[Official] Money in the Bank 2010 Thread

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i'd like to see the age of christian but...
When i picture an MVP in wrestling or boxing, i picture some one with a lot of class, looks good, is cocky and has a belt or two sitting on his shoulder. MVP has all of these requirements but the gold. He needs gold. I'm not talking about U.S. or Tag Team. Work his way up. MitB then I.C. belt then hit the big one with the WWE. Give MVP the Money in the bank and a BIG PUSH!!!
He's an older guy that isn't the slightest bit over, who sucks in his current face role, hasn't been on PPV in God knows when, and has possibly the worst finisher in all of WWE.

Sure, why not? Give him a title shot. When's the last time he was on television before Friday night? A month?

MVP is a whole hell of a lot closer to being future endevoared than he is at winning a title shot at WrestleMania.
Drew mcintyre definately proved he could stand the big dogs and after tonight he will cash in the money in the bank!! Bonus I believe he'll cash in only to lose setting up the money in the bank ppv
It comes down to Christian and Drew McIntyre are the only two with any chance, but the others, including Kane, should be all good for big spots. It comes down to if the WWE want the popular choice or to push someone young. McIntyre will have plenty of more chances, so in the interest of fairness I'd like to see Christian go through, but we shall see. I expect this to be one of the better MITB matches, even if the winner isn't exactly going to set the world on fire.
Surprising winner, I'll give them that but I thought the match was far weaker than previous ones. It looked very messy and lacked spots, the only notable ones being the 3 ladders all connected between the ropes and Kofi using the ladder as stilts. It was still entertaining but I feel it didn't live up to what is expected of this match.
Not as good as last year's MITB, but still was a pretty heavy shock seeing the Swagg-myster pull it off. Had my money on Christian but oh well, I like a little surprise ;)

Also, Edge and Punk are much better wrestlers than him, so I wonder if they'll actually have Swagger LOSE his title shot..
A pretty good MITB, that flowed pretty well even though it had an orgy of guys in it this year. Aside from McIntyre, each guy got a nice amount of time to do something so I never forgot they were there. I still can't believe that Swagger won, I mean my friends in I just stared in disbelief as he pulled that briefcase down. I have a feeling Jack will be the first MITB winner to cash in and lose, but we'll see how he's booked from here on in. I'll end this with some random thoughts:

-Kane has NEW FUCKING TIGHTS! How long has he had those old ones, like 7-8 years? I literally marked out when he came out in those things and that shock rivaled the shock of Swagger's victory

-When Swagger came out in that robe, it took me a few moments to realize that it wasn't Daniel Bryan.

-The Kofi/stilt thing was sick, though a little silly since he was surrounded by perfectly good ladders. Speaking of Kingston, what was with that hair? I'd picked him to win, but that hair made me change my mind in a heartbeat.

-No crazy Shelton spot this year makes me a sad panda

-What was the point of adding McIntyre? He did next to nothing. Even Ziggler did more. They should've just put him in an IC title match.

-Was it just me, or was Matt Hardy awesome this year? He almost had me thinking he could win, that's how good he was.

-Cole said Shelton's been in every MITB. Guess WM 23 was so bad, Cole aborted it from his memory.

-MVP and Shelton managed to not botch their spot this year. Kudos to them.

-Kane, man....he's got NEW TIGHTS!
Hey the Money In The Bank was pretty good to me I'm waching it over right now it's not to bad. But my eyes are going to be on swagger the most now that he won. When the champion is down I'm always going to be alert on hearing swaggers music.
Personally, while I enjoyed this year's Money in the Bank Match, it had the potential to be much better. There was no 'big spot' like there has been in prior years, such as Shelton running up the ladder at WM21, Hardy leg dropping Edge through the ladder at WM23, the triple stacked ladder at WM25, etc. It had a few moments like Bourne's shooting star press and Kofi's stilts but beyond that there was no huge moment.

I would have been fine with any result as long as it wasn't McIntyre so I was happy to see Swagger win but wasn't happy to see him fumble with the clip for like 20 seconds.

Overall, it was very entertaining but I feel it had the potential to be better.
After the past few years, I went into this match expecting that it'd live up to some of the hype created by MITB matches in the past. I couldn't have been more wrong. It was definitely lacking in the high spots that I've been accustomed to over the last few years. I do, however, have to say that Kofi walking on stilts was pretty damn unique, though.

I think they went a bit overboard with the amount of guys that were in it. Dolph and Drew hardly did much of anything at all. As for Matt Hardy, I was kind of shocked with how he looked like he's packed on the weight since i've seen him last.

