**MERGED** (OFFICIAL) TNA General Complaint Thread

Talent has always been a number one problem for me. I don't want to turn to Tna hoping to see. A wrestler that I like wrestle then read on wrestlezone.com that him and Tna parted ways. Second how can they promote something when then don't have wrestlers to promote because they are going in and out of Tna like a revolving door?. Commitment is the key and everything else will fall into place.
Talent has always been a number one problem for me. I don't want to turn to Tna hoping to see. A wrestler that I like wrestle then read on wrestlezone.com that him and Tna parted ways. Second how can they promote something when then don't have wrestlers to promote because they are going in and out of Tna like a revolving door?. Commitment is the key and everything else will fall into place.

Simply not true.

Which wrestlers have left TNA soley due TNA "forgetting" to re-sign them?
tna is a small company, what do you mean they do things that make them look small? lol

good ol' wz...home of the smarks.

tna charges no admission for shows and ppv buys are hurting and you suggest they start locking down people with solid, written, long term contracts?

and what revolving door are you speaking of?

you could never have been a wrestling fan in the 80's or 90's with your thinking.
I kinda of agree with you on the lack of commitment as TNA's problem but not because on the talent stuff. They do have a problem with commiting on their identity. One day they are a wrestling company showcasing the young guys, the x-division get the spotlight so does the knockout and tag division, then when this image doesn't workout as quickly as they want they go the comedy route with characters like Stone Cold Shark Boy, Curryman and Super eric. When that doesn't work they go with the crash tv stuff, three week later when the crash tv stuff doesn'T work they go back to the wrestling stuff.

IN 7 years, TNA as change so many time of identity that i don'T know what the product is anymore. I'm guessing that right know, they are pretty much throwing every style of wrestling product together and trying to see if that works. I really would love to see TNA pick a image for the company and stick with it even if it'S the crappy over produce WCW type image they are projecting right now because at less, it would show that they are commiting themselves to something.
Thank you Hurricane, atleast you get were I'm going. As far as TNA being a little company...nah. ROH is small. If TNA was small, they wouldn't be able to attrack and sign big names as Hogan, who is old and shouldn't wrestle. Kurt Angle, 3D, Sting, Nash, Hall, RVD, Hardy, etc.. They just need commitment from these wrestlers so they can commit to us...the fans. As far as being a fan in the 90's and 80's. I was born in 84 and grew up on wrestling in the 90's.
Hello everybody,

Lets discuss why TNA is in the garbage currently. Is it Russo, Dixie, Hogan? The talent?

Last week TNA had the worst rating in TNA history with a .6 rating, so far this week looks to be the same if not worse. The question is who is really to blame for this?

I don't think it's Russo. Russo has been in this business a long time, he still has a great mind for wrestling. While he did screw up in WCW because nobody managed him, in TNA he at least has a couple bosses in Hogan and Carter.

Dixie is the real problem. I think bringing in Hogan was a good idea, but so far it's been more problematic than good. Lets look at some of the things Dixie has approved on in terms of story lines:

- AJ turning heel to be like Ric Flair. AJ has lot a lot of fan appreciation and gained a lot of marks on the Internet. At the same time, it seems AJ has lost a lot of his wresting ability. We rarely see wrestle anymore, and when he does it's just a run in and a quick finisher. No setup anymore for who AJ is. While this turn has helped AJ on the mic, in terms of wrestling he's gotten worse.

- X Division gone down the drain. A few months ago the X Division was starting to rock with Jeff Hardy coming into the mix. Not like the X Division wasn't bad at all as it had some of the best wrestlers around including Mr. Indy Chris Daniels and MCMG. Now all three are leaving the company. Daniels has officially quit TNA and MCMG are basically right behind them. What's next the Young Bucks will quit as well? Dixie has let Hogan have free reign and basically destroy the X Division. It also doesn't help that TNA Wrestlers are complaining about TNA on the air like Alex Shelly did on the TNA Spin Cycle this past week mentioning that there were no pads outside the ring during their Ultimate X match with Generation Me, but every other match had pads.

