Money In the Bank: 2009

I know its a very very very long shot, but what about Christian?? Thats to say he is actually coming back anytime soon but how good would it be for him to win it on his WWE return??

I have to agree with this. Unless they have him run into the match and save Edge at some point, I think this would be the PERFECT way to not only bring him back into the WWE, but also push him right to the main event. I won't lie, I'm not AT ALL a fan of TNA, I just think it's not that entertaining, as well as it doesn't really have any talent at all, minus Christian and somoa joe. The few times I'v watched TNA, he was the best thing they had going without bringing your WWE gimmick with you to TNA(kurt angle, mick foley, booker T, Ryno). I think if they kept the audience in suspense by not letting them know all the participants in the MITB match are, and then having Christian as the mystery spot, and winning it would put him right at the top of whichever brand he ends up on. If not Christian, though..........I'm picking Tommy Dreamer, upset of the year.
Well in my opinion it could be one of two options and that's the guy who almost won it last year, and the guy who stopped him. I am of course talking about MVP & Matt Hardy.

MVP would make a good choice as it's an out of nowhere choice, yet it is fully plausible. The guy is good all round and was the almost winner last year, he has put on good feuds with Matt Hardy and Chris Benoit in the past, so could really benefit from a MITB win.

Matt Hardy is my other choice, I am assuming that him and Jeff will face off at Wrestlemania in a singles match of some sort, but I can also see Matt in this match. Should Matt win it, Jeff would want to get the briefcase off him as Matt 'stole' the belt from Jeff so Jeff would naturally want retribution.
For me there are five choices.

1) CM Punk - He'll win it again and cash it in "properly" a straight one on one match to prove he is not a fluke champion.

2) Shelton Benjamin - He can have a good match with anyone, and having the money in the bank can give him a gimmick to work on, he can tease cashing it in a few times and turn into a full blown heel beofre eventually cashing it in.

3) R- Truth - He is over as hell with the crowd, the Rumble proved that. He was the next big thing when he joined but creative gave up on his push. However, his in-ring work isn't as bad as people make out and this could be the push he needs to be taken seriously.

4) John Morrison - He is the perfect wrestler. In ring style is amazing and it's different from most. He is great on the mic. Full of charisma and can put on a hell of a show. Having the briefcase can put a further strain on his and Miz's friendship.

5) MVP - THE choice. Has to be. He has come out of the losing streak with loads of credit, he is starting to get over with the crowd. He can get the US title at NWO, build towards Mania with a couple of defences and some big wins (over people like hhh, one of hardy's or Big Show) before winning the briefcase. By then he should be a babyface and he can use it to move to Raw or stay on Smackdown. Moving to RA to take on ultimate heel Randy Orton would be great in my eyes though.
I forgot about Morrison, he's a good little wrestler- and unlike some people i actualy dont mind him too much on the mic. Sure he's no Stone Cold but i've seen him cut a couple of good promos. I also don't have a problem with his moveset, I have read some-one say it is counter-productivebut I disagree I think it fits in with his cocky persona q. well. I think you need to give him an intresting feud with an established star like HBK to see what this guy is made of because I am still kinda on the fence though I can see him winning it given the right push

Another wrestler I forgot about was Carlito. He seemed like he was going to break into the upper card a couple of years but it never materialised. Maybe if his attitude has improved WWE will reward him with this.

Funny how so many of the wrestlers seemingly in contention have been in the dog house because of bad attitude at some point. It might come down to who's attitude has improved the most as to who wins this match
Imagine how cool it would be to see Edge leaving the ring, detested after loosing, and see Christian come down the ramp. Then see Christian go in the ring, hit the Unprettier on an exhausted Triple H, pin him for the title, and watch Edge look totally confused. It would certainly make Friday Nights more interesting

I love this idea man, that would be absolutley awesome. I can already Edge's face as his former partner runs past him and wins the title from Trips. Man that would be awesome.

My favourites (Not who I'm predicting, just who I'd like to win) would be:

Kane He is one of the most underated superstars in the WWE. I watched WWE as a kid when Kane still had his mask and have only gotten back into it the last year and a bit and am so shocked that Kane hasnt had another title reign. How can a man as big and dominant as Kane not get the title more than once. I would love, LOVE to see the big red machine climb the ladder, pull the title down and the pyro go off in the ring corners.

