Nash Shits on Miz, WWE; Promises No Return

It's just as big a disgrace to the history of wrestling to have a title change hands like that. Especially when it's your supposed 'future' top draw's first world title. It's sad, WWE has hit a new low.

But you seem to think Nash laying down for Hogan is much better. Go back to reading your "Honcho", big man. You clearly are too manly for this.
Gotta side with Nash on this one. He might be old and a terrible wrestler compared to the guys of today but at least he's a man and not some 25 year old Men's Fitness tool who can't draw shit. Nash may have laid down for Hogan but really a world title changing hands on a RAW due to a money in the bank segment? What an awful way to push the future of your company!! It's just as big a disgrace to the history of wrestling to have a title change hands like that. Especially when it's your supposed 'future' top draw's first world title. It's sad, WWE has hit a new low.

FUCKING LULZ :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I have no idea what you said for the first part, it looked like gibberish. Anyway, as Jose said, it's completely cool for Nash to lie down and give Hogan the WCW Title on Nitro in a match not advertised to the fans, but Miz cashing in is considered a new low? And I thought shattered dreams was dumb. You have far surpassed that. Bravo junior. Bravo.
Jose, you do realize that part of the conversation is about what Nash said, not me, right?

Norcal, its Kevin Nash, I'd guess he doesn't care about the push aspect, he cares about Miz's size/look.

You could, I guess, draw some parallels between pushing the Miz and pushing Jack Swagger in that both are new exciting young superstars with a lot of promise moving forward into the future. Now Swagger's push did not work out so well (yet) but I still think he has enough of an upside to try the push. Push him and see what happens. Which they did, it was lacklustre, so t hey de-pushed him again. I would imagine Swagger will get another opportunity. Same goes for the Miz, push him and if it doesn't fly, they can always try again later, nothing ventured nothing gained.

You can get on my nerves habs but I have to say I like discussing stuff with you because you are willing to actually evolve a conversation instead of resorting to dumb crap like nick did there. There are certainly some good things here as well as negatives. I can't necessarily fault the nothing ventured nothing gained ideology here (although I wonder if you sang that same tune after TNA tried mondays). WWE absolutely needed something fresh.

All I am saying is that it is fair for people to look at the total Miz package and be skeptical of what happens going forward. They just saw someone who wasn't quite there yet cash in a MITB and be booked as a weak heel until it became a wasted lost cause. That did some damage to the championship credibility. If it happens again it would only amplify the failures. Maybe Miz can step up his mic game and succeed where Swagger failed. About the only interesting things I see going forward would be Bryan and Morrison matches. Problem is that looks a lot more like a midcard title than the big belt to me. The 3D situation is just a midcard thing and it is not even over a title. You dislike it based on judgments you have made about them as performers. I am hardly the only one questioning various things about Miz.
All you PG loving babies can have your pussy shit WWE. It sucks, Cena sucks, Nexus is the most pathetic angle since the Spirit Squad. Vince McMahon is the only person in that company still around who can draw like a man, everyone else there are boys who'll just never have what it takes to revive such a pathetic product.

So you're saying that Cena and Nexus, the young guys with actual talent and charisma can't draw or get reactions while Vince McMahon, a 60 year old man who was pulling down his pants a few years ago to make grown men kiss his ass is the only one who can still draw like a man? Riiiiiiight.
The Miz is is a joke.
Okay, the last attempt at proving this statement went well so lets give you a chance.

The guy can't draw flies yet he thinks he's the shit.
I saw a lot of guys wearing that new shirt. Lots of people love him. And I think Miz is a humble person behind the scenes. He's worked really hard for this spot, so and title of "The Shit" he has worked for/

His whole gimmick is so cliche
Your right, because those basic gimmicks with lots of movement are always the worst. I guess we should have a Badass gimmick or a corporate man gimmick, oh wait.

what wrestler today doesn't think he's the shit.
Zach Ryder. I think he knows where's he's at. I thought we were talking about the Miz?

Cena, Edge, Miz, these guys draw ratings of 3. The same households have been watching for 7 years. Some are stopping altogether and no more new ones are tuning in. The only people watching WWE are the same people who've always depended on WWE to be there. They'll love the best WWE has to offer, even if in proportion its nowhere near as good as anything WWE offered in the past
Yeah they should probably stick to a stagnant product and just keep those old fans. A great economic plan for the future.

