**MERGED** Miz Complaint Thread

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...Kinda of getting boring with the whole 'I hate The Miz so lets compare him to a partner he had 2 years ago'.
Both have moved on, Both have different in-ring styles, both are at different levels, so you can't compare the two anymore
You Knock the fact The Miz won the WWE Title via MITB...did you say that when Edge Cashed his in? Or when CM Punk cashed in Twice? Probley Not, Because people who Win MITB are Future Main-Eventers (Yes, Even Kenderson if he was in WWE)
The Miz has showed everyone how far he has come in his career, Showing us in Promo form, and Video before WM 27 (which he main-evented none the less).
Morrison has a while to go before he becomes WWE/WHC, but he's close..very close, best bet is for him to win MITB and cash in...But The OP obviously isnt a fan of the Cash In Phenominon that swept the WWE, and make the Crowd anywhere watch, and think 'were going to see a title change!'
Stats dont matter, yes morrison has had more titles according to you, but wasnt Miz and Morrison on different shows? wasnt they both US and IC title holders at the same time?...I'm Just Sayin...
Op by your theory CM Punk is shit.... (he won two championships from MITB).

Seriously I Hate the Miz but I know complaining about it wont make him disappear, on top of this he is good on the mic, maybe not so much in the ring but even Rock and Cena are hardly the next Jericho in ring but they sell because of their mic skills. Whereas Morrison has to rely on his electricity in ring to sell matches and go "over".

Although I dislike the endless comparison, I admit I'm more of a Morrison guy but only when he's heel.
Miz just won in the main event of WrestleMania. John Morrison was barely an afterthought

Wow.. I think we all know Miz won in the main event! His match with Cena was just plain boring, how long did it go on for?

People claim Miz has improved in the ring, then why didn't they show it, heck Hogan and Warrior were probably the crappest in-ring performers at the time and they put on a 20 min match which was rather interesting..

Miz is overrated because the WWE is making him look like that, with Michael being up his ass for the last year, he has been hyped up more than any wrestler!!
Sigh. :disappointed: Sir, I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

Frankly, most of your arguments are too weak to even address. You count all the minor championships like tag titles and conclude that Morrison, because he's got one more, is at least as successful as the Miz? :rolleyes: What a refreshingly naive way of seeing things.

Your only halfway decent point is that his ring skills aren't the greatest. It's true. The only thing that could render that point moot would be if there were precedents in wrestling history of champions who couldn't have a good match if their life depended on it. Can you think of any? ;)
I was gonna open my post with a sigh, but the above poster beat me to it. As for this thread, argh. Miz isn't overrated at all. He doesn't have to beat his opponents clean, cos that's not what heel champs do. Why do all you anti-Mizfits cry for a strong champion, then bitch when Cena wins? You all totally contradict yourselves. Miz fits the role of the cheating, cocky champion perfectly. If you bitch that he's weak cos he doesn't win clean, the job well done WWE, you've made people hate a badguy. I've heard people say they've "changed the channel" when Miz comes on because they think he's so shit, and well, that's just you marking and trying to get your way through the Nielsons.

Morrison < Miz. Spot monkey < Strong talker. Lame face < Cheating heel. It goes on.
Of course the miz is overrated. he cant wrestle for shit, and he is an exact copy of jericoh. miz marks may love him, but hey, not everyone has watched the wwe for over one year. all of his matches and promo's are the same. even though he won at wrestlemania, he was still an afterthought of cena and the rock. the guy and his title reign is a complete joke and just shows how much vince wants to go mainstream. he gives the title to someone who is ok on the mic and is actually worse than cena in the ring.

... but i think that is his gimmick. the guy sucks ass, but he is champ so people hate him. he is like jbl only without mic skills or wrestling talent of any kind.
I agree with the first couple of posters, the whole Miz is overrated and Miz vs Morrison (career wise) is getting old. For someone who a couple of years ago was the reality star turned SD host (just a spot higher than Funaki) hes hanging with the likes of Cena and The Rock pretty well. I know Miz doesnt have the best moveset, but I think its more part of his gimmick than anything. Hes just using the classic heel moveset and its obviously working because its getting so many people riled up. Same goes for his character. AWESOME seems to be such a simple catchphrase but it draws so much heat that its probably the best heel catchphrase on RAW right now. And the whole Morrison thing is really unecessary. I mean how many times has WWE tried to push Morrison and it just didnt stick. Miz has charisma, and that chrisma can carry guys like those two who are living in the shadow of todays legends who are returning. Your right as far as in ring goes but honestly think of someone other than Cena, Rock, or Triple H who you would rather give the title to. I dont think hes overrated, its just that people have these childish expectations from him that its hard not to look at him in a dim light. Just give him some time. Everyone gave him crap about not being able to put on a descent match until he fough Daniel Bryan in that ppv (I forget which one), so why cant time improve some of his other bad qualities.
I think everyone else has said it best, but there is one part of your post I would like to comment on.