MVP He was about to win it last year before a returning Matt Hardy TOF'd him off the top of the ladder. MVP could do well with a mainevent push but to be honest i see him only having a small reign (if he is successful when cashing it in) like Punk did. It's hard to picture him maineventing with the likes of HHH, Batista, Orton or Koslov. I could see a good feud with Cena though, they could have a rap battle lol:blush:

Morrison Other than Kane (He wont win though anyway) Morrison would be my fav to win. He is awesome in the ring and can cut a decent promo. He would look very comfortable main eventing with HBK, JBL, Cena, HHH and co. Morrison is the best superstar to give a massive push at the moment. I think 2009 is his year much like 08 was Punk's. I see this year putting Morrison way over with the crowd and giving him a mainevent run. Morrison winning MITB would kickstart the year for him beautifully.

Koslov I wanna see this guy with a title and see how he runs with it. That is the only reason i'd like to see him win, so he can get a dam world title. I'm not a big fan of his but am getting bored of the whole winning streak angle. It is meaning less and less if he cant get his hands on a title. I dont think he will be in this match though let alone win it. LOL, just thought about how wierd it would look with Koslov coming down the ramp with a briefcase hehehe.

Christian I thought about him but would have prefered him to be involved with the Hardy/Hardy/Edge feud but as Matt said above the scenario of him winning it and cashing it in later that night after Edge loses it and Edge looking on all confused hehehe i think that would be one of the best Mania moments ever, Edge could play it up so well on the next Smackdown too, although, if Trips wins the title at Mania then we can all bet he won't be losing it the same night, especially to someone just returning to the company, damn you HHH!!!

All in all, i think we can expect another awesome match though, it's always one of my highlights of WM!
I can honestly see MVP winning MITB this year. Mr. Kennedy had his shot last year and we all know how big of a screw up that was. CM Punk just isn't intresting to me and Kingston is waaaaayyyy over-rated MVP is the only logical choice to take it but it will only be believable if they put him on a major winng streak on the way to wrestlemania.
my first post on a forum yikes. MITB is awesome match it really only comes down to four people i think MVP, Shelton, Morrison & Kozlov. I have my doubts about Kozlov being in the match wouldnt mind seeing him VS Umaga at mainia. I think Shelton might walk away with it, with MVP setting his sights on getting his US title back leaves the opening for shelton to move up to the next level after loosing his US Title to mvp. but it is wwe anything can happen maybe this is how Jamie Noble will save ECW LOL! not likely tho. hope this was a OK 1st post
I personally think they need to mix it up by having whoever it is NOT win the belt. I get that it's a huge advantage to have a guaranteed title shot, but when whoever gets it wins every single time, it gets a little... well I dunno. It also means whoever wins has to be 100% trusted to be a champion.

Why can't Shelton Benjamin win it, take the champion to the limit on PPV in like a 30+ minute match but just simply not quite be good enough despite giving it all he has? The kind of match people talk about for years. Sometimes a loss can be more endearing than a win. I personally think this would have done Punk more good than how it actually went down. If he'd challenged Triple H and took him all the way and earned his respect and left it all in the ring, that would have been a great rub. It's a way to show "hey, I can play in the big leagues" without having to be a world champion straight away.

The only reason people like Benjamin and Punk don't get main event PPV shots is it requires a program to be written and they need to build to it, so only the legit top guys get to do it because very rarely now do we get one match championship feuds. Money In The Bank means the writers don't have to think of a way to pull it off, they can just do a one month build-up, and when it's done nothing more needs to come of it. The commentators can just cite the match as a reason why the wrestler is a future star. Think of it as Tyler Black nearly beating Nigel McGuinness twice but still losing. In doing so Tyler is a big player in the mind of the fans but Nigel loses nothing and they don't have to take the risk of putting the belt on an unproven young talent. That's something I prefer about ROH, it's as much about the belt as the champion. If it were a legit belt it would be defended against all comers, not just the same 3 guys. I'd like to see WWE throw in a random challenger every so often. People like Kendrick, MVP, Morrison, Shelton, Punk, Kane, hell even Kofi Kingston, Mike Knox and Hurricane Helms. Give them a shot, have them lose, be done with it. If they show even a glimmer of offence then it gives them a career boost, rather than getting squashed the second they meet bigger guys.

