Superstar Championship Wrestling, (WWE and TNA in Business Together)

Smackdown 8th Week


Teddy Long is in the ring, The entire Smackdown Roster (Besides The Undertaker and injured superstars), Samoan Joe, Creed and Lethal, Miz, Swagger, Masters, Sheamus, DHS, Tyson Kidd, Cena, Orton, Michelle McCool (People who have appeared on Smackdown occasionally) are all present at ringside surrounding the ring. Teddy Long begins to speak

Teddy Long:
I need to make it clear to each and every one of you about the rules of my show. Some months back I declared that no one is allowed to interfere during a match with consequences of being fired. Now I'm going to add more rules in this week and I want to make it clear to all of you, if you don't follow my rules you are out of here. I don't care if your a Champion, General Manager and so forth, if you don't follow these rules I'm about to lay down then you are out of here. Of course I can't fire anyone who is not apart of Smackdown and I will probably have trouble getting them from the brand they are apart of, instead I will have them arrested and then they will be someone else's problem. Now for the new rules I am implementing. From now on there will be no fights, attacks what ever before matches, after matches, during matches, backstage, outside the arena etc, cheating, getting yourself disqualified will also not be tolerated. If you do any of this on Friday night, near the arena Smackdown is at I will punish you. From now on Smackdown will be completely based on the action that happens in the ring. Now I would like to add two more matches that will occur tonight in addition with the four that will already happen, They will be two tag team matches as the first will be Mickie James and Maria facing off against Melina and the Diva's champion Maryse, second John Morrison and a partner of his choosing will face CM Punk and a partner of his choice. That is it, have a good night everyone....

Teddy Long:
Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy. Don't go anywhere playas as your match will begin after the break.

Commercial Break

Back from the break, Jericho has control over Hardy as Jericho is stomping away at Hardy. Jericho gets Hardy into one of the corners and Irish Whips him across the ring, quickly following behind so he can hit a hard clothesline in the other corner. Jericho continues with a one handed bulldog and attempting a pin getting a two count. Jericho gets Hardy to his feet and lifts him in a torture rack position. Jericho holds Hardy up for while before dropping to his knees and letting him go. Jericho covers Hardy again but only manages another two count. Jericho grabs Hardy in a double underhook hold and lifts him up. Hardy gets out and lands on his feet behind Jericho. Hardy then uses a backslide to get Jericho in a pinfall attempt for a two count. After a moment both men get to their feet, Hardy hits a sitout Jawbreaker knocking Jericho back. He continues by hitting a sitout inverted suplex slam. He continues the assault with two mule kicks to Jericho and a double leg drop to Jericho's midsection. Jeff gets Jericho to his feet in one of the corners and Irish Whips him across the ring. Next, Jeff runs towards Jericho and hits a flying elbow. Jeff irish whips Jericho across the ring once more and charges at it, Jericho moves out of the way though. Jeff quickly climbs the rope and attempts whisper in the wind. Jericho however counters it into a codebreaker. Jericho covers Jeff for the three count and victory.


Jericho gets to his feet, he grabs his title as he poses over Jeff as he makes his way backstage. Jeff gets up and looks disappointed as we head to another break

Commercial Break

Melina is already in the ring from during the commercial break, the Diva's Champion Maryse joins her in the ring.
Maria and Mickie walk out, Mickie looks extremely frustrated as the two divas get in the ring. The Bell Rings as the match begins
Before anything can happen Mickie charges towards Maryse knocking out of the ring. Mickie exits the ring and stomps the hell out of Maryse before ramming her into the steel steps. Melina tries to help but is attacked from behind by Maria. Maria punches, slaps and stomps at Melina before irish whipping her into one of the corners. Maria attempts a clothesline in the corner but Melina moves out of the way. Maria walks out of the corner right into a charging 180º spinning facebuster from Melina. Melina gets a split–legged pin on Maria which is broken up by Mickie. Micke starts choking and bashing Melina's head into the mat. The ref and Maria try to stomp her, Mickie stops for a moment only to hit the Mick Kick on Maria. The ref calls for the bell to end the match.

Mickie goes to continue attacking Melina but Maryse slides into the ring, Mickie exits the ring and makes her way up the ramp laughing, Maryse checks on Melina who is out cold
Jeff Hardy is sitting down getting checked on by one of the trainers, Matt Hardy is next to him lacing up his boots. Helms and Moore walk up to them. After their greetings they start talking

Look we need to discuss something with the both of you.

Can you both wait until after my match, I need to get to the ring now.

Alright we will wait until after your match..

Split Screen appears showing Matt Hardy and Cody Rhodes heading the ring

Commercial Break

Rhodes makes his way to the ring by himself for his match against Matt Hardy
Matt Hardy makes his way and enters the ring. Matt and Cody circle the ring as the Bell Rings

Both men lock up, after circling the ring for a few seconds Cody moves to the side of Matt and attempts a russian legsweep. Matt blocks it as Cody falls to the mat. Matt falls backwards hitting an elbow. Matt hits a couple more elbow drops before attempting a pin which fails. Matt gets Cody to his feet then irish whips him into one of the corners. He follows up with a clothesline and attempts a bulldog but Cody manages to push Hardy away. Cody runs up behind quickly and hits a russian legsweep and rolls Matt up during the move in a pinfall attempt (Like Kofi Kingston does). Matt quickly kicks out. Cody gets up only to start hitting knee drop after knee drop onto Matt. Finally he stops and attempts another pin. After Matt kicks out, Cody locks a sleeper hold on him. Matt slowly gets to his feet and once he does he elbows Cody a couple of times to break the hold. Matt runs towards the ropes, Cody follows runs behind him. As Matt goes to bounce off the ropes Cody is there, Matt quickly back body drops Cody over the top rope to the outside. Cody slowly gets to his feet, once he does Matt jumps over the top rope onto him knocking him down again. Matt grabs Cody and rolls him into the ring and awaits for him to get to his feet. Once he does he grabs Cody and hits the side effect. Matt covers Cody for a two count. After the pin attempt Matt climbs to the top rope, once Cody gets to his feet Matt jumps and hits him in the back with an elbow. Matt grabs Cody and goes for the twist of fate. Matt twists around and is about to drop Cody, Cody quickly gets control as he pulls Matt down and hits the Cross Rhodes. Cody covers Matt for the pinfall victory.

Cody quickly exits the ring and makes his way up the ramp taunting Matt. Matt slowly gets to his feet holding his head in pain as we go to another break.

Commercial Break


CM Punk is walking around, he asks a few backstage personals if Samoan Joe is still in the building, he gets directed to one of the locker rooms where Joe is getting ready in ring gear
Samoan Joe:
Punk I know why you are here, you are here to ask me if I can tag with you against John Morrison tonight? Before you say anything, last night I betrayed you during the Tag Team Rumble. Why would you trust me?

CM Punk:
Look I know you were angry at me after it looked like I was trying to win the X Division Title at Final Resolution. You took your anger out on me last week and last night. It doesn't matter now, I just need a partner for tonight. So can we put our differences beside and work together tonight?