- Bye Bye Hernandez. Why is Hernandez going to Mexico to learn how to speak and wrestle. The guy is a beast in the ring and he has been for many years. All of a sudden he's canned for a few months. He is no longer on the roster page of TNA, and barley gets any attention. WWE scoops this guy up if they are smart. Still you shouldn't be sending one of your best wrestlers away. That is just being a bonehead.

- Knockouts Division. This is turning out to be just as bad as WWE Divas. Almost no point to watch them. Tonight's match really showed how weak the division is when they don't allow one wrestler to speak in English and than they humiliate her by not showing her wrestle in a match. Instead we see a commercial. Scott D'Amore is no longer with TNA so that can be a big reason why the Knockouts have been suffering. It goes back to Dixie as she approves of these matches before they go on the air.

- Wolfpac. Bubba Ray said it best, these guys are a cancer. I don't know if he meant that as a shoot or not, but it's true. Hogan, Nash, Hall and Waltman are a cancer every where they go. Why did Dixie allow to sign these guys at all, let alone the Nasty Boys a few months ago. We all know the Nasty Boys haven't wrestled a good match in maybe 20 years.

- Releasing of Wrestlers who do not need to be released. Look at Creed. While he wasn't used often enough, he was a vital member of the X Division. If they were trying to rebuild that system, they would not allow him gone. The same goes for Melissa, Kong, and now with maybe Hamada. Your throwing away good wrestlers who can help you.

While I agree with many that Hogan has caused more problems than good in TNA, I'm not blaming him as he came in to help TNA. It's not like he's a secret agent for WWE. The person to blame is Dixie Carter. She doesn't know the first thing about wrestling.

Now this is just my opinion, I speak freely and say removal of Dixie Carter is a must if TNA wants to survive until the end of the year.
I'm not blaming Dixie because it would be the easy thing to do, let's face it, when she was just a financial backer and Jeff Jarrett was in charge, we had the same problems. Yes we had more wrestling but we had a lot of gimmick matches that didn'T make sense, we had some heel turns that didn'T make sense. Abyss has been through so many crappy transformation over the years that i can barely count them all. Same goes for A.J. who go put in some crappy gimmick over the years.

So all of this is not new for TNA, so Dixie isn'T the only one to blame, sure the product as gone done the toilet ever since Hogan and Bischoff but again they try to help TNA advance which isn'T working right now. Like you said, Russo when control by somebody is a genius, look during the attitude era, he had some tremendous ideas but he was control by vince Mcmahon, in WCW he wasn't control by anybody and look what happenned. Is first run in TNA was so so but again nobody to control him so he went all out. Now is second run was good until he got Bischoff to control him because Russo and Bischoff think the same way and that's probably why WCW died because crap is crap no matter how old the crap is. Thinking that wrestling is not going to attract viewer's and that titles are there to use as prop and does mean shit is what kill the attitude era. Giving away big time matches for free isn'T a great way to do business either.

TNA is garbage right now because just like WCW, nobody cares to tell the creative team that what they are doing is garbage and when the whole roster knows it and even if Dixie would tell them that it's garbage, do you really think that Bischoff will listen anyway, just take the Orlando Jordan situation, everybody hates this even Dixie, she probably did mention it to Bischoff, but Bischoff and Russo loves this so even through everybody else in the company and the little fans they got left watching IMPACT hates it, it'S still going to be on the show and from what i got yesterday, it look like Orlando is going into a program with Rob Terry for the global Title.

So my opinion is that even through Dixie is the Owner of TNA wrestling Bischoff is controlling the show and even Dixie can control him so if i had somebody to blame for all of this it's Bischoff more then anybody else.
- AJ turning heel to be like Ric Flair. AJ has lot a lot of fan appreciation and gained a lot of marks on the Internet. At the same time, it seems AJ has lost a lot of his wresting ability. We rarely see wrestle anymore, and when he does it's just a run in and a quick finisher. No setup anymore for who AJ is. While this turn has helped AJ on the mic, in terms of wrestling he's gotten worse.