Nash in his prime was a million times more of a draw than the Miz will ever be.

The guy is there because he looks like he's from a reality show.
He is...

That's it. He's a shit wrestler, he's a shit heel. He's just another fn emo jackass reading his script. Fans of today think he's got the charisma to be a star. Fans of today wouldn't know charisma if it smacked them on the face. Today's fans are like kids and girls even if they're 20 year old men. They're wimps who like PG bull. They don't like real men doing things that seem real in a real manner. They like reality show script like atmospheres where guys with perfect bodies and perfect tans say the same old lines about being the best. It's boring, but today's fans eat it all up basically cause they grew up in an age where image is everything.
Do you know charisma? Because I think the crowd reacting to a person like they do the Miz is charisma. He's this obnoxious douche yet the crowd cheers him and he plays them like a fiddle usually.

And don't get me started on PG. I'm fine with it. Get the fuck over it.

I'm going to stop here because I'm starting to sound coherent. I love the Miz. I love wrestling. When I get something new in wrestling it makes me exciting. Nexus, Miz, hell I even loved Sheamus! (I'm about as pale as him so maybe I'm biased.) Anything new is great in my book, so stop looking at the past and bitching, because all across the horizon, all I see is AWESSOOMMMEE!!!!
Jose, you do realize that part of the conversation is about what Nash said, not me, right?

Norcal, its Kevin Nash, I'd guess he doesn't care about the push aspect, he cares about Miz's size/look.

You can get on my nerves habs but I have to say I like discussing stuff with you because you are willing to actually evolve a conversation instead of resorting to dumb crap like nick did there. There are certainly some good things here as well as negatives. I can't necessarily fault the nothing ventured nothing gained ideology here (although I wonder if you sang that same tune after TNA tried mondays). WWE absolutely needed something fresh.

All I am saying is that it is fair for people to look at the total Miz package and be skeptical of what happens going forward. They just saw someone who wasn't quite there yet cash in a MITB and be booked as a weak heel until it became a wasted lost cause. That did some damage to the championship credibility. If it happens again it would only amplify the failures. Maybe Miz can step up his mic game and succeed where Swagger failed. About the only interesting things I see going forward would be Bryan and Morrison matches. Problem is that looks a lot more like a midcard title than the big belt to me. The 3D situation is just a midcard thing and it is not even over a title. You dislike it based on judgments you have made about them as performers. I am hardly the only one questioning various things about Miz.

I can get on your nerves? That's a pot/kettle statement if I ever heard one, but that's fine, you're not the first person I have annoyed and I doubt you'll be the last.

The "nothing ventured nothing gained ideology" is very pertinent to the Miz, but really doesn't apply to the Monday Night War experiment. The push of the Miz has the potential to succeed, and in fact I am confident that it will succeed, it's only a question of to what extent. Even with Jack Swagger, the potential for success was there, it just didn't pan out (yet). But TNA on Mondays, head to head against RAW, had no potential whatsoever. This was doomed to failure, too bad the egos of the guys involved didn't allow them to realize it.

Sure, RAW needed something fresh, every company does from time to time. I cannot understand the people who come on here complaining about the stagnant main event scene with the same collection of guys over and over again, yet as soon as someone new is injected into the scene, the same people say thy're "not ready." Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

I don't agree that the Miz came across like a weak heel, no more than Edge, or Punk, or any other opportunistic MITB winner has looked in the past. If anything, he looked a little stronger; at least he had to participate in a match, whereas some guys in the past have only had to come out and pin an already incapacitated guy. I don't agree that the Miz isn't there yet; he's definitely there, and he isn't going away anytime soon.

Let's give the guy a chance and not doom him to failure or limit him to transitional champion stature until he has had the title for more than 24 hours. This guy has definitely earned his shot, let's see if he can run with it. It could be worse. They could give the main title to a guy who rants incoherently in a coffee shop while his brother sits next to him stuffing his face with french fries. Talk about making the major title look like a midcard.
The Miz blows. Kevin Nash does not. So marks the end of my take on this mess. Bye.
The Miz blows. Kevin Nash does not. So marks the end of my take on this mess. Bye.

First part of the statement is incorrect. Second part is correct although slightly dated.