Samoan Joe:
Starting over? I like that. Look you head to the ring now, I'll be right behind you.

_____________________________________Back at Ringside_____________________________________

Punk walks out to the top of the stage, he holds the World Heavyweight Championship high above his head on the way to the ring. He poses in the ring still holding the belt high.
Samoan Joe makes his way to the ring. As he gets in the ring Punk is praising Joe.
John Morrison walks out and stands at the top of the ramp, he has a microphone in hand

John Morrison:
Everybody, your Friday night delight is here, now tonight I am facing the two men standing in front of me in the ring. For this match I was meant to go backstage and find myself a partner.

CM Punk:
Look John I don't understand what the point of you introducing your partner, who is it? The Miz, you two got over your little differences last night, tonight me and the Samoan Submission Machine Samoan Joe also reconciled. Now get on with it and bring your partner The Miz out, I know he is in the building so he obviously will be your partner.

John Morrison:
Are you done? No my partner tonight is not The Miz. I've actually have a partner that has true hatred towards you, someone who came up to me tonight and asked me if he could be my partner as he wants a piece of you.

CM Punk:
and who might that be?

John Morrison:
Well Punk you should turn around...
Punk's face goes white, he slowly turns around Joe quickly punches Punk in the mouth. John Morrison gets on the apron as the Ref calls for the bell
Joe grabs Punk and irish whips him across the ring. Forearm smash to Punk in a corner followed by a CCS Enzuigiri. Joe grabs Punk and hits the Muscle Buster, he tags Morrison in and lays Punk in position for Morrison to hit the Starship Pain. Morrison pins Punk for the three count as Joe makes his way backstage.

John Morrison grabs the World Title as he poses over Punk as we head to another commercial break

Commercial Break
After the break, a Promo for the Royal Rumble going through the matches followed by another promo of the three hour Raw next week. During the Raw promo it is announced Batista, Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes will face Edge, Jeff and Matt Hardy. Chris Jericho and The Big Show will face David Hart Smith and Tysonn Kidd. John Cena vs Randy Orton will now be in a Steel Cage with special guest referee, the Raw General Manager Jeff Jarrett. That plus more on the special three hour edition of Raw next Monday ;)

Edge makes his way to the ring for his match against Ted DiBiase
Ted DiBiase at first doesn't come out. After stopping and playing his music again he comes out through the audience, his face is quite pale. When he finally gets in the ring he doesn't pay much attention to Edge and is searching the crowd for someone or something.The Bell Rings
Ted turns his back on Edge as he looks out towards the crowd once again. Edge comes from behind and rolls Ted up. Ted quickly kicks out and rolls out of the ring. Edge slides out after him. After a chase around the ring Ted slides in and quickly gets to his feet. Edge slides halfway in before quickly sliding out before Ted can hit him. Edge quickly grabs Ted and pulls him too the mat before dragging him out of the ring and into the guardrail. Edge stomps away at Ted before sliding him back in the ring. Edge grabs Ted and hits a Leg hook reverse STO. Ted rolls towards one of the corners. Edge gets him to his feet, Ted pushes Edge back which causes Edge to hits the ref backwards. The ref falls to the mat for a second, Ted hits a lowblow on Edge taking him down. Ted hits multiple fist and elbow drops, a double foot stamp before locking in the million dollar dream on Edge. Edge quickly tries to make it to the ropes but Ted pulls him back to the center of the ring. Ted suddenly lets go of the hold though as Cody runs out from backstage to the top of the ramp where he trips over. David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd follow soon after with two chairs in hand. Ted slides out of the ring, he grabs a chair and gets in front of Cody. The two teams have a stair off on the ramp. Edge is up, he comes from behind pushing Cody forward off the ramp and grabs Ted. Edge pulls Ted into the ring. Edge hits the Edgecution on Ted. Edge pins Ted for the three count.

Edge gets to his feet and climbs each turnbuckle celebrating. DHS and Tyson Kidd join him in the ring. Edge just walks by as he heads backstage. DHS and Kidd stand in the ring until Ted gets to his feet. they both swing but stop before hitting him as Ted falls too the mat scared. DHS and Kidd set their chairs up and sit down on them as Ted slides out of the ring and makes his way backstage, joining Cody on the way up the ramp. DHS and Kidd just wave at both men as we head.....
CM Punk walks into Teddy Longs office

CM Punk:
Teddy Long what was that just then? You told me and Morrison to find a partner each, I chose Samoan Joe but he ended up helping Morrison. How is that fair, it was meant to be two on two not one on two. Wasn't that against your rules you set earlier tonight?

Teddy Long:

Actually Punk what John and Joe did too you, well there was nothing wrong with what they did.
CM Punk:

How can you say that? They cheated.
Teddy Long:
They outsmarted you. There was nothing wrong with what they did, you should of seen it coming and instead of asking Samoan Joe you should of asked for a different partner.

Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes storm in
Ted DiBiase:
Teddy Long how could you let the Hart Dynasty do that to us, they attacked me before my match and continued their assault backstage during my match on Cody.

Teddy Long:
Look Ted, Cody I was watching all your movements backstage from backstage before your match and during the match. Neither David Hart Smith or Tyson Kidd laid a finger on either of you men. You two merely ran away the entire time. Look Punk, Ted, Cody I need all three of you to leave because....

A backstage guy rushes in
Unnamed Backstage Guy:
Mr Long I need you to come along with me, something has happened to Rey Mysterio.

The backstage guy and Teddy Long rush out of the office, Punk, Ted and Cody follow as we head to another commercial break

Commercial Break

Back from the break, Teddy Long reaches where Rey is, Rey is already on a stretcher. The person who found him said Rey was just lying on the ground beaten down. Ron Killings walks by as he checks on what is happening.
Ron Killings:
Woah Teddy what about our triple threat tonight.

Teddy Long:
Since Rey Mysterio seemingly will not be able to compete tonights main event will just be you vs Dolph Ziggler one on one.

Teddy Long whispers something to a couple of the backstage crew before announcing that he will follow Rey Mysterio too the hospital. The ambulance with Rey Mysterio in it takes off as Teddy Long follows in a car behind. A bunch of superstars watch on as they leave as we head to another commercial break

Commercial Break

Back from the break, still backstage as Ron Killings has just finished getting ready, Cryme Tyme walk in
Yo Truth we heard what happened to Rey Mysterio, we figured we should be with you at ringside in case someone tries to get you.

Ron Killings:
I think it would be better if you stayed back here, we don't need to risk me or any of you getting involved in a way which will get us fired. Stay alert though, if something does happen just do what you think is best.

Killings walks out of the locker room as it is now time for the main event
_____________________________________Back at Ringside_____________________________________

Ziggler makes his way out to ringside, he is laughing on his way out
Killings walks out with a microphone hand, instead of singing he asks for his music to be cut as he goes to talk at the top of the ramp
Ron Killings:
Ziggler you seem pretty proud of yourself, I have to ask you if you were the one who was foolish enough to attack Mysterio just before.

