Money In the Bank: 2009

I've thought for a while that the Money In The Bank would be a great place to have Miz and Morrison split. But, I changed my mind after watching ECW tonight.

I've always hoped that a representative from ECW should win the match, and give ECW a little bit of a push, but never quite knew who should be the man to do it. Then, the Evan Bourne promo package hit.

He'd be perfect. He has the look of a champ, and is one hell of a performer in the ring. His finisher is one of the best in the business, and he pulls it off easy. I haven't heard any of his promos, but his matches obviously speak volumes. He'd be a great fit for the match, and would instantly expand the ECW audience with the chance to win the title at a moment's notice.

No matter who leaves Wrestlemania as champion, it's a new feud for Bourne. Bourne v. Swagger would have a legit shot at match of the year, and Bourne v. Christian would make me reconsider taking stock in Kleenex.
I'm sorry, but DiBiase and Cody are far more over than Shelton is

Ok, well Cryme Tyme is more over then Rhodes and Dibiase but that doesn't mean they should be winning the money in the bank.

What does he bring to the table that can't be provided by others? I look at what he brings, and I see nothing that Hardy can't provide, R-Truth, Helms

I really like Hardy and R Truth and I wouldn't mind if either of them won, but I think Shelton is a better in-ring performer then both guys. When it comes to Helms, his current character has zero personality. Helms was over when he was The Hurricane and that's about it. And if he went back to being the Hurricane then he wouldn't be taken serious enough to win a heavyweight title.

Saying Shelton doesn't put on good matches is bullshit, and you say he's not over but every time Shelton is in the ring he does something that makes you do a double take. If people didn't care about him at all then they wouldn't give a shit when he did something amazing. The only negative thing you can say about Shelton is that he isn't that great on the mic, but he has improved a lot. Not only that but there have been guys who weren't great talkers ie: Jeff Hardy that have held the heavyweight title, and that is because they were exciting in the ring, and although they weren't great talkers they had a lot of intensity. Shelton puts on exciting matches and he brings a lot of intensity. He has gotten a couple pushes before, so why not give him another try. Worst case scenario it doesn't work and he goes back to the mid card.
I'm expecting the ECW Championship to be defended in a triple threat now between Christian, Finlay, and Jack Swagger. If you rule out the people with storylines heading into WrestleMania right now (such as Hardy/Hardy, HHH/Orton, Cena/Edge, Taker/HBK), here's the list of potential MITB people:

Umaga, John Morrison, CM Punk, Big Show, MVP, The Miz, Rey Mysterio, Shelton Benjamin, Mr. Kennedy, JBL, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, Rhodes/DiBiase, R-Truth, Vladimir Kozlov, Chavo Guerrero.

I eliminated a few names that are lower on the scale, like Jamie Noble and such, as well as people that most likely won't be on the card but could, like Mark Henry and Khali.

Let's look at what the MITB means. This is the opportunity to throw together 8 guys that have nothing to do but should be involved in the ppv. One of these guys is good enough that they can give the case to and show him that they trust that within the next year, he'll improve enough to be a worthwhile champion choice. At the same time, there's no point in giving that briefcase to somebody who is already a world champion or a main event guy for the most part. Why? Because its sloppy and useless. I'll explain when the names come down to it.

PEOPLE WHO DON'T NEED IT: Umaga, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, JBL, Kane = These guys are main event level talent for the most part. Did anybody question Mysterio and Kane being in the elimination chambers? Nope. Everybody questioned Kofi and Knox. Mysterio and Kane could challenge any champion at any time and it wouldn't seem like much of a filler title defense for the ppv. So why would you give the MITB case to someone who could just challenge for a title at any time without it? It makes no sense. Now, if you give it to someone who isn't in that position and you change your mind later on during the year, you can have someone like a Big Show or a Kane beat that person for the MITB and cash it in.

