NFL Thread - 2010-11

I know the guy has been declining over the past couple of years, but who else do they really have to fill the starting QB position

Matt Moore is very capable of holding down the fort as the starting QB. The kid played solid when he took over last year and was a key part in them finishing the year strong. Him and JStew really carried that offense. They will be fine with Matt Moore, no need to find an improvement.

Anyways, the Jets traded Kerry Rhodes to the Cards for a 4th round this year and a 7th next year. Kind of surprised they shipped him off for very little. Cards walked out like robbers here, as Rhodes is still a solid safety despite his play being down this year. Cards now replace Rolle and remain strong in the safety department with Rhodes and a top 3 guy in Adrian Wilson. Great move by the Cards, confusing move by the Jets.
Theo "Hitman" Mays;1867926 said:
Anyways, the Jets traded Kerry Rhodes to the Cards for a 4th round this year and a 7th next year. Kind of surprised they shipped him off for very little. Cards walked out like robbers here, as Rhodes is still a solid safety despite his play being down this year. Cards now replace Rolle and remain strong in the safety department with Rhodes and a top 3 guy in Adrian Wilson. Great move by the Cards, confusing move by the Jets.

The Jets were down on Kerry Rhodes, since he had this problem of not hitting people this year (which in Rex Ryan's mind is like stealing a Hamburger from him). That problem (along with the benching) lowered his stock some, and teams were aware of the Jets shopping him, which lowers his stock even more.

This trade is going to end up a lot like the Jonathan Vilma trade, where the player is a top player for his new team, but he wasn't fitting in with the Jets. And as I said earlier, the Jets are very successful in the 4th round, so that is a good pick to get.

Of course I wish the Cards held off a day on the Boldin trade, and traded him to the Jets for Rhodes, straight up.
not 5 minutes after I posted the last thing, I find out (thanks to Adam Shefters Twitter and some site) that the Jaguars signed Defensive End Aaron Kampman.

Kampman had struggled somewhat in the 3-4 defense last year, ultimately tearing his ACL, but he is still relatively young, and should really bolster the Jags weak pass D.
The jaguars got a good under the Radar signing in Aaron Kampman. He is a good player and he's going back to the 4-3 where he can be dominant and get to the QB. I would have like to have seen him go to the Bucs like i heard he might but Jacksonville is a good place for him to land.
The Dolphins picked up Karlos Dansby today. He signed a 5 year contract for $43 million. This should help our defense out in a big way because with Joey Porter gone, we have become weak at the linebacker position once again. I never really liked Joey Porter, and I always felt like the Dolphins payed WAY too much money for him, but he did have some good/great games here and there.

Kind of surprised the Panthers let go of Jake Delhomme. I know the guy has been declining over the past couple of years, but who else do they really have to fill the starting QB position? Maybe they pick up a veteran or someone in the draft. Anyway, Delhomme seemed like a nice guy, and he did go to a Super Bowl. Unfortunately for him, it was against the Patriots.

I'm a huge Panthers fan there my favorite team and I love Delhomme but he had to go his play has been declining and he turns the ball over to much. They have Matt Moore who can be a good QB he won four of there last five games and he took care of the ball and didn't turn it over which is what a QB has to do.
I sure hope my Seahawks get Brandon Marshall, draft Clausen and draft Spiller, or pick up Thomas Jones.
I sure hope my Seahawks get Brandon Marshall, draft Clausen and draft Spiller, or pick up Thomas Jones.

I'd much prefer some sort of sign and trade with Denver than giving them our 6th pick in the draft. But, to get one of the premier receivers in the league (who's only 25), I'd forfeit it.

Clausen probably won't be around at 14, so if we get Marshall with the 6th, we'll have to settle for a late round QB like Canfield, Hall, or Pike and hope we strike gold.

You want CJ Spiller? I think he's somewhat of a Reggie Bush type. He'd be great for returns and screen passes, but could he be an every-down type of back? Not with our offensive line. Personally, I'd like to pick up Best or Blount in the draft and not have to use a first round pick on a back. I want Clausen then either Mays or the best available offensive lineman.
Kampman being back in the 4-3 is really going to help him get back on track. It took him a bit to adjust to the 3-4 and it showed. I think he will struggle at first this year, as the injury is going to slow him down, but I expect him to have a strong late run to the year for the Jags.
The biggest story this weekend was the Brandon Marshall to the Seahawks discussions. Well, add another team to the mix there. Apparently, the Bengals are contemplating bringing in the Wide Receiver.

