John Cena = Mr. Money in the Bank?..

Money in the Bank to push new talent? Let's look at the history of MitB.

Edge won it first: Unnecessary, he was already in the ME picture on and off.
RVD second: Also not needed.
Kennedy won, Edge cashed: Neither needed as both were in the Main Event/Upper mid-card pictures at the times they both obtained it.
Punk 2x: Okay, first time it was needed from my knowledge, I didn't watch much thay year, but I assume Punk was lower mid card at the time he won his first. Winning his second, I could see that one also as pushing new talent up.
Jack Swagger:Okay, he would've had to had it to be ME. As he fell shortly after losing the title.
Kane and Miz: Kane completely unnecessary. Though, The Miz did need the push to make it finally.

So in conclusion of the 8 MitB matches: Half needed the push (if you count both of Punk's wins as needed) and half didn't. I just like the MitB to surprise me when it's being used. I did not like RVD's use of it. And if Cena were to get it, he could not cash in when an opponent was down. Now, I could see Cena being the first to lose after cashing in the MitB, and I would be okay with that. Someone finally lost, cashing it in, and Cena will lose nothing in return and probably get another title shot next PPV anyway.
The first person to lose mitb has to be someone who can bounce back fairly easily and shake the stigma that's going to be attached to it. Cena can do this easily with his "the better man won" shpiel, whereas an unproven main eventer may never recover from the loss.

Back on subject; disagree. I wouldn't mind seeing Cena along with Orton and a few others in the MATCH, but I wouldnt like to see him with the briefcase. As someone already stated, he doesn't even need the title at this point in his career.

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