[Official] Money in the Bank 2010 Thread

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Out of the 10 participants, Drew is the only one getting any kind of push so I'd have to go for him. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if Kofi or Christian get the briefcase.
First off I would like to say, Who I am routing for...since I am a Kofi Kingston fan, and a Christian fan..I want one of them to win. Kofi really deserves this push, WWE was very high on Kofi at one point in his career. Christian on another hand should win because i think a Edge vs. Christian feud should happen.

But who the standout winner will be is: Drew McIntyre, WWE and Vince McMahon are very high on him, and he is pushed to the moon right now, this guy is the future of WWE, and this will give him another feather in his cap. He is the Chosen One

We'll see what will happen at Wrestlemania!!! Cant wait!! This ones defintly going to be one of the best matches on the card. :headbanger:
Alright now this is my first post here so take it easy on me :) I'll do my best. Now personally I am most excited for the MITB ladder match. The match has some of my personal favorites like Kofi, Christian, Thwagger, and especially Bourne. I think there could be some great spots in this match. I don't know about everyone else but I'd love to see a SSP from the top of a twenty foot ladder.

Now as to who I think will win I think just like last year Christian is the presumptive favorite. However I think Kofi or MVP can win it as well. I'd love to see Cena beat Batista and then have MVP or Kofi go heel by cashing in MITB against him that night. I think it'll be a great end to the WWE Championship match. Especially as a Cena hater, with him losing the title twice in under a minute in one month lol. :p
I want Christian to win, and I think it's highly likely he will. IMO, he is the only guy in this match who is ready for/worth of a World Title run (MITB winners are almost guaranteed to win the belt when they cash in). MVP, Kane, and Matt Hardy have seen their title hopes come and go. Kane was the best of the three, no doubt, but he's not going to see another world title. MVP and Matt Hardy are solid mid card guys, but not World title material.

Shelton Benjamin is great in the ring, but it doesn't look like this guy is ever going to beat the mid card. I am not sure Evan Bourne will ever get the oppurtunity, they need a cruiserweight division for this guy to be really big (like Rey Mysterio big). Jack Swagger is another guy, kind of like Benjamin, who is great in the ring, but lacks in mic skills. I don't see him beating the mid card status without a drastic change in mic skills. Dolph Ziggler is a future World's champion, IMO, but not now. It's way, wayyy too soon for that.

Kofi seems to be a darling on this forum, but I'm not sold on him. He's really athletic...and that's about all he has going for him. I think he's a nice mid carder, but I just don't see him as a WWE/WHC. McIntyre will more than likely win a title, because Vince and Hunter like the guy.

But Christian is clearly the most over guy in this match. He is a big name superstar, and I think he will do some big things in this match to make his win even better. Will he cash it in at Mania? I wouldn't think so. I would think this would set up an eventual Edge/Christian feud, maybe with Christian as the heel?
In terms of who is the obvious winner I think it is Christian, but I think much like last year Christian will get passed over. I hope it is in favor of Kofi who possibly could go heel. I am quite scared however that it could be Drew who I still am not quite sold on.
In an ideal world I'd like to see Christian win it, he deserves it for all his good work in carrying ECW on his back for the past year, and he could make a difference in the main event scene on either RAW or Smackdown.

However I think the most obvious choice, as much as it pains me to say this, is Drew Mcintyre. He's got the storyline behind him and he's got Vince on his side so I can't see past him to be honest.

Kofi Kingston would have been a shoe-in a couple of months ago but he seems to have gone off the boil since his run-in with Randy Orton on RAW. At least he made it onto the card, for a while there I thought he was gonna be relegated to the Wrestlemania pre-show match.
Wow, the King of Cluster Fuck matches managed to make itself more Cluttered this year, wonderful. 10 people in one match with a ladder, spotty fun for all.

Shocky is Breaking it down, kinda.

1. Christian: LULZ, everyone and their mother picking Christian to win this thing and then go onto challenge Edge at Summerslam or some fanboy bullshit wet dream. No way in hell Christian wins this thing. Oh, Christian should win, no doubt, but his size will never get him in line for a WWE championship, no matter how over the man is with the crowd. Christian is the most over guy in the match, but he won't win.