The Bengals desperately need another target to work alongside the greatest receiver in the NFL, Chad OchoCinco. I know Ocho has said that he wants TO on the Bengals next year, but something tells me he would be just as happy with a much younger, and just as solid receiver in Brandon Marshall. Plus, it's not like Cincinnati would have to give up a top 10 pick for him like the Seahawks would be doing, since they pick somewhere between 21-24. I think that Brandon would also be better off in Cincinnati, since not only is Carson Palmer better then Matt Hasselbeck, but the Bengals are a better team then the Seahawks.
If the Bengals picked up Brandon Marshall that would totally balance out the Ravens getting Boldin and I think would make the Bengals the favorites to win the North again. A receiving crew of Ocho, BMarsh, and Caldwell is pretty solid. Throw in an underrated line and Cedric Benson and you are good as gold. Palmer could really benefit from getting someone like Marshall, as that would take pressure of Ocho and they would be able to score points with the best of them.
I Just read that the Eagles are going to be sticking with Michael Vick. They're going to pick up his $1.5 million dollar roster bonus, and they're looking to increase his role on the team. Now Vick really didn't see that mush playing time, so I'm wondering what more do the Eagles plan on doing with him? Vick wants to be a starter, but I really don't think that's going to happen as long as they have McNabb. Does anyone else think Vick can still start in the NFL?
the bengals love themselves some drama and could use a no2 to ochocinco if they can leave there egos in the dressing room they could do well together
TO had a pretty good year last year (especially considering the lack of a QB in Buffalo). Not only was TO a solid player for the Bills, but he was also a solid guy all year long, not doing any of the things he did elsewhere in his career. That's why I am 100% certain that some team will sign him, and it would be a good move.

A list of potential landing spots:
  • Washington: They do not have a wide receiver besides Santana Moss, and he would be better then whoever they have. Plus, with the 4th pick in the draft, they definately won't be taking a Wide Receiver.
  • Seatle (if they don't get Bandon Marshall): They need someone to work beside TJ Houshmanzadeh. TO would be a good complement to him. There is a good chance that they take a Wide Receiver with one of their first 2 picks. If that is the case, then TO wouldn't work here.
  • Cincinnati: They need a #2 behind the great OchoCinco. And to make matters better, OchoCinco has been pushing for the Bengals to sign Terrell Owens. Of course they could also just draft a receiver in the first round, but there is a chance that when they pick (somewhere between 21-24) there won't be a solid option for 2010 there.
  • Tampa Bay: They do not have any receivers, and when you have a young QB (Josh Freeman), you need to give him weapons to throw to. They currently pick 3rd in the draft, and most people believe that they will take one of the 2 Defensive Tackles.
  • Jacksonville: Jacksonville can't put fans in the stand, and TO can do that, so he would fit in good there (not to mention he would be a solid option at #2 receiver). They fall into a similar boat to Cincy, where they may be shut out of being able to draft a receiver in the 1st round who is could be an impact player in 2010.
I would say there is no chance of TO signing with San Fransisco or Baltimore. TO had a really bad falling out in San Fransisco, which expedited his trade out of there. And Baltimore was a team that traded for him, before TO bitched and moaned and forced his way out of that. I would doubt that either team would go back down that route. And obviously he wouldn't go to the other 2 teams he played for (Philly and Dallas) because they do not need receivers.
i think t.o to the bengals makes a lot of sense, they seem to be a franchise that deals with guys with big egos (chad) problem pasts (tank johnson) and seem to be able to work with them and mesh together into either a good team or at least a decent team. They both match as what they both want, t.o. wants to go to a team that has a good qb (check) wants to win (check) and has a good offense (check). The bengals are looking for a solid wr (check) someone that can complement chad (check) and someone that can be a legitimate threat (check). I think if they can work out the money and they both like each other this is a solid choice but now we have to wait and see.
Thomas Jones signed with the Kansas City Chiefs today. I think this is a good signing for them because I believe Jones is a good RB and we saw that with New York. He's a solid back, big and tough and someone who can log alot of touches and get alot of yards. I like this pick up for the Chiefs and don't forget they also have Jamal Charles as well. That's a good RB tandem.
Damn good pickup by KC. Thomas Jones has long been one of my favorite backs and I believe he is one of the more underrated backs in the league. Now he will be teaming up with the fantasy football waiver wire star Jamaal Charles, that is a great tandem they have going in KC. I expect Charles to start, but the touches will obviously be equal, as Thomas Jones deserves playing time and he will get it.
I don't care how good Thomas Jones is, Kansas City's Offensive Line is fucking TERRIBLE. I watched two of their games last year, and it was absolutely pathetic the pressure Matt Cassel would get on him every single play.