I'm starting to think you really have gone to the dark side Coco, I had been skeptical of your new-found TNA markdom until now.
How's it dated? Poor ending aside (although poor endings are a TNA staple), I'd take Foley vs. Nash from last year's Hard Justice over Miz's entire career.
How's it dated? Poor ending aside (although poor endings are a TNA staple), I'd take Foley vs. Nash from last year's Hard Justice over Miz's entire career.

The statement is dated because it's not the 1990's anymore. Kevin Nash was a force back in the day, but that day is not today, hell it isn't even yesterday. I would take the Miz's 2010 over anything Kevin Nash has done this decade.
Miz would be just another bland heel who thinks he's hot shit if it weren't for how novel Michael Cole has made everything he's done this year feel.
Miz would be just another bland heel who thinks he's hot shit if it weren't for how novel Michael Cole has made everything he's done this year feel.

See, I know you know better than this Coco. I'm not sure if you are being serious or if you're just trying to antagonize people. The Miz's push was in full force well before Cole's man crush began. The Miz came to RAW and I was the first one to say that he would be future endeavoured within 6 months. But he proved me and everyone else wrong. A great program with Cena. A US title reign and a good program with DBD. Tag team title (which admittedly means nothing). MITB victory and successful cash in. Tremendous development in his in-ring work. Continued improvement in already above average mic work. Charisma to burn. Heat magnet like few other current superstars.

I'm sure you saw Miz's promo a while back (I forget exactly when it was) when he went through all of his successes from this year. And it was all true in a blend of kayfabe and reality. You better get used to the Miz being around, because when you give your head a shake and realize that TNA isn't all that, the Miz will still be at or near the top of the WWE.
See, I know you know better than this Coco. I'm not sure if you are being serious or if you're just trying to antagonize people. The Miz's push was in full force well before Cole's man crush began. The Miz came to RAW and I was the first one to say that he would be future endeavoured within 6 months. But he proved me and everyone else wrong. A great program with Cena. A US title reign and a good program with DBD. Tag team title (which admittedly means nothing). MITB victory and successful cash in. Tremendous development in his in-ring work. Continued improvement in already above average mic work. Charisma to burn. Heat magnet like few other current superstars.

I'm sure you saw Miz's promo a while back (I forget exactly when it was) when he went through all of his successes from this year. And it was all true in a blend of kayfabe and reality. You better get used to the Miz being around, because when you give your head a shake and realize that TNA isn't all that, the Miz will still be at or near the top of the WWE.

Between his feud with Cena and NXT, he had average matches with Truth and MVP. He gave that one good promo and that was it. Cole hated Bryan, Miz was Bryan's pro, and that started the Miz love from Cole. Cole has done more to get Miz heat this past year than Miz himself. I don't see too much development in his in-ring work. I heard people say he had that great match with Bryan. Bryan had great matches with Ziggler and I believe Ziggler is more suited to be a champion.

The Miz is proof that a goofy name doesn't hold you back.
Miz would be just another bland heel who thinks he's hot shit if it weren't for how novel Michael Cole has made everything he's done this year feel.

Are we really gonna go down this road? Insinuating that the reason he receives mega-ton bomb heat somehow makes it less valuble or something?

People fucking hate him. He is a bad guy. End of.
I really don't think good work with Cena and Bryan is proof of any kind of skill.
Are we really gonna go down this road? Insinuating that the reason he receives mega-ton bomb heat somehow makes it less valuble or something?

People fucking hate him. He is a bad guy. End of.
Yeah. Once Cole gets off his dick it'll be the end of his career. He's gonna be met with the same indifference that Edge grew to be met with. You can take that to the bank.
Between his feud with Cena and NXT, he had average matches with Truth and MVP. He gave that one good promo and that was it. Cole hated Bryan, Miz was Bryan's pro, and that started the Miz love from Cole. Cole has done more to get Miz heat this past year than Miz himself. I don't see too much development in his in-ring work. I heard people say he had that great match with Bryan. Bryan had great matches with Ziggler and I believe Ziggler is more suited to be a champion.

The Miz is proof that a goofy name doesn't hold you back.

Well then, with all due respect, I disagree with you too. The Miz has earned what he has achieved, and I for one will be interested to see how it all plays out.

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