2. Shelton Benjamin: Good for his usually spot fest. Hopefully he gets more then a minute to go nuts. Last year sucked because he was one spot and done. This guy is about as good as an athlete you have in the WWE, and he makes this match interesting every year.

3. Jack Swagger: If I'm a betting man, he has about the 2nd best shot of winning this thing. He's got the size and ability that Vinnie Mac loves, it's just that tiny pesky little thing of being able to get over with the crowd that's holding him back. I'm interested to see what an athlete like Swagger will be able to do in this match.

4. Kane: Again, LULZ. The Kanenites all believe that this is the year that Kane finally gets a chance to be champion for more then one day. Never going to happen, has no shot in winning this thing. Kane is there to catch people and to bring some sort of order to all of the spotty madness.

5. Kofi Kingston: Probably the 2nd most over person in this match, and probably the 2nd most athletic behind Benjamin. Kofi is probably going to give you a spot of the night type of performance, but alas, no shot in hell at winning. Kofi's size, and dare I say skin color, will get him over looked in this match.

6. Matt Hardy: Bwahahahaha. The AGez of HarDy is here. My ass. Matt Hardy sucks, deal with it.

7. MVP: MVP peaked at Wrestlemania 24. If he didn't win it that year, no way in hell he wins it this year. MVP is on the downside of his career, and he's not going to catch whatever it is he had only two years ago. Should make for an interesting spot or two, but other then that, probably a very forgettable appearance.

8. Dolph Ziggler: Dolph has no shot of winning this thing, but for some reason, I'm thinking Mr. Ziggler is going to be the guy that Steals the show at Mania this year. I thought Steamboat would be the guy last year, and he delivered. Something tells me Dolph is just going to have IT this year.

9. Evan Bourne: Expecting a huge crash and burn type of spot out of this guy, but he's not going to do much else.

10. Drew McIntyre. The winner of this years Money in the Bank no doubt about it. This guy is loved by the right people in the back, and he's by far the guy with the most momentum going into this thing (screw the losing streak). Drew has the size and the look to be a world champion, something that 9 out of 9 other people in this match don't have.
I would have to say Kofi, Christian, or McIntyre.

Kofi: Kofi just made it into the match Monday, now this can be for three reasons. 1. They didn't want to appear racist. Yeah nice job with that Vince, editing Lil Wayne out of the WrestleMania theme song, making R-Truth and MVP the characters they are (BALLINZz!), and need I refer to Cryme Tyme, lulz? Then again, Shelton Benjamin and MVP are in the match, so I guess this point doesn't matter. 2. They needed another spot monkey. Now this is likely. But, then again, we already have Evan Bourne and Shelton Benjamin, possibly the greatest spot monkey flippy do-ers alive, if it wasn't for Jeff Hardy. So we'll just have to see on this one. And the 3rd reason why they would put Kingston in the match is because he's going to win it. Vince is all about public image these days. And it's been noted that one of the main reasons Kofi was being pushed was to have a black guy in the main event. Plus Kofi just came off of a huge feud with Orton, so this isn't that unlikely.

McIntyre: Vince, Michaels, and Hemsley are all on this dude's nuts. He has talent, and has been on and off of WWE TV since '07. I think that this is his time to break out. Of everyone, I think he is most likely to win.

Christian: He's the one who deserves to win. Awesome mic skills, great in the ring, experienced, carried ECW, etc. Christian deserves the big win. But his size is something that will hold him back. He's not a small high flyer like Rey Mysterio or Kofi. He's just kind of tall and lanky. Nevertheless, he's the one who deserves to win, but it likely won't happen. If I had to choose, I'd say McIntyre.
With the full card now intact I wouldn't be disappointed if any of the participants won. But please vince(I got that from the chairshot reality) don't have EVAN BOURNE win. I'm not saying I think he was going to win he's simply in there to be able to do flips and stuff. I think the money in the bank will go to one of the veterans in the Money In The Bank. These are the ones I pick to win. Not all are who I think ill win these are just who I picked will win.

