MMA January Discussion is Awaiting The End of Rampage

Cerrone is the same guy who blasted critics of Leonard Garcia. He usually puts on exciting fights, but I don't like him much.
While it seems like Strikeforce set up it's final card as a showcase for their top fighters, I do think there will be some upsets. I'm not sold on Nate Mardquart(sp?). I still think he's the same guy who was destroyed by Chael, a jack of all trades, master of none. If he doesn't get Tarec down, it's going to be a hell of a night for Nate. Add in the fact that I don't like him, and I am 100% in Tarec's corner.

As for Gegard Mousasi, the guy is overrated. Say what you want, the guy has not shown me anything to make me think he's capable of being a contender. He looks lackluster in every fight he's in, like he doesn't care whatsoever. I hope the reports of him taking training seriously are true and he proves me wrong, but I see him losing a lackluster decision, and afterwards, his fans will still proclaim him as the most dangerous man alive who beat King Mo, and would KO Jon Jones in round 1.

Overall though, should be a fun show.
I like Gegard, and I do think he is a very good fighter, but I have to agree with you on how he often looks like he doesn't care, and honestly I think it is because he doesn't care. He is known to be fairly lackadaisical when it comes to training, and he is more than willing to accept a fight with a can who will do nothing for his career if it means he can half ass it in the gym. I don't look for him to go to the UFC unless they offer his Anderson Silva money. He will be more than content to be a can crusher in Japan.

Oh yeah, I also dislike Marquardt.
I think 170 is Marquardt's optimum weight class. He's definitely not the same guy who got destroyed by Chael. We all know how good of a wrestler Tyrone Woodley is, and he only successfully took Nate down once in their fight. This should be a really good fight, I think Tarec Saffiedine is vastly underrated and there's definitely potential for an upset.

I was pretty big on the Mousasi bandwagon (and I'm still waiting for the MMA Debut of "King Mo Mousasi"... props to anyone who remembers the reference). He looked like a monster in DREAM and a potential future UFC Champion. Then, he got destroyed by King Mo and fought to a draw against Keith Jardine. That being said, I still think he is loaded with potential. He shouldn't have any problems against noted absolute piece of shit Mike Kyle, and I really hope he's been taking his career seriously because a motivated Mousasi would be such a boost to the Light Heavyweight division. Sure, he's coming off a torn ACL, but GSP showed that fighters can come back from that type of an injury just fine.

Also, not sure if any of you remember that hat wearing douche, Akira Corassani from TUF.... but he dropped out of a fight against Robbie Peralta at UFC 156 one day after the fight was announced citing a fever. Considering this would only be acceptable if this took place on the day of the fight, I'm assuming his ass is cut.
  • GSP vs. Nick Diaz is on for UFC 158 - Will this actually happen?
  • Anderson Silva signed a 10 Fight Extension with the UFC - Does he finish out the contract? Who would you like to see him fight?
  • Mike Goldberg did not appear at UFC 155. Dana said he's out indefinitely. Rumors circulating on various addictions he's being treated for. Rumors also circulating that he "will not be welcomed back to the UFC".
  • Oh God, I just realized Mauro Ranallo is a possible candidate to replace Goldie.
  • Will Rampage actually fight Glover Teixiera?
  • Cain Velasquez is Heavyweight Champ again. What happens to Cormier?
  • This season of TUF can't possibly suck, right? Right?
  • Will Bellator be successful on Spike?
  • Will more than 10 people get Fuel TV?
  • The UFC is offering Cyborg Mike Dolce's services so she can cut to 135. Will she accept?
  • Is Chris Leben finished? Will Melvin Guillard be cut?
  • Who else wants an immediate rematch between J-Lau and Jim Miller?
McAfee gives a warning when you try to visit the Sherdog forums, popping up a webpage that asks "Are you sure you want to go here?" Good call, McAfee.

-Maybe? With injuries in training these days, a card never looks the same from inception to completion. If it does, look for Nick to spend most of his time on his ass pressed up against the cage.

