Nash Shits on Miz, WWE; Promises No Return

Yeah. Once Cole gets off his dick it'll be the end of his career. He's gonna be met with the same indifference that Edge grew to be met with. You can take that to the bank.

See, now I know you're joking. The Miz is nowhere near the end of his career, in fact he's just getting started. And when the end of his career does come, if he can do a retrospective on it and compare his career to that of Edge, I think it will be a career he can be quite proud of.

Not really sure what indifference you mean either, regarding Edge.
Well then, with all due respect, I disagree with you too. The Miz has earned what he has achieved, and I for one will be interested to see how it all plays out.

Only thing I'll be interested about concerning his reign is who he loses it to. I don't think it's going to be Orton or Barrett.
proof he can put on great matches when given the right guys to work with, which is more than can be said with many champions of 10, 09, 08
I prefer the guys who can get good matches out of anybody, including chumps like Mizanin. But there I go, liking things that don't suck rather than whatever utterly mediocre flavor of the month I'm being sold. How silly. If it gets over, why should I question the lack of any real quality it actually has?
Only thing I'll be interested about concerning his reign is who he loses it to. I don't think it's going to be Orton or Barrett.

Hard to say, it all depends on how well his push goes and therefore how long it lasts. I could see him losing his title to a returning Cena in a few months time. If a little longer, it could be John Morrison. If longer again, could even be Daniel Bryan. I agree with you, I don't think he's dropping the title to Randy Orton or Wade Barrett.
I prefer the guys who can get good matches out of anybody, including chumps like Mizanin. But there I go, liking things that don't suck rather than whatever utterly mediocre flavor of the month I'm being sold. How silly. If it gets over, why should I question the lack of any real quality it actually has?


and of course you prefer those guys. Sadly, there are four of them. Four people cant hold the title at all times.
You said prefer guys who can get good matches out of anyone over the Miz. There are four of those people. He is perfectly comparable to anyone else in the upper echelon of the WWE as far as in ring ability, and is as over as anyone.

Besides, he had MITB. When would you have him cash it in, Wrestlemania?
Jeff Hardy and the Miz are our top champions in wrestling in Nov 2010. This is the state of wrestling of today. :disappointed: If anybody suggested this 3 years ago they would be laughed off as idiots.
Jeff Hardy and the Miz are our top champions in wrestling in Nov 2010. This is the state of wrestling of today. :disappointed: If anybody suggested this 3 years ago they would be laughed off as idiots.

Er, what? Jeff Hardy was more over than Mexican food and blowjobs three years ago....
You said prefer guys who can get good matches out of anyone over the Miz. There are four of those people. He is perfectly comparable to anyone else in the upper echelon of the WWE as far as in ring ability, and is as over as anyone.
I will never accept them pushing this chump over the crazily over and FAR more capable Christian. I'll never accept them pushing this chump while letting a sure thing like JoMo fade into midcard obscurity and giving him no chances to make a case for himself for half a year. I'll never accept them pushing endlessly over, extremely distinct, highly marketable veteran talent like William Regal and Golddust to the side in favor of someone as ordinary as Miz. I'll never accept that they spent the last 18 months building Miz when that time would have been better spent on Swagger, whose best promos this year trump those of Miz. I try and I try again with him. I just can't do it. He's fucking atrocious, he's the most overrated wrestler I've seen in my entire life, and he should thank his lucky stars that the standards for main event talent these days are low enough to accommodate one Randal Keith Orton.

Besides, he had MITB. When would you have him cash it in, Wrestlemania?
I don't care when, I just would have had him lose. Heck, I wouldn't have let him have it in the first place.
Err.. If Rey Mysterio, who doesn't even weight two bucks soaking wet and holding 5 bricks, can how the main title of a company, I don't know why The Miz can't. lol
Rey Mysterio is the most over wrestler the WWE has in a budding market, has been helping the company establish itself a solid Hispanic audience over the last five years, is the most overlooked major draw of the last ten, and happens to possess something called TALENT.

The Miz has an above-average grasp on the English language.

There's no comparison.
Christian and JoMo? Do we need to go down THOSE roads again?

And your last sentance in that first paragraph says it all. That alone should take care of any suprise and outrage you have over this whole thing.
I meant in a kayfabe sense. I know being over and selling merchs should be rewarded with more time in the spotlight and milked for more money but him holding a heavyweight championship just didn't feel right to me and my circle of friends.

So it is just a personal preference I guess.
I'll never accept that they spent the last 18 months building Miz when that time would have been better spent on Swagger, whose best promos this year trump those of Miz.

I agree with this. Swagger has a more believable look of a champion than Miz. I guess what is holding Swagger back might be backstage stuff like attitude, or the fear that he might follow others into MMA given his wrestling credentials.
MMA has nothing to do with anything regarding Swagger. Nor does it have anything to do with Ziggler or any other dime a dozen nobody who happened frolic around on the mat a little bit in college.
I don't know about that. After being burned twice by Lesnar and Lashley you can't blame WWE from being reluctant to push Swagger to the moon.

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