NOT GOOD ENOUGH: Rhodes, DiBiase, R-Truth, Vladimir Kozlov, Chavo Guerrero, Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne = Rhodes and DiBiase won't be in it most likely in the first place and they're too young. They should be winning midcard titles this year though. R-Truth isn't even good enough to trust with a midcard title, so why would they have him win one of the two world titles? Vladimir Kozlov has no shot at winning this as they can't even keep him in the main event on Smackdown most of the time. Chavo Guerrero....c'mon. Kofi is a potential choice for next year but not this time around. Evan Bourne, same idea. He's really over with the crowd but he hasn't won a single title yet and he hasn't been around long enough for them to judge whether or not he can continue to improve. It'd be foolish for them to skyrocket him to the top so fast.


CM Punk = Won it last year. He won't win it again. Plus, since he's already a former world champion now, he has more of a legitimate route to just challenge a champion. He's at the same level that Rey Mysterio is right now, except he's younger and has a better shot at winning a 2nd world title lol.

Mr. Kennedy = He won the Money in the Bank before and lost his opportunity because of his injury. As much as I hope Kennedy can get over his problems and become a main event guy in the future, the smart decision is to NOT give him this case a second time. He's so injury prone that if you did give it to him, you'd most likely have to make him lose it again. Its not worth the risk. Throw Kennedy into the match by all means, but he won't win it.

The Miz = A potential choice, but not really when you see that there are 3 bigger fish to fry. Miz has loads of charisma, is over with the crowd as a heel, and he's improved drastically, but he'd be much better suited for winning a midcard title and/or the King of the Ring if they have it again this year.

Shelton Benjamin/MVP = Two major possibilities. The fact that they're feuding might allude to them not being the winners though, similar to how last year we had MVP and Matt Hardy feuding over the US title around this time. Now, what's weird about these two is that they contradict each other. If you needed a new champion and you had to pick between these two, you'd most likely pick MVP...but that actually hurts his chances in comparison to Shelton. As I said above, if you're able to challenge a champion just by going up to him and saying "I want a shot at your title" and it sticks, you don't need the Money in the Bank. Shelton is someone who would actually need the MITB to win a world title and catapult himself into the main event.

BUT there's one guy that fits all the specifications...


I keep beating the drum in every thread that debates who will win it haha.

Assuming Cena wins back his title and HHH retains his at Mania, could Morrison challenge either one of those guys and really truly be viewed as "oh shit, Morrison's gonna win" on the ppv? No. He'd need the MITB case.

Last year we had a face so it'd make sense to have a heel win it this year to spice it up a bit, correct?

Is he someone who will be a future main event star? Yes.

Is he someone that the WWE can trust? You'd better believe it. The guy had his suspension back with the ECW title but ever since then he's not had a single problem backstage, he hasn't been injured, he hasn't been suspended, and the guy's been working all 3 shows on a regular basis!

I'll be shocked if Morrison doesn't win it, and if by some chance he doesn't, I think its very safe to say that it'll be MVP or Shelton that does instead.
Ok, well Cryme Tyme is more over then Rhodes and Dibiase but that doesn't mean they should be winning the money in the bank.

I really like Hardy and R Truth and I wouldn't mind if either of them won, but I think Shelton is a better in-ring performer then both guys. When it comes to Helms, his current character has zero personality. Helms was over when he was The Hurricane and that's about it. And if he went back to being the Hurricane then he wouldn't be taken serious enough to win a heavyweight title.

Saying Shelton doesn't put on good matches is bullshit, and you say he's not over but every time Shelton is in the ring he does something that makes you do a double take. If people didn't care about him at all then they wouldn't give a shit when he did something amazing. The only negative thing you can say about Shelton is that he isn't that great on the mic, but he has improved a lot. Not only that but there have been guys who weren't great talkers ie: Jeff Hardy that have held the heavyweight title, and that is because they were exciting in the ring, and although they weren't great talkers they had a lot of intensity. Shelton puts on exciting matches and he brings a lot of intensity. He has gotten a couple pushes before, so why not give him another try. Worst case scenario it doesn't work and he goes back to the mid card.

