Money In the Bank: 2009

This looks to be Christian's match to lose at this point. A potential Christian MITB win, and then going on to face an Edge, or a Hardy boy for a title would thrust Christian right back into a main event level player status. Christian is simply phenomenal on the stick, and since his return, has been nothing short of excellent in the ring. With Raw looking to be stacked with huge names (I see Triple H moving to Raw), the mid level guys are going to have a chance to thrive with his absence, and Christian could be one of those guys.
ugh. what an absolute fucking joke this thing is this year. Way to waste some good mid card talent. If they were just gonna throw useless bodies at this to fill 8 guys, why the shit not just go with the only 4 who actually have ANY sort of chance?? Punk vs Christian Vs MVP Vs Shelton (?) wouldve been suitable. Now your going to have a huge clusterfuck, with a bunch of guys who likely shouldnt have even made the card. Oh well, at least the IC title wont still be getting wasted in this thing. rubbish.
The MiTB will be a flop this year look at the wrestlers involved. Anyone remember finaly in his other MiTB he climbed the lader maybe 3 steps and just got nailed, Shelton unfortuantually will just be his usuall spot monkey hitting a big splash or his DDT of the ladder onto MVP to futher their fued for the US Title, Mark Henry is only in it to save the wrestlers doing the big spots, same as Kane, Kofi is still new to the WWE and is also there to do a few big spots which means he wont even get close.MVP will be the dark horse to win the match but it is unlikely because he is in the US title hunt. Which leaves Christain to win MiTB and get his aborted redubting push.
I don't mind having complete fucks placed in this contest, that can be used to fill it out and put on a clinic of highlight reel spots. But my one and only true complaint.. Mark fucking Henry. Seriously.

Why does he even NEED to be used on the Wrestlemania card? And worse, what the fuck is Jack Swagger going to do?! Finlay, Christian & Henry are all in this contest. That leaves, roughly, Tommy Dreamer for Swagger to fight. Seriously?!

Meanwhile, last year's MITB show-stopper was (in my opinion) John Morrison, and he along with The Miz, both get left out. Once again, in favor of Kane and Mark Henry. Kane is fair, simply because once upon a time he could've been believeable, and even still has the chance to play nicely into this match.. but come on, Henry isn't even climbing the damn ladder.

And in all seriousness, I know he'll try just to "prove people wrong", but it won't look right. It'll look awkward as fuck all, and in the end I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he took a bad bump, and injured himself. Maybe that's what W.W.E. hoped, secretly, that is.

Christian, M.V.P. & C.M. Punk are my trio to look for in this match. Benjamin had more build going into the initial MITB, as Intercontinental Champion. Having him anywhere near possibly winning would be pointless. Christian is the only real benefit I can see from this.

Punk burnt his chances, throughout all of last year. Giving it to him again, and trying to build him (for once) would at this point look like it took them a year to figure out what the fuck to even attempt trying with Punk. I think if anything, (hopefully, that is) Punk is only in this match so he can be on the show, without being anything overly important.
This looks to be the worst MITB. Kane I can sort of see being in there but no way about Mark Henry. There's probably going to be a tag team unification match so that's why Miz and Morrison aren't in it. Kofi's not going to win it because they don't want to make that same mistake with Punk and Punk's not going to win it twice in a row.

This comes down to either Benjamin, Christian, or MVP. Benjamin is the outside chance of the 3 to win it. If he wins it, he could have a nice six to eight month buildup with some good wins and then cash it in. Cashing it in too early would be a huge mistake. I think Christian will be on ECW for a while so that may hinder his chances but Vince isn't too high on him so I don't see him winning.