#5. "Since the Split": Granted, since they have split, the Miz has had more success, but Morrison is the reason the Miz is where he is. Don't tell me that it's coincidence. Before Morrison, the Miz had nothing to show off. The second they team up, they get the belts. Coincidence? I think NOT!!!

From this it sounds like you think Morrison is the only reason that Miz got his first taste of tag team gold. Honestly I believe it was a combination of the hard work and effort of both men.

We live in an age where tag team wrestling is a dying art in WWE. Teams are just thrown together to give guys something to do until creative can come up with something. But Miz and Morrison made it work, they blended as a unit both in the ring and on the mic and got over as a legit team, why do you think they were together so long?

I kinda relate this back to the formation of the Hart Foundation. Bret was floundering in the WWF and was getting nowhere as a singles wrestler. He asked them to team him up with Anvil because he knew they would work well together. Finally it got to the point Bret was ready to leave with door open to return if creative could ever come up with something for him, and that is when they got paired up, with WWF only intending it to be a short tag team run. But what happened is that they got over.

They worked so well together that WWF kept them together for years and gave them WWF tag team title runs. Sound familiar?? Now I think the Hart Foundation were a MUCH better team that Miz and Morrison were but there history is similar, two guys thrown together with short term plans, who through the hard work of both guys, became major players in the tag divison.

So lets give credit where its due, because to make a good tag team, its just like the song says, "it takes two baby".
To take a quote from Miz " Really?"

Miz beat Cena at WRESTLEMANIA and won a feud against Orton. He is the longest WWE Champion for 3-5 years (not sure) and he draws good heat. His mic skills are just behind CM Punk in the WWE and has the fans in the palm of his hand anytime he speaks.

And you then compare him to John Morrison?! Look I don't mind the lad, infact Im a fan of him (my name is based off him and Miz) but to say he has had a better career than Miz is beyond stupid. The WWE could give Morrison 10 tag titles in the next 10 weeks but it still wouldn't hold a candle to Miz's very succesful title reign. So for your own good stop deluding yourself.
The whole Miz-Morrison comparison is a Pandora's Box the two guys themselves opened. They brought up the whole "Who's the Jannetty, who's the Michaels-thing." And it's a fun comparison because it's become such a cliche within the industry whenever two guys split. Also they have great chemistry together and Miz's best matches were against Morrison. I still say the two would make a great Summerslam main event.

The thing is, it's actually great that a lot of people can't stand the Miz. I can see that some of them are getting desperate in trying to downplay Miz. What was that? Miz's promos are all the same? His title run is a joke? He is an exact copy of CHRIS JERICHO? :wtf: Wow.
He needs those fans almost as much as he needs supporters. Keep the hate coming, guys. :D
This is the same argument as "Cena is overrated-BLAH!!!" Cena and Miz both work extremely hard and Vince can rely on them to carry the WWE banner proudly and well in non-WWE appearances. They both have above average mic skills and they are both competant in the ring. Neither is Bret Hart, but isn't that what made him special?

As far as John Morrison goes, maybe if he spent time creating a good reputation rather than bragging about getting kicked out of bars and blowing off Trish Stratus, he'd have achieved more with his talents.

Most overrated? Cody Rhodes. I just don't see it.
#1. "The Future of WWE": We all know why The Miz has gotten this roller coaster push, he works hard, and does alot for the community. And don't get me wrong, I love that about the guy, but is it really enough for the push he's gotten? Granted, he shows dedication to the company, but hell, who doesn't at this level? Vince himself has said that Miz is the future of WWE. But he doesn't get it done for me in terms of the actualy business. Which leads me to step two...

#2. "Amazing Mic Skills": If you ask me, the Miz is nothing more than a 12 year old trapped in a 20 year old body on the mic. "I'm AWWWWWWESOME!!!" Seriously? That's the BEST you can come up with? Enough said... NEXT STEP!!!