Dolph Ziggler:
(after a grabbing a microphone). You really think I would be stupid enough to lose my opportunity to win the rumble and go on to main event wrestlemania. All I'm happy about right now is that I don't have to face you and Rey at the same time. Now this is one on one I can win with ease as you see, I did it last week. I'll do it again this week.

Both men get into each others faces, The referee breaks them up as Tony Chimel makes an announcement
Tony Chimmel:
By orders of the Smackdown general manager Theodore Long the following contest will be a no count out, no disqualification match where pinfalls and submission count anywhere

Ziggler gets into Tony Chimmels face screaming at him as the Bell Rings

Killings comes from behind pushing Ziggler towards the ropes. He follows it up by clotheslining Ziggler out of the ring to the outside. Ziggler quickly gets to his feet. Killings fakes jumping over the top rope causing Ziggler to fall to his back. Killings uses this time to slide out of the ring and starts stomping away and Ziggler. Ziggler tries to escape but ends up being thrown into the ring post and announcers table before getting pushed in the ring. Killings goes under the ring and pulls out some weapons including two chairs, a trash can and a table. He pushes all the weapons in the ring and gets on the apron. Ziggler is up though and swings one of the chairs at Killings. Killings ducks the chair. Ziggler attempts it again but gets punched in the face knocking him down. Killings grabs Ziggler again and attempts a suplex from the apron. Ziggler goes up but breaks out of it and lands on the apron behind Ziggler. Ziggler quickly grabs Killings pushing him into the ropes before throwing him back into the announcers table. The table wobbles but manages to stay together. Ziggler decides to take the table apart and places Killings onto it. Ziggler climbs onto the apron as he gets ready to jump! Killings rolls of the table in time though, Ziggler jumps off the apron and grabs Killings, pushing him into the steel steps and back into the ring. Ziggler places a chair in the center of the ring, grabs Killings and attempts the Zig Zag. Killnigs stays on his feet though sending Ziggler into the chair. Killings collapses though. Both men slowly get to their feet while laying blows into each other. Killnigs gets the best of Ziggler as he manages to irish whip Ziggler towards the ropes before executing a sitout hip toss. Killings lift Ziggler up in a front powerslam and attempts a pin for a two count. Killings gets to his feet, he forces Ziggler up before kicking him in the stomach and runs towards the ropes. Killings attempts the Scissors Kick but Ziggler moves out of the way. Ziggler quickly attempts another Zig Zag, Killings pushes Ziggler back though. Ziggler charges Killings straight away but walks into a drop kick. Killings attempts a pin for a near fall. Jim Ross apologizes to the fans on commentary as he says we have to head to the final commercial break of the night.

Commercial Break
Back from the break, Killings is laid out on the bottom half of one of the steel steps. Ziggler has the other half of the steps above his head. The ref is reasoning with him not to do it. JTG, Shad, SMJ, Eve and some more Referees rush out as they reason with him enough for Ziggler to drop the steps outside the ring. The referees that are out at ringside force all the other Cryme Tyme members to exit the ring. In the ring Ziggler quickly pins an unconscious Killings for the win and the #30 position in the Royal Rumble.
Replays are shown from the break where Killings dived outside of the ring but missed Ziggler landing straight onto a chair. Ziggler followed it up with a con-chair-ton then to what happened after the break. After the replay Ziggler is making his way up the ramp tauting the Cryme Tyme members as they check on Killings in the ring.
Ric Flair makes his surprising return to the WWE as he walks out next to Ziggler at the top of the ramp. After embracing the cheers of the fans for a moment he whispers something into Zigglers ear, he then lifts Zigglers arm in the air and yells "He will be the man". The camera fades away with Flair celebrating with a confused Ziggler to end Smackdown.

Smackdown 8th Week Quick Results
Chris Jericho defeated Jeff Hardy (Pinfall)
Mickie James and Maria vs Melina and Maryse (No contest after Mickie attacked Maryse, Melina and Maria during the match)
Cody Rhodes defeated Matt Hardy (Pinfall)
John Morrison and Samoan Joe defeated CM Punk (Pinfall)
Edge defeated Ted DiBiase (Pinfall)
Dolph Ziggler defeated Ron Killings in a no DQ match (Pinfall). (Ziggler will now be entered into the Royal Rumble match at the Number 30 spot)

Teddy Long made it clear anyone to lay a hand on each other outside of an official match (including people interfering during a match), People getting purposely DQ'ed during a match etc, will be punished
Mickie James went ape shit on Maria, Melina and Maryse
Samoan Joe turned Face after attacking CM Punk (Joe was originally meant to be his partner but he tricked him and attacked him instead)
Rey Mysterio was attacked backstage by an unknown assailant making the main event a singles match.
After Ziggler beat Killings to get a spot in the Royal Rumble, Ric Flair returned to the company and raised Zigglers arm proclaiming Ziggler will be the man.

Raw 9th week matches
Batista, Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes vs Edge, Jeff and Matt Hardy.
Chris Jericho and The Big Show vs David Hart Smith and Tysonn Kidd.
John Cena vs Randy Orton in a Steel Cage with special guest referee, the Raw General Manager Jeff Jarrett.
The Miz (c) vs Jack Swagger vs Chris Masters (US title)
Raw 9th Week. Special Three Hour Edition

After the video package we cut to the arena, Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole welcome everyone to the special three hour edition of Raw. They go through the matches that are going on tonight. The lights go out as a spotlight appears at the top of the stage.

Jeff Jarrett walks out as the spotlight follows him to the ring. He has his guitar in hand. He grabs a chair and sets it up in the ring. He places his guitar next him to him before sitting down.

Jeff Jarrett:
Welcome too my special three hour edition of Monday Night Raw. Now after a two week absence, after two weeks of questions such as Why Jarrett Why?, well I'm here to answer these questions. So what I've been questioned the most over the last two weeks was why I helped out Chris Jericho, Big Show and Batista against John Cena, Edge and Randy Orton. Well....
Cena poses at the top of the stage before running and sliding into the ring. He as a microphone in hand as Jarrett just sits in his chair
John Cena:
Jeff there is no reason to explain, I don't know why people even asking you these question. You attacked me two weeks ago because your a coward and you backed that up last week when you cancelled Raw. You don't like me because look where I am now, a multiple time world champion in the WWE while you couldn't make it here, the best you could do was hold the Intercontinental Title a couple of times.

You could not make it in the WWE so you went and made your own company where you made yourself the number one guy. Now you did step down for a couple of years and only made your return to your company due to the ongoing problem with the Main Event Mafia trying to take over your company. Then during the middle of last year your problems were over, you no longer had to bother with the company you created as you were suddenly given an opportunity to work with the WWE again.