Kane only had the WWE championship one time with a bullshit 24 hour reign and he could benefit off of winning because come on he's done alot (so has Mr.Regal) and he deserves because he hasn't had a world title in years (not counting ECW championship if you count that as a world title).

MVP (I know he isn't much of a veteran because he only been in the WWE like 3 and a half years) seemed to get a push when he first got drafted to RAW when it looked like he was going to fued with Randy Orton. But where is he at now. Come on he had an excellent first title reign as the U.S. championship so he could definetly have a good title reign as the WWE champion having matches against up and coming mid cards and main eventers. So he could benefit off of winning the Money in the bank.

Christian is the favorite to win in the eyes of almost everybody and he really is the one most likely to win and he is my pick to win. He's recently was the ECW champion and became the longest reigning ECW champion in the WWE era so I bet he could do great as a WWE or World Hevayweight champion.

Matt Hardy well I really hope and dream that he could win the Money In The Bank but I don't see that happening (well they had as Mr.Money in the bank on Smackdown Vs Raw 2010 but that's not the same). He needs a push I don't know why they pick the Hardy that's not that loyal to the company and has 2 drug violations over the one who is loyal to the company and has no drug violations (no offense to Jeff) and that's not right to me. They should've pushed Matt Hardy the same time they Pushed Jeff. But if it was any one but Christian to win the Money in the bank Matt would be second runner up.
I think Drew McIntyre will win this match. HBK,HHH, and Vince seem to be high on this guy, and he's had a pretty good run as IC champ, so It wouldn't surprise me at all if he won this match. I would LOVE nothing more than to see Christian win this match, but I just don't see it happening. Christian will probably ride the mid card for a while on Raw before he gets a shot at the WWE championship.

Kofi Kingston would be a nice pick to win this, but I also don't see him winning this match. His push cooled off after the feud with Orton, and he's never really been able to get back on track ever since.
McIntyre looks to be the favorite but I pray to god they let Kofi win this. He got into the match at the last second so it would make sense and he is probably the most over guy outside of Christian in the match. He has been getting a nice push lately and this could take him over the top.

I just don't see that much in McIntyre when it comes to being a main eventer. Bland in the ring, bland on the mic, a decent look at best. I just don't think he's ready at all for a push like this. Hopefully they let him focus on his IC title reign and allow someone like Kofi to get the win here.
There is only one wrestler in this match that's been given the storyline that would suggest he's going to win the match, Christian, MVP, Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, Kane, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, none of them stand a chance. It's McIntyre who struggled to qualify, it's McIntyre who was shown to overcome the odds and it's McIntyre who has the backing of Vince McMahon.

Christian isn't going to win, he's and experienced hand, he's there to give people hope that he'll finally be given a world title, he's there to make McIntyre into a stronger heel when the Scot wins the match. And if Kofi Kingston was going to win it, they wouldn't have teased him being involved in the Legacy match. His involvement in the MITB is purely to get him on the card.
I'm gonna say Kofi. Only because it looked like they were sort of testing the waters with Batista last week. Yes that match was kind of a squash, But they may be planning to give it to Kofi to cash in on Batista. And it would work perfectly, because they're planning the Cena vs. Batista match to be last and what a great way that would be to end the night.
There are only three competitors in the match who I believe have chance at winning. 3 out of 10 is pretty pathetic. The three who have a chance if obviously Drew McIntyre, Christian and Kofi Kingston.

Drew McIntyre, he is the only one in the match whom is in an actual story at the moment and has people high up in the ranks backing him and is labelled the chosen one so Drew has a chance of winning this.

Christian is the most over man in the match and is the person who I want to see win the match. He is the only one in it who actually deserve a world title reign and hopefully WWE realise this and let Christian pick up the win.

Kofi Kingston is the wild card of the match. He isn't the favourite to win but I could see him winning. We know the WWE love to swerve us in this match and that was shown last year when Punk was the winner. I don't think Kofi will win but there is always a chance.

I think everyone in the match is filler or to provide us with some good spots especially with Bourne and Benjamin in it. I'm sure the match will be a clusterfuck but very entertaining and full of spots.
Dude, keep your screwed up opinion of Matt hardy to yourself. I love Matt hardy and I think he has a great chance at winning. He does not suck. Deal with it.
Um No. Wrestling forum, kinda the entire point of posting, posting my opinion.

