**MERGED** Miz Complaint Thread

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I respect the miz for the fact he is a different than most other heels.
He's HUGELYYY charasmatic, high ego (most heels have this admitedly) and the memorable cathphrases!

He in my eyes will be another future champ but for a while will only hang around the mid-card. Its fine to 'hate' someone. But I respect strongly what hes done for the company as a whole
I liked Miz before he won the WWE Championship, in fact I loved Miz. Now, I can't stand him. I feel that up until the point he won Money in the Bank, he was underrated. Even with Money in the Bank, I didn't feel WWE was utilizing him right. When he won The WWE Championship I was so happy. By the time of about The Royal Rumble, I couldn't stand him. He went from underrated to the most overrated Superstar I have seen in recent memory. It came to the point that he was involved with almost every aspect of RAW. Whenever he appeared on RAW, I couldn't watch it. Now, I am starting to like The Miz again, putting over Alex Riley, I wouldn't say this is the best thing now for the Miz, but as long as he isn't WWE Champion, I'm fine with him.
I hated the Miz from day one. I bitched and whined everytime I saw him come out. Then I sat back and realized, he got me. I'm supposed to hate and bitch about him. And while I'll never cheer him to victory, and always wish him ill in the ring, I will watch him closely, because to me, he might not be awesome, but he sure is entertaining
I see that you're behind Miz's catchphrase. Catchy, isn't it?

And none of his reigns or the titles he had the reigns with mattered, because they were all mid-card championships with nearly no prestige. Furthermore, his reigns weren't all that you're making them to be.

He also lost to The Miz in a WWE Championship match, which shows that the WWE has more faith in The Miz than John Morrison.

You do realize that WWE is scripted, right? But hey, don't take my word for it. John Morrison was in that same Money in the Bank match, and if he were so great he would've won. But like I said, WWE is scripted and the WWE officials decided that The Miz was ready for the championship, unlike John Morrison.

So you're telling me that Miz main eventing Wrestlemania was something negative for him? Now, you're right, the main event was used to set up the main event of Wrestlemania 28. That's the only thing you were right about in this entire post. But that's hardly the fault of The Miz. He did an incredible job feuding with two icons and faces of the Attitude and PG eras respectively. You can't take anything from The Miz for that. But hey, if John Morrison was so much better, why was he in the diva's match instead of a main event, or even a relevant match?

Maybe because someone can't be in the title picture forever? You know, Miz had to move onto something else. And actually, he had another title match at the next Pay-Per-View, so even though he's not in the title picture NOW, you were still wrong.

This wraps up a post that was so stupid that it made me actually post on this website. You're an idiot.

#1. If you're dumb enough to not realize I was being sarcastic, you're already on a bad start.

#2. No prestige??? The IC title is about 10X more prestigous than the US title, which Miz has held only twice. And Morrison 3rd IC reign was not only longer than Miz's US reign, but he had to defend the belt almost every other week. Miz lost the title the night of his first defence! When Jomo had the ECW title, he beat CM Punk 3 times in a row. And the third time he did, was actually booked as CM Punk's last chance, then two nights later, he got another final chance and FINALLY beat Morrison. The WWE books Morrison's reigns in quality, with multiple defences. Miz's reigns hardly last two months even when he only has just 1 defence a month.

#3. Ok, one of the dumbest posts ever... back in '93 Yokozuna beat Hulk Hogan for the WWE Championship, so according to you, the WWE had more faith in Yokozuna than the current Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan? That just shows you how much a lossed match means to a #1 contender. What a short-bus riding statement.

#4. Another ******ed statement... first of all, yes, I know WWE is scripted. And according to you, Edge and Randy Orton were also "not ready" to be world champions and yet Orton won the WWE title before Miz!!! If you notice, the only way Miz has been booked to win is by a cheap shot, Alex Riley interfering, etc. He hasn't gotten a clean win since who knows when. So it's no wonder he won MITB, it's the only believable way he can become WWE champ.

#5. No no no, that's not what I said, main eventing WM is great for anyone's career, why would it be negative? And wait, you said feuding with two icons? May I remind you, he was kind of ignored that whole Road to Wrestlemania. The true feud was Cena vs. Rock, their twitter war never even involved the Miz. The Miz was kind of just a title holder that sat on the sideline and watched the feud until WM. And yes, all Morrison got out of Wrestlemania was a mixed tag match. But it was with a HOF diva and one of the most widely known celebrities in the US. In fact, after WM the feud continued, but when Jomo complained about being stuck with Trish, the WWE listened to him and dropped the feud, even though Trish is one of the biggest divas in WWE history. Then the next week he began his road to his 2nd WWE title match of the year. You're telling me WWE isn't behind Morrison?

#6. Can't be in the title picture forever? Triple H was constantly in the WWE title picture from the middle of '99 to the middle of 2000. John Cena was consistently in the title picture from April of '05 to September of '06. The Miz has spent a total of 6 months in the WWE title picture due to being WWE champ. Let me just say, it was one of the most pathetic WWE title reigns ever. He didn't get a single clean defense due to help from Riley and even the commentator Michael Cole. Not to mention a month of his reign was used to promote Miz vs. retired wrestler Jerry Lawler! The WWE is basically saying that this guy can't win unless he cheats or gets interference. And now the guy is even on a losing streak to his former lapdog.

I'm no expert on spotting ******s over the internet. But looking at your post... I'm pretty sure you're a short bus-riding window-licking ******.
I have my own move for when the Miz starts talking! Wanna see it?

*bangs head on the table* AHHHH, MAKE HIM STOP

Oh yeah, he's a good wrestler, great on the mic but HOLY CRAP SOMETIMES I JUST WANT TO STAPLE HIS MOUTH SHUT!! He insulted Mellon Arena fo cryin out loud!!!!!

That is all.
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