My pick is MVP. This is what he needs to be in the main-event. He was over with the crowd as a heel and just beginning as a face. He's solid in the ring and on the mic and if he doesn't win this, I don't see where he goes from here. Most likely he could get drafted to RAW and I could see a good Orton/MVP feud for the WWE Title.
I think like most that this comes down to Shelton, MVP, and Christian. I am a HUGE Shelton fan and I hope he wins it, but I just don't see him doing it. I see him hanging on to the US title and losing it at say Backlash or the PPV that follows that. And who would he lose that US title to...MVP. So with MVP/Benjamin involved in a US title feud, that leaves us with Christian, and he wins the MITB. And what would be freaking epic would be him cashing in soon after Edge defeats Cena and Show, making him the new WHC!
I think the winner will be Kane or Shelton because I've noticed a patern Heel (edge) Face (RVD) Heel (Kennedy) face (CM Punk), I know it's neither are who you'd expect Shelton has already attempted the ME and failed, Kane is past his prime, but there is a pattern.
Who I want to win it is either Christian or MVP, I think Christian is overdue to be WWE or WHC champion, bu tas I have said before Christian is being puished for his TNA defection. MVP is most likely to win out of the two he is loyal to WWE he's been on fire lately he's over with the crowd and can wrestle as well as talk unlike Shelton who can only wrestle.
So I say in order of chances to win the MITB are Shelton, MVP, Kofi, CM Punk, Christian, Finlay and (WTF is he doing in a ladder match) Mark Henry
Well with MVP winning the US title tonight from Shelton, I've got to say, his chances to win the Money in the Bank just dropped significantly, and Shelton's just raised massively.

1) There's no reason to have MVP win the US title AND the Money in the Bank. That's a waste. You don't put everything in one basket.

2) We've already discussed at great length about how Kofi's not big enough for it yet, Kane and Finlay have no shot due to their age and status, Mark Henry wasn't even planned to be in the match so there's no chance he'll win it, CM Punk won it last year so it won't be a repeat, and that narrows it down to Christian, MVP, and Shelton.

3) Vince supposedly doesn't like Christian all that much. If that's true, I can't see them giving him a guaranteed world title in the future. The smartest option for them in my opinion would be to draft him to Smackdown or Raw and have him start some upper-midcard/lower-main event feuds to capitalize on his mic skills and his fresh return. I firmly believe that Christian was thrown into the MITB because they had nowhere else to put him and didn't want to leave him off the card.

4) Shelton just lost the US title, but he lost it to someone who is a trustworthy upper midcarder. If Shelton had lost it to someone like DJ Gabriel, you could fully assume that they've just given up on Shelton and made him lose to some jobber just for the hell of it. Shelton losing his championship to MVP is similar in nature to if Jericho would lose a championship to Cena. Its a loss, sure, but its not necessarily that drastic of a step down, as he didn't lose to someone lower than himself. Plus, Shelton would need the Money in the Bank more than MVP or Christian as they could challenge for a world title based on creating a feud from their mic skills as opposed to challenging from a McGuffin. I'm a Benjamin fan, but even the fans have to acknowledge that his mic skills pale in comparison to MVP and Christian.

5) As I and others have mentioned numerous times, so far the Money in the Bank has a pattern of winners. Heel, face, heel, if they continue, a heel would win, and MVP and Christian are both faces. Shelton's a heel.

I've got to say, unless something odd happens in the mean time, like Shelton is booked next week to lose to Festus, then the most likely candidate to win the MITB this year is Shelton Benjamin.
With MVP winning the U.S. Title, I say the two competitors that will win will either be Christian or Benjamin. Benjamin needs this more than Christian as I believe he has plenty of time to rise to the main-event. If he wins it, I hope they don't do Benjamin like Punk and basically job to everybody before cashing it in. He needs some wins over big name talent before he can cash it in and maybe get a mangaer as a mouthpiece.
With MVP winning the US title, it makes the person that will win even more obvious. MVP shall with the MONEY IN THE BANK match this year. They want him to go in with momentum. Say what you want to say about him winning the belt hurts his chances, but RVD held the IC Belt and had the MITB contract with him, all be it that he won the IC belt the night after winning MITB. MVP will win because the only other person I could see even getting close is Christian, but even then I don't think he will win because I have read on this and other websites that Vince didn't want him in the match in the first place. I feel bad for Christian though, he proved he can handle the Main Event in TNA and still gets shot down by Vince because he doesn't have the "look of a star". Ain't that something.
The way I see now, I see 5 possibilities on MITB:

1. MVP wins it, purely because of momentum and regardless of him having the US Title, don't forget that RVD had the IC Title and Money in the Bank at Backlash, so having MVP champion could be creative's swerve on keeping our eyes off MVP. He could go as a heel again saying how much of a credible athelete he is, to be the first US Champion to win MITB, blah blah.

