Smackdown 8th Week
Teddy Long is in the ring, The entire Smackdown Roster (Besides The Undertaker and injured superstars), Samoan Joe, Creed and Lethal, Miz, Swagger, Masters, Sheamus, DHS, Tyson Kidd, Cena, Orton, Michelle McCool (People who have appeared on Smackdown occasionally) are all present at ringside surrounding the ring. Teddy Long begins to speak
Teddy Long:
I need to make it clear to each and every one of you about the rules of my show. Some months back I declared that no one is allowed to interfere during a match with consequences of being fired. Now I'm going to add more rules in this week and I want to make it clear to all of you, if you don't follow my rules you are out of here. I don't care if your a Champion, General Manager and so forth, if you don't follow these rules I'm about to lay down then you are out of here. Of course I can't fire anyone who is not apart of Smackdown and I will probably have trouble getting them from the brand they are apart of, instead I will have them arrested and then they will be someone else's problem. Now for the new rules I am implementing. From now on there will be no fights, attacks what ever before matches, after matches, during matches, backstage, outside the arena etc, cheating, getting yourself disqualified will also not be tolerated. If you do any of this on Friday night, near the arena Smackdown is at I will punish you. From now on Smackdown will be completely based on the action that happens in the ring. Now I would like to add two more matches that will occur tonight in addition with the four that will already happen, They will be two tag team matches as the first will be Mickie James and Maria facing off against Melina and the Diva's champion Maryse, second John Morrison and a partner of his choosing will face CM Punk and a partner of his choice. That is it, have a good night everyone....
Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy. Don't go anywhere playas as your match will begin after the break.
Commercial Break
Jericho gets to his feet, he grabs his title as he poses over Jeff as he makes his way backstage. Jeff gets up and looks disappointed as we head to another break
Commercial Break
Mickie goes to continue attacking Melina but Maryse slides into the ring, Mickie exits the ring and makes her way up the ramp laughing, Maryse checks on Melina who is out cold
Look we need to discuss something with the both of you.
Can you both wait until after my match, I need to get to the ring now.
Alright we will wait until after your match..
Split Screen appears showing Matt Hardy and Cody Rhodes heading the ring
Commercial Break
Both men lock up, after circling the ring for a few seconds Cody moves to the side of Matt and attempts a russian legsweep. Matt blocks it as Cody falls to the mat. Matt falls backwards hitting an elbow. Matt hits a couple more elbow drops before attempting a pin which fails. Matt gets Cody to his feet then irish whips him into one of the corners. He follows up with a clothesline and attempts a bulldog but Cody manages to push Hardy away. Cody runs up behind quickly and hits a russian legsweep and rolls Matt up during the move in a pinfall attempt (Like Kofi Kingston does). Matt quickly kicks out. Cody gets up only to start hitting knee drop after knee drop onto Matt. Finally he stops and attempts another pin. After Matt kicks out, Cody locks a sleeper hold on him. Matt slowly gets to his feet and once he does he elbows Cody a couple of times to break the hold. Matt runs towards the ropes, Cody follows runs behind him. As Matt goes to bounce off the ropes Cody is there, Matt quickly back body drops Cody over the top rope to the outside. Cody slowly gets to his feet, once he does Matt jumps over the top rope onto him knocking him down again. Matt grabs Cody and rolls him into the ring and awaits for him to get to his feet. Once he does he grabs Cody and hits the side effect. Matt covers Cody for a two count. After the pin attempt Matt climbs to the top rope, once Cody gets to his feet Matt jumps and hits him in the back with an elbow. Matt grabs Cody and goes for the twist of fate. Matt twists around and is about to drop Cody, Cody quickly gets control as he pulls Matt down and hits the Cross Rhodes. Cody covers Matt for the pinfall victory.
Cody quickly exits the ring and makes his way up the ramp taunting Matt. Matt slowly gets to his feet holding his head in pain as we go to another break.
Commercial Break
CM Punk is walking around, he asks a few backstage personals if Samoan Joe is still in the building, he gets directed to one of the locker rooms where Joe is getting ready in ring gear
Punk I know why you are here, you are here to ask me if I can tag with you against John Morrison tonight? Before you say anything, last night I betrayed you during the Tag Team Rumble. Why would you trust me?
CM Punk:
Look I know you were angry at me after it looked like I was trying to win the X Division Title at Final Resolution. You took your anger out on me last week and last night. It doesn't matter now, I just need a partner for tonight. So can we put our differences beside and work together tonight?
Samoan Joe:
Starting over? I like that. Look you head to the ring now, I'll be right behind you.
_____________________________________Back at Ringside_____________________________________
John Morrison:
Everybody, your Friday night delight is here, now tonight I am facing the two men standing in front of me in the ring. For this match I was meant to go backstage and find myself a partner.