I've figured everything out. The whole Chris Jericho, Big Show, CM Punk and Batista joining the Main Event Mafia two months ago was all so you could quickly destroy it from the inside which you did. You have manipulated everyone including using Main Event Mafia to take out Vince McMahon and Triple H, you had The Raw superstars take out Shane McMahon. With no one left in your way you came abandoned your own brand as finally your opportunity has arisen with you on top of the WWE by becoming the general manager of Raw. After a long complicated Seven Years your plan is almost complete as you have one thing left to do....

Win the WWE Championship. I've figured it all out Jarrett, you are just using everyone to get the WWE Championship. How did I find this out? You entering yourself into the Royal Rumble. I'm sure you told Chris Jericho something along the lines of, Oh I will win the rumble, go to Wrestlemania and lay down so you can retain your title. The thing is you won't you will betray Chris Jericho, or me, or who ever is the WWE Champion come Wrestlemania. Your goal is to become the top person in the WWE and you have gotten all the way through mere politicking. I know why your doing this as well, this is your revenge. You always thought you were.... !
Randy Orton makes his way to the ring
Randy Orton:
Cena let me finish you off by saying Jarrett, we figured it out already, you have done all this just so you can win the WWE Championship at the grandest stage of them all just so you can spit in the face of Vince McMahon and say you have made it. Orton finally enters the ring. Congradulations after all the politics you have played, the lies you have told, the people you've manipulated included my fellow former Legacy Stable you are almost at the top. I really am rooting for you this Sunday. The only problem is I while be the WWE Champion again, I will shatter your dreams of winning the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania as I will go there and defeat you.

Jeff Jarrett:
So you both figured it all out? Yes that is pretty much everything. I'm going to win the Royal Rumble, I don't care who wins the WWE Championship Scramble at the Royal Rumble, I will go and defeat who ever it is at Wrestlemania. But enough of that because tonight you two will be facing each other, no no no I have a better idea, you two will face Chris Jericho, Batista and The Big Show in a two on three handicap match inside as Steel Cage and I will be the special guest referee.

Jarrett quickly exits the ring and makes his way up the ramp. Jerry Lawler comments that it will basically be a four on two handicap match tonight as we head to the first commercial break of the night while John Cena and Randy Orton have a stare down in the ring

Commercial Break

Backstage with Jeff Jarrett, Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes walk in Jarrett's office
Cody Rhodes:
You took Batista away from our match, so what our match is now a Two on Three Handicap as well?

Jeff Jarrett:
No don't worry, I've already got a replacement for your match. You won't be disappointed so just go off and get ready.
Chris Jericho and The Big Show walk in as Cody and Ted leave
Jeff Jarrett:
I know why your here, Camera man get out of here we need to have a private discussion..
The Camera fades as we head back to ringside
The Miz makes his way out to ringside as he gets prepared to defend his United States Championship
Jack Swagger makes his way to the ring, he and Miz start brawling after Swagger gets a cheap shot in on The Miz
In the ring The Miz has gotten control over Swagger and has just irish whipped him into one of the corners and hit his corner clothesline. Masters quickly gets in the ring and attacks The Miz from behind as the Bell Rings

Masters stomps away at Miz on the mat. Swagger quickly recovers and joins in. The two men grab Miz and hit a double suplex. Masters hits a couple of elbow drops followed by a jumping bodysplash from Swagger. Masters grabs Miz and applies the Masterlock. Swagger quick to his feet breaks the hold. Both heels argue for a brief moment before grabbing Miz and tossing him out of the ring. They both exit the ring, Swagger grabs Miz and tosses him into the steel steps. Swagger grabs Miz once more and hits the gutwrench powerbomb on the floor. Swagger pushes Miz back in the ring. Masters comes from behind though and locks in the Masterlock on Swagger on the floor. Masters holds onto the hold until Swagger eventually passes out. Once Swagger is out Masters slides in the ring to go after Miz. As he reachs for The Miz though, The Miz quickly rolls him up in a school boy pin getting the three count to retain his title.
The Miz quickly slides out of the ring, he slightly collapses outside the ring but gets back to his feet. He grabs the US Title and holds it high after his first successful title defence

Commercial Break

David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd are in the ring, They have a microphone with them​

Tyson Kidd:
So Jeff Jarrett I have a question to ask, now that we are not facing JeriShow who will we face right now?
Jarrett appears on the titatron, Jericho and Show are in the back ground
Jeff Jarrett:
Don't worry I found suitable replacements for you two tonight. The Motor City Machine Guns have volunteered to face you two as a warm up match for their title match at the Royal Rumble.

Sabin and Shelley make their way to the ring, Jerry Lawler mentions that Carlito will be facing Santino and Primo will be facing Evan Bourne later on tonight.
Sabin and Kidd start the match off as they lock up. Sabin starts kicking away at Kidd's left leg quickly knocking him off his feet. Sabin grabs both of Kidd's legs and catapaults him, Sabin holds on however and rolls Kidd up into a boston crab. Shelley then reaches tags in, he slingshots into the ring hitting a elbow drop on Kidd. Sabin and Shelley get Kidd up and irish whip him into a corner, Sabin hits a big boot (climbing onto the apron in the process) followed by a enziguri from Shelley which knocks Kidd back onto the mat. Shelley tags Sabin back in, Sabin holds Kidd in a fireman's carry while Shelley hits a diving double foot stomp onto Kidd followed by Sabin hitting a fireman's carry takeover onto Shelley's knees. Sabin covers Kidd but only manages a two count. Sabin grabs Kidd once more and tosses him over the top rope and turns his back for a moment. Kidd manages to land on his feet on the apron. Shelley tries a cheap shot but gets knocked back. Sabin turns around and notices whats going on charges Kidd. Kidd shoulders Sabin in the gut, slides under the top rope and under Sabin, Trips Sabin over so he is hanging on the middle rope and finally jumps over the top rope hitting a leg drop on Sabin and knocks Shelley down on the outside in the process.

Commercial Break
Back from the break, Sabin gets a on a running Shelley. Shelley quickly trips Kidd over and gets him in Inverted STF followed by a running dropkick from Sabin to Kidd's head. Sabin covers Kidd for another two count. Sabin drags Kidd to his corner and tags Shelley back in. Shelley climbs sits on the top rope, Sabin grabs Kidd. They both lift Kidd up in a powerbomb position before Shelley jumps forward in a sit down powerbomb. Shelley pins Kidd only to get a two count. Shelley and Sabin are pissed off. Sabin tags back in, Sabin grabs Kidd and lifts him up in a suplex position, Shelley then springboards towards them. Kidd counters what ever they were doing by pulling Sabin in front of Shelley thus avoiding the damage. Shelley is shocked, he turns around in Kidds direction and is met with a springboard elbow into the face causing Shelley to roll out of the ring and back onto the apron. Sabin and Kidd are down, Sabin slowly makes it to his feet first and Kidd can barely move. Kidd is crawling to his corner and Sabin taunts him. Sabin grabs one of Kidd's legs dragging him back to the center of the ring. Kidd slowly gets up on one foot. Kidd almost gets a tag but gets dragged back to the center of the ring. Kidd then hits a enziguri out of nowhere and is almost able to make a tag. Suddenly Cody Rhodes runs to the ring, near the MCMG corner he gets on the apron, the ref notices and stops him. Kidd gets a tag as DHS finally gets in the ring. Cody jumps off the apron and backs away as the ref turns around. The ref forces DHS back onto the apron as he didn't see the tag. Behind the ref Ted DiBiase is in, he hits the dream street on Kidd and escapes the ring. Shelley is in as he hits a drop kick on DHS knocking him out of the ring. The MCMG feast with Kidd as they hit a powerbomb/sliced bread #2 combination. Sabin is the legal man, he gets the three count on Kidd and escape the ring as DHS comes back into the ring in a rage.