He's gotten worse in the ring? Excuse me "Smark", but if he doesn't do a spot-fest does that mean he's worse? I personally think that him toning down his moveset and being a full-blown heel inside the ring is exactly what AJ needs. AJ and Flair was a genius move and it's obviously helping AJ in many different ways. He's at a certain age now, he's not 20, and him not doing all the crazy stuff he used to do is a wonderful thing. He wrestles now more than anything.

- X Division gone down the drain. A few months ago the X Division was starting to rock with Jeff Hardy coming into the mix. Not like the X Division wasn't bad at all as it had some of the best wrestlers around including Mr. Indy Chris Daniels and MCMG. Now all three are leaving the company. Daniels has officially quit TNA and MCMG are basically right behind them. What's next the Young Bucks will quit as well? Dixie has let Hogan have free reign and basically destroy the X Division. It also doesn't help that TNA Wrestlers are complaining about TNA on the air like Alex Shelly did on the TNA Spin Cycle this past week mentioning that there were no pads outside the ring during their Ultimate X match with Generation Me, but every other match had pads.

I never knew MCMG were going to quit the company. Didn't they just win a shot at the tag titles or something? How is that "going down the drain". The X-Division is spotlighted the way it should be. Two matches. X-Division guys in a tag and some other exciting contest. We see it every week. In the beginning they neglected them but now things seem to be moving forward.

- Bye Bye Hernandez. Why is Hernandez going to Mexico to learn how to speak and wrestle. The guy is a beast in the ring and he has been for many years. All of a sudden he's canned for a few months. He is no longer on the roster page of TNA, and barley gets any attention. WWE scoops this guy up if they are smart. Still you shouldn't be sending one of your best wrestlers away. That is just being a bonehead.

Hernandez is a big, dumb, useless piece of trash. He can't talk, he has absolutely no charisma (if you consider a mean latino face is charisma, I stand corrected). Yes he is a "monster", but TNA has a lot of people that can replace him. I never saw anything special in Hernandez besides his size. That's about it. This business needs a wrestler that can do it all, not a wrestler that can lift stuff.

- Knockouts Division. This is turning out to be just as bad as WWE Divas. Almost no point to watch them. Tonight's match really showed how weak the division is when they don't allow one wrestler to speak in English and than they humiliate her by not showing her wrestle in a match. Instead we see a commercial. Scott D'Amore is no longer with TNA so that can be a big reason why the Knockouts have been suffering. It goes back to Dixie as she approves of these matches before they go on the air.

The K.O's division has been nothing but awesome lately. They wrestle fine for women, the matches are cool, the chicks are hot, there's diversity, they have characters unlike WWE's Barbie Dolls. And Hamada not speaking English and getting beaten so fast? It's that LITTLE thing called gimmick? It was a fun part of the segment. They all spoke in English and then she speaks in Japanese or Chinese. I thought it was nice. And then she got beat fast - well of course she'll get beat fast do you want her to strip? Do you want her to take the spider? Do you want her to be the K.O's champion or face ANYONE at anytime? No.

- Wolfpac. Bubba Ray said it best, these guys are a cancer. I don't know if he meant that as a shoot or not, but it's true. Hogan, Nash, Hall and Waltman are a cancer every where they go. Why did Dixie allow to sign these guys at all, let alone the Nasty Boys a few months ago. We all know the Nasty Boys haven't wrestled a good match in maybe 20 years.

Now here I do agree. Wolfpac needs to go. Freaking all of them. Nash, Hall, Waltman but keep Bubba. Bubba is a golden mine. I hate his guts and so does everyone else and TNA should take advantage of that. But Wolfpac should die under the ring and never crawl out again.

And drop the Nastys crap, they're gone, move on.

- Releasing of Wrestlers who do not need to be released. Look at Creed. While he wasn't used often enough, he was a vital member of the X Division. If they were trying to rebuild that system, they would not allow him gone. The same goes for Melissa, Kong, and now with maybe Hamada. Your throwing away good wrestlers who can help you.