Swagger winning was definitely something I didn't expect. I'm not sure what their logic is with this one...seeing as he was basically buried whenever he lost to Santino. I was personally pulling for Christian, though. I think he'd of been able to put on an entertaining program Edge. I guess, now, we'll just have to wait and see where this all leads with swagger.
There were just way too many wrestlers in this match for me. You probably saw 5 seconds of Shelton Benjamin when this is PPV is tailor made for him and pretty much his only time to shine all year. Not to mention the other stars that weren't given any time to shine in this match very long. It was nice to see Swagger win the case out of nowhere.

I'm not digging the Kurt Angle look because Swagger needs to be his own gimmick besides someone else. (That goes for Abyss and AJ too but that is for another thread) Anyways not a bad match but I would of liked to seen more spots and a climatic ending.
The MITB match was ok but it may have been the worst one out of the 6 that have taken place. 10 guys is way too many. I could deal with 8 because I understood the WWE wanting to get as many guys as possible on the card, but 10 was ridiculous. This match could have easily gone without Evan Bourne and Dolph Ziggler.

The Kofi stilt thing was cool but overall it lacked that one great spot. Even Shelton really didn't do much other than a hurricanrana on MVP to the outside. I liked the surprise of Swagger winning but overall this match could have been so much better.
Another fun Money in the Bank ladder match, even with a few botches and a pretty lousy choice for a winner in Jack Swagger. Kofi using the ladders as stilts was a creative spot, and I was damned impressed that he was actually able to maintain his balance and begin climbing up the ladder, I thought for sure he'd end up falling over. Some of the usual nice spots involving ladders, Christian got in his patented reverse DDT off a ladder (seriously, he's done that to someone in every ladder match he's ever been in). The ending sucked though, not only because it took Swagger seemingly FOREVER to get the briefcase unhooked, but because Swagger just was not the right choice here. I don't know what Vince has against Christian, but it's getting tiresome to see him ignored time and time again despise his massive appeal.

Still though, fun little ladder match. Not one of the best MITB matches, but not the worst either.
Hmm, yeah, sort of lacking compared to last year.

Kofi's stilts was definitely the highlight for me.

I agree with Mr. Eko, that Swagger (or anyone else winning) is sort of a slap in the face to Christian... the dude's getting sort of old, his old tag partner is a billion-time champion... give him a goddamn shot already, haha!

The guy who made the biggest impression on me was Bourne, for some reason. That Air Bourne off the ladder was HUGE. No chance he was going to win, but he won a lot of points.

So, yeah, sort of lacking; disappointing for Xtian's sake; but Kofi and Bourne had some cool spots.
First of all, lemme get this off my chest. I hate Jack Swagger. I loath him, I despise him. Everything about him. His face, his voice, his stupid entrance with the pushups and the pyro and what-not, his hair, his in-ring abilities (I'm not saying he's not good...I'm just saying I hate them because they're a part of him), but most of all...I just hate that stupid toothy grin of his. Cocky son of a bitch. I wish I could hate him to death. (Points to whoever guesses the webcomic I referenced in the last sentence.)

Now that that's settled, SWAGGER WON WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN NKRJAS:LKJ KLRLKA FKJ KLN KJGJ HGJ:GToi;j hlkj;bsk;ldn g983yrt ngnn DKljFJLDSKnBGJBSNFUDGB EFKJLAGLK;bswkhlHJGKlkH GKJLHlkjgbkdjzgkl adnkjgndfk;lsnbgukln =O

Sorry. Still had some in me.

I was pulling for Christian, too. Well, Kofi winning wouldn't have been bad, either, but that's just me. Also KOFI STILTS
This match was pretty good. Not one of the best Money In The Bank matches but not as shit as WrestleMania 22's MITB as that was utter shit. The match was a bit clustered and I could see people waiting outside not selling an injury or anything just stood there watching. There were some nice spots like the Shooting Star Press off the ladder onto Christian and Matt Hardy being flipped onto the ladder resting on the ropes. The Kofi stilt walk was very fun and I was a little shocked about him being able to get all the way over there. The usual spots were involved like the inverted DDT off the ladder by Christian and the usual sunset flip part between Shelton and MVP. Speaking off Shelton, he was fucking shit. He did nothing note worthy in the match and we could off done without him. The winner suprised me and I didn't particualy like Swagger winning. Christian was the only one to get a good pop.