So please tell me how a guy that has been with the company on and off since 1996 highest level of accomplishment is winning the WWECW Championship? If he was over as fans of OMEGA seem to think he is, then why is Baby Brother Jeff a former 3 time champion, while Matt struggles to get on pay per views?

Matt Hardy was so prestigious and valuable to the WWE that he was the victim of Lita and Edge's adultery, but they decided to let Mattitude go. Matt hardy will never be a world champion, nor does he deserve to be a world champion. the only reason he's on the card is the same reason Kane is on the card, the pity loyalty spot.
Alright im gonna make my prediction to this match even though this year is really tough

Kane: theres no beneifit for WWE to have Kane win another World Title at this point in his career
Kofi: Potiental Winner
Christian: Potiental Winner
Swagger: His Push is beyond over
Benjamin: Hes been in like 5 MITB matches and Hes been in the WWE for 8 years. What does he have to show for it. The IC title. The WWE Tag Team Title, The U.S. Title. Not a bad resamay, but he is hardly on WWE Televison any more and i dont See WWE pushing Him.
Hardy: I dont understand why the WWE decided not to Capitalize on Matt Beating Jeff Last Year but ive hardly seen him this year so i dont see him getting a push
McIntyre: Potiental Winner
MVP: The Closest he ever was to being a future main eventer was when he had the U.S. Title for... what was it like 350 days
Evan Bourne: He never really had a push, but a great preformer
Dolph Ziggler: Idk Hes kinda a tough one to judge. I Suppose hes potiental Winner but he lost like a thousand times to John Morrison and Rey Mysterio During mid Last year. She Hes still a title Virgin

So potietal Winners: Christian, Kofi, Ziggler McIntyre
Christian Is a bigger star then the WWE Gives him criedit for. And We all know how McMahon is on pushing him.
Kofi could absolutely win this he Fueded with Orton Last Year and Really got over with the Crowd
Ziggler like i meantioned he kinda got crapped on last year but i heard he is kinda getting over with the guys back stage
McIntyre is the IC champion. No doubt he could win and i hear hes personal friends with Shawn Michaels so you never know.

My Prediction is Kofi. WWE should've Never let orton go over on Kofi on Jan. 4th but they did anyway. But he did during his fued with Orton pick up a few wins and he could win convincingly.
Before you read this, I love Christian, :)worship:)I want him to win this years MiTB!!! but... I'm starting to worry, my man christian won't win the money in the bank latter match because of some obvious reasons...

-One Question: whether any superstar who is not a WWE loyalist can win serious gold? Remember when Christian left the WWE around October 2005? He was in his first WWE championship math at vengeance against Chris Jericho and John Cena and at the top of his game but he failed to re-sign a contract. even worse, he shows up on TNA, Vince was probably pissed! So why would he win the MiTB.
-Next, who doesn't want Christian to win? i don't think there are many... why is this saying he won't win??? because vince likes suprises. Every forum on the internet has either chosen Christian or Drew McIntyre... Vince does his research, I seriously doubt he'll let the MiTB be won by someone everybody "knows" will win.
-Lastly, this might not be a strong point but a week ago I noticed Christian not even showing up on RAW, that is a bad sign. Which means McIntyre is the most likely to win. It's too bad when the most un-over guy in the match has the best chance to win it. On the other hand, they might've taken him off of the RAW before WM to make people worried (Like me) that he won't win. Maybe they'll use reverse, reverse psychology and make him win...

Now before everybody dawgs on me, just know that i want him to win. just seriously doubt it. I think it's "make or break it" time for Christian. He's more over and more credible now than any other time since returning. Either he'll win MITB and take a title, or most likely never win the big one. Please Christian prove me wrong!:confused:

Just like you I'm a massive fan of Christians and hope he pulls through at Wrestlemania and wins the briefcase. I was so confident this year that Christian would win it, until Drew McIntyre qualified. He seems to have the momentum going into WM (with all the qualifying matches, why put him trhough all that and yet not win it?), and I have a bad feeling he might win it. Plus Drew pinned Christian on Smackdown...
Although I really hope Captain Charisma wins MITB this year, to set up and Edge-Christian-Jericho feud over the World Championship.
I hope they give this to Christian. He was dominant in ECW all of last year, and was one of the most over gusy in the company, not bad for someone who was appearing on the show that ended up collapsing.