I get that WWE need to stimulate buy-rates so they can't really market John Cena vs Kofi Kingston or Triple H vs John Morrison. But they don't have to do it all the time, and they could alternate it so while one title match is part of a bigger feud, the other is just a challenger.

ALLLL of that being said I think it goes to Jeff Hardy if he's in it, or MVP. I hero-worship Morrison but I don't think they want him anywhere near the top 2 belts for at least another year or so yet. They WON'T give it to Christian. They'll want the initial pop for him, then Vince will punish him for going to TNA and talking smack about WWE in his first promo, then he'll work his way out of the dog-house. The MITB is not for him.

Whoever mentioned one of the Legacy winning and giving it to Orton, that's a great shout, I can see that happening. Orton loses, out comes Ted and Cody, they beat the hell out of Cena with the case. Orton smiles, yells at Ted to give him the case. Either Orton actually wins, or Ted refuses and leaves with it which creates more friction between him and Randy because Orton can claim he had Cena where he wanted him.
Am I the only guy who thinks Umaga is a good choice? He'd be good in the match first off, as he's one of the more agile big men that's been in WWE for a while. The upside of him being in is that he can just annihilate people like Rey, Kofi, Kendrick etc to look dominant without ruining their credibility because he has such a size advantage. Then once he has it, it wouldn't be a big leap to get him into the title picture, he's been an upper midcarder since his debut an dhas beat planty of stars so the fans would buy it if he used the breifcase straight up rather than in a sneaky way ala Punk or Edge. I`m not sure how you might go abouts having him cashing it in, what with his gimmick, but even that could be an advantage. By having him use the briefcase at a beneficial time, it could show a more intelligent side of his character so that he`s not just another monster.
Just think had Kennedy not had his setback he was gonna cash in his briefcase at last year's WM. Personally, I think that this will be the first winner to win and not win the title.

Personally, I think that the best bet would be Shelton B or Morrison. Seeing that the winner will not win, Shelton has been around a long time and has had some good matches against top guys. Entertainment wise Morrison would be a great choice. It will also lead to the seperation of him and Miz seeing that wwe can use these guys as single stars.
I think with recent storyline progression (finally) of MVP, he is a lock to take it. But WWE threw EVERYONE off last year by putting it on Punk, which I did not disagree with. His follow up is another story, but my point is WWE likes to throw curve balls to expected finishes (aka Matt Hardy's heel turn.) I still think MVP is the best choice. It will cap off his return to semi-main event level, and provide a potential summer fued and title win for a deserving star IMO. I just hope to Jesus they don't waste the Hardy's program and throw them in MITB... like Orton and Edge a couple years back. That would be a big disappointment.
I would like 2 c shelton benjamin win. He has been in it before, and has done some pretty impressive stuff. He got that big push a few years ago when he moved to Raw (vs. Triple H) but I think he has main event caliber abilities. Imagine a match like Benjamin vs. Cena. Would be great. Would also be cool to see RVD make another surprise appearance. :robvandam:
Last year, it was obvious to just about everybody that Jeff was going to win. He didn't, due to circumstances that we are all aware of, but I think WWE have covered their bases better this year and have a few potential winners.


MVP has turned face, and did so by losing a lot. However, he has since beat Big Show and Chavo, and I can't see him losing very often between now and Wrestlemania. He is certainly up there, as turns often get coupled with pushes, and I think he is probably the general consensus forerunner and most likely candidate at this point.

The Brian Kendrick

However, the Money in the Bank gimmick works much better on a heel, because they have to take advantage of people, so MVP's turn might work against him. Two months ago, I'd have been saying this with considerably more conviction, however his recent push halt has led me to be less sure. He is perfect for it, and they could even have a spot similar to Rhyno carrying Christian up the ladder in the TLC match, only with Ezeikel. However, I can't see Kendrick being a World Champion in a year, so I really am torn with this.

Other possibilities include Kennedy and CM Punk and long shots include Kofi Kingston and R-Truth.
I'd love to see someone win it, and then actually cash it in that night and defeat the World Champ! It would be a total shock and surprise, and WWE needs more of these.