But let me say, if KC can get an offensive line, then holy fuck... that will be one explosive offense! Cassel is MUCH better than his stats from last year show, and the dude has some stud receivers around him. Add to that a solid running game, with Charlie fucking Weis calling the plays, KC on the offensive side of the ball should be damn good. Again though, that is only IF they can get an offensive line that can actually block someone.
Losing Thomas Jones is a huge deal for the Jets, except there are a couple things to consider.

1. What did the Jets gain by cutting Jones, instead of giving him the $3 million Roster Bonus (in the uncapped year)? I cannot explain all the nuances of the uncapped NFL, but if it leads to the Jets being able to sign more FAs, then it had to be done. If they don't gain FA spending availability, then it is a bad move by the Jets, UNLESS...

2. The Jets know that he won't last. His knees wore down some at the end of the season (along with his effectiveness). If Shonn Greene didn't get injured in the AFC Championship game, that 2nd half is different, because the Jets didn't have a running game. The same thing happened 2008. The Jets may not want to take a $3 Million chance on a 31 year old running back with balky knees. Maybe they can sign LT, Westbrook, or even draft another guy late. I know what you're saying, "but the guys you listed are just as old?" Well...

3. If the Jets wanted Jones, but at a pay cut, he may have refused anyway, or bitched and moaned, causing problems in the locker room. Most people don't take to kindly to having their pay cut in half, and it kills ones ego.

Even with all that I said, Kansas City got a VERY solid back, who is a good locker room guy, who will mentor Jamal Charles. If (as jmt said) they can get an offensive line that isn't shit, then Jones will have a great year. Thomas Jones is capable of having a decent year without a good o-line (he did in 07 with the Jets), but he needs a good line in order to have a GREAT year.

Michael Vick is remaining with the eagles. FOR NOW.

Right now, he doesn't have much value. His value should go up more by/in Training Camp, where he could be traded then (especially if there is a QB injury in camp). Vick can be successful with the Eagles though, even in the part time role he had last year. They just need to give him the football more often.
Well not so much on official moves today so far, but a couple of interesting news bites from what I"m reading.

T.O. visited with Cincy yesterday to discuss if they would be interested in bringing him in. Ochocinco appears to be lobbying for T.O. to be signed to Cincy. From a football standpoint, T.O. would be a great fit and would give Palmer a desperately needed weapon. My biggest worry is that I don't know how much T.O. has left in the tank. He's 36 and I know he keeps himself in terrific shape, but he's starting to slow down and he never had real explosive speed to begin with. If he can adjust to a possession receiver, he can help Cincy out nicely. As far as the locker room, they may need to increase it's size as having Ochocinco and Owens in the same locker room? I don't know if their egos can share the same room.

Other news for today, Tomlinson is scheduled to meet with the Vikings tomorrow. This is interesting as I always thought Westbrook was the logical choice to go after as a 3rd down specialist/backup RB for the Vikings seeing as how he knows our offense already. Tomlinson did slow down last year and averaged only 3.3. yards a carry, but I think he got run down towards the end of the year and his Offensive Line really didn't help him much in San Diego. That being said, he's also one of the better/best natural pass catching running backs in NFL history, and as a 3rd down back could be vital for making the clutch 3rd down plays that Chester the Molester Taylor made.

Just a quick breakdown of pros and cons between LT and Westbrook:

Pros - Durability (only missed 3 games the last how many years), great pass catching ability, may still have some juice left with limited touches, could be a feature back if AD goes down.

Cons - Skills are diminishing, may want big money to be a backup, has never been in the back up role and may not mesh well, has to learn new offense.

