Money In the Bank: 2009

Y 2 Jake I think your forgetting what Money in the bank is for its basically saying that who ever win it can face the world champion at any time up to the next WM

As for who I see winning it Y2J

Because from the look of it the people in money in the bank will be
Ron Killing
Santino Marella
Y 2 Jake I think your forgetting what Money in the bank is for its basically saying that who ever win it can face the world champion at any time up to the next WM

Right. But what it basically means is that there are wrestlers in a match that won't be getting a title shot based on merit throughout the year.

Eddie Guerrero didn't win the Money In The Bank in 2005, but he still got a shot at Batista.

Edge didn't win the Money In The Bank in 2006, but he still got a shot at RVD.

The Great Khali didn't win the Money In The Bank in 2007, but he still got a shot at Cena.

Kennedy won the Money In The Bank in 2007, and never got his world title shot. Jeff Hardy was supposed to win the MITB in 2008, was suspened, but still won the belt towards the end of the year anyway. It's a plot device that's no longer needed.

It also mean that they have no important matches for certain wrestlers so they put them all in one match. When really, if they can't think of anything proper for them then they should just be left off the card.

Because from the look of it the people in money in the bank will be
Santino Marella

Hmmm, why did I bother replying?
Right. But what it basically means is that there are wrestlers in a match that won't be getting a title shot based on merit throughout the year.

Eddie Guerrero didn't win the Money In The Bank in 2005, but he still got a shot at Batista.

Edge didn't win the Money In The Bank in 2006, but he still got a shot at RVD.

The Great Khali didn't win the Money In The Bank in 2007, but he still got a shot at Cena.

Kennedy won the Money In The Bank in 2007, and never got his world title shot. Jeff Hardy was supposed to win the MITB in 2008, was suspened, but still won the belt towards the end of the year anyway. It's a plot device that's no longer needed.

It also mean that they have no important matches for certain wrestlers so they put them all in one match. When really, if they can't think of anything proper for them then they should just be left off the card.

Hmmm, why did I bother replying?

You can say that about the Royal Rumble too so I don't see what the big deal is
You can say that about the Royal Rumble too so I don't see what the big deal is

Royal Rumble is different. There's a specific date when the wrestler will get a title shot. It's often in the main event of the most important show of the year.

Money In The Bank is at any time over the course of the year. Only one wrestler has used the briefcase in a hyped match. The others stole a victory. That's all well and good for Edge who's supposed to be sneaky. But Punk did the same thing, he's a face so it makes him look like a coward. Which isn't the way you should build up your face world cahmpion.
Royal Rumble is different. There's a specific date when the wrestler will get a title shot. It's often in the main event of the most important show of the year.

Money In The Bank is at any time over the course of the year. Only one wrestler has used the briefcase in a hyped match. The others stole a victory. That's all well and good for Edge who's supposed to be sneaky. But Punk did the same thing, he's a face so it makes him look like a coward. Which isn't the way you should build up your face world cahmpion.

didn't make him look like a coward he didn't do it while edge was wrestling he basically came out and told edge he want a match they had the match and he won it, But lest be truthfully here the money in the bank is best use if a heel win it then a face.
didn't make him look like a coward he didn't do it while edge was wrestling he basically came out and told edge he want a match they had the match and he won it,

Err, no. Edge came out and cut a promo, Batista beat the shit into him, Edge was out of it, Punk gave him a GTS for the pin. So the face beat up a defenceless heel. It should be the other way round.

No surprise Money In The Bank title match will ever excite people as much as Edge's did in 2006. And no properly booked match between wrestlers for the MITB shot will ever have the heat of Cena/RVD.

Jeff Hardy trying to win the title for months was more satisfying than having him win the shot in a briefcase and get a win that way. The whole concept is redundant now.

The Money In The Bank match is for wrestlers who aren't big enough to get a belt the normal way.
Err, no. Edge came out and cut a promo, Batista beat the shit into him, Edge was out of it, Punk gave him a GTS for the pin. So the face beat up a defenceless heel. It should be the other way round.

No surprise Money In The Bank title match will ever excite people as much as Edge's did in 2006. And no properly booked match between wrestlers for the MITB shot will ever have the heat of Cena/RVD.