He has the skill, the charisma, the attitude and is a former two time world champion (in TNA of course), nine time tag champion, light heavyweight, two time ECW, Hardcore, European and three time IC champion. That to me says he's ready for the step up and he definitely deserves it more than anyone else in that match.
Here's my opinion.


Evan Bourne - Bourne is only in the match to do some awesome spots. He'll help to make the match exciting, but he isn't going to win - he has zero momentum.

Kane - The WWE is saying "Thank you for sticking with us for 15 years, take this spot at wrestlemania" to Kane. Nothing more, nothing less.

Kofi Kingston - A combination of a guy who can pull off some sweet spots off of ladders and a guy who has no other spot on the WM card but still needs to be there.

Matt Hardy - See Kane.

MVP - Is MVP more over with the crowd than I think he is? Because I really don't see why the hell he's in this match. He isn't going to do a god damn thing. He isn't going to win the match, he isn't going to make the match more interesting, he isn't going to add anything to the match at all. I just don't get it.

Christian - If Vince McMahon knew what was good for his business, this would be the winner of the match. MitB = Mic Time. Christian + Mic Time = MONEY. Christian has the midas touch - everything he does turns to gold. He was brilliant in TNA, brilliant in WWECW, and even now with the very little screen time he gets he's brilliant on Raw. The fact that he is being held back like he is kills me a little inside because he is so talented. I feel like the WWE would be making a huge mistake by not having Christian win the MitB. Even if he doesn't cash it in right away. Actually, I could legitimately see him pulling an Edge and waiting a few MONTHS before cashing it in. I don't want to see an Edge/Christian feud, I want to see them together! I'd kill for a Christian/Jericho feud, though. Or even a Christian/Cena feud would make for some brilliant promos. Regardless, I don't know if he'll win, simply because of his stint with TNA and Vince being such a prude about defectors.

Shelton Benjamin - Another spot monkey, as well as a "thanks for not going to TNA where your talent might actually be put to decent use" kind of thing.

Jack Swagger - Can you say wildcard? He goes from not having any screen time for MONTHS to come back and get a squash match against Santino for a spot in MitB. The following week he's one of Vince McMahon's henchman to beat down John Cena. The week after that, he's teaming with Dolph Ziggler on Smackdown to beat Matt Hardy and MVP. Then the week after THAT he's in the MitB Tag match. He went from not being anywhere to be found to making four consecutive appearances going into arguably the biggest match of his career. Is he finally getting the push that every smark on the IWC has been begging for Vince to give him?

Dolph Ziggler - I just don't know about him. He doesn't have the look of a main eventer, but let's face it, the climbing of the ladder after the tag match with Swagger almost felt like typical WWE foreshadowing. I don't think he should win, but the WWE just had to plant that little seed of hope in our heads.

Drew McIntyre - The only guy who struggled to qualify. That alone makes him stand out, as if him being the only guy who already has gold in the match, as well as being Vince's chosen one didn't already. He's got the look and entrance of a champion, the backing of the three most powerful figures in the WWE, and the IC belt. What more could you ask for?

Potential Winners: Drew McIntyre, Christian, Jack Swagger
My Pick: Christian (PLEASE?!)
I feel that Christian will win it this year, only to have vince either immediately or sometime in very near future grant drew a shot at the case since "he beat him on smackdown and might be best candidate for the case".

If Christian wins though, as others have mentioned he's either got to turn heel for shock cash in, or do the "respect" angle and announce a match like RVD did...though it wasn't out of respect :p

Let's all hope they come out safe and we have an enjoyable 10 (ugh) man match!

edit: would love for Swagger to win it..though I can see how it's too soon and the man isn't very over at the moment..but maybe they could let him hold onto it until 2011 and build him up.
I'm thinking this will probably go on first or second on the show, either way I'm excited. The fact that it's a 10 man match makes it even more interesting! Some of the guys have far better odds than the others of winning, so let's go through them all one by one.