Well, why keep Talent you don't need? To pay them? Why? TNA isn't WWE they can't afford that. If you run a business and you have a couple of employees that do nothing - would you make them stay? TNA has enough good wrestlers. Too many if you will.
- - -

The fact is, this post should be renamed to "What I don't like about TNA". I personally enjoy the product to its fullest, yes INCLUDING Orlando Jordan and no I'm not a homo. It's new and it's pushing the envelope, it's controversial and after years of Morning Cartoo-...sorry, WWE, I feel like I need to watch something edgy.
No, the real reason why TNA "is garbage at the moment", is booking, and no other reason.

There is nothing wrong with utilizing "has beens", or even giving airtime to Bubba the Love Sponge. The problem is giving them too much air time, and utilizing them beyond their capabilities. The Wölfpac should not be used right now in the main event scene, and a bootleg Feast or Fired "lock box" match/results should not close iMPACT!. Womens' wrestling, period, should never close iMPACT!.

Bret Hart just beat Vince McMahon in a grudge match at Wrestlemania. Is Bret Hart not a has been? Is he not washed up? Would you not want to not see him week-after-week wrestling on television? So what's the difference between that and how TNA would have booked it? Bret didn't close the show.

The biggest issue TNA seems to be facing is their failure to develop relevant storylines – relevant being the operative word in that sentence. When people say "no one cares about the Wölfpac", they don't actually mean that no one cares about the Wölfpac. What they mean is that no one cares about the Wölfpac as the main event, and they're right, because no one does, and no one has since 1999/00. TNA's failure isn't in employing them - it's in employing them as main event talent (still).

Everything else is flotsam and straw man arguments IMO.
Ok how come we never see a whats wrong with the WWE post? Seems like everything is bashing TNA. I mean come on this company just moved to monday nights, and you guys expect a well oiled machine from the get go. Its a work in progress and you impatient fans are killing their chances.

I watched raw and impact last night. And Im gonna tell you this, I liked both shows. But i only like raw because one man made it worth watching and that was Randy Orton. The man is the best the WWE has to offer hands down.

But as for overall show performance... Impact kicked Raws ass because the WWE has little to no edge in their storylines, which makes for a less compelling show.

Impact however was throughly entertaining, with tons of edge leading up to lockdown.

By the way if you guys want a better wrestling show out of WWE like I do, then stop bashing the competition and let the competition grown and figure out the mistakes on its own.
Now this is just my opinion, I speak freely and say removal of Dixie Carter is a must if TNA wants to survive until the end of the year.

Agreed if a business person cant learn the basics of the business they are operating in they realistically shouldnt continue in that business.

He's gotten worse in the ring? Excuse me "Smark", but if he doesn't do a spot-fest does that mean he's worse? I personally think that him toning down his moveset and being a full-blown heel inside the ring is exactly what AJ needs. AJ and Flair was a genius move and it's obviously helping AJ in many different ways. He's at a certain age now, he's not 20, and him not doing all the crazy stuff he used to do is a wonderful thing. He wrestles now more than anything.

Love smarks calling each other smarks on a internet message board :lol::lmao: It never gets old.

Ok how come we never see a whats wrong with the WWE post? Seems like everything is bashing TNA. I mean come on this company just moved to monday nights, and you guys expect a well oiled machine from the get go. Its a work in progress and you impatient fans are killing their chances.

I watched raw and impact last night. And Im gonna tell you this, I liked both shows. But i only like raw because one man made it worth watching and that was Randy Orton. The man is the best the WWE has to offer hands down.

But as for overall show performance... Impact kicked Raws ass because the WWE has little to no edge in their storylines, which makes for a less compelling show.

Impact however was throughly entertaining, with tons of edge leading up to lockdown.

You are entitled to your opinion but think you are completely wrong here. You cant call a product which is hemoraging ratings compelling. It is also laughable to call IMPACT throughly entertaining when it has been the worst received show of 2010 so far.