CM Punk:
Look John I don't understand what the point of you introducing your partner, who is it? The Miz, you two got over your little differences last night, tonight me and the Samoan Submission Machine Samoan Joe also reconciled. Now get on with it and bring your partner The Miz out, I know he is in the building so he obviously will be your partner.
John Morrison:
Are you done? No my partner tonight is not The Miz. I've actually have a partner that has true hatred towards you, someone who came up to me tonight and asked me if he could be my partner as he wants a piece of you.
CM Punk:
and who might that be?
John Morrison:
Well Punk you should turn around...
Punk's face goes white, he slowly turns around Joe quickly punches Punk in the mouth. John Morrison gets on the apron as the Ref calls for the bell
Joe grabs Punk and irish whips him across the ring. Forearm smash to Punk in a corner followed by a CCS Enzuigiri. Joe grabs Punk and hits the Muscle Buster, he tags Morrison in and lays Punk in position for Morrison to hit the Starship Pain. Morrison pins Punk for the three count as Joe makes his way backstage.
Commercial Break

Edge gets to his feet and climbs each turnbuckle celebrating. DHS and Tyson Kidd join him in the ring. Edge just walks by as he heads backstage. DHS and Kidd stand in the ring until Ted gets to his feet. they both swing but stop before hitting him as Ted falls too the mat scared. DHS and Kidd set their chairs up and sit down on them as Ted slides out of the ring and makes his way backstage, joining Cody on the way up the ramp. DHS and Kidd just wave at both men as we head.....
CM Punk walks into Teddy Longs office
CM Punk:
Teddy Long what was that just then? You told me and Morrison to find a partner each, I chose Samoan Joe but he ended up helping Morrison. How is that fair, it was meant to be two on two not one on two. Wasn't that against your rules you set earlier tonight?
Teddy Long:
Actually Punk what John and Joe did too you, well there was nothing wrong with what they did.
CM Punk:
How can you say that? They cheated.
Teddy Long:
They outsmarted you. There was nothing wrong with what they did, you should of seen it coming and instead of asking Samoan Joe you should of asked for a different partner.
Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes storm in
Teddy Long how could you let the Hart Dynasty do that to us, they attacked me before my match and continued their assault backstage during my match on Cody.
Teddy Long:
Look Ted, Cody I was watching all your movements backstage from backstage before your match and during the match. Neither David Hart Smith or Tyson Kidd laid a finger on either of you men. You two merely ran away the entire time. Look Punk, Ted, Cody I need all three of you to leave because....
A backstage guy rushes in
Mr Long I need you to come along with me, something has happened to Rey Mysterio.
The backstage guy and Teddy Long rush out of the office, Punk, Ted and Cody follow as we head to another commercial break
Commercial Break
Back from the break, Teddy Long reaches where Rey is, Rey is already on a stretcher. The person who found him said Rey was just lying on the ground beaten down. Ron Killings walks by as he checks on what is happening.
Woah Teddy what about our triple threat tonight.
Teddy Long:
Since Rey Mysterio seemingly will not be able to compete tonights main event will just be you vs Dolph Ziggler one on one.
Teddy Long whispers something to a couple of the backstage crew before announcing that he will follow Rey Mysterio too the hospital. The ambulance with Rey Mysterio in it takes off as Teddy Long follows in a car behind. A bunch of superstars watch on as they leave as we head to another commercial break
Commercial Break
Back from the break, still backstage as Ron Killings has just finished getting ready, Cryme Tyme walk in
Yo Truth we heard what happened to Rey Mysterio, we figured we should be with you at ringside in case someone tries to get you.
Ron Killings:
I think it would be better if you stayed back here, we don't need to risk me or any of you getting involved in a way which will get us fired. Stay alert though, if something does happen just do what you think is best.
Killings walks out of the locker room as it is now time for the main event
_____________________________________Back at Ringside_____________________________________
Ziggler you seem pretty proud of yourself, I have to ask you if you were the one who was foolish enough to attack Mysterio just before.
Dolph Ziggler:
(after a grabbing a microphone). You really think I would be stupid enough to lose my opportunity to win the rumble and go on to main event wrestlemania. All I'm happy about right now is that I don't have to face you and Rey at the same time. Now this is one on one I can win with ease as you see, I did it last week. I'll do it again this week.
