Wrestlemania 27 - The Miz (c) vs. John Cena - WWE Championship

So this is main eventing, the match might just be like Hogan/Warrior, might go on for 20 mins, but like Warrior/Hogan was made impressive, this doesn't scream classic encounter to me.. It should be an ok match though..

I see Cena winning as he is undefeated in singles matches at Mania, and he is number 1 in the WWE, however if he puts over Miz, that could do soo much for him, Main eventing and winning his first wrestlemania world title match! It would do him wonders, to have him standing tall at the end of Mania.. I just can't wait to see what role The Rock plays in this match!!
I can see The Miz winning this match, because The Rock will get his own back from the AA on Monday, and cost Cena the match. This will result in a Cena/Rock feud that I can see leading up until SummerSlam, or maybe before. However, I think this feud will mainly base around insults and trash talking, maybe a few in-ring confrontations. I think after tonight this will completely write The Miz off this storyline, and then Miz will go into another feud with someone else about the WWE title.

That's what I think will happen, but is merely a prediction. Obviously there is a very clear alternative; Cena could unleash his superpowers and 5 moves of doom and win the WWE title....again and then The Rock will begin celebrating with Cena afterwards, which would result in the shortest and *homophobic remark* ever feud in WWE - which would totally suck ass, but it's definitely a possibility.
Okay, I am sick of Cena winning the title too BUT in no way do I believe Miz deserves this kind of rub. You have to lying to yourself if you think the Miz has been a good champion or has been booked well up until 3 weeks ago. Almost everyone here has said they agree if Miz loses his reign was a joke. Then are contradicting yourself in saying Miz has done a good job as champ. Pretty much everyone on these boards thought the Miz/Orton fued was crap. All of their matches were average, just like virtually every match in Miz's career. Then instead of building his cred, they book him into an actual ppv fued against Lawler. That was embarrassing and another average match. Miz has yet to impress me in the ring and thats the most important to me in terms of being a good champ. Even his promo work, which imo is overrated, hasnt sparked interest in any of his fueds. They had to bring back The Rock to get people to pay attention to this match that is how little faith they have in Miz. If people thinks the Miz draws 'mega' heat, you obviously never watched WWE prior to 2008 or your hard of hearing. I can hear crickets during Miz's matches, the crowd is so asleep.

Anyways IMO, Miz didnt desrve to be WWE Champion in the first place. The guy had one of the most mediocre careers of any guy to win the strap. Honestly name me one great Miz match ? Miz has already been rewarded enough. He won the strap. Got to beat Orton 3 times. And actually held it more than 3 months. Now somebody of his low caliber is actually main eventing mania. Sad. He has been rewarded plenty. I dont care how much ass he kiss. I watch the show to be entertained, and Miz has failed to accomplish that goal. Honestly think of all the guys Cena hs fought and could have put over, all of them were WAY more deserving than Mike Mizanin. How can people say Miz needs the win to get established. Before it used to be you were already established and thats why you were allowed to main event mania in the first place. Everyone is quick to jump on Miz being the future cause they read it on a couple dirt sheets. Well im too sorry, you cant think for yourself, but if actually did the math you would see Miz is not a draw, with ppv buyrates he ME being down from last year and his segments on raw losing viewers. Im not sold on this idea he's being cemented in his spot until I see it for myself.

But its funny people think WWE is doing a good job running its business lately despite all the huge changes they have had to make in the last 2-3 years. But we all know Miz is champion because Vince to be more like hollywood any way. I mean we need guys who know how to how to work the late night shows. We need hollywood writers who dont sh*t about wrestling to book the shows. Oh I guess I cant say wrestling right ? I guess guys like Bret Hart and others like him were un-charismatic bumpkins. I mean sh*ting all over the legacy of your family and tradition of wrestling, which made you all the money you have, dosent mean anything right ?

call me crazy. I think the Rock is going to close the show by winning the WWE title. I thought of this even before the Chairshot Reality segment that was posted earlier today. If Vince supposedly "knows" whats going to happen with the Rock/Cena feud, then why is he making it sound like its such a big secret? I smeell an epic twist here.

