LT and Shon Greene can help elevate the offense. As a Miami Dolphins fan, this sort of has me worried. I don't think anyone expected this team to go as far as they did, and I think they'll have a good season again. It'll be a race to see who will win the AFC East this year. It's going to be tight between the Dolphins,Jets,and Patriots. I'm not mentioning the Bills because I don't think they'll be a threat at all.
1. You bitch about me EXPLAINING WHY I THINK SOMETHING, and then post 2.5 paragraphs and not give any information whatsoever. Talk about unnecessary posts.
2. Do you even know the extent of Mark Sanchez's "injury" and surgery? You make it out like he tore his ACL at the end of the season. This was to fix a lingering problem he has had since USC. It was barely an arthroscopic surgery. It's not like he has to come back from a torn bicep tendon in his throwing arm. Only 40 year old QB's who decide in august to play football can come back from that. The Jets and Mark Sanchez have said he will be ready for MINICAMP, and definitely 100% by TRAINING CAMP. This isn't even going to affect MINICAMP, so how the fuck can it affect THE REGULAR SEASON.
3. Why should I TRUST YOU, when you don't even know what he fuck you're talking about. Go back to me when you learn what the fuck you're talking about.

Now to add something to the conversation (something that Nev doesn't know how to fucking do):

I'm sorry, IIRC, you quoted my post, claimed that me saying L.T has a better chance to win a ring with the Vikings than the Jets is "really ridiculous", and I give you a reply why the Vikings have a better chance to win the SB next year than Jets(because of the QBs). Just because you don't agree with me, doesn't mean I "didn't give you any information". Just how the fuck did I not give you a damn information? And why the hell are you going at me with this pointless, stupid debate I wasn't even looking to have (Your posts come off as if you're gonna smash your keyboard, but hey, its the internet)? Oh, and how did I not give you any information, again? Confusing.

Look -- yeah it wasn't a torn ACL, but any knee surgery in general is hard to come back from. 2 years ago Peyton Manning had a "minor" surgery to clean something off his knee I remember, missed some training camp, and the Colts started the season 3-4. I will admit, I didn't know how bad Mark Sanchez' knee to a full extent was or if he was going to miss some camp or not, but there's no need to insult me. You sound like you want to strangle me :lmao:. (Sigh) Alright, don't take what I said that much to the heart, man. Mark Sanchez is a pretty good QB when he's playing well, and has some nifty feet when he's under pressure. But I still think the Vikings have a better chance to win the SB because of Favre. Plus, its not like the Vikings' defense is that much far off between the Jets' defense(whom I believe is a system defense anyway).

Oh, and I'm not a Vikings fan or a Brett Favre fan. And how am I not "adding something to conversation" when I talk about L.T would be a better fit for the Jets than the Vikings? A really confusing, all around post.
According to Jets Beat Writer Rich Cimini (one of the most reputable Jet Beat Writers), LT signed a 2 year deal worth $5.2 Million, which could escalate to 5.7 million. This is slightly more then what Thomas Jones got with the Chiefs, but it is far less then the $6 million for 1 year Jones would be due if they didn't cut him. So the LT instead of Jones deal is actually making sense now, because the Jets were able to save money at the supplementary HB option, all the while getting a feature name (which should help sell some PSLs, which is a whole other story).

In that sense then yeah it was a good move dropping Jones and picking up LT. Jones wasn't going to be the feature back anymore as Greene took that over at the end of the year and played very well as the main back. LT will give Sanchez an option out of the backfield, and for a young quarterback, it's always good to have a solid out whenever the play breaks down. This should help Sanchez's development and make him a more efficient QB when he can dump it off to LT and let him gain 4-9 yards on a critical third down play. Trust me, Taylor was huge for us in that role last year for the Vikings, thus why we're searching for someone to take that similar role. Good pick up for the Jets as LT's skill set will help far more than Jones for less money. And yeah, all those green LT jerseys should help with merchandising. Knowing Jets fans I don't think they'll have a problem paying for the PSL's, but as you said, a whole different story that may require discussion in it's own thread how fucked up they are.
I can't believe I'm going to say this, and come this Season when things matter the most it won't come to help anything I'm sure.. but the Browns are alive and kicking this off-season. They sure seem like a team who wants to not finish last anymore.

Signing, Releasing, Trading.. they're on top of everything right now, and doing a damn fine job of it I'd say.

Brady Quinn to Denver for a 6th round pick as well as another, and Peyton Hillis. Not bad considering everyone knew Quinn's days were done in Cleveland. Hillis adds just another weapon out of that backfield.

I'm in love with the fact that Cleveland signed Jake Delhomme, and I hope he makes Carolina regret releasing him. Hey, I'm a Panthers fan through and through - until the day I die and beyond. However, everyone was harsh and hard on Delhomme - when the fact is, he was flat-out TOLD to throw the ball to Steve Smith at all costs. Well, it cost us. Time and time again.