When oh when did I say that Shelton was a bad in the ring? Never. Now, since when does being good in the ring mean that you are over? It can contribute to that, yes, but look at Sanfreakingtino Marella. The dude is booked as a horrid in-ring performer, but because the dude is the most ridiculous and funny guy to be on the roster since The Rock, he's over. Shelton can take a great Sweet Chin Music and is good for spots in ladder matches, but I implore you to provide me with some substantial evidence (not anything you've already said...because that has not been substantial) as to why I should care about Shelton Benjamin. If I want to watch feats of athleticism, I will watch sports. I'll turn on LeBron or Kobe. With wrestling, I want a cartoonish story. I want heroes doing heroic things and bad guys doing evil things. That's why people get hooked on wrestling...otherwise they can just watch the real thing on UFC.

And Cryme Tyme more over than Rhodes/DiBiase? Ok. I guess that's why only JTG fought in the Rumble and Rhodes/DiBiase got 3rd and 4th respectively. Or that Rhodes/DiBiase are 2 time tag champs and involved in the biggest feud currently on Raw. Hmmm.
MVP, Christian, or Rhodes.

These 3 seem like the 3 most viable options open to me at the time of writing this.

MVP is on the back of a face turn and needs some intresting storylines to kick start a push to the main event (if WWE feels he is ready). Money in the Bank always opens plenty of storylines and feuds in the run up to cashing it in,and your always on fans eyes because no-one knows when you will cash it in. MVP definantly has the mic skills, but needs to improve a tad still in-ring if he's going to be ready for main eventing in the next year.

Christian makes sense for a number of reasons. Firstly he is reliable- i.e. he's not going to do something stupid like take drugs or some other controversy. In addition he's a v. hard worker, great on the mic, and has just returned so is very hot and quite over with fans.

Rhodes is out of all the mid-carders on Raw is to me the most promising and most likely to breakthrough this year. He has really improved in ring and he'snot that bad on the mic. It could also be used in some storyline with legacy/Orton after mania

I'd also agree with a lot of the people saying Morrision in the he has loads of potential, I just think he is too much of a risk and could end up been a flop like CM Punk.
Ive a few possiblitys for Money In The Bank 2009

Mr Kennedy's reign was lived short by Edge
Give Kennedy the Briefcase and make Edge Retain against John Cena
Kennedy rushes out and we finally see the rematch....Edge vs Mr Kennedy
obviously not the main event, but it would be history making and Mr kennedy;s moment at Wm25.

Montel Vontavious Porter has a good chance. This Build up of losing matches could be a set up for Mania in him winning Money In The Bank. Imagine MVP as World Champ. It would be interesting too see. The Million Dollar Champion. He gets his Pryro back and Turns on the fan's again. An Ultimate HEEL.

Rey Mysterio is not a favorite off mine. But the guy works his ass off everynight on Raw. Cut him some slack and give him a title. Win money in the bank and challenge any title he wants. Make him the first to challenge for a Mid Card title. Rey Mysterio vs Cm Punk (IC Title)
hey guys till now MITB has not yet been cashed for ECW title....currently tommy 's story line is for ECW world title only.... and surly tommy cant fight all d way to the top without any push.... so y cant he win and continue his storyline.... any comments????
Right now I only see two options.

Rey: He has been in the rumble and EC match, if thats not enough he also was the last two in that match and could have won. So I can see Rey taking the win here and cashing it later on.

M.V.P.: He was being build to win it after that giant losing streak so I can see him in it and winning it. As long as he keeps up his winning and gets way over with the fans he will be M.I.T.B. and our next WWE champion.
but his matches with Taker the last few weeks were very good, his match with HBK a few years ago was amazing, he's had great matches with Triple H. Every time he's put in a match with a main event talent he delivers.