The MCMG make their way up the entrance ramp celebrating, Ted and Cody walk away through the crowd as DHS helps Kidd to his feet.
Back in Jarrett's office with Jarrett, Jericho, Big Show and Batista. MVP walks in

Look Jarrett next week on Raw I will be facing the winner of the WWE Championship scramble but the thing is, I haven't wrestled for a couple of weeks and if I don't wrestle tonight I won't be wrestling until next Monday. I'm here to ask for a warm up match tonight?

Jarrett I know you had plans for me to be in the cage tonight but Jericho, Show, you will be enough to handle Cena and Orton. Tonight MVP I will face you, in fact.. If its Okay with you Jarrett I'd like our match to be next.

Jeff Jarrett:
Do what ever you like.

A match against you Batista? Sounds fine, I'll meet you in the ring.

MVP turns around as he starts to walk out, Batista clubs him from behind. Outside Jarretts office Batista tosses MVP around for a bit, he walks off towards the ring as we head back to ringside​

Batista walks out onto the ramp, he is just laughing about what he did as he slowly walks to the ring. We head to another break as Batista taunts the fans

Commercial Break

Batista is standing in the ring, his music is still playing.
MVP slowly walks out from the back, a trainer is trying to advise him not to wrestle the match but MVP pushes him away. As MVP gets on the apron Batista attempts a cheap shot, MVP pulls the ropes down though as Batista falls to the outside. MVP gets in the ring as Batista gets to his feet outside the ring. Batista is furious as he takes the steel steps apart. MVP takes Lilian Garcia's Microphone.

Look Batista you attack me backstage, you head to the ring, attempt a cheap shot and because I outsmarted you your now having a cry. Instead of trying to wrestle the steel steps there how about you come in the ring and wrestle me.

Batista slides in the ring and charges towards MVP as the Bell Rings
Batista charges towards the corner MVP is standing in, MVP moves and trips Batista over at the same time. Batista goes head first into the middle turn buckle. MVP gets a running boot on Batista in the corner. MVP grabs Batista and tries to irish whip him across the ring, Batista counters sending MVP into the corner. Batista charges again and tries a corner spear. MVP moves at the last second causing Batista to go head first into the ring post. MVP rolls Batista up out of the corner and uses his feet for leverage as he manages to get the three count and victory.

MVP quickly rolls out of the ring and runs into the audience and makes his way through the crowd. He celebrates with people in the crowd as Batista climbs one of the turnbuckles. Batista is in a rage destroying things around ringside as we head backstage.

Back in Jarrett's office, Santino has joined Jarrett, Jericho and Big show
Santino Marella:
Jeff Jarrett why must I wrestle tonight, I don't to waste my energy wrestling this Carlito Caribian Cool.

Jeff Jarrett:
Look Santino I have must wrestlers apart of the Raw brand wrestling tonight, you are no exception. Look you have nothing to fear, Carlito may be the man you have to defeat when cashing in your Tag Title shot in the future. Tonight you can crush Carlito's spirit by beating him 1, 2, 3 in the ring. That way if he retains his title with his brother in six days and are still the champions by time you cash in your briefcase you will know they won't be able to stop you as you are Santino Marella.

Santino Marella:
I understand, Mr Jarrett I shall prove my worth to you, Jericho and The Big Show by defeating Carlito tonight!

Santino walks out of the office
Chris Jericho:
He stands no chance.

Jarrett, Jericho and Big Show share a laugh as we head back to ringside
The WWE Womens Champion Michelle McCool and Layla make their way to the ring for a tag team match against....
A returning Beth Phenoix makes her way to the ring, Michelle McCool and Layla start panicking. Michelle grabs Lillian's Microphone.
Michelle McCool:
Beth Beth wh-what are you doing here, I mean its great to see you but why.. why are you here now. I was meant to be wrestling against Kelly Ke...

Beth just kicks McCool in the stomach. he quickly grabs Layla and tosses her out of the ring. The referee rings the bell signalling the start of the match
Beth grabs McCool and hits a Elevated double chickenwing wheelbarrow facebuster. Beth scares Layla up the ramp before sliding back in the ring, she holds McCool down and grabs the microphone thats still in the ring
Beth Phoenix:
Natalya, she is all yours.

Natalya pushes Layla down on the ramp and gets on the apron, making a tag to Beth. Natalya walks up to McCool and locks in the Sharpshooter. The referee quickly declares McCool unable to continue as the match ends via submission.

Natalya grabs the microphone in the ring straight away
Michelle what just happened then was nothing compared to what I'm going to do to you this sunday at the Royal Rumble, thats right at the Royal Rumble you will defend your WWE Womens Championship against me.

Beth enters the ring, Beth and Natalya have a stare down before Beth leaves and makes her way backstage. Natalya grabs the Womens Title and holds it above McCool. Layla scared outside the ring is yelling at Natalya as we head to another break.

Commercial Break

Santino makes his way to the ring, he holds the FoF briefcase in hand.
Carlito joins Santino in the ring. The Bell Rings as the match is underway.
Santino yells out, "Wait a minute". He holds his FoF briefcase high once more before placing it down in one of the corner. Santino walks back to the center of the ring and attempts a cheap shot. Carlito ducks the punch and maneuvers behind Santino. Carlito hits a backstabber. A quick three count and Carlito wins.
Carlito just shrugs as he didn't even need to put any effort into the match. Primo makes his way to ringside. It is announced Primo will face Bourne right now.
Bourne with Sabin and Shelley make their way to the ring. The Colons and MCMG get into each other faces. Bourne pushes all four men away and yells, "I'm facing Primo tonight" and signals for the rest to leave the ring. While they are all still in the ring....
Paul London and Brian Kendrick return to the WWE. They run down the ramp, Santino is crawling up the entrance ramp at this point. They slide into the ring and do their backflip off the top turnbuckle like they use to do. They quickly slide out of the ring and join Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole on commentary. Carlito, Sabin and Shelley all exit the ring and stands on opposite sides of the ring. The match finally is underway as the Bell Rings