Jeff Hardy trying to win the title for months was more satisfying than having him win the shot in a briefcase and get a win that way. The whole concept is redundant now.

The Money In The Bank match is for wrestlers who aren't big enough to get a belt the normal way.

if that what you think but Edge and CM punk I think have proven that wrong
if that what you think but Edge and CM punk I think have proven that wrong

Proven what wrong? They weren't deemed big enough stars to win the belts through steady building and feuds, that's a fact. Edge might be a star now. But they waited 10 months to give him the title, but they made sure he lost it again before Mania so the real stars could lead the show.

It was a starting block for Edge. But WWE didn't feel like he could make it without a short cut. Maybe I'm wrong, he was the first winner and it did mean something then. But if they really thought he could make it on talent alone then you'd think they'd do it that way.

Punk isn't any over now than he was as champion, but he's less over now than when he made his debut in 2006. Not by much, but you can hardly see people outchanting Punk over Jeff Hardy & D-X now.

If Kennedy wins it this year, he'll likely win it in the same way that other have. With little to no hype, out of nowhere. And like Punk he'll probably be on a losing steak before he wins. Which will make him look even weaker.
Proven what wrong? They weren't deemed big enough stars to win the belts through steady building and feuds, that's a fact. Edge might be a star now. But they waited 10 months to give him the title, but they made sure he lost it again before Mania so the real stars could lead the show.

It was a starting block for Edge. But WWE didn't feel like he could make it without a short cut. Maybe I'm wrong, he was the first winner and it did mean something then. But if they really thought he could make it on talent alone then you'd think they'd do it that way.

Punk isn't any over now than he was as champion, but he's less over now than when he made his debut in 2006. Not by much, but you can hardly see people outchanting Punk over Jeff Hardy & D-X now.

If Kennedy wins it this year, he'll likely win it in the same way that other have. With little to no hype, out of nowhere. And like Punk he'll probably be on a losing steak before he wins. Which will make him look even weaker.

Well you and not look at build up too different way then Im old fashion build up
I agree with Y 2 Jake for the most part. The Money in the Bank is a Get Out of Jail free card. It's a cheap way to get a guy a belt without any build whatsoever. It's a cheap way to start things over, but I'll be darned if the MITB matches aren't showstealers, and I'll be darned if the guys who have used the MITB haven't provided exciting moments. I gave my pick earlier, so there's that. the MITB is just a double edged sword.

I just re-watched the one from Wrestlemania 22. Wow, Shelton stole the show and RVD was possibly the most over guy on the entire show.
Well you and not look at build up too different way then Im old fashion build up

Eh? I really didn't get that. You like them to build up people the old fashioned way? Which would be by giving them a briefcase that they can cash in for a world title shot?

I like the real old fashioned way. That's building up the wrestlers you want to push from the ground up, making them look competative in each match, then giving them title shots when they're ready.

I also like WrestleMania to have properly booked matches with proper feuds. Money In The Bank is just 6 plus wrestlers in a ladder match doing moves. There's no real feud, they're just after a case.

Out of last year's match only MVP & Jericho really needed to be on the card. MVP had been solidly pushed all year long, a singles match with Matt Hardy was the obvious choice. Jericho had just returned and is a big enough star to get a singles match at Mania. Although they didn't have anything for him, so really he should have been left off the card as well. You then had four other wrestlers making up the numbers, one of which who won the match.
Morrison is.. an obvious choice. MVP is another name that comes to mind but I don't see him being elevated quite that high just yet.

I actually think, one way or another, JBL will end up with it. The thought of him winning a ladder match is more than a little odd. But! Given how he's approach the financial crisis in-character, would it not make more sense for him - than anyone else - to be able to refer to themselves as 'Money in the Bank'? I also get the feeling that whoever wins it is going to be the first person to fail to cash in and win the Title, and JBL is exactly the kind of character I could see that happening to. One theory I have is that if JBL goes over HBK at No Way Out, he'd own all his nicknames and so forth. Let's just say they both end up in MitB, which HBK wins. He then starts to call himself Mr. MitB and that annoys JBL, to the point where JBL agrees to pay and end the contract in return for the briefcase.
I've seen alot of interesting choices in this thread, but to me it only comes down to two...MVP or Kennedy.