By the way if you guys want a better wrestling show out of WWE like I do, then stop bashing the competition and let the competition grown and figure out the mistakes on its own.

That would be fine and all but one TNA's biggest problems is that they dont figure out mistakes rather they repeat them over and over. That is why people are frustated with TNA.
Ok how come we never see a whats wrong with the WWE post? Seems like everything is bashing TNA. I mean come on this company just moved to monday nights, and you guys expect a well oiled machine from the get go. Its a work in progress and you impatient fans are killing their chances.

I watched raw and impact last night. And Im gonna tell you this, I liked both shows. But i only like raw because one man made it worth watching and that was Randy Orton. The man is the best the WWE has to offer hands down.

But as for overall show performance... Impact kicked Raws ass because the WWE has little to no edge in their storylines, which makes for a less compelling show.

Impact however was throughly entertaining, with tons of edge leading up to lockdown.

By the way if you guys want a better wrestling show out of WWE like I do, then stop bashing the competition and let the competition grown and figure out the mistakes on its own.

"Speaks in the Miz's voice"..."REALLY"? Really? Really? TNA fucking sucks! Hogan and Flair went to the "nursing home" of pro wrestling....they will never be seen in the WWE again...they fucked that up. Anyway, Impact kicked Raw's ass? there is no way! Randy Orton alone is the new reason to watch Monday Night Raw. His character is really taking off. as for the edge you speak of would you rather watch hogan come out and run his mouth saying nothing? I didn't think so. Your a dumbass!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Speaks in the Miz's voice"..."REALLY"? Really? Really? TNA fucking sucks! Hogan and Flair went to the "nursing home" of pro wrestling....they will never be seen in the WWE again...they fucked that up. Anyway, Impact kicked Raw's ass? there is no way! Randy Orton alone is the new reason to watch Monday Night Raw. His character is really taking off. as for the edge you speak of would you rather watch hogan come out and run his mouth saying nothing? I didn't think so. Your a dumbass!!!!!!!!!!!!

further more, there are plenty of WWE bashings on here..you need to look around! another thing about the "Edge" you wanted....WWE has it...his name is Adam Copeland
Personally I do not think TNA is putting out a bad product. Apart from the Abyss storyline and the bi-sexual Orlando Jordon story I have been enjoying TNA.
I think the reason is simple for the low TV ratings. The move to Mondays was always a foolish thing to do in my opinion and it seems as though I was right.

Why would you move head to head with Raw, WWE fans will always watch WWE over TNA despite how bad Raw is, however they may well tune into TNA on a night that the WWE is not on. (Like thursdays). Just look at the ratings when they repeated it on thursday nights, it was as high as the live Monday show.

All this bollocks about wrestling should be on Monday makes no real sense to me, maybe because I am from England, but I am sure Smackdown gets viewers.

So at the end of the day I do not blame Dixie, I do not blame Hogan and Bischoff or Russo. I blame the move to Mondays.

I love TNA but I guess within a year I will have to move onto ROH or Dragon Gate or just stop watching for good.
"They have bad ratings, how can you like them?!" - Excuse me, are we fans or a TV Station? Please, please, please let TNA and Spike worry about the ratings, you worry about having something good to watch on Monday. Does high ratings mean that the show is good and YOU'LL like it? Are we all cyborgs linked in a server or are we individuals with different tastes and likings? They could have a 0.1, I'd still watch them because I like the product. The irony is that WWE doesn't put one half of sense and hard work in their programming EACH and every week and they get high ratings. TNA and their guys are busting their asses off each week, they have bad ratings but the shows are better ( !IMO! ). So sit back, don't think about ratings, and enjoy whatever program you like better.

And yes, I would like someone to do a post about WWE's crap. Even though I'll have to read through a novel of mistakes and nonsense I still want to see it. The kettle calling the pot black.
Bret Hart just beat Vince McMahon in a grudge match at Wrestlemania. Is Bret Hart not a has been? Is he not washed up? Would you not want to not see him week-after-week wrestling on television? So what's the difference between that and how TNA would have booked it? Bret didn't close the show.