But personally I think it'll be MVP, Christian, Benjamin or Matt Hardy that'll win it.
Imagine Jeff beats Edge for the WWE Title, and Matt cashes his chance in to take the title from Jeff? Or perhaps Christian cashes in a takes the title from Edge or Jeff? Although we're all sure it's gonna be HHH vs Edge anyways.
These 3 havnt really been metioned yet but as i said in my last post I'd still love Kane or Morrison to win it. I know, I know, Kane has no chance (Which by the way is bullshit, he so deserves more than WWE gives him)... Anyway, back to what i was saying. I was thinking about who hasnt been mentioned really and this who i thought of that could pull off a good match AND have a good chance at usung the MITB well.

1. Carlito
2. Umaga
3. Santino

HEHEHEHE how funny would Santino be. I am kinda joking with that, I'd actually hate Santino to win, my bad.

Carlito - He is underated and is not getting anywhere with Primo in the tag devision.
Umaga - He is returning so what better way to have him in a good random title hunt...

What do you think?
First of all, they're not going to book Christian in the match because if they announce that a surprise entrant will be named at Mania, everyone will assume it's Christian. Look how pissed they were that Matt Hardy's heel turn was leaked before the Rumble ??!!

If there's a surprise entrant, my money (no pun intended) would be on Evan Bourne. BUT... there's no way they give him the push.

Umaga would definitely be a good person to throw in the match.

I agree with several other posts that we'll see MVP shoot for the US Title, hence an MVP / Shelton Benjamin match at Mania - likely the match which kicks off the show.

Kennedy is too obvious, plus, I don't know that Vince would strap the case on his back and entrust the belt with him given his injury history.

Morrison would be interesting, but I think the tag titles are headed for a showdown with Cryme Time at Mania, so that eliminates both Morrison and the Miz.

After last weeks Smackdown, I have a feeling we're going to have a fatal four way for the WWE Championship -- HHH, Edge, Kozlov and Show. Just something inside tells me it's a way to get Show involved in a high profile stroyline and push Kozlov a bit.

The Hardy's are going one-on-one !! Possibly a TLC match.

The only people that matter on ECW are Swagger and Finley, and it looks like they'll fight for the belt at Mania.

In my opinion, that leaves....

The Brian Kendrick
Primo ??
CM Punk
Tommy Dreamer
Boogeyman ??
Ricky Ortiz ??
Kofi Kingston
Mike Knox

In a major shocker -- I'm picking Mike Knox to win MITB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Call me nuts alittle crazy but william regal was about to get a push after he won the King of the Ring but he got suspened, i mean everryone forgets about he is a awesome wrestler im not really a fan but he has what it takes to go 1 on 1 with the big guys & is smart enough to cash it in at the right time...... am i totally off base with this?
Regals apperently "scared" of heights, remeber that match against hardys , mnm , regal n someone and london n kendrick at armageddon 07 i think? was a ladder match for the tag titles, regal had a golden chance to win and it come about he was scared of heights ? intresting if he gets in will wwe play that card or expect people to frget it ?

i would love cristian to win it but as someone said a "surprise" entrant , everyone would say cristian.

so id have to go with mvp or kennedy , both has been vowed as "the future" of wwe for sometime and never really steped it up. could now be there time ?
Mr. Kennedy is a great first choice, but too injury prone. He really needs to bounce back in a huge way. Stone Cold-like reaction from the crowd, but it's going to take just a little bit more to win MITB.

MVP just came off a long losing streak and winning this may be too early, but he's solid in the ring and good on the mic. His time is coming, but maybe not this year.

John Morrison may be the most ready of the group. He seems poised to jump in the main event light. He could win MITB, have the feud with HBK that everyone wants to see, then cash in once he's been properly built up.

The Miz has come a long way from a year ago. Set a feud between him and Morrison, before or after WM 25 and push him. The kid has something here.

There's 4 right there. My dark horses would have to be Rhodes, DiBiase, Kingston and Christian. All long shots in their own way but who knows. It'll be an interesting night for sure in MITB.
Kennedy is a good choice but I doubt they would let him win it again cause of him being injury prone.

MVP I don't think is quite ready to win it yet since he came off of a long losing streak, just turned face & looks like he is instead going to be competing for the US Title.