In Cleveland, they have no true talent at WR. Sure, they had a breakout year for Massaquoi and they finally paid their star attraction (Cribbs) but beyond that their WR depth chart is a who's who of back-ups, and 2nd stringers. Because of this, Delhomme won't be subjected into the tiny box of throwing the ball to one guy and one guy only. He'll be told.. "Throw it to the open man, whoever it may be." And I truly think he'll thrive in Cleveland.

On top of all this, the Browns have also picked up.. Benjamin Watson, (a good TE, better than what they had) Seneca Wallace, (an average QB who knows Holmgren's system and will via for a starting job, no doubt) and Scott Fujita - an OLB who deserves more credit than people would've ever given him. He was a leader on the New Orleans Saints Defense last year.

I think they should focus entirely in the draft on their Defense. Their HB's, and current TE's/WR's are enough weapons to make them fly under the radar - yet be dangerous if they can click together. Their Defense is all they really need, to start turning things around now that they've focused in off-season pick-ups for their Offense.

On the Carolina side of things.. we've cut every old guy (starter, to add) on our team, practically.. and signed a New York Jets special teamer.. woooo man, are we hot right now. :disappointed: If we sign Owens to side with Steve Smith, I'll care less about the lack-luster off-season thus far. But that dream's nothing but that.. a dream.
Eagles made a surprising move today and cut former first round pick, OL Shawn Andrews. Andrews has battled weight problems, depression, and back injuries throughout his NFL career. When healthy the guy is easily one of the best lineman in the game. No doubt in my mind that he gets signed if he chooses to continue to play and not retire.

I would absolutely love if my Vikes took a stab at Andrews and pick him up. Worse comes to worse he can't play and he gets cut. But if he can he is easily an improvement over Herrera, who was pretty shitty last season. Plus that would take the need of selecting Maurkice Pouncey or Mike Iupati in round 1.
The Cardinals signed Joey Porter to a three year deal. Porter is a pretty good linebacker, and I think this is a good move by the Cardinals. Karlos Dansby is now with the Dolphins, and the Cardinals probably felt the need to fill the void he left behind. Although I feel Porter runs his mouth way too much sometimes, he is a good linebacker even if he can't always back up what he says. His best days were with the Pittsburgh Steelers, but I think he's still good enough to help out the Cardinal's defense.
Porter to the Cardinals made sense. Porter needs to be with a 3-4 team, as I can't see him doing much in a 4-3 defense. The Cards had a need for an OLB and this gives them just that. Yeah he is a loud mouth, but if he produces it is worth the hassle. I think the best move the Cards made this year was signing Derek Anderson. I just don't see Leinart as the answer and while DA isn't anything special, I think he could work with the Cards offense and make them competitive. However I fully expect the Niners to win the west.
The Philadelphia Eagles have reached agreement on a blockbuster intra-division trade that will send perennial Pro Bowl quarterback Donovan McNabb to the Washington Redskins, according to multiple sources close to the situation.

The two sides still must finalize language, but McNabb is now headed to Washington. Sources said the deal involved the Redskins' second-round pick in the 2010 draft and either a third- or fourth-round pick next year, depending on several factors.

The move means the Redskins now have a new starting quarterback and the Eagles have a new one as well in Kevin Kolb. Michael Vick is now in line as the team's backup.

Earlier, sources said McNabb's contract, which has one year and $11.2 million left on it, scared off several other teams. McNabb is due a $6.2 million roster bonus on May 5 and is scheduled to become a free agent after the 2010 season.

At the league meetings, head coach Andy Reid said the Eagles were listening to offers for all three quarterbacks, including 11-year veteran McNabb, who quickly said on his Web site that he wanted a quick resolution to the trade conversations.

Adam Schefter is ESPN's NFL Insider.

Wow, this is HUGE news. I never thought McNabb would leave the Eagles, but it has happened. I think McNabb will make in impact on the Redskins because that team has been in need of a good/solid QB for a very long time. Although, this is kind of surprising because the Redskins are in the same division as the Eagles, and I'm sure these two teams will be battling for a playoff spot.

I like McNabb, and hope this works out well for him because I was kind of scared when I heard he might go to the Oakland Raiders.
I'm looking forward to the upcoming season. My Falcons look good coming into the new season. If we draft a DE and pick up or draft a WR, we'll be Super Bowl Contenders, like it or not. We'll have Turner back from injury, and before he got hurt he was looking great. We have Matt Ryan who is coming off a decent season, but he's got great options in Gonzalez and White, and a returning Harry Douglas. Dunta Robinson fills a need, and we have Peria Jerry coming back from injury, along with Brian Williams at corner. So yeah, I think with an addition to the D-Line, we can win the NFC, and we can win the Super Bowl, it all just depends on how the talent is used.
Philly didn't make a mistake; they made a decision. Just like every other team who's cut a player who can still PLAY, they did so because its stupid to let a younger QB rot on the bench, when the one you have isn't doing what his main goal is to do. (help win a Superbowl)

McNabb won the Eagles countless games, and according to useless stats - Philly has won more games than any other team, since McNabb's become their starter.. with exception to New England and Indy. The only important stat from this, is McNabb never won them a Superbowl. He got them close on multiple occasions, and even helped get them their once. But going to the 'dance' and being crowned 'king' are two very different things.