MVP is out of the doghouse and has been on a role of late. He will soon be winning the U.S. title back and I don't think it'll be long before he finally gets into the main event scene. He has all the tools you want and with a proper push, I feel he's ready for the big time, so I could definitely see this as a continuation of his push and a way for WWE to show they are committed. Win the match or not, MVP will be dipped into the main event before WM26 roles around, mark my words.

And then there is Kennedy. Like MVP, he has everything you want and you can just see he has star written all over him. The only problem is of course his injuries...WWE tried this rout before and he disappointed with injuries and the suspension right on the verge of going into major angles, so idk if they are ready to try him out yet and honestly I don't blame them. Let him prove he can stay healthy and out of trouble for a while, and then he can be sent into the main event. Or maybe WWE will decide to just pull the trigger on this one more time and hope the third time is a charm.
I would't be surprised if either MVP wins or Christian (I can't see Christian going for the ECW Championship at WrestleMania 25.. tho I could be wrong) I thought MVP was going to win MITB at WrestleMania 24 but he didn't and he's 5-0 since his return if it leads to Mania without a loss I could see him picking up the cash..
Personally I think that MVP will win. They stopped his push so he could "earn" so to speak, even though he was supposedly in trouble backstage. Now, he has his streak back, and I think that he'll walk out Wrestlemania with MITB IMO.

Another guy that has a shot is Rey Mysterio. I just think the way he performed in the Rumble, the Chamber, and against Knox last night, he's going to be getting towards the main event scene again.

Those are the only two, besides Christian that I could see winning MITB.
Benjamin should win. Mysterio will win. Thats my opinion in its simplest form.

I am actually intrigued as to why you think Benjamin should win. If you made a list of people who deserved to win MITB and put them in order, Benjamin would not even be in the top 20 in the company. He does not deserve to win it as he has wasted opportunity and push time and time again, he's boring in the ring, and shit on the mic. He was only ever over when his momma was there!
There are abunch of people who I think have a chance at winning it including MVP, Kennedy, Morrison, and the miz. MVP would be a good choice since he has been just underneath the mainevent for a while(except during the losing streak storyline). I think this is the push that could send MVP over the edge and make him a legit maineventer, same thing with Kennedy.

I could see Kennedy getting just because of his lost oportunities and because the WWE want's him to be a star. The best possible outcome for me anyways would be having Miz or Morrison(or maybe both win it). I think these two could have a very good, entertaining and career making feud between each other over the case. I think it would be a very smart decison since Morrison and Miz show such good potential and seem to be work horses.

My long shot is Mysterio. After NWO there is no doubt in my mind Mysterio when at his A game can go head to head with the best of them. Maybe the WWE will want to go down the Mysterio champion root again but I just don't know if Mysterio is best suited for the case and title option since he's already established, I would rather have someone younger and newer to win it.
If you made a list of people who deserved to win MITB and put them in order, Benjamin would not even be in the top 20 in the company.

I'd like to see you make that list, because that statement could not be anymore false.

he's boring in the ring

Have you ever seen a Shelton Benjamin match, because he is anything but boring. Freakishly athletic, yes. Innovative, yes. Highly entertaining, yes. Boring, no fucking way.

and shit on the mic

Jeff Hardy is shit on the mic as well, even more so then Shelton. But he has still gotten a huge push and become WWE Champion.

With that being said, I believe that either Shelton or MVP will win MITB. Both guys are ready to take it to the next level in their careers, and this would obviously help them do that. Shelton has stolen the show in every MITB match that he has been in, and it's about time he got recognized for it.
I'd like to see you make that list, because that statement could not be anymore false.

Big Show
THE Brian Kendrick
Evan Bourne
Mark Henry

Have you ever seen a Shelton Benjamin match, because he is anything but boring. Freakishly athletic, yes. Innovative, yes. Highly entertaining, yes. Boring, no fucking way.

Benjamin innovative? You're joking me? He had a decent match with HBK 5 years agioo, that was it. He has stayed at the same level and despite being pushed to the moon has not improved one bit.

Jeff Hardy is shit on the mic as well, even more so then Shelton. But he has still gotten a huge push and become WWE Champion.