The two men go to lock up, Bourne grabs Primos legs and rolls him up. Primo quickly counters into his own roll up which is countered into another roll up from Bourne. Primo kicks out and both men back off. They charge at each other, Bourne gets an arm drag, he gets Primo in a sitting position before jumpnig forward pulling Primo's head forward. A pin attempt by Bourne which gets a two count. Bourne grabs Primo and irish whips him into one of the corners, he charges in and attempts a double knee flying attack. Primo ducks the attack as Bourne goes over the top rope, luckily Bourne gets to his feet on the apron. Primo tries to knock Bourne off the apron but receives a kick to the head. Primo moves towards the center of the ring in pain, Bourne climbs to the top rope and jumps attempting a double knee drop to the back. Primo takes a step back which causes Bourne to crash and burn. Primo drags Bourne near one of the corners, he climbs to the top rope and gets ready to jump. In his view Paul London and Brian Kendrick attack Carlito from behind and start beating him down. Primo tries to climb down to help but Bourne is up, he knocks the ropes knocking Primo groin into the top turnbuckle. As Primo falls to the mat Bourne climbs to the top rope and hits the Air Bourne. An easy three count gives Bourne the victory.
Sabin and Shelley join Bourne in the ring, they have a quick stare down with Londrick before celebrating over a fallen Primo with Bourne. Sabin, Shelley and Bourne then taunt Carlito. As they have their backs turned London and Kendrick return to the ring (they had started to head backstage) and push Bourne and Sabin over the top rope. Sitout powerbomb (London) / Sliced Bread #2 (Kendrick) combination on Shelley. They go and get Sabin and push him back in the ring, after a small beat down London hits the 450 splash on Sabin. They toss Primo out of the ring and grab the Unified Tag Titles, they hold the titles high above the fallen MCMG as we head to another break.

Commercial Break

Replays of the whole Colons/MCMG/Londick fiasco are shown
Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes are in Jarretts office with Jericho, Big how and of course Jarrett, Jarrett now has a referee shirt on.

Ted DiBiase:
Is their anything you can do so the Hart Dynasty won't interfere in this match?

Jeff Jarrett:
I'll ban them from ringside, in fact I'll have them thrown out of the arena right now. You two just head to the ring, you won't be disappointed with the partner I have found for you.

Batista storms in, DiBiase and Rhodes walk out as they head to the ring
Jarrett I want another match against MVP tonight, I want to destroy him.

Jeff Jarrett:
Batista I can't give you another match against MVP tonight but you can still team with Jericho and the Big Show in the main event.

I just want that punk MVP, I couldn't care less about Jericho, Big Show, Cena or Orton and if you won't give me a rematch tonight.....

Batista grabs Jerichos World Title which is sitting on a table and raises it high in Jericho's face. Batista tosses the Title at Jericho before storming off. Jarret and The Big Show shrug it off while Jericho looks kind of scared as we head back to ringside.
Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase make their way to the ring. They both look worried as they await to find out who their partner will be
Flair walks out on the stage, Ziggler follows with his music and joins Flair at the top of the stage.
The IC Champion Dolph Ziggler with Ric Flair make their way to the ring. Flair struts around the ring as Ziggler poses in front of DiBiase and Rhodes. DiBiase and Rhodes are shocked to see Flair.
Edge makes his way to the ring, as he enters the ring Ziggler gets in his face holding the IC Title high. Flair praises Ziggler as you can hear him yelling, "He is the man, he will win the Rumble". Edge punches Flair down. Ziggler attacks Edge. After punching Edge towards the ropes he Irish Whips Edge across the ring, on the rebound Edge hits a clothesline on Ziggler. Ziggler rolls out of the ring. DiBiase and Rhodes just watch on. Ziggler and Flair regroup on the outside.
Jeff and Matt come out too their old tag music. They join Edge in the ring.The Bell Rings

Matt and Edge get on the apron as Jeff seems to want to start the match. DiBiase and Rhodes argue with Ziggler and Flair (who are outside the ring) on who should start the match. With DiBiase and Rhodes backs turned Jeff just attacks both of them, quickly tossing both men outside the ring. Jeff climbs the turnbuckle and taunts Ziggler to get in the ring. Flair tells Ziggler that he is the man once more and too get in the ring. Ziggler slides in as the match finally gets under way as Ziggler and Jeff lock up. Ziggler gets control and pushes Jeff near the ropes and irish whips him across the ring. Ziggler runs towards Jeff and hits a hard clothesline just after Jeff rebounds from the ropes. Ziggler hits a elbow drop, Flair yells "Give him a knee drop to the face" which Ziggler complies too. Ziggler then grabs Jeff and drags him too one of the corners. Ziggler hits some knife edge chops and irish whips Jeff across the ring. Jeff hits the corner hard, Ziggler tries a corner clothesline but Jeff gets a boot up. Jeff climbs too the second rope and hits a dropkick on Ziggler sending Ziggler back across the landing in a seated position in the corner. Jeff quickly gets to his feet and hits a rope aid corner dropkick. Jeff grabs Ziggler and gets him too his feet, he kicks Ziggler in the stomach and goes for the Twist of Fate. Ziggler counters and attempts a Zig Zag, Jeff counters it and hits a Mule kick causing Ziggler too stumble back into the corner again. Jeff charges towards Ziggler, Ziggler moves out of the way. Jeff hits Whisper in the Wind. Both Jeff and Ziggler are down. They attempt to make tags too their partners. Ziggler gets to his corner first but Rhodes and DiBiase jump down. Flair instantly goes up to them and starts yelling at them. DiBiase kicks Flair in the stomach followed by Rhodes hitting the Cross Rhodes. In the ring Ziggler has been pulled back to the center of the ring as Matt Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on him. Jeff gets the tag back in and hits a Swanton. Quick three count and here are your winners.

Jeff and Matt Hardy go to check on Flair as they quickly notice what had gone on. Rhodes and DiBiase start making their way up the ramp.
DHS and Tyson Kidd walk out at the top of the ramp. Edge, Jeff and Matt walk to the bottom of the ramp. Rhodes and DiBiase are cornered. The five faces attack Rhodes and DiBiase and drag them too the ring. Spear on DiBiase, Twist of Fate from Jeff too Rhodes. DiBiase receives a Hart Attack, a Diving Leg Drop to Rhodes from Matt. Ziggler and Flair are up, they lock the figure four on Rhodes and DiBiase for a moment. They let go of the hold. All seven men pick Rhodes and DiBiase up and toss them out of the ring. Edge then grabs Matt and Jeff and tosses them out of the ring. He grabs Ziggler and does the same thing. DiBiase and Rhodes crawl up the ramp. Jeff, Matt and Ziggler get to their feet on the outside as Flair starts arguing with Edge in the ring. DHS and Kidd watch on as Edge yells that he was going to win the Rumble. Allot of arguing between the Royal Rumble participants as we head to another break.

Commercial Break

Cena quickly makes his way to the ring, he has a mic in hand. The cage starts lowering.

