Money In the Bank: 2009

I must say that I was pleasantly suprised to see Kane defeat Rey Mysterio and Knox to earn a spot in the MITB. This victory will have done wonders for Kane's credibility considering how much he has put Rey over lately. Hopefully Kane will have a predominant part to play in the match and will maybe even win the thing...that's something I would love to see.
Money in the Bank is shaping up, as of now, to be a major disappointment to me. I can look at the whole list of Superstars who have qualified (6 thus far with spoilers), and its pretty disappointing so far.
Whats with Mark Henry and Kane added to MITB, two sloww "furthest from high flyers you could have" bohemoths, this is a ladder match not a Andre vs John Studd slam match isn't it? SIGH, i cerntainly hope they lose there spots in the coming weeks
While I could have done with not having Henry and Kane in this match(I mean do they really need to be on the WM card over younger talent?)I really don't care. You'll still have great spots with Punk and most likely some other spot monky's(Benjamin, Chavo, Carlito, ?)so I wouldn;t worry about that.

And it could be fun and interesting to see a guy like Henry get pushed off the ladder. And these bigger guys will be able to throw the smaller guys around more which will probably result in some good spots. I do think guys like Mysterio, Morrison, Miz, ect would have been a better fit in this match, I won't worry about it since I still think the match will be fun, exciting and full of crazy ass stunts.
1. the least likely, John Morrison
He could do it though But it would have to bring an end to Miz n Morrison which will be a shame and he would look wierd with the WHC but im all up for a WWE title Riegn

2. Could Happen Mr. Kennedy
Not at all a long shot! done it before but he might keep it this time but he is WAAAY to injury prone

3. Mu faviroute to win, Rey Mysterio
Everyone says that he was a flop. I dont think so I mean he is in the top 5 for selling Merch Waaaay over is exciting in the ring and this means we will Get to see Punk vs Rey II and the kids love him also being a kid I like him to... Maybe its the mask.
I'm not even sure where to post, there's about 5 threads right now that revolve around money in the bank. What is up with that?

I think that as of right now, we have: kane, henry, punk, MVP, and shelton...and I don't think this is too much of a limb to go out on to say that none of them have a shot of winning.

Kane might be a plausible winner, but the idea of Kane wandering around with a briefcase doesn't seem to instill feelings of expectation about when he will cash it in, and against who. Kane is a jobber to the stars and is probably not going to be a serious contender for a championship belt anytime soon.

Henry is just not going to win. It won't mean anything if he does, and there's nothing for him to do with it.

Punk just doesn't have the momentum he did last time he won, and he's already IC champion. The main titles right now are too clustered with the usual suspects, and I just can't see him getting another main title run right now.

Shelton's role in the money in the bank is to do impressive stuff, come close, but fall short. That's what he has done every year and there's nothing to show that it will be any different this time around. He does not have a great deal of momentum and doesn't seem to be receiving any sort of push right now, and he just doesn't seem to be main event caliber right now.

Of the 5, I'd say MVP is the most likely candidate, but still a long shot. Similar to Benjamin, he just doesn't seem to be in the position to be in the main event. However, I could see creative milking a victory from him as some sort of "cinderella story", going from a terrible losing streak to a big victory. But that doesn't mesh well with his crusade to get the US title back and his feud with benjamin.

So as of right now, it doesn't look like the winner has been announced yet. Of course, all of my above arguments could be nullified if the winner, whoever it is, pisses it away on the ECW championship. Then it really could be any of them.
For a long while, I have thought that Morrison would be winning. However, with the match that's been announced for next week's Smackdown, I am now, nigh-on certain that the tag titles will be unified at Wrestlemania, and so MITB stalwarts Morrison and Carlito won't be in it this year.

With that in mind, it means that the remaining 3 spots have to be filled by other people. The most obvious choice is out of Mike Knox, Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston, The Brian Kendrick, R-Truth, Hurricane Helms and Mr Kennedy. Kennedy is allegedly injured until after the event, so that leaves 6 people for three spots. Knox and Mysterio have already lost qualifiers, and there are already strong men in the picture.