-I was surprised to hear Anderson Silva signed an extension; he doesn't have much to prove, and he appears to be taken care of financially. I'd like to see the Jon Jones superfight, mostly because I think Jon Jones is the one guy at 170, 185, or 205 that can handle Silva. (Chael Sonnen could handle Silva maybe 5 out of 20 matches; that spinning back fist might have been one of the most foolish moves I've ever seen.) I absolutely don't want to see the GSP/Silva fight; GSP, a fighter who operates close to his natural weight and utilizes a grappling oriented style, vs. Silva, who up until Sonnen used to suffocate grapplers and fights significantly above 185 on fight night. It's a huge hill for GSP to climb.

-I was surprised, but business is business and the show must go on. Knowing Dana White, "never coming back" means about a year and a half, maybe two.


-Again, see injuries. But let's be blatant, Rampage doesn't have his heart in MMA anymore. He's made his money and his fame. Another stint with a championship isn't likely in his future. If he doesn't want to fight, he doesn't have to, and the "injury during training" is an accepted way out of a fight.

-Daniel Cormier now needs a few more wins before getting a Heavyweight shot. I never believe this whole "we're teammates" schtick. In the short run, yes; Cain Velasquez has a share of people to go through, including a practically guaranteed rematch with Dos Santos somewhere down the line. But if Cormier still looks hot, and Cain doesn't have anyone on his horizon, Dana White will start tossing money around and make it happen. Right now, it's not a big worry, because Cormier isn't a name that's going to move PPV's. That could change.

-It will.

-It's a huge positive for Bellator, obviously. None of the UFC's other competitors have had a legitimate TV deal. Great for MMA in general, and it'll cause UFC to stay on their toes.

-I wonder how good the blowjob was, because that's the only way I can understand UFC agreeing to put so much material on Fuel TV.

-Santos says she's going to have her testicles removed, which should get her under weight.

-Chris Leben should have a job for as long as he wants one, because he does something most fighters are avoiding these days; he makes exciting fights. You will never see him run from a guy for five minutes, then unleash a scream of primal rage at the buzzer as he takes a 29-28 victory. He might lose when he runs head-first into a woodchipper, but it's always fun to watch. Melvin Guillard... he's got more time left in the UFC, but I see him as more of a body rather than an up-and-comer.

-Down the line maybe, but I thought Jim Miller demonstrated superiority in that fight. Joe Lauzon is one tough son of a bitch, that's for sure. That match was about a 1.7 Muta; it looked like he lost a liter and a half of blood or so. I'm still marveled that he not only stayed conscious, but still almost eked out a submission, towards the end of all that blood loss.
I absolutely don't want to see the GSP/Silva fight; GSP, a fighter who operates close to his natural weight and utilizes a grappling oriented style, vs. Silva, who up until Sonnen used to suffocate grapplers and fights significantly above 185 on fight night. It's a huge hill for GSP to climb.

I think you are drastically overstating the size difference between Silva/GSP.

Yes GSP walks around just under 200 lbs., while Anderson walks around closer to 225 lbs. But that difference is mainly due to the fact that Anderson loves his junk food and tends to "let himself go" a little between fights, while GSP on the other hand keeps himself in peak physical condition year round.

What you really have to look at is their fight night weight.

Firas said in an interview prior to the Sheilds fight that GSP would be about 193 lbs. on fight night for that match.

Anderson on the other hand typically gets himself down to between 200 and 205 after camp prior to his weigh-in cut, and comes in to fight night at around 200 lbs. Anderson was in the right weight range after his abbreviated camp to face Bonnar, so he weighed in at 202 lbs. for that fight and entered the cage at roughly the same weight.

So Anderson may walk around thirty pounds larger than GSP between camps but the weight difference would likely be roughly ten pounds on fight night, perhaps less if they fought at a catch weight, because GSP would tack on added mass while Anderson would probably need to shed a little extra mass to safely make the cut.

The weight difference wouldn't even be as large as the one that a guy like Ben Henderson for example enjoys basically every time he takes to the cage to fight guys in his own weight class.

Silva wouldn't possess a fraction of the type of size advantage against GSP that GSP himself took into the second BJ fight for example.

Size differences like the one that would exist during a fight between Georges and Anderson happen at every UFC card, and no one even notices or bats an eye.
Just a few things on Bellator, Bjorn Rebney, and the Eddie Alvarez situation.