#3. "Improved In-Ring Ability": I'll give you the fact that the Miz has improved a little in the ring. But some of you talk as if he went from wrestling like Colin Delaney to wrestling like Triple H. He still is an average wrestler at best. He's a technician, so I'm not expecting a great wrestler, just decent. And he hasn't even acheived THAT. I've seen him botch the Reality Check, you heard me... THE REALITY CHECK. And yet you give Morrison crap for not MASTERING moves as difficult as the Starship Pain. And may I remind you, when they were a tag team as heels, who I remind you are superstars who are BOOED, when Miz tagged Morrison in, the crowd would go wild! Next step...

#4. "JoMo vs. Miz- Career Comparison": This is basically simple Mathematics and common sense.
JoMo Championships
1-Time ECW World Champion (Don't get me started on how he was cheated by CM Punk)
1-Time World Tag Team Champion (w/ Miz)
3-Time Intercontinental Champion (Latest one was insanely difficult)
4-Time WWE Tag Team Champion (1 w/ Miz 3 w/ Joey Mercury, wonder where he is now lol)

Miz Championships
1-Time WWE Champion (Won as a result of the MITB contract)
2-Time World Tag Team Champion (1 w/ JoMo 1 w/ Big Show) God, must be easy winning championships when you got Big Show helping you.
3-Time WWE Tag Team Champion (1 w/ JoMo 1 w/ Big Show :/ 1 w/ Cena) SUPERCENA TOO?!
2-Time US Champion (Lost one I think after one match lol)

Total titles for John Morrison who never had an OP'd partner: 9
Total titles for The Miz who had an OP'd partner 3 times: 8
There are the careers right there, so shutup about Miz having the better one.

#5. "Since the Split": Granted, since they have split, the Miz has had more success, but Morrison is the reason the Miz is where he is. Don't tell me that it's coincidence. Before Morrison, the Miz had nothing to show off. The second they team up, they get the belts. Coincidence? I think NOT!!!

I respect your opinion, but seeing as how you did the list for ''The Miz'', allow me to do one for John Morrison.

#1. "The Future of WWE": John Morrison won't be considered ''the face'' of WWE for one thing... Lack of charisma. The face of WWE has never been somebody who lacks charisma. The fact is, he got pissy over Melina not being apart of WrestleMania and gave Trish the cold shoulder throughout the program, even shooting down her ideas. Does this sound like a team player to you? The fact is he should have counted himself lucky to be apart of WrestleMania, and not complaining every step of the way. The Miz is a team player, being excluded from the lockeroom etc... Morrison acts as if Trish wasn't worthy to be in the ring with him, I mean where does he get this type of ego from.

#2. "Amazing Mic Skills": Do not get me started on his lack of skills. He has a dull tone of voice that seems to drone on and on. The Miz is like a 12 year old trapped in a 20 year old mans body? The man has shirts with his catchphrase ''Awesome'' which can be marketed. ''Really... Really?'' also another catch phrase coined by the man. Does anyone remember the ''Chick Magnet'' too?. J.M has nothing that can be marketed ''The Guru of Greatness, the Tuesday Night Delight'' are awful and he has nothing going for him. I cannot remember one interview produced by J.M whereas the Miz has countless.

#3. "Improved In-Ring Ability": The Miz has improved dramatically as a wrestler. Morrison is an athlete. There is a difference. The difference being that Morrison is a spot monkey. I like watching a Morrison match, but I mean he is a ''Shelton Benjamin'' just without the technical aspect. You mention Morrison getting cheered whenever he would be tagged in? So he failed as a heel then. A heel tag team where the majority of entertainment came when Miz was on the mic not Morrison. Morrison and Miz were not really on the map when they joined together, as Morrison was punished for his failure of a drug test and subsequently lost the ECW title. Would the Dirt Sheet have worked without somebody who couldn't carry an interview? No. MNM wouldn't have pulled off the interviews they did. Neither Morrison and Truth. Because neither team had someone of the Miz's charisma and mic skills.

#4. "JoMo vs. Miz- Career Comparison": This is basically simple Mathematics and common sense.
JoMo Championships
1-Time ECW World Champion (Lost as a result of a failed drug test)
1-Time World Tag Team Champion (w/ Miz)
3-Time Intercontinental Champion )
4-Time WWE Tag Team Champion (1 w/ Miz 3 w/ Joey Mercury)

Miz Championships
1-Time WWE Champion
2-Time World Tag Team Champion (1 w/ JoMo 1 w/ Big Show)
3-Time WWE Tag Team Champion (1 w/ JoMo 1 w/ Big Show :/ 1 w/ Cena)
2-Time US Champion
Main Evented WrestleMania, countless interviews and coverage from the likes of the Jimmy Kimmel Show (is that his name?) ESPN which rarely ever covers wrestling, Money In The Bank Winner.