Helms isn't being used very much at the moment, so I think that means that it will probably end up being Kendrick, Truth and Kofi. As for a winner from those people, I am abandonning my "it should be a heel" belief, and saying that MVP will win.
here is a funny way to end the MITB...
Have Mark Henry laying on the mat and let someone hit the crossbody on him from the top rope, then someone else jump on the other 1/2 of his body, and boom like the "blob" (big airbag used to fling someone in the air) the first peson is blasted into the air grabbing the briefcase at the same time....why is he in the match? please take this as the joke it was meant to be.

Now, with all seriousness, i would really like to see Kane win. Yeah, i know hes getting over the hill, and most chokeslams look like a horrible version of a move that was very powerful and believeable 5-8 years ago. Kane has done so much jobbing for WWE lately, and has only had a 24 hour title reign in his career. he deserves a title run. I think Real wrestling fans would like to see this too.
every1 knows he wouldn't carry the show like john cena/HHH/Edge can, because of his lack of mic skills, but it would give a face mid-carder a chance to challenge him, and win the title. almost like 2 pushes from one MITB match.

Or Shelton Benjamin, He is so athletic, and so missused. i cant remember the last time he had a big match for the US title. WWE needs to get all the midcarders from smackdown, and have them all fighting for the US championship. the same could be said for the intercontental champ on raw. make it seem like someone actually wants to hold the title now-a-days.
Does anyone else think maybe Mark Henry may lose his spot?

I was thinking that maybe Evan Bournes return match on ECW is against Henry and he wins his spot in the Money in the Bank.

Wishfull thinking but you never know :)
I like the idea Jay, equally, if something happens in regards to Punk/JBL and the IC Title, maybe Punk could opt to pull out of MITB to persue the IC Title. I mean last year Jeff got suspended right before it without any time to find a replacement, maybe they will find reasons to make MITB actually watchable?
Now, with all seriousness, i would really like to see Kane win. Yeah, i know hes getting over the hill, and most chokeslams look like a horrible version of a move that was very powerful and believeable 5-8 years ago. Kane has done so much jobbing for WWE lately, and has only had a 24 hour title reign in his career. he deserves a title run. I think Real wrestling fans would like to see this too.
every1 knows he wouldn't carry the show like john cena/HHH/Edge can, because of his lack of mic skills, but it would give a face mid-carder a chance to challenge him, and win the title. almost like 2 pushes from one MITB match.

I agree 100% with this. I think having Kane win would be great because, if WWE are looking for the suprise factor I think they could get it by allowing Kane to go over. Now, I'll not go on that he should win as a sort of thankyou for all his years with the WWE because in all honesty that is a bs excuse. Kane should win because of his talent and what he still possesses today, I honestly believe he is far more credible than most people will admit.

His mic skills are not bad, Kane can be entertaining on the mic when he needs to be. He was once the main face on Raw and was great on the mic..those sort of skills just don't disappear..he can also cut a killer heel promo. So yeh, I say let Kane win...he is certainly a fresh option to win MITB and as a possible title holder. He's been in that many of these matches that surely its time he stepped up and won. But I can honestly say I do not know what will happen here, tbh the way WWE has been trying to suprise lately I wouldn't be at all shocked if Henry won!!!!!
THIS IS TURNING OUT TO BE THE WORST MITB MATCH EVER! Finlay, Kane, MARK HENRY!?!?!?!?!?!?! instead of it being a match to advance a superstar into main event status, its turning into a fill-in match...FOR CRYING OUT LOUD MARK HENRY!?!?!?!?!?!?! imagine him trying to climb a ladder...Man if they brought back Virgil i'd be more excited to watch it...last years was great with the young talent..this year looks rediculous...why not mysterio, kingston, Kendrick, miz and morrison, Santino would even be a better fit, Evan Bourne, Chavo, Christian, R many other options and yet Mark Fricken Henry gets the go ahead...if goldust or jbl get in I'm not watchin it this year
Kingston will also be on it. And as far as the official list goes, only MVP and Shelton need this push to get over.