2. Shelton Benjamin wins it. Been a long time coming and has the most appearances in MITB, they seriously need him to do something else at Wrestlemania or just let him simply WIN IT. Shows how much they haven't been behind him as he can't even win a match he's been in so many times

3. Christian wins it. A proven main eventer at TNA and over with the fans since his return, his momentum is alot more genuine than MVP's at the moment. Combined with the lobbying the writers have been giving Vince to put Christian in there, maybe Vince will see that he is a proven main eventer if he fully listened. If Christian did win it, he would have the most anticipation to cash it in, because everyone will want to know when.

4. Outside interference is the winner. The amount of run-ins we've seen at MITB, it's no wonder someone hasn't thought about someone actually taking the case which could lead to a rivalry about it. Hell even shock us all by the same person cashing it in on the night. The only likeliness of this happening is if someone like Edge or Mr. Kennedy did it.

5. CM Punk gets taken out and his spot filled. He's suffered it at the Championship Scramble, Kofi suffered it at the Elimination Chamber. Oh look it's another multi-man match where we hype up a guy that fans want to see in a match, lets do a twist, he gets taken out and the guy who replaces him wins it! Don't think that's been done before? (Note: sarcasm)
I can see Shelton Benjamin winning this. He's losing the U.S Title before Mania so this has to be his push. This has to be his shot now. Then again there is MVP and him winning the MITB wouldnt shock me either. Christian won't win even though he'd be my fav if it weren't for Vince.

Plenty of spots and I'm looking forward to seeing Kane and Mark Henry's role in the match.
The winner of the MITB match will be Mr. Kennedy. I think MVP will be climbing the ladder and out of nowhere Mr. Kennedy will push him down and grab the briefcase. Last year MVP got screwed by Matt Hardy so the possibility is very slim.
I mean they did make him drop the title to MVP on Smackdown and he has been in a few past ladder matches at Mania.I think its time to give him a shot at the next level.Who cares about his mic work.This is an issue that is easily fixed.Get him a manager like Tony Atlas or someone else.
well if the old saying is '4th times a charm' then yes Benjamin will win MITB. Now back to reality here for a bit though, yes, now that Shelton is without the US title, he should be considered a high candidate for winning MITB. That argument can also said about Punk who dropped his middle card belt a couple of weeks before Benjamin.

Right now my two picks are either Punk or Benjamin with MVP being the dark horse. Christian is just not over with Vince so he won't win, Finlay's too old, Henry's too fat, Kingston's too green, and Kane is just not a contender any more. This field is without question the weakest in all of the history of MITB, I'd vote that none of these guys deserves to be World Champion this year.

So that takes me back to an early thread of mine about how many more years the MITB match will be around for. I said that it couldn't retire until the WWE did 3 things with it, one being have the MITB winner not win. That could very well be the case this year.

Benjamin has been around for 4 of these matches out of 5, he's had 4 middle card title reigns, 3 of them crappy. If WWE is at all serious about pushing Benjamin to the main event then yes now is their only time because the middle card ain't helping him and he hasn't gone over anybody big. A win in MITB will immediately put him in the main event scene where WWE will give him one good look to see if he can be a main eventer, without having to risk him going over various big names and end up sucking hardcore. This way the WWE doesn't have to sacrifice others to get Benjamin to the top, he just wins this huge spot fest and nobody will be dropped down a peg because of it.