Difference, Bret Hart left the WWE in what has to be the most Controversial way ever seen in the Wrestling business. He was gonna for nearly 13-14 years, and finally made his return. Will I admit hes a little over-the-hill? Yes, however he did not Wrestle in the Main Event of anything, he was I think 4-5 on the Wrestlemania card, he didn't wrestle before that, although yes he was the last promo you'd see on Monday Night Raw fairly often, but you'd still get a Wrestling Main Event. I don't watch TNA, the only time I do is between Raw's commercials so I can't really comment about who's in the Main Event and such. But Bret Hart being around for 2 months and the old Wolfpac Main Eventing TNA are two different things..
"They have bad ratings, how can you like them?!" - Excuse me, are we fans or a TV Station? Please, please, please let TNA and Spike worry about the ratings, you worry about having something good to watch on Monday. They could have a 0.1, I'd still watch them because I like the product. So sit back, don't think about ratings, and enjoy whatever program you like better.

Dont make a strawman with that quote.

If TNA continue on the road they are travelling on you simply wont be able to sit back and have that program you personally enjoy.
The K.O's division has been nothing but awesome lately. They wrestle fine for women, the matches are cool, the chicks are hot, there's diversity, they have characters unlike WWE's Barbie Dolls. And Hamada not speaking English and getting beaten so fast? It's that LITTLE thing called gimmick? It was a fun part of the segment. They all spoke in English and then she speaks in Japanese or Chinese. I thought it was nice. And then she got beat fast - well of course she'll get beat fast do you want her to strip? Do you want her to take the spider? Do you want her to be the K.O's champion or face ANYONE at anytime? No.

Did you watch the same match as saw last night, compare to that, the WWE divas look like real wrestlers. Let's start with the complicated rules that matches last night had, they were so complicated they had to repeat them twice plus have them on the screen so that the fans actually knew what was going on. Plus the match itself was awful and only serve to push the fab five in the division which are Tara, The beautiful Peoples and Angelina Love. It did nothing for anybody else. Daffney winning was just so that they could put an en to this feud she had with Tara. Plus, giving away a title as a prize is the most stupid thing you can do in wrestling and it devalue the title and the division it reprensent.

Has for the Hamada stuff. Let'S face it, she probably out the door really soon, just look at how they treated her last night, during the whole interview segment, the cameraman was trying is best to not included her in the shot so much so that she had to try to find a way to get in the shot, then when it was finally her time to talk, she was so phased out that she forgot it was her turn to talk before finally having Christy remind her that it's her turn to talk. Then to make matters worst she not even involve in the match itself because she was elimanate during the commercial break. Hamada is one if not the best knockout TNA as right now and they are treating her like she nothing for a reason or another, i would have love to see her win either the contract or the title last night but because she doesn'T look like a model, she not getting the push. Just look who's getting push in the knockout division right now, Tara is the only one that doesn'T look like a model and that's because she a former WWE Diva's. All the knockout that can actually wrestles great matches are either put on Xplosion or use as filler when they are missing knockout for the main show.

So don'T tell me that the Knockout division is just fine right now because last night they just kill the essence of what the Knoxkout division was about and change it into what the WWE woman's division was before they actually start training them.
Difference, Bret Hart left the WWE in what has to be the most Controversial way ever seen in the Wrestling business. He was gonna for nearly 13-14 years, and finally made his return. Will I admit hes a little over-the-hill? Yes, however he did not Wrestle in the Main Event of anything, he was I think 4-5 on the Wrestlemania card, he didn't wrestle before that, although yes he was the last promo you'd see on Monday Night Raw fairly often, but you'd still get a Wrestling Main Event. I don't watch TNA, the only time I do is between Raw's commercials so I can't really comment about who's in the Main Event and such. But Bret Hart being around for 2 months and the old Wolfpac Main Eventing TNA are two different things..

They're not different, man. Wölfpac came back just like Hart did – after years of absence and didn't wrestle until nearly a month afterward.