And so has Benjamin, but he couldn't stay over, need I list how many pushes he's had?

Shelton has stolen the show in every MITB match that he has been in, and it's about time he got recognized for it.

The only time I see Benjamin perform is in MITB, that is one match a you really see Benjamin going for the title? I just can't see it at all.

After NWO my money is on Rey, his performance against Edge was nothing shy of fantastic and they seem to be taking ME steps with him once again.
I'd like to see you make that list, because that statement could not be anymore false.

Have you ever seen a Shelton Benjamin match, because he is anything but boring. Freakishly athletic, yes. Innovative, yes. Highly entertaining, yes. Boring, no fucking way.

Jeff Hardy is shit on the mic as well, even more so then Shelton. But he has still gotten a huge push and become WWE Champion.

With that being said, I believe that either Shelton or MVP will win MITB. Both guys are ready to take it to the next level in their careers, and this would obviously help them do that. Shelton has stolen the show in every MITB match that he has been in, and it's about time he got recognized for it.

What makes you think Shelton is ready to "take it to the next level in his career"? Because he's been US Champ for half a year? The last I checked, Shelton has been on a career plateau for....well, pretty much his whole career. He started off hot being part of Team Angle...and hasn't really risen to anything higher than that. Just...stayed the same.

Sure, he may be "freakishly athletic," but so was Billy Gunn and numerous other wrestlers.

Bottom line: being athletic in wrestling, while a good trait to hold, is definitely not something that makes a wrestler. The ability to tell a story and get a reaction, however, IS. And I have yet to see Shelton really tell me a story or give me reason to WANT to watch him.
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This years Money in the Bank is actually pretty hard to predict. Myself along with pretty much everyone else has called all of the other Money in the bank winners a mile away. It seems as though the guy most likely to win is MVP, but we'll see how things progress. If Miz and Morrsion both get slotted into the match i think it would be pretty sick to see them both pull down the case and for the first time ever we have co-winners of the Money in the Bank. Theres a lot of interesting possibilities that could result form that.
Big Show
THE Brian Kendrick
Evan Bourne
Mark Henry

Are you serious? Helms, Henry, Kendrick, Santino, Goldust, Dibiase, Cody, Knox. None of those guys are more deserving then Shelton. And most of the other guys are debatable.

Bottom line: being athletic in wrestling
, while a good trait to hold, is definitely not something that makes a wrestler. The ability to tell a story and get a reaction, however, IS. And I have yet to see Shelton really tell me a story or give me reason to WANT to watch him.

I realize you have to be more then just athletic, but his matches with Taker the last few weeks were very good, his match with HBK a few years ago was amazing, he's had great matches with Triple H. Every time he's put in a match with a main event talent he delivers.
Are you serious? Helms, Henry, Kendrick, Santino, Goldust, Dibiase, Cody, Knox. None of those guys are more deserving then Shelton. And most of the other guys are debatable.

I'm sorry, but DiBiase and Cody are far more over than Shelton is, despite their youth and inexperience. Both are going to be MEGA stars in the company someday, and MITB is always a good platform for that launching to begin.

I realize you have to be more then just athletic, but his matches with Taker the last few weeks were very good, his match with HBK a few years ago was amazing, he's had great matches with Triple H. Every time he's put in a match with a main event talent he delivers.

You're still not telling me WHY I need to care about Shelton Benjamin. What does he bring to the table that can't be provided by others? I look at what he brings, and I see nothing that Hardy can't provide, R-Truth, Helms...and well...a lot of other guys, as well. How is Shelton Benjamin going to suspend my reality while I'm watching make me forget that I'm watching two dudes pretty much dancing?
I really want MVP to win but I don't see it happening unless he gets a few wins over some high profiled superstars leading up to WM. But I really don't think that will happen either because those big superstars will lose creditability and there momentum.

Now after seeing Rey Mysterio show off his ability to draw in a crowd at NWO, I really am pulling for him. I think a Mysterio and Edge feud would own. Mysterio is slimming down, and i believe he can go at a fast rate as long as it is with a trusted opponent. I think he could trust the likes of Edge, Jericho, Orton, and even Cena. I know picking Rey is a little far fetched, but I believe it could work.

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