Five things:
1) Del Rio is going to beat Edge, thats almost a given imo.
2) Rock is going to involved in the main event match
3) If and when he does, he will not help Cena win the title. That would be ******ed given the fact what Cena did to him on Monday.
4) Miz will not leave Atlanta with the title if Del Rio does as well.
5) Rock will somehow challenge the winner of the actual match OR will insert himself toward the end of the match (I'm insane now, right?)

Honestly, what I can see happening...Miz beats Cena with a little bit of cheating. While he is celebrating, the GM sends an email (and what better person to read the email than Good Ol JR). Either the GM makes the new match official OR Rock is revealed as the GM and makes the match himself.
The match lasts no more than 2 min and the rest is history. Lastly, this doesn't mean Rock is back full-time. He can easily drop the title next month or even the night after on Raw by forfeiting it.

call me crazy. I think the Rock is going to close the show by winning the WWE title. I thought of this even before the Chairshot Reality segment that was posted earlier today. If Vince supposedly "knows" whats going to happen with the Rock/Cena feud, then why is he making it sound like its such a big secret? I smeell an epic twist here.

Five things:
1) Del Rio is going to beat Edge, thats almost a given imo.
( unlucky about that one champ ;) )
2) Rock is going to involved in the main event match
3) If and when he does, he will not help Cena win the title. That would be ******ed given the fact what Cena did to him on Monday.
4) Miz will not leave Atlanta with the title if Del Rio does as well.
5) Rock will somehow challenge the winner of the actual match OR will insert himself toward the end of the match (I'm insane now, right?)

Honestly, what I can see happening...Miz beats Cena with a little bit of cheating. While he is celebrating, the GM sends an email (and what better person to read the email than Good Ol JR). Either the GM makes the new match official OR Rock is revealed as the GM and makes the match himself.
The match lasts no more than 2 min and the rest is history. Lastly, this doesn't mean Rock is back full-time. He can easily drop the title next month or even the night after on Raw by forfeiting it.

What exactly do you mean 'SPOIL THE MAIN EVENT'. You were wrong about the Rock winning anything, challenging anyone, getting into a match or being named the GM.

I don't know if I liked the ending or not.. When they both got counted out you just knew that Rock was going to come out and restart it. The rock bottom was evening up the floor, but the way Miz retained (twice) wasn't the best move for his character.
John Cena will win the WWE Championship.

This was HORRIBLE. I got the results wrong, but that's the last thing on my mind. Cena should have won. What did Miz do to deserve this title reign, let alone to RETAIN at Wrestlemania!? I was angry enough to throw the tv off the balcony. The Rock came out to stop the countout because this is not TNA and the last match cannot end in insane booking. Good move by The Rock. Then he costs Cena the match, giving Miz the win, and setting up a match between the two icons for.... next year? I won't even get into that since it's a topic for another thread (looking forward to it regardless). The bottom line is this, Cena should have won. I will take ANYONE to take the title off of Miz. I don't care WHO it is. Even if some random guy from NXT, FCW, one of the Tough Enough contestants, or even one of the camera men. ANYBODY BUT MIZ. He has no in-ring ability whatsoever and is NOT believable as champion!!!! The match was boring other than the entrances and The Rock's involvement. WWE screwed up BIG TIME on the entire show, but this was the worst. Here's to hoping they are able to keep their promise for next year and give us Cena VS The Rock, the match we SHOULD have gotten sunday. Miz could have faced Morrison and Cena could have faced Rock. At least WWE isn't as bad as TNA with their booking.

On a happier note, Cena's red shirt sure looks cool. I'll be ordering one. I've already got the orange and purple ones. They will probably do one of each color in the spectrum after Rock's fruity pebbles joke.
I'm honestly not surprised that Miz came out on top. I don't usually take Twitter posts seriously but Rock did say payback was coming. This will more than likely solidify him as a main eventer and world title contender for years to come. I'm also happy that this helps set up Cena/Rock even though we have to wait about another year for it to happen. Hopefully, Cena and Miz will drop their feud so Miz can go on to have a real feud with Morrison (finally) for the title.
This was the worst Mania main event of all time. I feel sorry for the Atlanta having to go through all that. This match was a RAW main event worthy.

I really do like the Rock. Been one of the millions and millions of his fans, but having him guest host really makes me miss the Attitude ERA Rock even more. He is just not the same.

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