Hmmmm... The WWE title or the Mickey Mouse ECW title? Which has more prestige I wonder?

#5. "Since the Split": Where they both are right now says who has had the better success. In the past three weeks Miz has has confrontations with The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin and John Cena. Morrison teamed with Snooki and Trish Stratus. The Miz could've teamed with anyone and still won the titles, it just made sense for both of them. I guess we all better thank HHH for getting punished and help push Stone Cold? Nothing to do with his natural charisma or ability to run with the ball? Mr. WrestleMania HBK, would never have been a star if it wasn't for Marty Jannetty? It is laughable to assume the Miz needed Morrison as like I said it is all about the ability to make the best of any situation. Miz has given 100% in all aspects and storylines whether alone or with someone else. Morrison MOANS about being put with a future legend. Give me a break!
Aren't we supposed to complain about the Miz? A lot of guys in here seem to love the guy! I don't, he makes me change the programme.

I don't get him. He isn't big or acrobatic or technical and he has one of the worst finishers ever! Yes, a legit SCF would hurt, but a legit Tombstone could kill you!

I just don't think he's even of the same class as any main eventers on RAW, I can't buy into him besting any of his competitors (even by cheating).
Naah, this didn't start as the Miz-complaints thread. That's just a summary name after several threads got merged.

Feel free to doubt him, though. It happens quite a lot during most anyone's first run. Orton, Edge, Kurt Angle (remember his first run? - everyone was crying that he couldn't get any clean wins) just to name a few.
You can actually add the Rock and HHH in that bunch as well. Many people felt they were undeserving of a title run because of how they won it. Seems to be a trend going on here for Heel champs.
The thing is for some heels it really is a bad thing that they never get clean wins.

Sheamus, for example. He has that badass look and prior to his title win he actually was one, squashing his opponents left and right. Making him a cowardly heel who never could win clean was a mistake. Sheamus was a badass that needed to be badass.

Miz, on the other hand, is perfect for the coward formula. No one would buy this little man with his (literal) babyface destroying his opponents. Whereas him taking shortcuts and somehow someway stealing the victory is just right for him.
i am a miz hater, his inring ability is dreadful, his mic skills are boring (though, most promos are, but i actually like the wrestling not so big on talking), regardless the miz' mic skills suck. as for being must see, the only must see about him is why in h*ll is the wwe pushing this lame guy over the other deserving guys?
-just my opinion of course
"he's overrated" this "he's not as good as this flippityand/ortechnical guy without charisma" that.

Let's ask the age old question. "What is their job?" It's to get over.

Miz and Cena both do that, Cena works the kids to cheer and you to jeer, Miz works the kids to jeer and you to cheer (most of you who can get passed you HEZ A RALITY SHOW GUY phase).

They both work hard and are good for the company. It's the PG era, you aren't going to get blood and cussing. They can't because the media would destroy them and it'd be disastrous to the brand. get over it. It's about guys who can cleverly get over with a majority of the audience and get a good reaction. Both Miz and Cena do that.

His mic skills are awesome. I saw him live, he had worked the crowd up so much that when he said the "I'm AWWWWWWSOOOOOOOMMMMME" part you couldn't even hear him over the crowd and he was screaming on the mic so loud his veins were popping out.

Doesn't mean a damn thing if you are bored to death, if a guy has the crowd so worked up that you can't hear him, he's over and thus, doing is job well.
Looks like a lot of sane people here also not buying the miz run. For me I can't stand his run nor can I take it seriously.

Eversince he left JoMo, he has been teamed up with someone by his side; Big Show, Cole, Riley and his briefcase full of diapers. I have never seen so much guard and pushed from the writers like this before. Everytime the miz comes on, I just wish TNA was on too. That's how bad it is.
Let me just say this.... everyone complaining about The Miz is an idiot and probably absolutly loves John Cena.

People complaining about Miz's Awesome Catchphrase;
its better than Hustle/Loyalty/respect and You Cant See me? (is he playing peek a boo with a three year old)

I understand this is a Miz Complaint thread but i have to speak up for the man.

Miz is the future... deal with it.
People here are just stupid in general. Unless it's a nostalgia show, or something exactly how they'd book it; they bitch. If WWE booked the way you guys wanted they'd be out of business. When will you guys learn that when you sit there and go "I don't like this guy" you might be getting worked like Cena and Miz do. Go to a live show, these guys are massively over. WWE listens to the audience.

