Mic Skills: The Miz vs. CM Punk

Who has better mic skills??

  • The Miz

  • CM Punk

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The Miz comes off pretty predictable in his promos like Chris Jericho does now as a heel. Its the same monotone voice with a catch phrase and a few funny liners. CM Punk has the dark holier than thou appearance and mic skills to boot. Punk doesn't go for the cheap lines or the cheap heat. He cuts right to the core of the audience and his opponent. The face CM Punk was just awful so I couldn't say that about him, but his heel Straight Edge cult leader persona is really creative and new.

Miz is playing a role that countless other heel wrestlers have played over and over again over the years.
Man this is a tough one. Biased as it may seem, I'm going with Cm Punk. Punk for a number of months due to his mic ability was the number 1 heel in the company. It may not have been directly acknowledged, but he was definetly the most over heel. That amazing promo with Rey's family was just one of those "money" promos. It cemented that fued. Miz, as amazing on the stick as he is, has yet to have THAT promo. It's coming though, sooner or later. But man this is an unfair poll. It's too close.
Skills? I'd give it about a draw. I do think Punk does a great job, he's easily able to pull off his character, and could for a few years, just by being better than me because he's sober. I do have a personal liking for Miz's character, and that was the tie-breaker for me. I normally go for the heels. They're just so much more intriguing to me. But on that note, I like heels who, instead of having a multi-person faction to depend on to back them up, just use underhanded tactics to win. I like how Miz is actually a heel with two rivals, and no allies. You could've looked at Jericho as an ally for a while, but I don't see that anymore. And because of my opinion on the character breaking my draw, I give the nod to Miz.
I am a miz fan, BUT...I cannot agree with those who stated that he is better on the mic than Punk.

Punk is one of the best on the mic, and is the best we've gotten from the E in years. Especially since he's heel now. Its perfect. He doesnt stumble on his words or thoughts, he is always on point.

Miz is getting better, I hope that he isnt forced into the main event too soon, on the mic is one of the better of Raw. We just have to see his potential, Punk on the other hand, was great before he got to Wwe
CM punk by a mile. Hes shown shit loads more depth in his mic work. Miz is 1 dimensional in comparison, so far anyway.
its punk. hes amazing. everytime he grabs the mic i cant help but listen. the promos he was cutting during the rumble and elimination chamber were priceless as well. miz can get to the point where he could be better though. in 2002 punk was down in roh doing the same thing he is now. owning the mic. the miz was on tv too but talkin in a defferent way. basically the miz has only been doing wat he is doing now since 2007. that gave punk 5 more years to perfect his craft. on a different note, punk has mainly been a face in his career so the added years could be taken away if you wanted to think that way. at this point in time though its the windy city saint
Have to go with Punk in this though I am a HUGE fan of the Miz more every week as a matter of fact but here is why CM Punk gets the nod. Quite simply Punk never has to think up what he's going to say and I have to imagine creative has very little problem letting him wing most of his promos he has been running playing the same uber amazing heel for a good portion of his career. However on the same note the Miz has not had even 1/4th of Punks experience so lets see what The Mizard Of Awesome looks like after he has some time to stew in fueds with the likes of Orton, Edge, Cena, and Sheamus (all good mic workers) because when you have an opponent in a fued with good mic skills it makes you work that much harder and learn that much faster and the best place for The Awesome One to be in sitting under the learning tree. Let all the Mizfits know that one day this young man is gonna be on the top of the mountain.

P.S. - If CM Punk could find a way to make his promos work as a Face he would be miles ahead of everyone because right now he is kinda one sided.

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