Overall a very entertaining MITB with a suprising winner. I give it 3.5 stars.
It is good to see creative has not yet lost hope in Swagger, so I am happy with the result of this match. I expect Swagger to really blossom in this opportunity given to him or before cashing the case in he could feud with Chrisitian for a while. ALL AMERICAN AMERICAN
Money In The Bank Ladder Match

I think it is in the last Wrestlemania and just good form. Pretty nice to be as usual. Good "Spots" I think the biggest disappointment of the match was Shelton Benjamin and the biggest surprise Evan Bourne. The winner was quite a surprise to me, I never expected that Jack Swagger obtain the victory.
Duration of combat: 14 min
Rating: 8 / 10
I thought last year was the worst MITB match....until now. This match did nothing for me. It only confirmed what I knew going into WM24. MITB has run it's course. It's so obvious the only point of this match is to get the "leftover" guys on the card. I admit they do a good job of making it important since the winner always gets the title, and it's a nice push for a guy like Swagger, but I'm not buying it anymore. This match didn't even have the traditional crazy Shelton spot. This severly lacked in high spots compared to past years. At this point what's left for them to do? I get what Kofi's stilt spot was supposed to be, but I couldn't help but wonder why he didn't grab one of the dozen other good ladders that were around the ring. Ten guys is too many. It's lame to see guys simply taking turns in the ring and then sitting on the floor while it's the next guy's turn. Besides out of the ten guys I'd say only Mcintyre and Kofi really needed to be on the card. Since that's the case how about an IC match between the two? Hopefully with the addition of the unnecessary MITB ppv this mania tradition will come to an end.
Maybe they're saving the real MITB match for the actual pay-per-view?

Also, adding more people to the match doesn't seem to be doing WWE any favors, so, I don't think they should do it in that many numbers. Just go with 6, maybe 7, guys and you'll have an entertaining match.
For a second I almost thought Matt Hardy was finally going to grab the brass ring, but deep down inside, I knew it would be to good to be true. I thought McIntire was going to win this because he has the thumbs up from all the right people backstage, and he''s been riding a huge wave of momentum for a while now. It would've been cool to see Christian win, but I knew it wouldn't happen. For some reason Vince keeps turning a blind eye to Christian........

Swagger winning this match was a complete shock to me. After being humilatied by Santino a while back, I thought he was on the road to being buried on Raw. Heck, I even started a thread about how it's time to give up on Jack Swagger a while ago, but it seems I was very wrong. I've been a fan of Swagger's ever since he debuted on ECW. He's got the size, the amateur wrestling background, and he moves pretty fast for a big man. I don't think he'll hold on to the title to long when ever he cashes in the briefcase. Swagger will probably lose which ever world title he goes after fairly quickly.

This was a pretty fun MITB ladder match. We saw the usual 'holy shit!" moments, and the action was pretty good throughout the whole match.
Well thankfully, Matt Hardy didn't win this thing. I must say, I was genuinely shocked to see Jack Thwagga win this match. The guy had been doing nothing for month, and almost became an afterthought, and all of a sudden, he's the next potential world champion.

Money In the Bank is just getting to big for it's own good. It wasn't a bad match, but you forget right now that there were 10 guys in that match. Benjamin, didn't do anything, MVP, forgettable, Bourne, one spot and done. Etc.

I'm kinda happy that we didn't see all of the unneeded extra stuff like tables and chairs. It's a ladder match, with ten guys, why in the world would they need all of the extra shit.

Spot of the night with this thing was easily Kofi doing the stilt spot. Ridiculous, yes, but freaking awesome.
To Me, MITB is like the match with all the guys that just need to get the payday. Which is why you see Kane in there every friggin year, guys like Finlay. Then of course you have some of the newer fresh stars, but mostly its to fit randoms on the card with it being a 10 man Ladder.

The thing i hate about these is, the guy takes 1 punch and sells it for like 10 min, you ask yourself, man wheres shelton been from that punch... lol
I've seen quite a few negative reviews of this match in various places, but I can't understand why. I thought this was a very fun match and did its job in providing quite a few exciting spots. Granted, it got off to a bit of a slow start but when it got going, I thought it was great. It really hotted up about four or so minutes into the match and what followed in quick succession included the ladder sandwich on Swagger, the shooting star off the ladder, Bourne getting hip tossed from the top of the ladder and a sick bump that Matt took. This is when I really started loving this match.

Not to mention after that, there was a cool reverse DDT of the top of the ladder by Christian (which Cole called a twist of fate). Also, Kofi on stilits. Illogical? Yes. Enertaining? Oh Yes. I thought the end was pretty cool as well with Swagger just drilling the briefcase into Christian's head. I also don't mind Swagger winning. Sure, Christian would have been a better choice, but I like Swagger so I'm prepared to wait and see where it goes. It would have helped if he could have figured out how to unhook the case a bit quicker though. Overall, a fun match. Not the best MITB match, but certainly not the worst.
Swagger winning Shocked me to hell!!!! But I've alway's liked swagger so I was not to upset.

But to be honest Christian,Matthardy,Kofi and Evan bourne were the ONLY enterating people in this match. They were the only ones taking real risks.

Pretty good match overall, not the best MITB, but not bad.

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