And holy shit before some douche says "WELL TEH SEENUH GETZ BOOOZ COZ HE SUX" read my sig.
Let me just say this.... everyone complaining about The Miz is an idiot and probably absolutly loves John Cena.

People complaining about Miz's Awesome Catchphrase;
its better than Hustle/Loyalty/respect and You Cant See me? (is he playing peek a boo with a three year old)

I understand this is a Miz Complaint thread but i have to speak up for the man.

Miz is the future... deal with it.

Now see, this is what I hate about fans. You automatically have to assume that that if someone doesn't like the same person you do than they must be the exact opposite of you and like everything you dislike. Now see, I agree with you. I think Miz is the future, but that means I'm not allowed to like John Cena because you don't? I like both guys and respect what they've done for the WWE both inside the ring and outside the ring. Now if someone doesn't like Miz and likes Cena, try to defend Miz, not hate on Cena. If you don't like Cena, then fine, it's your opinion, but you're not helping if you're trying to convince others to support Miz while you're not being supportive of who they like.
IMO the miz has been a horrible champion, yeah I know hes a heel and dirty wins is what "heels do" but the dude in my eyes has no credibility at all. He wins either by cheap shots or dq's or someone interfering, and I know they booked him that way they just really need to allow him to at least win clean if they want him to look legit. I HOPE he dont retain at ER id way rather have r-truth win over him retain
The most overrated superstar in WWE is the Shaman of Set Up. He is no good on the mic, take's 3 years to set up any spot and when it is finally set up it's 50/50 if it even connects properly. Trying to compare The Shaman of Suck's 9 titles to Miz's 8 is insane. I'd take 1 WWE title (won anyway anyhow) and a win in the Main Event at Wrestlemania, over Cena no less, over any title Morrison has won.

Miz has obviously had the better career up to now and your 'mathematics and common sense' mean absolutely nothing. He is doing everything is his power to continue to please the Higher Ups and he's doing it right. And with the WWE trying to remove any mention of 'Wrestling' this can only help the Miz. He may not be the best in the ring but that's OK cause he isn't a 'wrestler' he's a 'sports entertainer' and as an entertainer he is most definately not overrated.

Insane??? "Really? Really? Really? Really? Really?" He's won more championships! Plain and simple! And not to mention, Miz has never been the #1 contender for the WWE title... Morrison has... TWICE in just this year in fact. If it weren't for MITB, Miz never would've had that match at WM. Besides, all that match did was setup next year's Main Event!!! You heard me... that was the only time the main event at WM was just a setup for a bigger picture! Miz hasn't been in the WWE title picture since his loss at Extreme Rules. Wait until the return of the Guru of Greatness, you're going to see the true meaning of "AWWWWWWWWWWESOME!!"
Insane??? "Really? Really? Really? Really? Really?"

I see that you're behind Miz's catchphrase. Catchy, isn't it?

He's won more championships! Plain and simple!

And none of his reigns or the titles he had the reigns with mattered, because they were all mid-card championships with nearly no prestige. Furthermore, his reigns weren't all that you're making them to be.

And not to mention, Miz has never been the #1 contender for the WWE title... Morrison has... TWICE in just this year in fact.

He also lost to The Miz in a WWE Championship match, which shows that the WWE has more faith in The Miz than John Morrison.

If it weren't for MITB, Miz never would've had that match at WM.

You do realize that WWE is scripted, right? But hey, don't take my word for it. John Morrison was in that same Money in the Bank match, and if he were so great he would've won. But like I said, WWE is scripted and the WWE officials decided that The Miz was ready for the championship, unlike John Morrison.

Besides, all that match did was setup next year's Main Event!!! You heard me... that was the only time the main event at WM was just a setup for a bigger picture!

So you're telling me that Miz main eventing Wrestlemania was something negative for him? Now, you're right, the main event was used to set up the main event of Wrestlemania 28. That's the only thing you were right about in this entire post. But that's hardly the fault of The Miz. He did an incredible job feuding with two icons and faces of the Attitude and PG eras respectively. You can't take anything from The Miz for that. But hey, if John Morrison was so much better, why was he in the diva's match instead of a main event, or even a relevant match?

Miz hasn't been in the WWE title picture since his loss at Extreme Rules.

Maybe because someone can't be in the title picture forever? You know, Miz had to move onto something else. And actually, he had another title match at the next Pay-Per-View, so even though he's not in the title picture NOW, you were still wrong.

Wait until the return of the Guru of Greatness, you're going to see the true meaning of "AWWWWWWWWWWESOME!!"

This wraps up a post that was so stupid that it made me actually post on this website. You're an idiot.
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