Morrison seens poised to jump into the main event spotlight & he was really good when he was the ECW Champion a while back. He could win the MITB match, feud with whatever top star that is able to give him that rub that he needs & then cash in the briefcase when he is properly built up & ready.

Miz has come a long ways since he debuted in WWE. I would say set a feud up for him & Morrison for a little while & give him the right push. He definitely has the talent to be a great singles star.

Kofi Kingston- Sure his hig flying ability will make the match great but if he can prove at No Way Out that he can hang in there well with the big dog's like Cena then I would definitely consider him as a possibility to win Money In The Bank.
i think mr kennedy will win it as vince likes him but maybe his injury proneness will hold him back, im hoping for john morrison to win it as he is potentially the next hbk as he has the look of a mian eventer, he has great in ring abillity and makes anyone he fights look better, i think an outside choice could be cm punk as he isnt gettin a great push atm but he is so close to being a main eventer he just needs a push and he could be massive face or heel
One way to avoid the whole issue of announcing a surprise entrant and everyone predicting Christian is to put a guy in and then on the show have them announce he was found unconcious backstage. I know people get angry when they do this with a popular guy (Sabu at December to Dismember comes to mind) but they could always do it with someone like Chavo or Ricky Ortiz, someone who nobody would miss anyways.
Here are my picks for the contestants:

Kofi Kingston
CM Punk
Shelton Benjamin (as always)
Rhodes/DiBiase (if not both)

Now, who'd win? That's a hard pick. But maybe Shelton Benjamin will FINALLY get it?
He's been in 75% of the other matches and was the best performer in them. I can see him getting the win after a close top-ladder battle with MVP.
As much as I enjoy the Money in the Bank match every year, I believe it is also a problem with the WWE at the moment. They throw 6-8 mid-card guys into one high-spot match, where there is only one winner. Then, within the match, usually at least two guys are barely seen in the match, barely get a chance to do anything. The list of potential MITB'ers this year is pretty deep, but to me, there is only one guy who should win it. His name: John Morrison.

Let's face it, John Morrison is one half of the best Tag Team in the WWE right now. He is a former ECW, Tag Team, and Intercontinental champion. He has proven himself as an innovator, a unique wrestler that has both the persona and the skill to become a top level player. With the Dirt Sheet, he has proven that he can cut a promo, and his promos are pretty safe.

If you look at his history, when he first became ECW Champion, they put him over in a feud with CM Punk (MITB winner 2008 and former WHC). Back when he was Nitro, was feuding for the Intercontinental title, he was put over Jeff Hardy plenty of times (now former WWE Champion). I remember one PPV around this time where the crowd actually turned on Hardy mid-match and started chanting for Nitro.

It's surprising exactly how long Morrison has been around, and he has knocked the ball out of the park every chance he's gotten. I think he is the most polished mid-card level guy right now, the one that if given the MITB and eventual World Title reign, will succeed the most.

I could make a case for a couple other guys (MVP, Shelton, and Mr. Kennedy). MVP's argument is much more sound. He has done what has been asked of him, toiled around the mid card for the bulk of his run, and is now getting over in a different way on his own. Shelton, like Morrison, has been around long enough that a bump to the Main Event wouldn't be out of line. He has had a good U.S. title reign, and has enough history and talent in the company to warrant a big push. Kennedy, as much as I like him, just can't stay healthy long enough. He won the MITB, and should be a former World Champion right now, but injuries have bitten him. I think there are a lot of top level potential feuds on Smackdown with Kennedy that would draw, but I don't know if anyone thinks he can stay healthy for a long enough stretch to pull them all off.
Well the Money In The Bank concept ran it's course after Kennedy won it and never got a world title. People get title shots throughout the year anyway. So if they insist on doing it again they should make a rule that they have to defend the belt at Backlash, just so it's out of the way. While Punk was holding last year's briefcase JBL, HHH, Cena, Edge and others all had title shots. I think that defeats the purpose of it, unless they state that everybody involved doesn't really deserve a title shot, which was the case last year.

Who will win? MVP, hopefully. But I'll go with Kennedy again. It's good that they put these future stars in a match along with wrestlers who don't really need to be on the show but are good at bumping.

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