Kofi will fight against Jericho tonight on RAW on a Qualifying Match and I'm certain that Jericho wont win it. With that said and also with more two weeks to go, and one qualifying match on SmackDown! already done it's tough to say who they will put in here as the last entrant besides Evan Bourne, he needs to be on Wrestlemania card and I hope he is.
I highly doubt that this would happen but it would be a good way to get Christian to become a main eventer:

Christian winning the MITB match and getting drafted to Smacktdown and cash it in on Edge and setting up a feud. That would be awesome
Has anyone really thought about Tyson Kidd being the final member of the Money In The Bank Ladder match. I have seen this guy wrestle in person in Calgary and Edmonton. The guy is a tremendous mat wrestler and an amazing high flier. He would be the perfect++++ for this match. If its not him I`d like to see Evan Bourne & Christian in the match. They`re good to.
least Likely To Win
Kofi Kingston Lets Face It Hes Not Whc Material

most Likely To Win
Christian Or Mvp

who I Want To Win It
Mark Henry Or Shelton Benjamin
Mark Henry Because I Want Him Of Ecw
Benjamin Lets Face It Hes Been In Every Mitb He Needs A Win In It
I definitely think this is gonna be between Christian or MVP. I personally think that MVP is gonna win it, since he has gotten a pretty big push lately. It would be awesome if Christian won it though. He could fude with Edge if Edge were to keep the WHC. That would be sick! Shelton deserves to win it one of these years cuz they keep puttin him in there. Maybe this is the year he wins, since there isn't a guy that just jumps out as deserving the push that much.
My opinion on the MitB:

C.M Punk: Won last years and has been booked horribly since, I can't see him getting the win here, although I do expect him to be the guy who is knocked off the ladder before the guy who wins takes the briefcase

Kane: I don't really know what they're going to do with Kane. He's essentially jobber to the stars so won't get a World Title, and I don't think he's in the right shape to take a big bump. I expect him to take multiple finishers leading in to the end, or a high impact off the ladder

Mark Henry: Shouldn't win, and most likely won't, but he's my pick for spot monkey. World's Strongest Man, I'd love to see him pick up the ladder (with someone on) and just hurl it out of the ring for a sick bump. Also, I can see him being in the ring alone, climbing the ladder and all the rungs giving way, would get a good laugh from the fans

Kofi: He'll bring energy and enthusiam. Only guy I would label as 100% not going to win.

MVP: Could win, he's getting a big push, and now he's off the losing streak he's improving again. He's over enough and legitimate enough to win this.

Shelton: Could be the next step to put him up to the next level. I have the sneaking suspicion it won't be his year for it though. Will do his usual spots and steal the show, even if he doesn't win.

Christian: My pick to win, they shunted him away from the Jeff Hardy angle, which would have been high profile and main event. The only way to make up for this is a MitB win. Setting him up for a face run at the title or a heel turn.
Ok, now this years MITB isnt as star studded as previous years, I def would have loved to swap henry, finley and maybe even kane for say evan bourne and kennedy and perhaps kendrick but nothing can be done now. I think christian has the best chance to win. everybody was thinking he's gonna get buried and be a second thought because he's on ecw which is kinda still true but i think his title match with swagger def raised his stock and may have been a key part of putting him in this match. everybody was soo sure it would be him and swagger at WM. MVP also has a good chance of winning, he's getting nicely over now but i think a feud with shelton after WM is more likely. why would it be a impossibility for punk to win it again? everybody doggs his WHC reign but come on if he worked with y2j or hbk instead of jbl and batista you wouldnt be saying anything cuz he can work well with workers not bodies. I think cage can do it get drafted to sd but if you think he's facing edge your on something cuz cena is winning at WM and edge wont even get pinned, thats what the big slow is in there for. how bout edge trying to use their friendship as a way of trying to get in close and steal christians MITB.
Money In The Bank 2009:
In the end, there are only 3 wrestlers who have a real chance of winning this..

Shelton Benjamin
Hopefully Shelton will step up his game on Smackdown, start showing some intensity and determination because after being in the MiTB match for a number of years now, you would have to believe that he is sick and tired of losing it each and every time.
If WWE continues to follow the Heel/Face trend of the past winners, Shelton has this one locked.

Is on a huge face push at the moment, has the crowd behind him and the potential to become a great star. That being said, he is still on the hunt to get back "his title", the US title, and he may get another long run with it after continuing his feud with Benjamin post Wrestlemania. If Shelton wins the briefcase, I can see the two having a 2 pinfall match, with the first pinfall being for the US title and the 2nd for the case. Could be a plausible way of passing the US title on, while prepping Benjamin for the MiTB run.