The point isn't to draw a perfect correlation between Hart's return and the Wölfpac's anyway, it's to draw a distinction between how they were booked when they returned. Bret is a washed up has-been just like the Wölfpac are – only difference being Bret was used in a complimentary role, whereas the Wölfpac are still being used as main event caliber performers, of which they are not.

Why are you commenting on a topic about what is wrong with TNA anyway if you don't even watch the show? I'm a little confused...
I watched iMPACT last night and realized something.it's awful. they have WAY too many guys on payroll and you don't see ANY of em.they put too much effort into one storyline(much like the E) and they exercise their right to be "edgy" too freely.too much of one thing can be bad,and right now they're product is the wrestling equivalent of paris hilton.It can be much better,but they have to step back and look at it from our point of view,find out what we want to see.give us what the WWE can't but don't shove it down our throats.the WWE's attitude era fans have become disillusioned with the new era because it's not "edgy".like it or not they have a responsibility to a global community,the majority of it being our youth of today.the have to put on something that's fun and entertaining for the kids that want to be like the superstars when they grow up(and lord knows we don't want to see anyone out in the streets eating garbage like Tommy Dreamer used to,or humping everything in sight a la Val Venis).TNA on the other has the chance to appeal to the attitude era's leftovers,who weren't finished being entertained by a more adult, Frank Miller like style of pro wrestling.

on a lighter note,if they were gonna do the whole bisexual thing,they could have done better than ugly ass Orlando Jordan.SERIOUSLY dude looks like the offspring of a coked up Rick James and a VERY unfortunate baboon :wtf:
The music is second rate, and they are way too many fat people. You have Jeff freakin Hardy and RVD, TNA could easily become more popular than the stale, predictable, PG-13 Heartbreak Kid-less WWE.....

All TNA has to do is get rid of Abyss and the has beens like Wolfpac, Bubba, Double J..and anyone else that is 20 years past their prime. They need to revamp that awful music and sign a few of the younger WWE stars that leave the company. Start filming events other than that tiny 2000 seat arena with those horrendous signs.

If they learn how to main event Hardy, change his music, pick up a draft like the Hurricane and have some heel turns (Angle as a heel w/AJ would be great)

Keep Ric in the wheelchair and eventually turn him face.
seriously when are you fucking morons gonna put this shit to rest already........... i'm sick of hearing and reading comments from you little jackasses about tna ratings, and dixie carter, hulk hogan, if you don't like what they have to offer then simply pick up your remote and change the channel back to wwe, it's as simple as that wwe smarks!!!

Quite the deep thinker arent you. Come back when you are able to answer criticisms of TNA directly. I hope you are just a troll otherwise this is rather sad.
He's gotten worse in the ring? Excuse me "Smark", but if he doesn't do a spot-fest does that mean he's worse? I personally think that him toning down his moveset and being a full-blown heel inside the ring is exactly what AJ needs. AJ and Flair was a genius move and it's obviously helping AJ in many different ways. He's at a certain age now, he's not 20, and him not doing all the crazy stuff he used to do is a wonderful thing. He wrestles now more than anything.

He's 31. Don't start making "age" excuses, because he's nowhere near that age where he can't do all those "fancy-shmancy things those kids do these days."

The fact is, this post should be renamed to "What I don't like about TNA". I personally enjoy the product to its fullest, yes INCLUDING Orlando Jordan and no I'm not a homo. It's new and it's pushing the envelope, it's controversial and after years of Morning Cartoo-...sorry, WWE, I feel like I need to watch something edgy.

So you only watch mature television for mature people like yourself because you're mature? Back up and look at the big picture here. You're watching a wrestling show. Both the WWE and TNA are wrestling shows. Cursing and blood doesn't make one better than the other.

Everything else is flotsam and straw man arguments IMO.

I agree with pretty much everything you said, but I'm confused by this statement. Can you elaborate on what you think is a strawman argument? How can the original post of a topic be a strawman?