1.) I feel real bad for Eddie. He seems like a real good guy and for Bellator to string him along like this when he clearly wants to move on is a shame. Bellator can say they matched Eddie's contract all they want, but the fact of the matter is that while they have Viacom in their corner, so they can match the actual dollar amount as far as show/win money goes, Eddie loses out big time on sponsorships (which is HUGE in regards to exposure between the promotions), PPV points (especially given the fact that nobody would buy a Bellator PPV), and the fact that Eddie can prove how good he truly is fighting the top competition. Bjorn said something to Eddie regarding selling 300K PPVs, which is lunacy. The UFC has marquee names and they struggle to get 300K PPV buys right now. If Eddie doesn't want to fight for the promotion, Bellator should let him move on.

2.) The more these situations come up - don't forget the Tyson Nam case where he never even fought for the promotion and they made his life hell - Jonathan Brookins had a hard time getting out of his contract to do TUF as well - the more likely it is that prospects will not sign with Bellator unless faced with a last resort type situation. It's the exact reason why Weidman outright said he would not sign with the promotion when they came calling. For the potential to make it in the UFC, you might see touted prospects rebuff Bellator's offers.

3.) Bjorn is an idiot.

Bjorn Rebney said:
I will tell you point blank, no questions asked, we matched it dollar for dollar, term for term and section for section," he said. "To avoid any kind of ambiguity, let me make clear, we took the UFC contract, we took it out of the PDF format, we changed the name 'UFC' to 'Bellator' and we signed it. We didn't alter a word, we didn't alter a phrase, we didn't alter a section, we didn't alter a dollar figure."


4.) If Bellator keeps this up, then they have a hell of a future as an organization where fighters who have burned their bridges with the UFC go and genuine pieces of shit end up - People like Paul Daley, Maiquel Falco, War Machine, Brett Rogers, King Mo, and soon enough Rampage Jackson and Mayhem Miller.

Bjorn is an absolute greaseball. I really hope things work out for Eddie.
I used to think Bjorn was a nice guy. He came off well in interviews most of the time, and he has never had a Dana White style outburst. The more I see how he handles things and thinks behind the scenes though makes me dislike him.
A couple of things.

Mike Goldberg was come out and denied the pain pill rumor. He hasn't said anything else other than that he hopes to get back to the booth soon.

Overeem has been drug tested seven times in the last nine months, all at random. He passed them all. I haven't seen any photos of him recently, but it will be interesting to see what he looks like upon returning.

Yushin Okami and Hector Lombard are scheduled for the Japan card. If they don't market that fight as "Thunder and Lighting" I will lose all faith in the UFC hype machine.

The Bones/Sonnen fight as of right now is scheduled for UFC 159, April 27th in New Jersey.
Yushin Okami and Hector Lombard are scheduled for the Japan card. If they don't market that fight as "Thunder and Lighting" I will lose all faith in the UFC hype machine.

This is awesome Yaz. Somebody needs to notify the UFC promotional department to make sure they don't miss out on that marketing slogan opportunity.

As for the fight, that is very good match making for the Japanese card to give them one of their own sons against a fighter with a little bit of a pride background, in a fight that is actually a relevant top ten contender fight.

I could be mistaken, but wouldn't this be the first time that Okami has ever faced a more decorated Judoka than himself in an MMA fight?? That should make it very interesting to see his approach.
Okami's a grinder whose skill set is hard to overcome except by those very few with a particular skill set of their own, and unfortunately for Okami, Lombard is one of those very few in the Middleweight Division with the skill set to over come his wrestling and knock his ass out.

One tap to Okami's glassjaw and the fight will be over.
I think this may be my favorite TUF poster ever. Yeah there are twenty eight guys fighting for a spot, but everyone knows who the focus is really on. Glad it is moving to Tuesday. I hated Friday night TUF.