John Cena:
Okay the person backstage who is lowering the cage stop now as I have something to talk about. The Cage stops lowering about half way down. Now I'd like talk to about Jeff Jarrett once more. I've got some questions for Jarrett, Jericho, The Big Show, Batista and The Legacy or Priceless what ever they want to be called. First of Jarrett you put me and Orton in a cage match originally against each other, you then made yourself the special guest referee, then you changed the match into a three on two handicap and now a tag team match. I have to say, make up your mind. Second, did you really expect me and Orton to go into the cage originally and face each other, did you really think we would wrestle the three on two handicap match, even now the current match is pretty much a Handicap Match, 6 days before the Royal rumble and you expect us to wrestle at a disadvantage... Okay Jericho, Big Show, Batista you all while knowing what Jarrett's plans now are still are sticking by him? I mean Jericho Jarrett wants to screw you over at Wrestlemania if you still have the....
Chris Jericho and The Big Show run to the ring. Jericho slides in first, Cena jumps him, after two punches he tosses Jericho out of the ring. Cena attempts to attack Big Show (who is on the apron) but Show grabs him and headbutts him.
Jeff Jarrett starts making his way to the ring, the cage starts lowering again. Jarrett gets into the ring as the Cage finishes lowering. Jarrett has a mic in hand.
Jeff Jarrett:
Screw it screw it John Cena you will face The big Show in the cage one on one, Time Keeper ring the damn bell.
The Bell Rings to start the match, Randy Orton (who runs in through the crowd) attacks Chris Jericho./center]
In the ring The Big Show chokes Cena in the corner. Big Show then grabs Cena and tosses him across the ring. Outside the ring Jericho rakes Orton's eyes and escapes up the ramp and heads backstage. In the ring Big Show hits a big body splash in the corner. Show then grabs Cena's throat and lifts him in a military press position. He tosses Cena into the cage then proceeds to choke Cena once more with aid of the ropes. Show continues the assault as he grabs Cena and hits a Cobra Clutch Backbreaker into the Last Call. Jarrett and Orton argue through the cage during all of this. Show goes for a pinfall but Jarrett doesn't bother counting it and tells Show that wasn't enough. Show proceeds to lock in a cobra clutch on Cena. Jarrett takes the chance to get a cheap shot in on Cena. Cena continues to struggle and seems to be passing out, he then starts "hulking up" as he comes back to life, he quickly breaks the hold and slides behind Show tripping him onto his stomach. Cena grabs Show's leg and locks in the STF. The Big Show is trapped and quickly starts tapping. Jarrett doesn't count it and instead attacks Cena. Jarrett stomps away at Cena, grabs him and gets him to his feet then starts ramming Cena over and over into the steel cage. Cena eventually is busted open. Jarrett continues his onslaught on Cena busting him further open. During this time Orton manages to climb over and awaits on the apron as the Big Show is back up. Orton his a drop kick to Show knocking him back across the ring into the corner. Jarrett turns around and walks into an RKO. Big Show attempts a clothesline on Orton but misses, he turns around right into a RKO. He just looks at Cena for a moment but just ignores him. He grabs Jericho's WWE Title and climbs to the top of the cage. He stands high with the WWE Championship. Jericho walks back out to the top of the stage as Orton taunts all four men at ringside the close the show.

Raw 9th Week Quick Results
The Miz (c) defeated Jack Swagger and Chris Masters (Pin) (Triple threat for the US Title)
Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley defeated David Hart Smith and Tysonn Kidd (pinfall)
MVP defeated Batista (Pinfall)
Beth Phenoix and Natalya defeat Michelle McCool and Layla (Submission)
Carlito defeated Santino (Pinfall)
Evan Bourne defeated Primo (Pinfall)
Edge, Jeff and Matt Hardy defeated Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler (with Ric Flair) (pinfall)
John Cena vs The Big Show in a Steel Cage with special guest referee, the Raw General Manager Jeff Jarrett. (No Contest)

Jeff Jarrett made numerous changes to planned matches
John Cena revealed Jeff Jarrett's plans of becoming the WWE Champion which included getting TNA and the WWE to work together, getting rid of Vince, Shane and Triple H so he could take over Raw, winning the Royal Rumble and after betraying many people finally getting the WWE Championship on the grandest stage of them all just so he can spit on the title as a way of revenge towards Vince McMahon for not treating how he wanted to be treated when he was apart of the WWE 10 years ago.
Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase interfered in Hart Dynasty vs MCMG match, costing The Dynasty the match.
Batista who was originally meant to team with Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase and later was meant to join Chris Jericho and The Big how in the steel cage main event volunteered to face MVP in a warm up match for MVP before MVP's WWE Championship match next week on Raw. Before the match Batista attacked MVP backstage, MVP managed to pull through and get the win by outsmarting Batista numerous times. Batista went in a fit of rage after the match.
Beth Phoenix made a surprise return turning face by attacking Michelle McCool and Layla. Natalya soon made her return as she attacked Michelle McCool as Beth kept Layla away from the ring. After the quick squash Natalya announced she will face McCool at the Royal Rumble for the WWE Womens Championship. Afterwards Natalya and Beth had a stare down, They showed respect towards each other as Beth left ringside first as Natalya stood over McCool holding the Womens title high.
After Carlito beat Santino with ease, Primo had his match against Evan Bourne right after. The MCMG came out with Bourne and almost got into a fight with the Colons. Bourne stopped the fight. Before Primo and Bourne could start their match Paul London and Brian Kendrick returned to the WWE. After doing a flip in front of the five men in the ring they joined commentary. They distracted Primo during his match by attacking Carlito. After Bourne beat Primo London and Kendrick beat down Sabin, Shelley and Primo and acknowledged that they want the tag titles.
Dolph Ziggler was Rhodes and DiBiase mystery partner, they argued from the start and at the end of the match Rhodes and DiBiase attacked Flair, laying him out. After the match DHS, Tyson Kidd, Edge, Jeff and Matt Hardy attacked Rhodes and DiBiase. Flair and Ziggler joined in. After Rhodes and DiBiase were tossed out of the ring Edge tossed Jeff, Matt and Ziggler out of the ring and proclaimed he would win the Royal Rumble as Flair disagreed and DHS and Kidd taunted Rhodes and DiBiase.
As Cena continued to bash Jarrett before his tag team steel cage match. Jericho and Big Show rushed to the ring with Jericho ending up being tossed out of the ring. Jarrett soon followed and changed the match for the third time tonight to just Cena vs Big Show. Outside the cage Orton jumped Jericho, Jericho quickly escaped backstage. Orton argued with Jarrett through the cage during Cena and Shows match. As Cena was about to get the win Jarrett attacked Cena and beat him down. Orton managed to get in the ring, he RKO'ed Jarrett and Big Show then grabbed the WWE Title and posed at the top of the Cage and Jericho walked back absolutely furious. (Jericho dropped the title in the ring when he first came out)
Its Back and will be Shorter then Ever

I'm sorry about lack of updates, real life + loss of interest took me away, interest in finishing my story brought me back. My shows will now be just short recaps of the show as I can no longer be bothered doing full shows + it will allow me to do more shows at once. Expect SCW/TNA/Smackdown and The Royal Rumble Soon.