I like Christian's odds of winning. He's been the top guy of a brand before, and with a MITB cash-in he can finally get his long deserved first WWE world title reign. He's not my pick to win it, but he has a very good shot.

Not going to happen. He's just in there to fill a place on the card.

Kane's in there for the same reason he was last year, there was nothing else for him to do on the card, and he won't win because he doesn't want to be world champion.

He's only there to do the same set of insane spots he does every year.

His odds aren't that great, but it would be cool if he got an upset win here. I think that he's just there to take up a place on the card though, like Ziggler.

Other than Kane, his odds have got to be the lowest. There is no chance of MVP winning this. Not with guys like Christian, McIntyre, or Kingston in the match.

Hardy is just there to do insane spots due to them having nothing else for him to do, I doubt he's going to win since he's stuck in the midcard.

Bourne will likely have some VERY impressive spots.... I don't see him winning though, he wouldn't be believable as a world title match contender at all right now. Maybe another year.

McIntyre has a very good chance of winning. He got into the match (kayfabe) in a very sneaky way which got him some heel heat, and he'd get a massive amount of heat if he not only won this match but cashed in on a face champion THAT NIGHT. I see this quite possibly happening and I think it would be awesome.

Kingston's odds are almost as good as Drew's. He would be believable as a world title contender and he could cash in that same night as well, after a great victory in this match.

Who's it going to be? It comes down to three people as I make my final prediction. Kingston and Christian could both follow a similar path of winning this match then cashing in on a heel champion the same night, but I think it will be Drew McIntyre who wins this match then cashing in on either of the world champions after one of those matches ends because a cash-in at Wrestlemania seems very likely now that there is going to be a MITB PPV later this year; and McIntyre would get boo'ed out of the building for cashing in on a face champion, he could use some good heel heat and that's a perfect way for him to get it.

Drew McIntyre will win the Money In The Bank case.
There are 3 potential winner here: Kofi, Christian, and McIntyre.

Kofi Kingston: He had a very good feud with Orton, then Orton threw a temper tantrum when Kofi messed up a spot and Kingston's push has seemingly cooled after that. He is still pretty over and has the credibility from the feud to make him a believable MitB winner and eventual world champion.

Christian: This guy is pretty overrated by the IWC, but is still very good and probably the favorite here. He pretty much owned ECW during his time there and, even though TNA doesn't exist, had a nice main event run there too. I kinda hope he wins so I don't have to read a shitload of grammatically poor posts about how he lost because Vince hates him for going to TNA.

Drew McIntyre: His whole character is based around the fact that he was hand-selected by Vince to be a future world champion. He has the most story going into the match and does seem to be on a path to the main event. I would think that he is the dark horse to win the match.

This match should be great like it is every year, with Shelton, Bourne, and maybe even Kofi providing the insane spots. I think Christian will win, but I wouldn't be surprised with any of these 3 winning.
MVP is quite possibly one of the hardest workers in the WWE right now. This man has wrestled day in and day out since 2006 in the WWE.

MVP is very good in the ring and on the mic. I like the cocky heel MVP but he also fills the role of a great face. Money in the bank is a way to push the upper midcarders through that glass ceiling to the main events.

MVP has also proven to WWE that he learned from his mistakes in the past not like others *cough* Jeff Hardy. The man is so passionate about his career and deserves the money in the bank briefcase.

Thoughts or comments on if the Age of Ballin' will and should begin tonight?
I'm sorry but that ship has sailed on MVP winning MITB. They should have done it in 2008 but missed the boat on it. MVP has been average in the past couple of years. It was a bad decision to turn him face and send him to RAW because I believe he could be a good heel on Smackdown right now. He's mediocre in the ring, doesn't make anybody in the ring better, and he hasn't had a great match since Benoit. MVP may be in the midcard for the rest of his career and who says that is a bad thing? I'll say MVP has one of the least three chances to win it.
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