So the UFC Japan card stands as this:

- Wanderlei Silva vs. Brian Stann
- Stefan Struve vs. Mark Hunt
- Yushin Okami vs. Hector Lombard
- Takanori Gomi vs. Diego Sanchez
- Dong Hyun Kim vs. Siyar Bahadurzada
- Mizuto Hirota vs. Rani Yahya
- Riki Fukuda vs. Brad Tavares
- Takeya Mizugaki vs. Bryan Caraway
- Cristiano Marcello vs. Kazuki Tokudome
- Alex Caceres vs. Kyung Ho Kang
- Marcelo Guimaraes vs. Hyun Gyu Lim

This is seriously a headlining fight away from being a PPV level card. Hell, this actually better than most PPV cards considering that most of them lately have piss-break fights. Even a couple of the prelim fights are really worth checking out.
In regards to TUF I was laughing when I saw the reports saying that you will not see much trash talk between Jones and Sonnen. It's not going to be Rashad and Rampage all over again. Now in the reports, I use that term loosely, they said both Jones and Sonnen focused more on their teams than on each other. I'm shocked. You're telling me that Jon Jones and Chael Sonnen are working with these guys? Like they're teaching them stuff and showing them how to improve their skill set? It's almost like Jon and Chael are coaching these guys.

Wait they are coaching them. I seriously don't get why this was such a big deal and every website was saying the season is pointless now. Get over it. It's still Chael Sonnen vs. Jon Jones and it's still going to be entertaining. This isn't Ken Shamrock, these two know what they're doing and I doubt either wants to lose this thing.
Was there anyone at all out there who was shocked to hear that Palhares has been suspended for testing positive for elevated testosterone??

I really can't believe this didn't happen sooner, nothing about the guy has ever seemed physically natural. Factor in his wierd headcase tendencies and occasional "raging" and this may be the most non-surprising positive drug test by a non-heavyweight that the UFC has seen since Sherk.
I used to think Bjorn was a nice guy. He came off well in interviews most of the time, and he has never had a Dana White style outburst. The more I see how he handles things and thinks behind the scenes though makes me dislike him.

Bjorn's a dog murderer. Like, literally. He's an extremely slimy individual and for all the flak Dana White gets, he's not as slimy as Bjorn.

Was there anyone at all out there who was shocked to hear that Palhares has been suspended for testing positive for elevated testosterone??

I really can't believe this didn't happen sooner, nothing about the guy has ever seemed physically natural. Factor in his wierd headcase tendencies and occasional "raging" and this may be the most non-surprising positive drug test by a non-heavyweight that the UFC has seen since Sherk.

I was really just hoping that he was naturally the Brazilian version of Lenny from "Of Mice and Men".
Bellator as an organization can die in a fire for all I care. One of the worst, slimiest, shitty promotions to ever gain some momentum.

Anyway, i'm excited for Strikeforce tomorrow. Really cannot wait to see Cormier and the Mardquardt/Saffidine fight.
When I looked a couple days ago Cormier was at -2000 for the fight. IIRC Lil' Nog was at -2100 for his fight with Sokoudjou. That was the biggest betting line upset in MMA history. Still I can't envision a scenario where this fight makes it out of round one. Cormier is just a beast.
One thing I picked up on - Fox is promoting Johnson/Dodson as a "Championship Fight" and for a "World Title"... not explicitly stating what division it is.

Do they really think the word "Flyweight" would be offputting to Casual fans?
Bendo/Melendez at UFC on Fox 7. This is the fight we've needed to happen on Fox since the announcement of the deal. Holy high hell, this is going to be awesome.
Bendo/Melendez at UFC on Fox 7. This is the fight we've needed to happen on Fox since the announcement of the deal. Holy high hell, this is going to be awesome.

Hell yeah, man. I like this a lot better than Bendo vs. Alvarez or the winner of Cerrone/Pettis. Cannot wait.

Impossible fight to call, though. Their styles are so, so much alike. I won't at all be surprised if it ends up like Gil's 2nd fight with Josh Thomson.
Mir/Cormier on this card as well. While this is a terrible fight for Mir, it's a perfect card to showcase Cormier to the public, and will be an amazing way to transition into Bendo/Gil. What a perfect fucking card so far.
Returning to the commentary booth at UFC on Fox 6 is Mike Goldberg,

Rogan and Anik had zero chemistry together at UFC 155. Goldberg is fun to goof on but he's still very good at what he does and I'm glad he'll be back.
Will you guys comfort me when Cormier kills Mir?

I honestly think they were going to forget this fight was booked until Mir had to open his mouth. "The only thing that impressed me about his match was him calling me out." Idiot.

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