SCW 9th Week
The show opens with Mr Kennedy coming to the ring to brag about winning the TNA World Title. RVD ran in through the crowd and scared Kennedy off up the ramp. Kurt Angle with Vladamir Kozlov, Ezekiel Jackson and William Regal. Kozlov, Jackson and Regal surround the ring as Angle and RVD attack Kennedy with a Angle Slam and Five Star Frog Splash. Angle then hit the Angle slam on RVD. The Round Table then entered the ring with 2 steel chairs and wrap one around Kennedy's neck. Before they can do the damage Matt Morgan runs in and scares Angle + Roundtable off. GM Tiffany then came out and announced Angle will face Kennedy in a rematch in two nights on TNA and tonight Angle + RVD vs Kennedy + Morgan. As we head to a commercial break it is announced Kane will face Ezekiel Jackson right after the break.

After the break Jackson is back in the ring as Kane makes his way to the ring. It is announced Regal and Kozlov will face Shawn Michaels and Monty Brown later on tonight.

Match #1
Kane defeats Ezekiel Jackson by Pinfall after a Chokeslam.

After showing Kane celebrating in the ring we head backstage where Shelton Benjamin and Armada Estrada are making their way to ringside. After the break Shelton and Estrada make their way to the ring. Estrada tells the audience about Shelton's next tag team partner being anyone that can beat Shelton. Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin's former Tag Team partner is the first person to answer the call.

Match #2
Shelton Benjamin defeated Charlie Haas by Pinfall after T-Bone Suplex from the Top Rope

After another commercial break Katie-Lee and Paul Burchil are in the ring. Katie-Lee complains about having no competition on SCW and asks for a release from contract (which surprises Paul). After the brother and sister argue in the ring for a bit GM Tiffany comes out to the ring. Katie-Lee asks once more but Tiffany declines so Katie-Lee attacks Tiffany. Kevin Nash (The SCW enforcer) makes his way to the ring to break things up. Nash has to hold Tiffany back as Paul has to drag Katie-Lee up the ramp.

After another break the Abraham Washington Show featuring Abraham Washington returned with guests Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Carlito and Primo. Robert Roode and James Storm came out and taunted both teams followed by Cade and Murdoch who challenged all three teams to matches. Tiffany returned to the ring and made a Fatal Four Way Tag Match that would happen right now and challenged Katie-Lee to a match next week on SCW.

Match #3
Beer Money defeated the MCMG, The Colons and Cade N Murdoch in a Fatal Four Way Tag Team match after Beer Money hit the DWI on Murdoch and Storm getting the pin.

Backstage Ezekiel Jackson confronts Monty Brown. The two come to blows, Kozlov attempts to help Jackson but Brown manages to escape.

Match #4
A returning Goldust defeated Santino after Santino received the Shattered Dreams in what was a very quick squash match.

Match #5
Shawn Michaels and Monty Brown defeated William Regal and Vladamir Kozlov by DQ after Ezekiel Jackson who came through the crowd attacked Monty Brown. Kevin Nash helped HBK and Brown scare off The Round House.

Backstage The Round House complains to Tiffany. Tiffany ignores them and dismisses them.

Match #6
Mr Kennedy and Matt Morgan defeated RVD and Kurt Angle after Morgan pinned Angle. Near the end of the match Kurt Angle and RVD were in control but Angle tried to Angle Slam RVD, RVD countered and knocked Angle out with a kick and 5SFS which allowed Morgan to pick up the pieces and get the pin.

SCW 10th Week Events
Tiffany challenged Katie-Lee Burchil to a match.
Shelton Benjamin will be looking for a new tag team partner.

TNA 9th Week
The show kicks off with Kurt Angle with Booker T, Scott Steiner, Brutus Magnus, Doug Williams, Eric Young, Rob Terry, Sheik Abdul Bashir,William Regal, Vladamir Kozlov, Ezekiel Jackson heading to the ring. Angle gets on the mic and says he will regain his World Title tonight but first he has some business to take care of. All of the World Elite members and Angle attack Booker T and Scott Steiner. Booker T and Steiner are beaten to a bloody pulp. Angle warns Kennedy that this will be him later on tonight. Foley confronts Angle as he walks back up the entrance ramp and says all the other members of his new stable are banned from ringside. Angle tells him he doesn't need anyone to beat Kennedy. As Kurt Angle walks past Foley stops The British Invasion, he announces he will face all three men by himself in a 3 on 1 handicap match tonight.

After a commercial break Paul London and Brian Kendrick made their way to the ring. They got on the mic to announce they will be apart of the SCW brand. They say they wanted to announce this tonight so while they are their they could challenge Beer Money to a match. Beer Money came out and accepted the challenge.

Match #1 Beer Money defeat Londrick by count out
Storm and Roode were in complete control so London and Kendrick got themselves counted out. After the match it was announced AJ Styles and Daniels will face Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley after the break.

Match #2 Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley defeat AJ Styles and Daniels by Pinfall
During the match Evan Bourne interfered and knocked AJ Styles off the top rope allowing Sabin and Shelley to quickly take AJ apart for the win.

After another commercial break Daffney, Dr Stevie and Abyss make their way to the ring. Stevie puts down the Knockout division, the X Division, the Legends Champions Evan Bourne and LAX Homicide and Hernandez. Tara then came out for her match against Daffney

Match #3 Tara beat Daffney by DQ
Tara was able to win after hitting the widows peak on Daffney but Abyss entered the ring. He ended up giving her a black hole slam.

Match #4 Mick Foley defeated The British Invasion Brutus Magnus, Doug Williams and Rob Terry by pinfall.
Mick Foley announce the match would be a no DQ. He smashed the British Invasion with his barb wired bat from behind after they had made their entrances and got the quick pinfall. He continued the beat down until all three men were a bloodied mess.

After another commercial break World Champion CM Punk made his way to the ring. He asked Samoan Joe to come to the ring. Punk wanted to try and bring back their friendship and was seemingly offering him a shot at his World Title. During his speech Punk nailed Joe with his microphone. Joe no sold it and quickly went on the offence until a bald man rushed the ring and attacked Joe. Punk and the Bald Man double teamed Joe and beat him down. Punk gave him a GTS then the Punk and the bald man posed over Joe.

Match #5 Mr Kennedy defeated Kurt Angle by pinfall
Near the end of the match the ref was knocked out. Matt Morgan came out and hit Angle with a chair and the Carbon Footprint and made his exit. Kennedy rolled on Angle and waited for the ref to count the pin. While the ref was still out RVD came to the ring and hit a 5 star on top of Kennedy and Angle. He then rolled Angle onto Kennedy and exited the ring. Morgan came out and attacked RVD from behind. The ref got a 2 count for Angle pinning Kennedy but Morgan pulled him out of the ring. With the ref down once more Morgan attacked Angle again. Morgan then helped Kennedy hit the Green Bay Plunge and the Kenton Bomb. Kennedy then pinned Angle as Morgan slid the ref in the ring. The ref slowly counted the three count which let Kennedy retain. The World Elite came out to check on Angle after the match as Kennedy and Morgan went to celebrate in the crowd to end the show.

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