Has it ever crossed your mind that when shelton has a match with a decent person its a decent match, he doesnt lift it? The main event talent CARRIES the match he just puts in a few spots to make it look pretty. Its like Undertaker is a little girl and shelton is a pink polka dot ribbon in her/his hair it make her look nice but the little girls personality(the match) is still the same
But thats just my :twocents:
Oh and I think that MVP will win he needs a push towards the WWE title
I'd have to say the favourite is MVP, he did his time in the doghouse, with his mic skills i can see him becoming the next rock.

Maybe this is a long shot but maybe Christian may have a shot at winning MITB?
With Morrison vs. The Miz vs. CM Punk, I guess we well see Morrison qualifying to Money in The Bank Ladder Match 5 (I guess it's the 5th Annual MITB Ladder Match).

With that said, I'm sad to see it, because I would really enjoy to see The Colons fighting against Miz and Morrison for both tag titles at the same Wrestlemania 25.

If CM Punk qualifies to Money in The Bank he wont win it, I guess it doesn't matter to him to win it, he would win a title match if they want to without the briefcase, what would be shocking was if it was The Miz to win this qualifying match and eventually winning the briefcase, that would be a major shock...

I'm actually disapointed that Punk won tonight. Since in the past 2 MITB he's been in , the most shocking thing he has done is win it. So I personally think he should be in a singles match for the int title. This would also give a new face a shot in the match.
I'm actually disapointed that Punk won tonight. Since in the past 2 MITB he's been in , the most shocking thing he has done is win it. So I personally think he should be in a singles match for the int title. This would also give a new face a shot in the match.

I couldn't agree more gimme a six man battle royal for the IC title. Suck up some of the midcard and leave only the real contenders to fight in MITB. THen in a crazy turn of events someone comes from the back and reaches up and gets the briefcase when everyone else is destroyed, :undertaker2:
I can't see a face winning the Money in the Bank briefcase this year, largely due to the fact that cashing it in is essentially a heelish thing to do. Unless you do it like RVD or the fest or fired people on TNA, in which case the briefcase loses some of its gravitas.

If it was October, I'd have said that Kendrick had a chance, but his push appears to be dead in the water, so I'm going to go with Morrison. The loss to Punk certainly sets up something between him and The miz, who I think has improved enough to go it alone. They could even feud over the case for a bit, which Morrison could win and make himself look stronger.

This is assuming my idea for a tag title unification match doesn't take place. If it does, then I expect that either Cody Rhodes wins it, which will ultimately lead to the end of Legacy, or they'll just slap it on MVP, who is probably the most over contender, and although he is a face, he could easily turn back.
Now they are saying that 8 people will be in MITB that is alot of people so you think 3 from raw 3 from smackdown and 2 from ecw. so in my opinion the field is going to fill as MVP vs Shelton vs TBK (smackdown) vs punk vs kane vs mysterio (raw) vs Bourne vs Christian (ECW) and the person who will win will be christian, he will get drafted to smackdown to be with edge, but he will turn on edge take his title with the briefcase probably soon like backlash and start a edge and matt vs jeff and christian rivalry, which would be great as they have all established themselves as singles competitiors. mvp doesnt deserve it, cm punk blew his chance, noone wants mysterio, if those are the 8 i am betting my all my money on captain charisma
i agree with y2jathon it will be christan but i think he will cash it in that night after edge beats cena. this year is the 5th mitb and the 25th wm so why not make it look like its going to be heel mainia and have randy beat hhh for the title then the next mainevent will be austin vs jericho then after that its edge vs cena have edge go over and let all the kiddies think that wrestlemania sucked for one second then have christan cash it in in that same night so that way edge and randy can win and there still be some light in the end
Whoever it is, it should be a heel. Giving MITB to faces doesn't do anything for them. They have the choice of cashing it in in a heelish manner, a la Punk, which makes them look weak, or cashing it in nobly, a la RVD, which makes them look ******ed (or just not needing the briefcase anyway). MVP is face at the moment, which rules him out. Ditto Evan Bourne, who probably won't get to the world title level anyway. I don't believe Shelton has done enough with the US belt to justify having it. It should be Morrison or Miz, probably Morrison, but HBK would have to put him over properly before he cashes it in. Otherwise the fans would never buy it.
I know this forum is split on Mr. Kennedy ...... Kennedy, but someone in WWE clearly thinks high of him, and having Stone Cold Steve Austin co-signing for you doesn't hurt. I'm not sure where Kennedy is, since I heard he's clear to wrestle, but I can see him winning MITB, since his go around with it, didn't quite work out the way he wanted too. And if would be very fitting for him to take the title from Edge ... seeing how he stole MITB from Kennedy
i would love to see MVP win MITB, his matches are fun to watch, he has great mic skills, and he has the potential to start a good feud with people like Edge, HHH, Taker etc. If he gets drafted to Raw though, he's screwed
The 8 I'd hope for would be