Both men get into each others faces, The referee breaks them up as Tony Chimel makes an announcement
By orders of the Smackdown general manager Theodore Long the following contest will be a no count out, no disqualification match where pinfalls and submission count anywhere
Ziggler gets into Tony Chimmels face screaming at him as the Bell Rings
Killings comes from behind pushing Ziggler towards the ropes. He follows it up by clotheslining Ziggler out of the ring to the outside. Ziggler quickly gets to his feet. Killings fakes jumping over the top rope causing Ziggler to fall to his back. Killings uses this time to slide out of the ring and starts stomping away and Ziggler. Ziggler tries to escape but ends up being thrown into the ring post and announcers table before getting pushed in the ring. Killings goes under the ring and pulls out some weapons including two chairs, a trash can and a table. He pushes all the weapons in the ring and gets on the apron. Ziggler is up though and swings one of the chairs at Killings. Killings ducks the chair. Ziggler attempts it again but gets punched in the face knocking him down. Killings grabs Ziggler again and attempts a suplex from the apron. Ziggler goes up but breaks out of it and lands on the apron behind Ziggler. Ziggler quickly grabs Killings pushing him into the ropes before throwing him back into the announcers table. The table wobbles but manages to stay together. Ziggler decides to take the table apart and places Killings onto it. Ziggler climbs onto the apron as he gets ready to jump! Killings rolls of the table in time though, Ziggler jumps off the apron and grabs Killings, pushing him into the steel steps and back into the ring. Ziggler places a chair in the center of the ring, grabs Killings and attempts the Zig Zag. Killnigs stays on his feet though sending Ziggler into the chair. Killings collapses though. Both men slowly get to their feet while laying blows into each other. Killnigs gets the best of Ziggler as he manages to irish whip Ziggler towards the ropes before executing a sitout hip toss. Killings lift Ziggler up in a front powerslam and attempts a pin for a two count. Killings gets to his feet, he forces Ziggler up before kicking him in the stomach and runs towards the ropes. Killings attempts the Scissors Kick but Ziggler moves out of the way. Ziggler quickly attempts another Zig Zag, Killings pushes Ziggler back though. Ziggler charges Killings straight away but walks into a drop kick. Killings attempts a pin for a near fall. Jim Ross apologizes to the fans on commentary as he says we have to head to the final commercial break of the night.
Commercial Break
Smackdown 8th Week Quick Results
Chris Jericho defeated Jeff Hardy (Pinfall)
Mickie James and Maria vs Melina and Maryse (No contest after Mickie attacked Maryse, Melina and Maria during the match)
Cody Rhodes defeated Matt Hardy (Pinfall)
John Morrison and Samoan Joe defeated CM Punk (Pinfall)
Edge defeated Ted DiBiase (Pinfall)
Dolph Ziggler defeated Ron Killings in a no DQ match (Pinfall). (Ziggler will now be entered into the Royal Rumble match at the Number 30 spot)
Teddy Long made it clear anyone to lay a hand on each other outside of an official match (including people interfering during a match), People getting purposely DQ'ed during a match etc, will be punished
Mickie James went ape shit on Maria, Melina and Maryse
Samoan Joe turned Face after attacking CM Punk (Joe was originally meant to be his partner but he tricked him and attacked him instead)
Rey Mysterio was attacked backstage by an unknown assailant making the main event a singles match.
After Ziggler beat Killings to get a spot in the Royal Rumble, Ric Flair returned to the company and raised Zigglers arm proclaiming Ziggler will be the man.
Raw 9th week matches
Batista, Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes vs Edge, Jeff and Matt Hardy.
Chris Jericho and The Big Show vs David Hart Smith and Tysonn Kidd.
John Cena vs Randy Orton in a Steel Cage with special guest referee, the Raw General Manager Jeff Jarrett.
The Miz (c) vs Jack Swagger vs Chris Masters (US title)
Mickie James and Maria vs Melina and Maryse (No contest after Mickie attacked Maryse, Melina and Maria during the match)
Cody Rhodes defeated Matt Hardy (Pinfall)
John Morrison and Samoan Joe defeated CM Punk (Pinfall)
Edge defeated Ted DiBiase (Pinfall)
Dolph Ziggler defeated Ron Killings in a no DQ match (Pinfall). (Ziggler will now be entered into the Royal Rumble match at the Number 30 spot)
Teddy Long made it clear anyone to lay a hand on each other outside of an official match (including people interfering during a match), People getting purposely DQ'ed during a match etc, will be punished
Mickie James went ape shit on Maria, Melina and Maryse
Samoan Joe turned Face after attacking CM Punk (Joe was originally meant to be his partner but he tricked him and attacked him instead)
Rey Mysterio was attacked backstage by an unknown assailant making the main event a singles match.
After Ziggler beat Killings to get a spot in the Royal Rumble, Ric Flair returned to the company and raised Zigglers arm proclaiming Ziggler will be the man.
Raw 9th week matches
Batista, Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes vs Edge, Jeff and Matt Hardy.
Chris Jericho and The Big Show vs David Hart Smith and Tysonn Kidd.
John Cena vs Randy Orton in a Steel Cage with special guest referee, the Raw General Manager Jeff Jarrett.
The Miz (c) vs Jack Swagger vs Chris Masters (US title)