"They have bad ratings, how can you like them?!" - Excuse me, are we fans or a TV Station? Please, please, please let TNA and Spike worry about the ratings, you worry about having something good to watch on Monday. Does high ratings mean that the show is good and YOU'LL like it? Are we all cyborgs linked in a server or are we individuals with different tastes and likings? They could have a 0.1, I'd still watch them because I like the product. The irony is that WWE doesn't put one half of sense and hard work in their programming EACH and every week and they get high ratings. TNA and their guys are busting their asses off each week, they have bad ratings but the shows are better ( !IMO! ). So sit back, don't think about ratings, and enjoy whatever program you like better.

You've interpreted the argument backwards. No one is saying the show sucks because of the ratings. They're saying the ratings suck because the show sucks, and have listed many reasons why. TNA's commercials and ruthless advertisement campaigns have been enough to show the WWE fans that there's another wrestling company coming up, and TNA's got high ratings before. I think back in January, they hit up the 2.0s?

Yeah, maybe the guys on TNA are working their asses off. But they're working their asses off to put on a show with crappy writing and headlining 50+ year old guys who haven't worked good matches since they FIRST jumped the ship from the WWF to WCW.

And yes, I would like someone to do a post about WWE's crap. Even though I'll have to read through a novel of mistakes and nonsense I still want to see it. The kettle calling the pot black.

I find this post interesting, too. This statement represents a lot of the IWC, and I find it interesting that people feel the need to choose a team, and post on internet forums as if they're somehow a part of the company.

"The kettle calling the pot black" doesn't apply here because the WWE isn't saying TNA has a stale product. The fans are. This statement would only apply if the fans started putting out a stale wrestling product.

The only thing I would like to stress is remember that you're nothing but a fan. Don't get offended by someone's opinion of a wrestling promotion that you're not a part of, discuss things objectively, attempt to discuss it without bias (and if you can't help it, then so be it), and be a wrestling fan. If you're ONLY a TNA or WWE fan, your arguments become equal to invalid on these forums.
"Speaks in the Miz's voice"..."REALLY"? Really? Really? TNA fucking sucks! Hogan and Flair went to the "nursing home" of pro wrestling....they will never be seen in the WWE again...they fucked that up. Anyway, Impact kicked Raw's ass? there is no way! Randy Orton alone is the new reason to watch Monday Night Raw. His character is really taking off. as for the edge you speak of would you rather watch hogan come out and run his mouth saying nothing? I didn't think so. Your a dumbass!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ooh a attack on my first post... LOL Im sorry that I had to touch a nerve while you're on the rag... How rude of me :(

So let me get this straight, you bash on Hogan and Flair saying they need to be in a retirement home? Um have you been watching WWE since January? On WWE you had a 65 year old man fightin a guy in his mid 50s and you had the nerve to bash TNA for using Hogan and Flair.

All Hogan and Flair are are mouthpieces and figureheads... Its not like theyve been wrestling every damn week. Hogan and Flair are the two biggest names in wrestling history so why not use them for name recognition. What you cant handle them wrestling one or 2 times a year?

The two old men in WWE put on the worst match in WM history. But yet you say nothing about that. That match bored me to piss, then I took one and came back and it bored me to piss again so i took another.

Bret had no business wrestling... He and Vince shouldve managed people at Mania. The Hart Dynasty shouldve been the ones wrestling.
I mean yeah TNA does have its bad points... But even when the ALMIGHTY BIG 3 wrestling companies ( from 10 - 14 years ago ) were at their highest they each had a few bad points.. Bluedust ( ECW ) MIA ( WCW DX ripoffs ) Gillberg, Right to Censor ( WWE ) David Flair ( WCW )

I mean hell some of you damn wrestling fans are spoiled as fuck, expecting perfection all the damn time.

Listen to the words of Paul Heyman... Accentuate the positives, hide the negatives...

Or in this case just appreciate the positives. And enjoy the wrestling show.

Btw was that a pindrop I heard during the Vince/Bret match. The storyline setup was continued on Jan 4 with a weak kick in the nuts, and it ended with some of the wrestling fans feeling like they got kicked in the nuts.

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