It's Christian, nuff said.
I am pumped for this years money in the bank match, a lot of people seem to be down on it because of the big men, Kane and Mark Henry. I get the feeling there going to have a couple good spots in the match, I would love to see Kane an Henry on top of the same latter fighting for the briefcase, Wrestlemainia 25, Big men for BIG spots!!

As far as who is going to win the match, I'm at a total loss, and that may be why I'm so excited, I could see this thing going so many ways, at this point its Kofi, M.V.P, Shelton, C.M Punk, Kane, Mark Henry, and christian. I could see pretty much any of them winning, to be real, and as much as I would like to see mark henry win, he probably has the least likely chance of pulling out the win, but I would not put it past the WWE. I could see christian winning it, and he sure as hell deserves it in my opinion, I could for sure see him in the main event on Smackdown, and as many people have said, cashing it in on edge would be stellar!

On a final note, I just wanted to make it known that I will be rooting for Kane to take it down, I would love to see a real kane title run, even if its just for a month or two. Something a little more than 24 hours. Kane seems to have a pretty loyal following of Kane-ites out there who would mark out for a little kane title run.

.... and please no C.M. Punk Victory, people complain about Cena being shoved down their throats( I have to agree to an extent) but I really feel they pushed Punk pretty hard( they gave him the triple crown in one year). Have shelton cost punk the briefcase, let punk get drafted to smackdown, and they could feud for the United states championship, let him earn his way on smackdown.
I love the idea of Christian winning and cashing in if Edge wins at WM. I can see this happening and not just because of the amazing awesomeness that would be. Lately reports are coming out saying Vince cares more about his floor mat then Christian and he is not fond of him. This report (the floormat one) happened to come out yesterday from a backstage source. Arent the backstage source people now trying to plant false information? This would lead us to believe he has no shot in hell of winning. What Vince doesnt see in Christian is beyond me and I'm sure almost anyone, so I'm calling BS on that story and saying its planted false information and Christian will cash it in if Edge wins.

If the story is true (and Vince truely doesnt see talent) I agree with MVP or Shelton winning. I am a HUGE heel mark, BUT I have always loved MVP and I even dig the face turn, so I would love to see him win. Hes been in the company for 2.5 years (I know I cant believe it either) and the guy gets better every week. Sheltons a great worker too, but I dig MVP's mic skills more, they just flow with him.
All the competitors are in this match. It's almost as week as last years. The only two I think stand a chance are MVP or Christian. I lie, MVP is the only one I think will win it.

You need somebody like Finlay in the match to keep all the younger wrestlers in check, but surely Kane or Christian could do the same. I'd have swapped Finaly with somebody flashier like R-Truth, or John Morrison. Overall it'll be poor, just like it has been for the past few years.

It was obvious Edge was going to win the first MITB, but at least he was in that match with wrestlers you could see winning it. Only Shelton would have been a total shock. This year you'd be shocked if a quarter of them won it. That doesn't add more excitement, it measn the match if full of filler wrestlers.
1. Christian- I believe that Christian has the best chance at winning. It seems like they already ended his feud with Swagger and he will move on to bigger and better things. He'll most likely be moving to RAW or Smackdown during the draft.

2. MVP- He is another guy that I could see winning it. His losing streak has been over for a while and he's started to gain momentum as of late. This would be a great way to continue that positive momentum.

3. Shelton Benjamin- Shelton is the only other guy that I could see winning it. He has had the US title for a while now and winning mitb will give him another main event push. I think he has done enough to warrant another push and this would obviously help him.

4. CM Punk- He won it last year but I really can't see him winning it again. He dropped the IC title because he is in this match and they probably wanted it defended at Mania, and I think Punk will just go back to feuding for the IC title after Mania.

5. Kofi Kingston- Kofi is one of the best young talents in the WWE, but it's still too early in his career for him to get a main event push. I could see him winning it next year, but not this year.

6,7,8,. Mark Henry, Kane , Finlay- These are just three veterans that were thrown in the match so they could get their Wrestlemania pay days. They won't add too much to the match and they don't have a shot at winning.

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