Washington will be in heaven with a reliable QB now, and Philly isn't exactly suddenly dead in the water with a former starter who's taken the Falcons to the Playoffs, not to mention a QB of the future in Kolb, who everyone mocks for his two game start.. yet he was impressive non-the-less. (Regardless the opponent, but if you must - one of them was the Superbowl Champion Saints.)

Now, do I see Washington as a sudden threat in that division? NO. Why? Because they've spent tons of money before on high-named players, and its gotten them no better than 3rd place. McNabb will be a huge addition, and they have some good depth at RB as well, but until they start making everything work together.. it won't matter.
I was shocked to hear about the McNabb trade.

But, from what I gather, Philly traded him to Washington simply out of respect for McNabb, who didn't want to go to a place like Oakland or Buffalo. So, I think that was a class act move on their part, and I respect the organization more for it.

Now, personally... I do not believe the trade makes that big of a difference. Philly will be a below 500 team with Kevin Kolb at Quarterback, while McNabb will blow it in Washington and it'll take a while for Shanahan to get the organization on the right track with this move.

I've expressed here plenty of times how overrated I feel Donovan McNabb is. I do not think he's a great quarterback, and in my personal opinion, this was absolutely the wrong move for Washington. I thought they should have either stuck with Jason Campbell, or draft someone. However, instead of being patient, they make the usual Daniel Snyder mistake and look for the instant success instead of long-term, but I just do not believe Donovan McNabb will bring them that like they expect.

As far as Philly... whatever. Kolb may end up being great, but right now I have my serious doubts. We'll see early on with them next season if whether or not he's the next franchise Qb, or if they'll go into rebuilding mode once they see what he truly has to offer. Should be interesting, but my money's on the latter.

All in all, the NFC East I think will remain pretty much the same as last year, with Dallas keeping the top dominant spot and everyone else showing glimpses of greatness, but staying inconsistent.
I still think even with McNabb the Skins will miss out on the playoffs. Right now they need to go after Russell Okung come draft time, as OL has to be their biggest need. I think the Skins are an 8 to 9 win team next year. 2011 might be the year they show us an appearance in the playoffs. Eagles will take a slight step back, as I see them winning 6 to 7 games. However I do feel Kolb is going to be a solid QB for Philly and will get them back to the playoffs as early as 2011, more likely 2012. I still think Dallas and New York are the best teams in the division.
I was shocked to hear about the McNabb trade.

But, from what I gather, Philly traded him to Washington simply out of respect for McNabb, who didn't want to go to a place like Oakland or Buffalo. So, I think that was a class act move on their part, and I respect the organization more for it.

Now, personally... I do not believe the trade makes that big of a difference. Philly will be a below 500 team with Kevin Kolb at Quarterback, while McNabb will blow it in Washington and it'll take a while for Shanahan to get the organization on the right track with this move.

I've expressed here plenty of times how overrated I feel Donovan McNabb is. I do not think he's a great quarterback, and in my personal opinion, this was absolutely the wrong move for Washington. I thought they should have either stuck with Jason Campbell, or draft someone. However, instead of being patient, they make the usual Daniel Snyder mistake and look for the instant success instead of long-term, but I just do not believe Donovan McNabb will bring them that like they expect.

As far as Philly... whatever. Kolb may end up being great, but right now I have my serious doubts. We'll see early on with them next season if whether or not he's the next franchise Qb, or if they'll go into rebuilding mode once they see what he truly as to offer. Should be interesting, but my money's on the latter.

All in all, the NFC East I think will remain pretty much the same as last year, with Dallas keeping the top dominant spot and everyone else showing glimpses of greatness, but staying inconsistent.
I agree with you that McNabb is overrated, but to not get him and keep Jason Campbell or draft an unproven QB is redonkulous. McNabb may not be the best quarterback in the NFL, but he has talent, and he has proven he can win, like it or not. I can't stand the Eagles, and I never liked McNabb, but he has undeniable talent. The NFC East just got alot more interesting.
Okay, I just died a little inside. The fucking Steelers traded Santonio Holmers, a former first round pick like 5 years ago for a fifth round pick that more than likely won't make the team. Seriously, I know we're hurting for money but that's fucking crazy. Hines Ward is old and Sweed was a bust. Good going front office. I hope this bites you in the ass. Go fuck yourself... Holmes was growing over the years and him and Ben had sucj great chemistry and you fucked this up for a FIFTH round draft pick? Outside of this rant I'm fucking speechless. I'm about to go jump off a bridge. Seriously... We're going to have another shitty season because our front office is full of idiots. Let's sign James Farrior for 30 million but trade away a Star... I'm lost for words. Like seriously, this is bullshit. Now we have need at receiver, CB, safety and both lines. No way we can fix that in one draft. :(...

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