1. CM Punk (only because he's already in it)
2. Mysterio
3. Carlito
4. Shelton Benjamin
5. R-Truth
6. Evan Bourne
7. John Morrison
8. Christian

It'll probably be the 3/3/2 split, but I like these eight, all of whom could work a ladder match. I'd really like to see a Tag unification match between the Colons and M/M, but I don't see it happening.

I'd want Morrison or Benjamin to win and cash it in successfully.
There are 4 people I'd like to see win it.

MVP: He is the longest reigning United States Champion in WWE history. He is on a huge roll. He was in a major slump and got back onto his feet brushed his shoulders off and continued on. He's improved his attitude. So I see no reason why he can't win the MITB. He's the obvious choice for me.

Mysterio: After the showing in the NWO Chamber match I must say Mysterio is back on my favorite list. However Rey Rey couldn't use it to win a World title. Someone has to fail after an epic showing after cashing in. Rey could be the one.

Morrison: He is a main event in the making and our generations HBK. He oodles charisma and has dominated the tag division in only a little over a year and a half. He is ready for singles success and this could be the way to push him.

Christian: He is practically Edge's brother. How sweet would it be for him to beat Edge at the end of Wrestlemania this year. I know it won't ahppen but I can dream. I can see him winning a world title via MITB though. I mean CM Punk was world champion so why not.

Thats about it. I can't think of anymore. I know they are obvious choices but they are the right ones. In any case MITB is always classic.
Two more matches announced as qualifying matches for MITB this year.

So we get: Mysterio vs. Knox vs. Kane and Marella vs. Henry, well I don't see the point of this two matches, I don't want to see any of this wrestlers to win MITB, well, maybe Santino, lol.

It would make more sense to have Henry fighting on the RAW Match and Mysterio fighting on ECW, because if they want to qualify both men they would it in better matches, and as far as I know, Marella vs. Henry isn't any better than Marella vs. Mysterio...
Rey vs Knox vs Kane: Okay...obviously this is just another match to have Kane and Knox job to Mysterio so that he can go on to MitB...thus making Kane look weaker and Knox less intimidating if he can't fight off a guy half his size.

Henry vs Santino: ...You're kidding, right? There's only two possible outcomes of this match:

Henry ultimately squashes Santino in at least 10 seconds and qualifies

Santino wins with help from his girls, takes a cheap shot, or wins by count out.
[QUOTE="The Hardcore Legend" Christian Battlez;893016]

MVP: He is the longest reigning United States Champion in WWE history. He is on a huge roll. He was in a major slump and got back onto his feet brushed his shoulders off and continued on. He's improved his attitude. So I see no reason why he can't win the MITB. He's the obvious choice for me.


I agree with him. I would love to see MVP it and cash it in the same night, but since he is no longer heel it won't work. He is ready to be in the Main Event. He is one of the best on Smackdown. I would love to see him move in the draft.

Another person I would love to see win it is MVP's enemy, Shelton Benjamin. He is very talented, but I understand he isn't ready to be in the Main Event.

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