[Official] Money in the Bank 2010 Thread

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Drew McIntyre will win the Money In The Bank case.

Wow, I was WAY off here. There is no way I could have EVER predicted this match correctly. Swagger winning was such a shock. I was sure of it that McIntyre would have won, I even thought he would cash it in that same night. If I could have, I would have bet all my vCash on McIntyre cashing in on Edge after the Edge/Jericho match, that's how confident I was in that result.... obviously I was dead wrong there since Edge didn't beat Jericho and Swagger won the MITB. The match itself was great. I really enjoyed it because it was full of insane spots and it remained unpredictable until the end. This was one of the better MITB matches. Kofi's attempt at ladder stilts was hilarious.

I give this match a rating of 7 out of 9.
Every wrestling fan says shelton benjamin is a pure athlete. Who always pushes it when it comes to ppvs and gives other wrestlers good pops but gets thrown under the bus right after. Its just bc Vince Wants to make money now and doesnt want to invest in anyone right now. With Cena, DX, and Undertaker sales he really doesnt have to. how many Cena action figures have you seen compared to Shelton Benjamin or Jack Swagger ones? Or how many DX and Undertaker shirts is/was he selling? its a money game.
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