Pros - Already knows the Vikings offense, good relationship with Childress, great receiver out of the backfield and occasional home run hitter on the ground, very professional

Cons - Two concussions in a year, injury prone, may also want starting like money as a backup, if injured again, may only get one year out of him.

One other thing to consider as well, the Vikings do have Albert Young who did impress me against the Giants in Week 17 when given an opportunity. He could be a solid back that is just waiting in the bushes if you will. Ultimately I think the Vikes will go for LT as long as he doesn't ask for a ton of money. If LT wants too much, expect Chilly to make a plea to Westbrook almost immediately.
Also one more thing to add here, the Vikings resigned Benny Sapp, which at least to me is a pretty big resigning. He was an unrestricted free agent, but with Cedric Griffin rehabbing a torn ACL, Sapp could be required to start in his place at the beginning of the year alongside Winfield. Sapp played pretty well as a starter last year for us, Griffin started to really come into his own as a cornerback, and of course you got Winfield. Now with a fully healthy Winfield, he should be able to get back to his former status as one of the better corners in the league. I hope and pray he does because with his injury he got burned badly a few times last year.

This of course leads to the Vikings once again possibly looking at revamping their secondary. Asher Allen needs to develop quickly, and we may also be drafting another cornerback into the ranks.
It seems T.O might not be headed to Cincy after they signed another FA WR but it could happen. As a Redskins fan I hope to god they do not bring this guy in. As stated before Devin Thomas has potential and should see more playing time this season.

As to where T.O will end up, I say the maybe the Jags or Texans. He could a deep threat for either team and the Texans on the verge of being a player this season that would really help, while the Jags could use a big name in their town.
The Cleveland Browns signed Jake Dellhomme to a 2 year deal. I don't see how this can help the Brown's already dire QB situation. The Browns are reportedly shopping Brady Quinn, and that really doesn't surprise me because he hasn't really done anything during his time with that team, and Derek Anderson is a mediocre QB at best, so it's not like he could be "the guy".
Also one more thing to add here, the Vikings resigned Benny Sapp, which at least to me is a pretty big resigning. He was an unrestricted free agent, but with Cedric Griffin rehabbing a torn ACL, Sapp could be required to start in his place at the beginning of the year alongside Winfield. Sapp played pretty well as a starter last year for us, Griffin started to really come into his own as a cornerback, and of course you got Winfield. Now with a fully healthy Winfield, he should be able to get back to his former status as one of the better corners in the league. I hope and pray he does because with his injury he got burned badly a few times last year.

This of course leads to the Vikings once again possibly looking at revamping their secondary. Asher Allen needs to develop quickly, and we may also be drafting another cornerback into the ranks.

Yes Sapp is a great signing. He really improved his play last year and I'm glad he is coming back. Also happy to see Jimmy Kennedy coming back as well. He filled in nicely for Pat and Kevin when he had to. No all we need to do is get LT signed to replace Chester Taylor and free agency will be perfect. Then we can focus on getting a lineman (Iupati (OG from Idaho) or Pouncey (G/C from Florida) or go after a guy to sure up the secondary.

The Cleveland Browns signed Jake Dellhomme to a 2 year deal. I don't see how this can help the Brown's already dire QB situation. The Browns are reportedly shopping Brady Quinn, and that really doesn't surprise me because he hasn't really done anything during his time with that team, and Derek Anderson is a mediocre QB at best, so it's not like he could be "the guy".

I think Quinn will be shipped come draft day and Anderson was already released. Honestly wouldn't surprise me if Cleveland selected Clausen or Bradford. However I think they are fine with Seneca Wallace (who they acquired from Seattle about a week ago) as a stop gap until they find a future QB. Delhomme is a quality backup if Seneca can't get it done or gets hurt.
in after theo <3 i really hope lt goes to the vikes i can see him being an excellent no2 to ap and a great 3rd down alt that can catch and run please dont sign with the jets!!
in after theo <3 i really hope lt goes to the vikes i can see him being an excellent no2 to ap and a great 3rd down alt that can catch and run please dont sign with the jets!!

I really think LT leaving NY means he will sign with Minnesota. LT had nothing but praise for the Viking organization and he even said himself that he can see himself as a Viking. I haven't heard him say anything about NY, so I'm about 58 percent sure he'll be a Viking come tomorrow or early next week.

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