So in conclusion, yes I agree with you that Benjamin has a legitimate shot this year, but I'm not ready to bet it all on him.
I like Shelton, always have. I think he is an athletic guy who can pull off some great things if he's motivated enough. He is one of what I see are three legitimate contenders in this match. However, I think it is very telling that someone of his natural ability hasn't moved up the card at all in years. To a point, I think he has actually regressed. He went from a bright up and comer who was beating HHH two weeks in a row, having fantastic matches with HBK, and winning against Y2J at Cyber Sunday (he beat Batista in that vote, remember?) He has not developed a character (his utter lack of charisma prevents that), and has been nothing more than a very athletic, yet somewhat disappointing, mid-carder for the entirety of his run. I don't think they will give him the breifcase, because he is too prone to missed spots, and since he hasn't moved up the card yet, I think there is probably a reason for that.
I can see Shelton winning this thing. He's been in several if not all I can't remember atm, and he's almost always had a spot in this match of his own. He's been demoted to ECW, worked on his skills and such, went back to Smack Down! and here he is. It hit me when he lost the U.S title that he is def gonna win the MITB this year. MVP 2nd and Punk a distant 3rd. Until Vince is REALLY dead, I can't see Christian getting a rub.
As much as i do believe that Shelton is entitled to win this years MITB match, it will not happen, reason is he is simply not over enough with the audience, the guy needs more mic time to build up his character more.

Their is rumours that Vince isnt a fan of Christian, however if i was booking thay match i would make Christian the winner, move him to Smackdown or Raw in the draft, turn him heel and make him go for the title, it would work superbly.

Since it is the 25th anniversary of Mania, WWE may this year greant Kane a bit of gratitude for his serice to the company, so i wouldnt rule out a surprising Kane victory and 1 last short run with Thw World Title.

CM Punk, 2 years in a row definetly wont happen.

The rest of the participants have no chance, however MVP is being pushed very good at the moment so this could be his time.

Match Prediction: Am going to take a bold guess and go for KANE- Reason=Loyalty given to the company.
i think its hard to say who will win this thing.
but for sure you can eliminate Mark Henry, Kane, and Finlay

if anything its between MVP and Christian
I agree with most everyone here Benjamin for the Money in the Bank now call me stuipd if you want but I have a gut feeling that these year winner will not win the title.

That's just me though
I'm going to plump for MVP to win this.

I like him a lot, has really improved in-ring (no doubt helped by his feud with Benoit), can cut a great promo and is fantastic on the mic.

I reckon what the WWE have done is made him have this 20+ match losing streak, but then made him win pretty much every match since to show he has great bouncebackability and is coming in to "form" at the right time. He is clearly, along with Kennedy and a few others, the future of the business, as long as he is booked right, and winning the MitB would make perfect sense.

Then, after Mania, he could have a great feud with, say, Morrison, for the US title. Maybe even hold on to it and cash in to become a unified United States AND World/WWE Champion!
I don't see why people are writing off Kane to win the money in the bank. Kane is the monster heel in wwe and no one can take that away from him.

He might not be in the best shape of his wwe run but he sure as hell would shake up the wwe title run which seems to be innondated with Tripple H, Orton and Jerhicho. I strongly think that Kane should be wwe champ.

I don't see why people are writing off Kane to win the money in the bank. Kane is the monster heel in wwe and no one can take that away from him.

He might not be in the best shape of his wwe run but he sure as hell would shake up the wwe title run which seems to be innondated with Tripple H, Orton and Jerhicho. I strongly think that Kane should be wwe champ.


I totally agree with this. Kane winning would freshen up the World/WWE title scene. It's been about the usual suspects for too long now. It's always Edge, Cena, Orton etc and while these guys are deserving, there's only so much they can do. People like Benjamin will have bright futures but I just don't feel he is over enough to win it just yet. So yeh, I would like KANE to win!
I personally think Christian is the favourite. I would have said MVP but with his U.S. Title win I can't see him being given the MITB as well. Christian will win it then get drafted away from ECW, maybe to Smackdown!
Although I think Christian will win, I hope Kane or Shelton does. Mainly because I feel Kane is owed even a month long reign out of respect for his service to the WWE. As for Shelton, he has really came on leaps and bounds this past year and I think he should be given a shot at the main event.

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